Avatar of Archangel89


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9 yrs ago
Alright status update: I have started a new job and am currently in the process of getting used to said job. To all the games I'm currently in I will starting work on responses this weekend
9 yrs ago
Due to a misplacement of my laptop I will unlikely be able to post until Friday or there abouts. My apologies for those waiting on me.


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@Lord Wraith aside from adding supporting characters I'm done and ready for overview.
@Lord Wraith no problem I really didnt do that justice I'll get to work.
Me I'm looking for a doctor strange or a Constantine....and if I'm really stretching it a Papa Midnite

Finished looking for a better picture. @Hellis

Name: Commander Otto van Schroeder
Age: 32
Origin: Hansa

Otto towers among his fellow Hansan soldiers standing at an impressive six feet six inches. A product of years of military training sports a rather muscular physical structure complete with scars to match. Otto keeps himself neatly kept with his short blonde hair parted out of the way of his steel blue eyes.

Personality: Otto has a very simple world view which can be summed up in three words; Honor, justice, duty. His professional life as a soldier has taught his to treat any enemy with equal dignity and respect and to always dominate the battlefield. He will not attack anything he deems weaker than himself and will always come to the aid of those in need, be they friend or otherwise.

Sacred Weapon:
Kleinefrau - this one handed saddle-axe was a specially crafted for Otto based on specific design choices. Intended to deliver the most devastating strike possible, this axe contains the soul of Naijin woman who cared for him during his weakest moments.

Mundane weapons:
A jambiya knife picked up from Majali on his transits from Hansa.


  • -Tobacco and pipe
  • -Hansa issued military uniform
  • -Hooded cloak

Background Story:
Life was a simple thing all those years ago. Living life with honor, duty, and upholding justice that's all it took. Otto van Schroeder lived his life as any good soldier should ascending the ranks of Hansa's military. He had seen combat having been deployed on several missions prior to hearing about the Sanguine Fever. Because of his loyalty and dedication Otto was promoted to Hussar Commander, in charge of his own company of elite soldiers.

His first assignment was to take his men and accompany a group of ambassadors and merchants to establish trade with the Najin empire. There were fifty men under his command when they left home. In the months that it took to travel to port fear of the Fever grew among the ranks the only thing keeping the men at bay was Otto's resolve. After seven months travel the shores of Naijin finally came into view.

He wasn't sure how it happened; one moment he was guarding an ambassador as he conversed with port authorities, the next h3 sat and watched as the ships and only way home burned to ashes in the harbor. He lost twenty men that day. Now faced with extreme prejudice and mistrust Otto and the remainder of his men attempted to find a way home and survive until they could. While some lost their honor and became bandits other became victims of the mistrust and were killed in raids against the foreigners.

At long last Otto was alone. His life was in shambles as he wandered the land with no sense of purpose or direction. One day he wandered into a sword-makers only to find a woman at the forge. Finally collapsing Otto's life was in the hands of a woman who knew nothing about him. It took weeks but finally Otto was brought back to fighting strength. The woman, known only to Otto as Kleine Frau since he couldn't understand her name in its native tongue, taught her language and showed him the forge of the Inochi no ken.

As time marched on Otto grew very fond of Kleine and eventually thought to settle down with his new love. On a dark and fateful night a rambling horde of Unresting attacked their home, Otto fought valiantly but to no avail. When Kleine Frau saw the approaching end she sacrificed herself to become his Living Weapon. He continues his March to honor his love, his axe, his Good Woman. Kleine Frau.

TIME: Present | LOCATION: Inner Sanctum - Heka - The City of Aaru | INTERACTION: None

Mana...ever flowing, ever changing. With each new spell cast the flow changes showing new and amazing things. Standing at the precipice of the ever flowing river was Ahmenophus who guards the flow and creator of magic. His keen eyes peered through the depths as his mind raced with the possibilities of the pantheon. The gods were moving again after ten thousand years and it seems that some have remained missing.

Something pulled at his mind however, something told him that he was not the first God of Magic and the voices in his head kept pulling and tugging at him. As the voices grew louder the pool of mana became more and more unstable. These voices had been plaguing the Prime Magician and were tied to a rhythm that could not be explained. If something wasn't done soon he feared that he would fall into M A D N E S S.

”My liege...a moment if you would?”

The sudden addition to his sanctum drew Ahmenophus back from the brink of his own mind as his personal vizier flowed into the room. Amr, if he remembered correctly. A djinni of surprising intellect and capability came and interrupted the gods train of thought.

”Hmm...yes Amr?”


TIME: Unknown | LOCATION: The White Hall | INTERACTION: All Gods in Attendance

Ringing...that awful sound echoed in his head for so long that he almost forgot that the world had other sounds in it. All at once there he stood in front of the golden gates unaware of how or when he got to this place. As he gazed upon his reflection he saw, much to his surprise, a face within the light he projected.

Oddly satisfied with his new appearance he continued he continued further into the White Hall. As he joined his brothers and sisters in the meeting hall he was surprised to find them all in one place. Before he had a chance to speak to his kin, the doors opened unto the miraculous collection of all things divinity. Wandering around the hall he was instantly drawn to the light that was unmistakably Hyperion's. His friend, the long lasting effect of the Sun's brilliance.

He did not see his friend among the gathered which made his heart sink. He hoped that all was well. Finally unable wait any longer Apolios spoke,

”It seems as if time itself has been written out here. Who would have such power?”

The ticking sound drew him closer, perhaps the answers were closer than he thought.
@Dealdric yeah...I kinda took over magic lol
@A Lowly Wretch added some creations (and will likely add more since we've lapsed 10,000 years) and a dumb question can I add Ahmenophus over my other gods or should I make a new post
@ZAVAZggg nice use of the King in Yellow. Almost used him as inspiration myself
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