Avatar of Ariamis


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5 yrs ago
Current For some reason Discord is acting up.
6 yrs ago
Ended up sick, trying to respond once I get better.


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Hello there, thanks for checking this out. The reason people have submitted more than three player characters or NPC's is because they are either rotating their player characters or using them as established NPCs. While players are limited to playing a certain number of them at a time, they can create as many as they want and swap between them.

As for additional stats, people have earned them for playing in the RP as rewards in the form of magical coins. However, in this RP, stats serve more as a guideline for the character than hard-set ruling. For example, a character with less strength than an opposing character can overcome the difference by applying another advantage or a clever solution. In general, the RP focuses on the narrative rather than crunch.

Hopefully this cleared up some of the confusion regarding the RP. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask them.

@Majoras End
Accepted; you can post these to the Character tab.
@Card Captor
Accepted. You can add to the Character tab.

These are accepted, and can be posted to the Char tab. Just remember to include the additional information once the RP starts properly.

You get a pat on the head

March of the White Rabbit
If you would like to join us again, please resubmit your character sheets.
Character List

Lesser Force:
The Beacon:
The Ebon Mint:
Crimson Cradle:


The Ascendancy

The Sanctuary

Penrose Beacon

The Ebon Mint

Crimson Cradle

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