Avatar of Athol


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6 yrs ago
Current There is no such thing as overkill. There is simply 'Opening Fire' and 'Reloading'


One more semi-evolved ape on this pilot-less organic spaceship.

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Sounds like fun.
@Majoras End All done, I updated my previous CS post with the finished sheet.

Quietly listening to the brief on the other three Horsemen, an idea struck him. ”Tha’ Deval one…locals say they c’n get in all sneaky?” He let out a short chuffing laugh. ”Den tha’ one we c’n get flat landed.”

Once he was sure he had Silas‘ attention, he went on. ”Easier den a suckler get ‘is mamma’s milk. Locals get me in ta th’ underside o’ his place, I set up a demo charge…like dat las’ job we got skagged on, an’ den we skip. Once we sure ‘es ‘ome, hit da button, and Deval is no problem. All th’ defence in th’ ‘verse can’t stop that type o’ bang. We hit Madlock an’ Deval; one, two sharpish th’ other’ll get skittish an’ dumb.”

He looked about the room, still smiling slightly. ”Dat, or we jus’ hit up th’ local Belt once we in-system an’ drop some rocks on ‘em. Sometimes easy be th’ best way.”

@Majoras End Okay, a question I've been having issue with. How would a Contract with a demon work? Presumably, said demon would already possess powers of their own.

P.S. The formatting in the C.S. hider needs a touch up.

One more thing! The Powers that Be and the ones that Were. Is it a conflict between two long standing rivals or did one party rebel against the actions of the other and split off?
@golani Heh, I remember that sheet.
@Majoras End Yay! Plus I can tweak an existing sheet I've got, but never got to use
@Majoras End Would a non-human be allowed? (was thinking a 'risen' demon)

Not finding anything else of particular interest in the market, Gerad headed back to the ship and promptly disappeared into the ship’s machine shop to begin installing his new toy.

Absorbed as he was in his work, he barely paid any attention to what was going on around him, save when a harried looking Maklata tried to enter the machine shop. It hadn’t noticed him as it rushed in, and unfortunately, it jostled Gerad just as he was doing some fine tuning. He sent the little rat-like sapient running with a string on invectives that by all rights should have melted the decking.
Now he ‘sat’ in the briefing room as Silas and their newest hire, Ducaelia, covered the mission brief. Hmmm, ‘nother Vandrell; He thought, not for the first time. Meyb’ THIS one’ll let me take a peek at th’ tech…meyb’ ask after.

He’d only been partially listening to the brief, but when some of the words finally clicked, he let out a low whistle. ” ‘Pocalypse you say? Seen a bit on ‘em just ‘fore I mustered outta th’ Milita.” He smiled a bit before rumbling with a small chuckle. ”Never got stompy wit’ ‘em m’self but I know they was pok’n ‘bout some o’ da solo systems to the Great Tribes ‘south’…last I heard Mr. Death there got his fingers burned ‘bout a year after I got out.”
@ShiningSector Well I'm still game. We can just have Gaz wander off to find a more 'confrontational' ship to crew with...
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