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6 yrs ago
Current There is no such thing as overkill. There is simply 'Opening Fire' and 'Reloading'


One more semi-evolved ape on this pilot-less organic spaceship.

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She nodded politely to Charlotte, but couldn’t help making a bit of a face when the other woman still suggested a ‘drive by’ of the city. Outbreak 101,She found herself thinking. Stay the FUCK away from urban centers if at all possible. Watching the others, she was glad to see that Elijah and the other fellow, the one who’d stopped the Asshole from closing them out, were against driving to Moresby though Elijah’s idea about trying an underground way to the city struck her as probably even a worse plan. No where to go but forwards or back, and far to easy to get turned about in same-y tunnels.

Mike was talking about finding food and somewhere secure when the security guard perked up and rushed over to a billboard, returning moments later with a map of the resort. He pointed out a lighthouse and mentioned the possibility of survivors, as well as the fact that the most probable route would take them right by a small marina. So far that seemed like the best idea to Eliza, and judging by the faces round her there was some agreement to that; and if they were in luck, there’d be a boat they could nab, heave to by the lighthouse, take off anyone there and then get the fuck out of the area. ”Lighthouse seems like the best of a bad situation.”She muttered, not realizing she’d spoken out loud.

Mike was talking about staying behind to close the exit behind them, and she guessed man his post until the end or rescue. She wanted to tell him to forget that and come with them, but the look she saw in his eyes as he talked about giving the other fellow his gun, she doubted anyone could change his mind. ”Speaking of weapons,” She said finally. ”Is there anything else around here that we could use or improvise? One nine mil and a crowbar aren’t going to be enough.”
Once Mike shoots down her boat idea (:p) Eliza' go for the lighthouse.

@Slim Shady
It wouldn't be implausible that the Security Office may also have an emergency fire door somewhere in the back. If that's the case we could slip out that way

While the others talked around them, Eliza found herself looking down at Elijah’s arm; more specifically at the bandage around it that was started to look a little pink in places. ”Hey,” She said, nudging him in the shoulder. ”I wanna take another look at your arm. I think I saw a bit of glass still in it before.” Not really giving the man a say in the matter, she put a hand on his shoulder and steered him towards the large wall mounted first-aid kit.

Unlatching the case and swinging it open, she was impressed with what she saw. It was not emergency trauma kit, but it was very well stocked. From the kit she pulled out some tweezers, cotton swabs, a bottle of isopropyl alcohol, a pair of bandage scissors and some aspirin. Sure it did have some heavier pain killers, but Elijah didn’t exactly seem like he was suffering greatly. Setting it all on a near-by counter top, she then poked about the office eventually turning up a cupboard full of plastic wrapped shirts, identical to the one the security guard was wearing. Snagging one, she returned to Elijah.

”I’m no Medic,” She said, trying to lighten the tone a bit, but not doing too well; off to their side, the security guard was suggesting they lift something from a motor pool and make for the city. ”That said, I’ve done plenty of stuff like this…bit of an operational hazard in my job.” Holding up an arm, she showed a plethora of small to medium scars of various age; on that ran across the back of her hand was still a bit pink-ish and had the last traces of scabs.

Unwrapping Elijah’s arm, she used the tweezers to take a cotton swab and dab the blood that had welled out of the cuts; fortunately it seemed to just be some capillary bleeding and nothing more. Ditching the bloodied swab, she apologized and then started poking about in the cut, eventually being rewarded with two small chunks of safety glass. Another bit of probing to make sure she didn’t miss anything, she then took a new swab, dosed it with a tiny bit of alcohol and used that to clean the wound.

Once all that was done, she tore open the plastic bag and then used the scissors to cut the shirt into a few strips. One was folded up and placed over the cut, before the other was used to wrap Elijah’s arm much more securely than either version of the previous bandage. ”There, that should hold you until a real medical type can have a look at it.”

That all done, she moved a bit closer to the others. ”Hey I’m Eliza, can I just throw my two cents in?” She said by way of an introduction. ”If this place full of rich-ish tourists got blindsided by whatever the fuck that is.” She added, waving towards the door most of them had just recently piled through. ”Do you really think the local gov is doing anything? Shit goes bad, the tourists are usually the first ones out…bad PR if they get killed and all that. My money says either the local gov is either already dead or under siege; I don’t know how many folks lived in Morseby, but I’m guessing that place make here look like a spa day”

She started pacing back and forth as her nerves jangled. She was terrified, much like everyone else no doubt, but she knew she needed to stay calm, they all did if they wanted to stand a chance in hell of getting out. As she moved by the security guard, she stopped and looked at him. ”What about a port, or a marina? We get there, get a boat…something long range, and head out to sea. It’d have radios and all that, and I know the Aussies or the Kiwis generally handle SAR work in these parts, so we’d just need to start transmitting a distress.”
@Zoey White You know he's doomed though... in zombie flicks security guards rarely last much longer than the 'selfish asshole' types...
In [closed] 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Aden listened to the other talk about their Abilities, but her eyes lit up at Zyrick’s demonstration. ”Guess I should throw my two cents in now…” She chuckled, taking a drag from her little cigar. ”I’m Aden…Aden Chernus if you feel the need to be formal.” An amused snort gave her opinion on that detail. ”Truth is…I’m not totally sure what my Ability does.” For a form with no eyes, Gamas really could glower with the best of them.

”I mean,” She went on, amused by her ‘companions’ annoyance. ”My Spirit has, in it’s own way, tried to explain it to me…but…” She made a whistling noise as she waved a hand over her head. ”The Idiot Version, is that I can project a rather powerful blast of energy from my left hand here.” Holding out her left, she turned it palm up to show a tattoo on the palm of her hand. ”Gamas, my Spirit, got me to get this as it acts as a ‘focus’ the energy at whatever I point my palm at. There’s no sound or light, like someone that can use fire or lightening and such; I just raise my hand and boom target is dead, usually coughing up blood.” Lowering her hand, she flexed it a few times before letting in fall to her side.

”Armour, hide, walls…don’t matter, it’ll go right through without really leaving a mark unless I really push it. That said it’s sort of a one shot deal. Takes a lot of effort to use and can be anywhere from a few hour to a few days before I get another shot.” Reaching back, she patted the butt of her scattergun once again. ”That’s where the big iron comes it…speaking of…” She reached into a pouch on her hip and pulled out both a shot and a slug shell. ”Hey Zyrick, can you dupe something like these?”

It wasn’t until Elijah got through the door with the second woman, and the door closed, that she realized she’d been holding her breath. During those eternal seconds, she’d heard a commotion behind her but had been too fixated to look. Now she turned and saw the panicked man, whom she’d guessed was trying to close the door early, pinned to the floor by a new guy that she vaguely recognized; there was also a woman about her age trying to convince the second fellow to let the first guy up.

As the collective adrenaline rush started to ebb and one of the, apparently French, women thanked them all, Eliza felt a rather strong need to just scream for like an hour; but unfortunately or maybe fortunately that wasn’t really possible. Not trusting her self to speak for a bit, she thanked the security guard with a pat on the shoulder. Her arms went slack and her fingers lost their strength, causing her to drop her bar. The world seemed to fade out for a moment, before a voice beside her made her focus.

”Huh, what?” It took several seconds to her brain to process what he’d said. ”Sorry…kinda zoned out there for a moment.” Absentmindedly she ran her fingers into her braided mass of hair to scratch her head. ”My vacation? Well it started on a shitty note, before all this, and has been downhill since…”
In [closed] 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

She felt…old. Granted none of her new compatriots seemed that much younger than her, but she could tell she was the oldest one there. She watched them as the filtered in, the red-head with a chip on her shoulder, the short kid with eyes that seemed older than his face and the tiny boy with a lever-gun who was trying to pass as as a girl, and doing quite well. The only thing that’d given him away was the fact that Aden had had a chance to watch him approach from some distance, the way he moved wasn’t right; that said, Aden didn’t really care, though she questioned the practicality of the skirt.

The stoic man, who’d been there when Aden arrived, spoke of them heading out as the gate groaned open. ”Aye,” She said, standing and slinging her scattergun over a shoulder. ”Best we should be about it. Got to earn that princely sum they’re paying us.” As this played out, there was a slight twinge of jealousy in the back of her mind, because while she’d been observing the other Hunters, she’d sensed Gamas interacting with the other Spirits, something she wish she could do. At times she’d pressed her ‘friend’ for information about its kind, but it was never overly forthcoming.

As they started moving, she angled over besides the boy in girls clothes. Aden was a bit tall compared to most women, but next to this boy she felt like a giant. ”Aden,” She said conversationally, extracting a hand rolled cigar from a tin and lighting it with a battered lighter. Once it was drawing properly, she blew a stream of smoke straight up before making a motion towards the lever gun. ”You have much time with that iron? Been thinking about getting one myself.” She reached back and patted the butt of her scattergun. ”This is all well and fine, but sometimes a bit more range would be nice.”
In [closed] 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Aww, okay then.
In [closed] 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Undying Curiosity Are Spirits capable of seeing/interacting with one another?
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