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1 year later... Still in denial. Also trying to set up a discord server.
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Still in denial about Berserk. Also RL made me busy.
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"Insert witty quote here"
3 yrs ago
If there is anyone out there... could you please tweak the RNG of the world?


I run on GMT+1 Schedule.

And coffee.

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The Hag eyed the two confrontational magical girls who had approached her by turns with some sort of neutral, yet detached expression. She did only blink minimally at the exaggerated gesticulation of the fire sword wielder, her eyebrow raising at how quickly she had declared a grievance, only to ignore her. A little better than the other one, the so called Wither, who had flatly given her a veiled threat. The Hag resisted the temptation to sigh, and slump her shoulders. The posturing... it was always that. Of course when a cosmic force tries to choose you to do a hero's job, your ego raises above the clouds... even if you crash down and suffer a burnout severe enough to turn into desperate measures.

It was a fortunate thing then, that the Hag had understood what being a Magical Girl was about well before she was disappointed, broken and embittered, and decided to stoically take it upon herself. Nobody was going to give her compliments. She would never attain fame. With luck, she would die with her body in one piece, without luck, nothing of her would remain but a vague memory of a mysterious girl. She eyed the construction site, the wind carrying no voice other than its own whisper. Silence that was proof that the battle was over for the night. She closed her eyes for a moment, savouring the briefest moment of solace and peace well before another of these so called Dark Magical girls tried to position themselves against her.

Although a lesson learned today was it that she had not been alone. The maths on the Nightmares seemed to indicate another warrior of light existed. A small consolation. But questions could wait until tomorrow. She raised her hand to her mouth, the ring glistening under the pale lights of the construction site, and kissed it. The magical transformation that powered her garbs and weapon became undone, revealing her civilian clothes. A gray hoodie with a faded inscription that covered a baggy white t-shirt and shorts, alongside rather worn but thick boots and striped socks all the way to the knee.

"I think we're done for the night. Good night, and thank you all." She said to no one in particular. But that posed another question. She had undone her transformation on top of a crane. How was she going to get down? While certainly many would've asked themselves their question, Mari did not. She vaulted down to the operator's ladder and started sliding down with expertise, all the way down. "I hope that ramen shop stills exists..." She grumbled mid descent. "I could use some food."

Magical Girl transformation aside, the way in which she had chosen to descend was far from normal for a seventeen year old...
@Polaris North I will post asap. RL is a bitch.
Hi peeps!

Edit: And I just noticed the Full tag. Damnit. Well, I'll just leave it here as proof of effort...

The battle raged on. Celestine had barely time to breath and enhace the response on his limbs at the same time. Red Rain felt like trying to juggle an elephant with boxing gloves and on fire. And probably a pregnant elephant. And there was that lovely yet deadly bloodthirst smile of hers. He knew that she was just toying with him during the showoff, but he was completely on the defensive. Until both combatants' senses picked the same sound of a detonation. Cel raised a hand, indicating to stop...

The blade of the teacher was just a hair's breadth from his neck when he did so, but she stopped nonetheless at his signal. Both looked at eachother, then at the crowd that was gathering. Bak, the tank girl... had caused the explosion. Vittorio was by her side. Celestine was the first one to speak. Of course, the young Mephisto student would recognize his voice, or so he hoped.

"It's just a exhibition match, Bak." He said to the tank girl. "No need for you to, uh... blow up things?" It was then when he eyed the teacher, who had deftly withdrawn from the battle.

And was walking towards Bak, towering over her... her hand leaning defiantly and resting atop Bak's head abruptly...

Only to ruffle her hair. "It's okay my cute student. We're just doing a show to encourage people to train." She added, while pulling some candy from her pocket, that somehow, had survived the entire fight unscathed, and offering it to the First Year student. "Transfer Student and Health Advisor will pick up from where we left." She added.

"Excuse me?" Cel tilted his head, blade still on hand.

"Yes, don't you have an opponent still?" Teacher Maskono pointed at Vernon. "Go beat him. Go all wild. Don't worry, I will step in if it gets too hairy."

Celestine grumbled... he would probably not visit her place the following week. Had she told him to go all out? Well, he probably needed to, given the atmosphere. But for the time being, he raised his sword at Vernon. "Let's dance, Vernon. Teacher says so." He droned, in a tired and defeated kind of tone.
What are you talking about anyway?

The fact that the Hag said "Dark powers make people insane, and you should stop before it's too late" was interpreted by Wither as prattling about good and evil.
Oof! Sieg reeled back by the ramming attack of the bird, visibly having being knocked the air out of him. It'd leave him a bruising for sure? Had he broken any ribs with that stunt? It was not time to dwell on it, as the burning pain overtook him. He gritted his teeth, anger building in his stomach in a murky, vile sensation. He had no time to waste fighting stupid birds and tending to morons that dropped from the sky.

Luckily his luck hadn't ended as a smelly, ragged girl got a drop in the bird and managed to get a critical hit on the creature's neck. I'm not going to question what sort of insanity is this all about. He added as he brought his forearms to his face to shield himself from the talons of the bird.

And then another girl landed. Were those wings? He thought to himself, disbelieving what he had just seen. It had the effect to thin his patience even more. And now it's raining people. You could've, you know, jumped at it sooner rather than find ourselves in this sloppy mess. But enough of this chastising, there's a girl to save. Sieg added, as he shifted his shoulders, his backpack now on his hand, gripped firmly.

He started to spin it deftly and ominously, as an impromptu mace, as he eyed the creature. Messy and painful way that is. So much for the quick way. He sized his opponent, crippled with wounds and of brittle bones.

"Deus vult." He repeated to himself, a mantra of the knights of old as he swung the backpack turned mace on the bird's brittle body.
Mephisto's wicked Training for the Wickedly Inclined


(Open to all Mephisto Students)


Celestine rocked his neck back and forth, stretching into the open view that the rooftop of St Lucifer's High School offered. Having recovered from the fight of last week, he meditated thoughtfully as he let the draft ruffle his second set of female Mephisto's school uniform, alongside with a bronze, instead of ceramic mask this time, picturing a classical face. Of course the heavy duty boots and leather gloves had also became a significant staple of his current outfit, seeking to enhance the mystery of his Fallen One persona and identity. But that would not be enough for the old wiley's plans. Mephisto himself was up to something big the tournament... but the team that he and Clara could make... seemed quite pitiful. Full of dregs and maladapted people.

No sense of a team, more like a herd of cats in heat. Teamwork was only done to beat whomever made an enemy of two people at once and that was it. Something needed to be changed. Thankfully, he wasn't alone in this endeavour. That devil of a Man had gathered also teachers and not only students... and this particular teacher had gravitated towards him. Well, more like she was adopting him as his boytoy, just like the olden days at St Laurel she used to keep him as his surrogate younger sibling. Except that now, the relationship had changed significantly.

Perks of being of legal age, he supposed. He eyed her, in her gymnastic attire. The body of a sculpted war goddess, with taut flesh and strong muscles that had just enough to give her tremendous power, but not enough to make her sluggish. She flexed and stretched, her body moving in interesting ways underneath her P.E. teacher clothes, as she grabbed the scabbard of a blade.

"Well, cutie, I guess we're about to start?" She teased, grinning widely like a child with more bags of candy that she could it.

"Yeah, miss Maskono." Celestine sighed, and picked up a leaflet stack that was by his feet, and without second thought, tossed it over the roof, the thousand sheets of paper scattering in every direction throughout the courtyard. They had also taken care of stapling notices over.

Tired of being the underdog?
Mephisto's School for the Wickedly Inclined
Lessons for training being offered.
See Miss Maskono, P.E. for details.

The leaflets also included a rather flattering hand drawn portrait of said teacher (no doubt sketched by Lightbringer himself), and a small map of the school, indicating the gym.

"Well, that seems to be it. Now to wait until they take the bait." Celestine added, shrugging.

"Weeell, regarding that..." The teacher known as Red Rain tilted her head, her grin still wide, as she tossed the sword still in its scabbard to the hands of the Fallen One. "How about a little appetizer?" Celestine blanched, as he gripped the weapon. No that wasn't in the plan, not in the plan at all! He added, bracing for impact.

"Exhibition match, go!" She grinned as she pounced on him like a pantheress, and kicking him out of the roof, while the Fallen One merely had time to parry the blow.

"WAAAAH!" He screamed in a rather girly voice, as he twisted midair like a cat, and making use of very skillful gymnastics, managed to soften the landing from falling from the roof with very skillfull spinning around a flagpole. I don't know half of the time if she's playing or trying to kill me. Well I suppose that's the spice I like in my life. He added, before drawing his weapon in anticipation of the teacher's landing.

And boy did she land in a spectacular fashion. How many people would nail a three point landing from a roof? not that many. "Let's train, transfer student!" She grinned, as she drew another sword as well. Both combatants looked at eachother in the improvised fighting ring. Their movements became blurs as sparks flew...
I do wonder what part of "dont do dark powers, its worse than drugs when it comes to sanity" can be construed as good vs evil....
@RoflsMazoy@Gentlemanvaultboy NPC teacher for Mephisto School. :3

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