Avatar of Balthazar007


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2 yrs ago
Current New beginnings mean an end to old starts, and that is never a bad thing.
5 yrs ago
Finger Nails or Toe Nails???
5 yrs ago


This is my second profile on here, and I have been Play-By-Post RPing for about nine years now. I do my best to see every RP to the end or at least let my character come to his/her own dramatic conclusion when I feel like signing off. Just like novel writing in real life, I tend to find myself on long hiatuses. Since writing is a great way to work out your brain, I try stay engaged as much as possible.

My favorite genres include futuristic worlds, mysteries, and super powers. Any mixture of these three elements will peek my interest.

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What level does that make my Pokemon now? I can't write a post atm but will be able to late (Like 12) Tomorrow.

You are correct in your character sheet. They are lv 10 and lv 7. After you finish your battle with Rattata, twiggy can advance to level 11

my last post was a bit rushed, hope it's okay! indigo's pokemon can level up from that right? you don't necessarily have to have sydney do anything, although I would like if he said some additional words! but as it is, indigo could just sit and think about it. will sydney be following them to shamba?

Your post was good. And yes, they earn another level. BUT, this is the third time they've leveled up this "day". They will only be able to level up one more time before they hit a wall.

I'm getting ready to work a double, but we do close a little early for labor day. I may get a post up tonight (if not tomorrow). Then I can say a few words as Sydney and send him on his way. He will not be joining you on the way to Shamba town.
"Okay now, I'll need you guys to talk to that Spewpa and see if it wouldn't mind being caught," Sydney said. "Give it some food too. Hopefully it won't mind coming with humans for a short bit."

Sydney's Kricketot chirped merrily as he emerged from his Pokeball. Sydney gave him a berry and asked him offer it to the wild Spewpa before them. "...Hopefully it won't mind coming with humans for a short bit."

Kricketot nodded his understanding and walked toward the cautious Spewpa, berry outstretched as a peace offering. Spewpa was hungry and Kricketot's calming words were working well. She accepted the berry gracefully and listened as Kricketot told her about his awesome trainer Sydney—how he loved Bug Pokemon and how he would take great care of her.

Gobbling down the last of the berry, Spewpa nodded in agreement and hopped toward Sydney.

"I don't know exactly what you said Kricketot, but thank you!" Sydney pulled out an empty Pokeball and tossed it. It din't even shake once. Sydney then ran over and picked it up, holding it close to his chest. "Alright!" Kricketot stood beside him and jumped up and down happily.

Dan decided to only use Twiggy in the fight, and while though Twiggy didn't like fighting he loved to at least spend time with her trainer outside his ball.

"You ready?" Dan asked the Rattata.

The wild Rattata didn't understand Dan's words, but the meaning behind them was not lost. He was supposed to battle this Pokemon that he'd never seen before. A little nervous but stubborn at the same time, he took a deep breath and charged forward. He was going to Tackle his opponent with everything he had and end the battle as soon as possible.

Oh, tiny problem with you last post. Not a huge deal, but Sydney only has one Pokemon (before catching Spewpa). In your post you mention him sending multiple Pokemon when you made him say, "Okay now, I'll need you guys to talk to that Spewpa...". Can you please edit your post to make that singular?
If it isn't clear my battle is enough away that it wouldn't scare the Pokemon that Indy and Sydney are looking at. I hope my post is Okay and if it's not and you'd rather Dan be with Indy or Rattata isn't in that area I'll change my post.

Your post is all good. There are Rattata in the area.

Also, you may add one level to your Pokemon for the time they spent training.
The title of this post is very presumptuous. It's as if you assume everyone on here is a human.

Seriously though, welcome!
Oooh hopip is adorable!! I don't know if indigo should catch one or not tbh lmao. And sure, sydney can catch that spewpa! Also Can indigo's pokemon level up??


Oh yeah, I forgot. Yes, his Pokemon may gain another level for training against wilds for an hour.

I pushed the story line along by the hour that you mentioned in your post. I also added Hoppip (as well as Ratatta) to the list of available Pokemon in this route. And obviously, Hoppip is the Pokemon that Indigo has found himself facing. There is still one more new Pokemon to be found on this route (at least for now).

If you don't mind, I would like Sydney to catch the Spewpa that he found.
...They set out to searching in the tall grass. The wild pokemon were plentiful here, and Indy found himself sending out both Hawka and Hero to get some exercise. Ugh, Hero... Gotta get rid of him soon. He's not a good fit for my team... For an hour they searched, not straying too far from Sydney and Dan. Hawka and Hero ended up battling a few wild pokemon that challenged them. Still, after seeing Patrat multiple times and a pokemon called Scatterbug, Indy hadn't seen a Spewpa. Finally a pokemon came out of the bushes, but this one wasn't part of the Patrat family or the Scatterbug family...

Indigo had ran into a Hoppip. In fact, he had looked over the little creature multiple times while searching for Spewpa. The only reason Indigo noticed her was because she sneezed. The sneeze sent her flying a couple feet off the ground. With awkward eyes, she stared at Indigo as she floated back down to the ground.

"Oh wow," Said Sydney. "That's a Hoppip. I've ran across a few while researching further down the route. It's rare that they venture this close to the forest though. It's a good Pokemon, for sure, but not what I'm looking for. Go ahead and catch it if you want, I'm going to keep looking for-"

Sydney stopped as he caught a glimpse of a wild Spewpa. It was peaking out from a patch of grass, not realizing that it had been spotted.
@TheForgottenArc We understand and sympathize with you, so don't be sorry about anything. You'll be okay in time. In the mean time, don't beat yourself up over rushed posts. Just do what you can, and it will work.

@prettydrops I'm thinking about my next post now. It should be up before I go to sleep.

Yeah sorry i wasnt able to post as well. Ill try to have a post up by Wednesday afternoon

Nice post.

FYI @TheForgottenArc, just because drops has started controlling Sydney, doesn't mean you cant. Minor characters are shared by all three of us.
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