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14 days ago
Current Harambant, who once went by Harambe, now only recalled in light of what followed.
12 mos ago
2 yrs ago
It seems today, that all you see,
2 yrs ago
Holy Spirit Activate
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3 yrs ago
Remember the indigenous people of the Americas today.


Hello, I am me from the internet. I migrated here from Kongregate's Forum Games Forum, so feel free to look for me there if you wish to follow a career in internet stalking people. (ಠ_ಠ) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

A link to some of my past characters, which I need because static tabs do not take up internet.

Infamous Quotes From People Who Exist

“I really don’t follow how your faith believes its perfectly acceptable to doom 4,000 years plus of sentient beings, on a pre-set path of no escape from sin, just so their descendants can be offered the ‘chance of salvation’ when the god murders its own son.”

“Don’t be an ass or a pussy, ’lest you get screwed by life. Being a mouth or a hand is somewhat safer, and an eye socket is pretty much sacred in this regard, so always keep a look out.”

Most Recent Posts

‘Uh, yeah, a ride would be nice,’ he agreed, smiling half-cocked and taking the business card. ‘I don’t know much about all this, this, “Stand” stuff, so learning a bit more about it would be pretty helpful. Hey, thanks again, Blue! You’re awesome, and stuff!’ he called as he was led away to Leonard’s motorcycle. Aside from a much rowdier biker couple going on a fairly reckless joyride past them partway through, the ride back to HQ wouldn’t be too eventful by any means.

@Old Amsterdam
In the meantime, the first thing Laurie’s boss would utter was ‘I’m well aware. You understand, I hope, the concept of over-specialisation? Perfecting one skill or set of skills at the expense of other roles?’ His voice was level, calm, but fairly kindly. ‘Frankly speaking, your ability to kill is as good as it’s going to get, and if not, regular missions will suffice to improve it. If you want to improve your ability to assassinate, you have to start working on other skills than sheer murder. The ability to integrate into social situations, or at least pretend to, is next on your list. To blend in, to make yourself seem friendly, if only for long enough to get to a target who you’re otherwise incapable of reaching. That is sensible, would you not say?’
A.L.M.A. Unit "Roxanne"

Cahreli did not sound calm. Otherwise, there was nothing Roxanne needed to intervene in, and she was willing to wait until everybody was calm and quiet. Until Doctor Osborne possessed Ray's body and began the introductions for her. Very well, then. Even if Jenny was consuming a large metal girder at the moment, it wouldn't keep her from being heard.

'Your mission will take you to the planet of Triad 5,' she began, moving to the front of the hall so that everybody could see her, 'a feral planet with generally low seas and high humidity. The stranded operatives in question include Maia Reater, Azai Cislacen, and Kaselith Goto; to our best knowledge, all are currently in possession of their mechs, but lack a means to exit Triad 5's atmosphere, and are likely beginning to run low on power for their respective mechs.

'No infection risk is known to exist, but nevertheless, this is not a mission to take lightly, as the local monstergirls are often stubborn about allowing others into their territory, and at worst can become highly aggressive. That being said, they are also sapient beings, and therefore non-lethal takedowns will be rewarded, whilst intentional killing without due cause will be strongly punished. I will be present to assist the mission, as will Ray in her mech, Squiddy.

'Once you have all fed yourselves, you will prepare for departure from the hangar at precisely 1200 hours. You will not participate in this mission if you are late. Enjoy your meals.' With that said, Roxanne stepped away from the front of the hall again, and after some thought, decided to seat herself next to Eileen. She didn't often eat with other monstergirls, and Roxanne imagined she would appreciate the company even if she herself did not eat. One might consider that a machine with the capacity to imagine ought to be impossible, and yet, Roxanne could do it, visualising scenarios as they arose.

'Greetings. Is your meal satisfactory?' she asked. There were elements to Eileen's meal that would allow her to generate thrust from her wings, of course, as there would be in a non-humanised Valstrax's standard environment. That thrust may well see little use whilst Eileen was piloting her mech, but it was nonetheless a notable feature of her species.
Truly, we are the quietest people around.
Chad Belton: On the Move

It was a couple of minutes after he left the house that Chad received Sheila’s text: We have visitors. Don’t know how long they’re planning on staying, but I could use some help if you think you have the time. Let me know? “Help”, the code red phrase, not to mention the other coded messages. The base was under attack, then, and what good planning he’d engaged in: he had his Cape outfit on him, all folded up in his backpack. Why wouldn’t he? But, at this sort of time... was he truly needed? Maybe, maybe not... ah, but he couldn’t really. The teachers might be upset if he didn’t-

...no they wouldn’t. They barely noticed him to begin with, if at all. He was a good enough student, and that was all they cared about. Not teaching him anything new, not helping protect him from the bullying he’d suffered, not fucking giving him any sort of helping hand, but maybe he’d bite it off anyway of they did, then start shredding the arm connected to it, let their blood pour out and the muscle and cartilage fly all over the ground-

‘Yeah, I’ve got time,’ he murmured to himself, sending back a text to Sheila specifically: I can make it. He always tended to leave a little early... a lot early anyway, so if he went at a moderate jog the whole way there, and back afterwards, he could probably make it into his first class in good time, even if he had to change. And he would, of course. Could just put the firefighter stuff over his school uniform... yeah, yeah that’d work out.

Moderate jog, then. He trained, he was fit enough to handle that. He recalled the building, figured out the route from where he was in his mind, and began to move toward the HQ. He’d stop off a few minutes away just to change into costume, and then... whatever needed helping with, he'd help with.
@Old Amsterdam@ProPro
Though he at first nodded along agreeably with Leonard’s statements, the eyes of the not-quite-confidence-empowered Stand user widened with realisation of what Leonard implied, his Stand fading entirely in the process. After a moment of thought, consideration if you would about his possible future paths in life, Bugsy’s nodding intensified, though it was more of an awkward head-lolling.

‘Well, yes- I mean, you know, no- I mean, uh... I won’t be, you know, that sort of guy, right?’ Bugsy over-clarified rapidly, that false confidence clearly balking once faced with a contentious challenge, at least for now. ‘The sort of guy who uh, you know, doesn’t do bad things. I’m going down the straight and narrow from now on, is what I’m saying. I’ll become the cliff like Blue said, or at least stick to being a regular old square even if doing what I love doesn’t go the way it ought to! The squarest square who ever squared, because you know what? It’s hip to be square!’ This last statement was punctuated with a light gasp, and the muttered phrase ‘Ohh, that’s actually a really good name for him...’ with no further context.

‘Uhh. Okay, so that’s settled,’ Bugsy concluded. ‘So are you just gonna leave now, or do I go with you wherever? Because if not, I mean...’ It took him another couple of moments to consider whether he really ought to say what he was going to say next, but eventually head-lolled assuredly and asked ‘I wanna get your numbers. You two know what you’re talking about, obviously, and I reckon you might want updates on how things go for me, right?’
A.L.M.A. Unit "Roxanne"

It seemed Jenny was alright. And so was Eileen. In that case, it appeared Roxanne didn't need to intervene. Of course, it quickly became evident that this wasn't the case, as Jenny first drew Cahreli's ire, and then Cahreli in turn drew Fellicia's; Ray's intervention made Roxanne's own intervention unnecessary, though, so she left the situation be, simply staying put for the time being.

And then the Hive arrived. As they took stock of the situation, Rose directed her workers to assist - Hyacinth comforted Ray, who seemed to be saddened by the argument; Tulip and Daffodil greeted Jenny cheerily; and Lavender, rather than helping, simply wandered around the room. Rose, meanwhile, approached Roxanne, asking what exactly was going on, to which Roxanne responded as follows:

'Ray and I have a mission to deliver to all students. This will be better elaborated upon once the entire student body is present to listen. Jenny's movement through the mess hall has disrupted the layout of the tables. Cahreli has confronted Jenny about the table disruption. Fellicia has confronted Cahreli about her behaviour, climbing Jenny's frame and using her quills to silence her and draw her attention. Ray is attempting to settle the situation, and seems to be on the verge of crying as a result. You and the rest of the Hive have arrived, and you have directed your drones to help settle the situation. I would elaborate on how, but you are already aware of what each is doing. How are you all feeling today?'

It could be extremely boring, listening to Roxanne talk for long periods of time with as little inflection as she did. She had, however, addressed Rose's question, relaying the situation as exactly as it was plausible to.
*reads January 5th*

*looks at date*


Alessa Heather: Little Owl Cafe --> PRT HQ

Alessa wasn’t sure how much of her speech had been heard by whom, and she did hope Elliot would agree, but it was nice to see that at least Evelyn and Lily were in agreement: they needed to meld more, and with that in mind, they should probably focus on their mission first. Collin and his contact needed to be dealt with.

...actually, it occurred to her as she received the response text back from Decoy, maybe the two ideas can work together.

Her back and forth with Decoy was fairly solid, and sorted out a framework for the actual plan. Once that was sorted out, she sent a group text to the other Wards, informing everybody of the actual plan, and reminding them how tantamount silence on the matter was now that they were starting to draw back toward the HQ. Entering through the back entrance was a simple enough affair, and sensible given the circumstances; once they were all in, they made their way to the Wards HQ, Alessa in particular making small talk with Lillian about their relationship, and making a more concerted effort to say some stuff to Elliot in order to try and approach him emotionally, rather than leaving him feeling like he was unapproachable.

‘Okay, guys, I’ve been thinking,’ she uttered pleasantly as they began to enter their section of the building. Faking genuine emotion was simple enough, when one had practiced disguising their voice for an alternate identity for a year and a bit - and, of course, when that emotion was already present to some extent anyway. ‘We had our discussion about how we need to be more cohesive as a team, and I thought it’d take longer to come up with a starting point, but I’ve had an idea already. Ladies and gentlemen,’ she announced with quite a bit of excitement, ‘I think it might be high-time we took a hike around Red Rocks Park. Just us five, no costumes or missions or anything, as soon as we're all ready to go today. What do you guys think? Because I think we need a break from that stress, you know, it can't be helping how we interact with one another.’
Raymond Haywood: The Airport

Raymond ignored the emergency situation in concourse A, after a brief scan. It didn’t matter, if the parahuman who’d caused it wasn’t directly there, though he made brief mention of it in the Jacks’ comms. No, finding the Cape would be tantamount to solving this issue.

After a few moments, he laid eyes on them: a gaudy green fixture within concourse B, seemingly moving, though it was hard to tell. Drawing his weapon and switching to assault rifle form, he had the scope on his helmet flip down, scoping in to-

...or not. Apparently, he couldn’t use his power at that precise moment. Odd, very odd. Promptly, he reported in: ‘Suspect sighted in concourse B. My power isn’t functioning properly at the moment, so I’d advise all Jacks and as many other people as possible converge on the area. I’ll keep you up to tabs on their location.’ In the meantime, Raymond chose to glance around at the rest of the airport from his position, his gaze returning to concourse B every few seconds to make sure the green geist wasn’t going anywhere too quickly. Maybe they could teleport, or maybe the one he’d initially seen was just an illusion, along with much of the damage being dealt? He couldn’t say without proper intel.
A.L.M.A. Unit "Roxanne"

It wasn't Roxanne's place to debate the nature of any filing systems Ray came up with. However, she did say 'You are welcome, Ray,' once she'd finished that statement. She'd established that other beings did indeed say that in response when thanked, though contrariwise, most did not pose in an exaggerated manner when announcing where they were headed, so Roxanne didn't either.

A lot of people might have been a bit embarrassed or put off by Ray's lack of filter. The chassis she mentioned was technically intended for "pleasure and leisure", though its design was intended as a means to acquire and store sexual fluids, as well as to deposit them for the purposes of testing impregnation of monstergirls with human children. So far, the testing on that front had been somewhat inviable, but for the purposes of interacting with other monstergirls in any sense beyond academy business, the chassis was entirely functional. Of course, lacking the same taboos about sexual discussion as a human or monstergirl might, Roxanne simply nodded along with Ray's rambling, uttering 'A new set of clothing might be nice' as somewhat of a platitude when she mentioned frilly outfits. Not that her specific clothing mattered much to her.

And then they encountered Jenny. As always, Ray was stunned by the size of the girl as if for the first time. Twenty meters tall, with substantial mass to accompany that height, and forever forced to wander through the halls of the academy at a slight crouch, at best. Perhaps she would be better suited to a non-enclosed environment, given that even the academy's holdings left her in a somewhat problematic situation.

Nonetheless, Roxanne walked past her, dispassionately uttering 'Greetings, Jenny. How are you feeling today? If you need help moving through the doorway, please ask.' It might have come over as a tad rude just for the tone, but the first two statements were intended to be smalltalk of the sort others might engage in, and the latter was entirely sincere. Roxanne wasn't designed to be insincere, or at least hadn't encountered insincerity enough to suggest that it was something a large number of people engaged in.

'Greetings, Eileen. How are you feeling today?' To the Valstrax, the same greeting in the same tone that the Lao-Shan Lung had received. It was a very suitable way of saying hello to people, Roxanne believed, conveying all the necessary concern for others one might need to to show one was interested in their emotions. That, she'd found, was something a lot of people saw a lot of value in.
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