Avatar of Big McLargehuge


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11 mos ago
Current I did not have "Nicki Minaj getting added as a playable character in a major FPS game" on my 2023 bingo card.
11 mos ago
Been dealing with both physical and mental health issues. I apologize.
11 mos ago
Gomenasorry. Been busy.
11 mos ago
I can't be the only one who feels patronized when someone calls me "buddy", right?
11 mos ago
Word of advice: forums may not be the best place to look for significant others. Met my first girlfriend on a forum, and now I would give my left nut to forget her.


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Most Recent Posts

Also to note, we'll be receiving our Digivices in the first series of posts. Basically, our characters will find the mikos.
@The World The next couple of days hopefully. Going to modify the opening OoC post in a bit.
Giving this a bump.
@TheNoCoKid After some thought, I'll say that Dark Digivolution is possible. However, I do plan a little something involving Kuro that doesn't involve Dark Digivolution.
@TheNoCoKid No, DNA Evolution is something that both Digivices can do (with the proper upgrade). Dark Digivolutions are definitely on the table, and Slide Evolution is something I'll consider when I've gotten some sleep.
b u m p
@TheNoCoKid Oh shoot, how did I miss that? Approved, but you are aware of what tends to happen to Leomon in the Digimon series, right?
@Crimson Flame Approved.

Boy, we got us one dysfunction junction coming up. I could use it to plan out some shorter story arcs.
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