Avatar of Blaze Gamma


Recent Statuses

7 mos ago
Current Actually Frankenstein was the Roleplayer, not the RP
7 mos ago
Mood is still shot.
8 mos ago
And my depression just got set off
8 mos ago
Is there anyone here who might be willing to run a Pathfinder1e scenario tomorrow night at 9:30 est? Got a full table but no GM
8 mos ago
Bleeeeh. I want to be in a Pathfinder game, not just GM or Society play


So yeah, this is Blaze. I'm sorry you had to see this. I do 1x1s of the we're all going to hell variety. 32 ( NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooo). Living in EST. Male. Uh... Stuff. PM me for RPs of questionable moral fibre.

If you want to RP, I'm most easily contacted on Discord (Blaze_Gamma#6210), but I check my PMs here too pretty often.

Most Recent Posts

I feel like we've been over this @Briza. Are you rerunning Eleazor?
It was known as the Library Outside Time. Some called it the Akashic Records, others, the Great Library.

It was a place that scholars would always seek.

And it was a place of new beginnings.

The ancient library was home to an untold number of stories, scrolls, tomes, and, perhaps most surprisingly, travelers.

All too often, a mortal found themselves pulled into the Library, lost, perhaps forever, to their own world.


So yeah, I'm doing another Pathfinder game. Going with play by post, which I'll have a discord server to use for rolls, until y'all invariably ruin it and make me deal with the rolls myself.

So here's the setup:
Level 1 Characters
Banned Classes: Hybrids, Summoners, Vigilantes
We're using Gestalt variant rules from 3.5
Stats will be rolled as 4d6, reroll any 1s, then drop the lowest. You may roll as many spreads as you'd like, but the rolls must be done somewhere visible to me.
Racial choices are limited to 15 RP maximum.
Play By post, so we're not going to have meeting times.

Yeah, that's it for now.

Who's interested?
For when it comes around, @Naya Lady is, in fact, @SnowLeopard, so there will be no issue with her posting in the IC.
"Tch..." Felix made another awkward parry, but it was clear he was still at a disadvantage. But, he saw that they'd finally liberated Katherine, and with that, a healer. Probably for the best, since he'd done quite a bit more damage to the previous man than he had expected. The spear once again grazed Felix, smacking on the same wound from before. "Dammit... That really stings..." He mumbled as he turned on his feet so he was at the guard's back. "Sorry about this," he said, driving his sword into the older man's side, full force, moving up from just above the hip. It would be a gnarly wound for sure, but not one that would be lethal if treated quickly.

That being said...

Felix quickly turned, seeing the one armed man. He didn't seem to be threatening at the moment. Better to sort these things out when they were free. For now, he pulled out a wrapped parcel containing a spare tome and staff and tossed them to Katherine. "Those guys aren't doing too hot... I say we get them stable and then get the heck out of dodge."
Presently seeking a few more players. Campaign is presently at level 3. Game still at 6 PM EST on Saturday nights.
@NobodiesHero Go nuts. I've kinda been all over the place
Gojūsuke wasn't as prepared as he wanted to be. He still moved backwards as intended, but his opponent reflecting his earlier strategy was not something he had planned for. The young martial artist barely evaded the turn and the hook, the secondary blow only just missing his chest. He was slightly off balance. True, he had the option of doubling back further, but he wasn't exactly the running sort, and realistically, it just meant he would either have to charge back in or deal with being chased.

He planted his feet to the ground to reaffirm his balance, but as a consequence, his guard was sloppy. His head covered, his lower body was wide open, least for a half a second, which would be more than enough time for a moderately swift opponent to take advantage of.
"Tch!" Gojūsuke shifted further forward. While if he needed to, taking a hit was not his first choice. The attack was swift, but not unseeable, and regardless of the intended strategy of the boxer, Gojūsuke had his own plan. He slid forward and to his left, raising his right arm as a guard to push the fist away from his body and face. If he were more into it, more intent on going in for a killing blow, he'd have maneuvered the block into another attack, grappling the boxer's arm. Instead, he left his attack as a guard. He still didn't know what to expect, but the benefit of guarding the way he did, was it allowed him better reach as an in fighter, and it opened up his opponent's right side, denying him the use of his left, least until he had a chance to turn and bring it back into range.

The southpaw this time made another shot, using his hip as a launcher to fire off his left hand at the boxer's ribcage, under his armpit. It was something that had been drilled into the young fighter, a spot that blows to couldn't be softened, only blocked or evaded. Regardless of circumstance, once Gojūsuke reached his full extension, he'd snap back, creating a bit of an opening. The quiet was annoying him. This guy really just seemed too placid.
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