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Sy has a private room :D

This probably makes sense. I'd imagine Sy's room probably doubles as a playroom in order to try and contain the destructive force to a single location.
@Lord Wraith

I'm good with that casting.
Pretty much what Rumiko said, when you've been on here five plus years, you accumulate posts.

5+ years, very few posts compared to most, but I don't join very many conversations or RPs. I'm kind of the wallflower.

| Name |
Syaoran Vividali

| Nicknames/Aliases |

| X-Men Code Name |
N/A (I'm open to the RP developing this over time)

| Gender |

| Age |
Equivalent to 10 Solar years

| Physical Description |
Syaoran is a Shi'ar hatchling who is comparable to a pre-teenage human child. He stood 140 centimeters tall, with a wiry, slender build. As Shi'ar bone structure is hollow, owing to their avian evolution, Syaoran weighed slightly less than a human boy of similar stature, clocking in at just 30 kilograms. In place of hair, he had a crown of raven black feathers atop his head. His eyes were a cerulean blue and framed by a series of tattoo-like lines that spread from the corners of his eyes to his brow and cheekbones. He tends to wear hand-me-downs supplied by the staff or other students.

| Mutations |
Shi'ar Physiology: Able to lift a half ton and possesses greater stamina than a human.

Flight: Syaoran demonstrates a form of psychokinesis that enables him to achieve levitation and flight at subsonic speeds.

| Personality |
Like a human child, Syaoran is comparable to a puppy for both his playfulness and his eagerness for attention. Precocious, excitable, and hyperactive, Syaoran can be a handful. His level of activity combined with his physical abilities result in Syaoran being something of a wrecking ball, even if not intentionally. His attention span is fickle, making him prone for becoming distracted. In all, he means well and that Shi'ar warrior ethos instills in him a desire to protect those he cares about.

| Background |
Syaoran is the off-spring of a Shi'ar Imperial Guardsman, representing the political faction of the current Shi'ar Majestrix, and a leading member of the opposition party. Owing to the Shi'ar belief in the marriage of Sharra and K'ythri, the Shi'ar believe that conflict can bring greater unity, and so an arranged marriage of this type was ordinary. Primarily, Syaoran is a clone of his mother, the Imperial Guardsman known as Seraph. DNA from his father, Folken Vividali, was grafted onto the genetic material and the genetic sequencing altered to arrive at the ideal off-spring for the pair. His gender was selected by a fair share algorithm governing the hatchery, which ensured that a balance of genders was maintained with each successive generation.

Because of his mother's duties to the Shi'ar Imperium, Syaoran was raised by his father. The demands of interstellar administration often required that Folken travel to various worlds in the Shi'ar Imperium, and so Syaoran's childhood was one of travel between worlds. Their ship was passing from out of a stargate when it was attacked. By who, Syaoran can't be certain. He awoke to find the vessel in distress, his father otherwise occupied, and the crew laboring to fight both the attackers and the fires breaking out on the ship. Their vessel voyaged into the Sol System in an effort to lose their attackers in the asteroid field there, but was unsuccessful.

The ship made its stand in orbit of the third planet in the Sol System. When the vessel was under threat of being boarded, Syaoran's father placed him into an escape pod and sent him down to the human planet. Discovered unconscious within the pod when its wreckage was discovered, Syaoran was sent to the Xavier Institute to be examined. As no evidence of a Shi'ar ship or its wreckage can be found in orbit of Earth, and contact with the Shi'ar is problematic, Syaoran was placed at the Ashford Institute until a better solution presents itself...

| Recap of your mutations awakening |
Because the Shi'ar are a genetically engineered race, Syaoran's genetic structure is the result of deliberate choices on the part of his parents. Additionally, as he is primarily a clone of his mother, Syaoran's variation from the baseline Shi'ar represents a genetic legacy that may have been intended so that Syaoran could serve on the Shi'ar Imperial Guard of the future. As a result, his powers manifested themselves in early childhood and his outlook on mutants is entirely different from that of humanity.
Also... good morning to everyone. I'm up wwaaayyy earlier than I should be but hey... whatever :D

Good morning!
@Lord Wraith

You say that like sanity is a good thing.
May I ask why so young a character?

I appreciate the question, but I don't know that I have a good answer. As someone who grew up in the 80s, there were a lot of kids in the comics at that time (mostly in Power Pack and X-Factor) and that's the period when I was into comics. Syaoran is an OC I created back in 2004 and wrote on another board for 10 years, based on those concepts. Finding a fandom game that sparks my interest, and that takes OCs is few and far between (in my experience anyway). So when I saw this game, revisiting Syaoran and the nostalgia that generated him was the first thing that came to mind.

Japan Standard Time for me.

If you can't tell, I'm catching up on the OOC
And I am not fluent in any other language besides sarcasm ;)

I'll admit, I laughed at that.
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