Avatar of BrokenPromise


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1 day ago
Current Alternatively, you can shout "Can't wait for G.I. Jane 2!"
1 yr ago
The virgin "My post was so bad it killed the RP!" VS the chad "My post was so good it concluded the RP."



Did you know that Dante's inferno is called a divine comedy because things work out for the protagonist? Back in the day, the only two genres were comedy and drama. The only difference was that in a comedy, the protagonist is better off at the end, and a drama is the opposite. So that's why a story about going through hell can still be considered a comedy, even if it's not funny.

Broken Promise, BP, Boss

Old enough to know better, too young to care. (that is to say 30's)

Preferred RPs:
I Prefer to make my own, but will occasionally join something if it looks interesting. I'll join just about anything so long as it isn’t overly edgy/sweet, though it's rare for me to do. I don't do 1x1s too often either.

Preferred Roles:
I tend to play adorable characters everyone wants to befriend or proper assholes everyone wants to stay away from. I try not to play moral paragons or prime evils.

RP Conquests:
I've completed quite a few RP's off site, but most of them are on private forums or have simply been lost to the ravages of server crashes. As for stuff here, I'm sure everyone who sees me post in the off topic sections has seen me find an excuse to talk about Danganronpa: Tower of Carnage. It's a project that took over 4 years to complete and I feel pride not only for myself but all the wonderful people who helped make it enjoyable during its run. Re: Zero: The High Council Is technically my first, but it was just something I kind of took over and ended up ending the story after just six months. It finished, but eh...

Last RP I finished was Symphony of Espers which turned out pretty good.

RP's in progress:
For some reason I can't seem to stay away from Ari's magical girl RP, even if I'm not sure why I'm still in it.

As for my own projects, I'm doing Symphony on High to continue the gigachad adventures of the espers in Pax Septimus.

RP Graveyard:
I've been pretty fortunate on this forum. I think I joined one when I first came on the site that didn't really do anything, and there are a few 1x1 things that didn't go anywhere. It's disappointing when an RP ends before it can be finished, but I've come to look at them as learning experiences.

And then there's that london magical girl RP, and that dark magical girl RP. I think I'm done joining magical girl RPs for a while.

Other interests:
I watch a lot of educational videos on youtube. Usually as research for something I’m writing or purely because a topic interests me. I like channels like Tier Zoo and Daryl Talks Games, and I’ll also watch things like Critical Drinker or Literature Devil to deepen my understanding of story telling. Though I also like memes and jokes, to which I’ll find myself watching stuff like Sseth, but usually find myself surfing through meme videos. I gotta work on that.

I have a rather long history of playing virtually every platformer to come into existence during the indie boom, as well as quite a few other indie games. I’ve played Meatboy, Binding of Issac, Gunvolt, Cuphead, Princess Remedy in a World of Hurt, Classic Metroid, Warcraft 3, Final Fantasy 7,8, and 14, Left 4 Dead, Shantae, Celeste, Danganronpa, God Eater, the list goes on. What I’ve played is kind of all over the place. I don’t play many games these days, I tend to pick things that look interesting and go on a decent steam sale.

Painting Minis
I do this in moderation. Otherwise, it's a pretty expensive hobby to start...

I listen to everything, save most country/rap songs. I have too many favorites to name.

Not one to take life or the internet too seriously. Is only serious about writing well and having a good time.

People to Insult:
Dalton is a Dingus.

Most Recent Posts

@PlatinumSkink no one notified me to wait OTL.

I can redact my post, have a mod delete it, and then post after you if you'd like
The moral of the story: There isn't always time to post, but there is always time to sass.

I still have 2 more collabs to do what the hell am I doing?

Tonya smiled to herself. Ilia & Umeko had survived, Beacon, Penny, Thaliah, Sonia, and Caroline had all fled, which meant that the VIP’s thread of fate would last long enough for their termination during the raid on Justine’s castle. The fighting would get a lot harder from here on out, but for now, she could congratulate herself on a job well done and get some rest.

It was a modest sized studio apartment. Penrose was not exactly known for its great housing arrangements, but this low rent alternative would do until the Golden Trove opened up. An oriental themed hotel sounded pretty tacky, but at least it would put her in the thick of the action.

But that was the future. This was now

Being able to look into the future sure was addictive. She remembered what it was like when she first joined the police force. A day didn’t go by where Tonya hesitated to ask when the future was going to arrive. She wanted to be a detective so badly, but had to suffer through the years of being a grunt. And then, and then…

The world ended.

Tonya plopped herself down on a well-used couch. She reached for a mini fridge within arms reach and pulled out a soda. With a pop, some froth ran over her fingers, and then into her mouth.

Nah, the spool the fates had handed her was great and everything, but it was important to remember that even the fates weren't absolute. If they were, they wouldn’t be hiring people like her to rush around and fix everything. In fact, the old world was proof of that. How unfortunate that anyone has to be born in time to be able to deal with something like the collapse of reality. But that was the life that Tonya was living.

After drinking her entire soda in one go, Tonya threw back her head and gasped. She was really alone right now. Everyone she knew from her old life was either dead, or had their memories of what happened altered. It wasn’t like Tonya had many friends since she became a magical girl either. Her encounters were brief, and life took her in other directions. Her patron wasn’t exactly a conversationalist, and-

Oh, her phone rang?

”Mac Speaking.”

“I know.”

Tonya lifted her head. ”Wasn’t expecting you, Aria.” Aria was an acquaintance of Tonya's. What few times she needed to go to the overcity for something, Aria had it. And with Fate's ability to make connections happen at will, they pretty much spoke any time she needed something.

“Rarely do I get reception in Penrose. I take it your quest has been going smoothly?”

”It’s hard to lose at poker when you can see everyone’s hand months in advance.”

“Too true.”

”Got anything for me, or is this just going to be more pillow talk?”

“Why not both?” Tonya could feel Aria smiling through the receiver. “You’re going against Beacon. I’ve been there. You want to get hooked up with someone lower on the radar, right?”

”Can’t say I’m a huge fan of working with Puchuu. ”

“What about magical girls?”

Was she implying that magical girls could become patrons? ”I’m listening.”

“You want to join Mint, then.”

”I can’t trust the Mint as far as I can kick them.” That was pretty far, admittedly. Probably not the best analogy.

“But you might like Veronica. I'm not going to pretend she's better than any other coin broker. If anything, she'll go out of her way to make sure you have a debt to clear. But unlike other brokers, she won't let you die if you seem useful. And I can tell you right now that you seem very useful.”

Tonya was well aware of what was going to happen down the road with her, of course. She would defect from the mint and make her own splinter organization. Maybe she could get a coin from the mint, kind of a way of pseudo signing up with them, and remain strictly with her cause once the split happens. The wolf grinned. ”Alright, how do I make contact?”

Boteg's logic confounded Amber. She had no idea why someone who was frightened of magical girls would put their home next to a school. Isn't it common knowledge that magical girls need to keep up the appearance of being, well, girls? Amber was fortunate in that she had enough money coming in that she didn't need to mooch off anyone. But most were forced to live with someone who could provide for them. And those people were often in the dark about the magical girl's true nature. Thus the need to go to school. Why was Boteg so... Boteg?

Amber was in her civilian guise, visiting the school's playground. Her twin braids bounced off her shoulders with every step she took. Sue was perched on her shoulder, remaining quiet. They had no strong ability to sense magical entities, but Boteg was VERY sure that there was something in the playground. He had never been wrong in the past, and he likely wasn't wrong now. But this early, the playground was empty.

“Hello?” Amber wasn't expecting a response. No magical girl would show herself THAT easily. Maybe while she was here Amber would see if the slide was as much fun as she remembered.

Hiding, if it could be called that, just out of sight was Violet and Sakura. They had happened across the activity by the school quite by accident. Accident may not be accurate, their luck and Fate had a way of moving them around into and out of the most improbable circumstances. Sakura could tell that the girl in the playground was a magical one, though she didn't have Third Eye. So likely someone else was feeding her information about their presence. "I think she's a good candidate. She's the only magical girl here so we must have been drawn here to meet her." The Twin Soul looked over at Violet for confirmation.

"Makes sense, at least this one came looking for us. It's always annoying when our luck drags us all over town." The other twin replied with a shrug. She had yet to truly see Amber, due to the fact they were on the other side of one of the playground walls, but that didn't really mean much with how the twins were linked. With a small smirk Violet dropped all pretense of staying hidden "Hello!" She announced as she practically fell from behind the wall, grabbing it as she went so she wouldn't face plant. Her sister followed, though made an effort not to have the same tumble. Image and all that, Sakura didn't like looking a fool if she could help it. "Hi there. The girl waved ever so slightly.

Amber froze in front of the slide. “Eh?” the pirate backed away from the slide and folded her arms behind her back. “Well, what a coincidence!” Amber rocked forward and backward on her heels. “You guys don't happen to attend this school, do you? Because I attend this school too." Her smile broadened. "And it would be cool to be friends with a magical girl." After standing there for a moment, Amber realized she was forgetting something. "I'm Amber, by the way! I hope we can be friends." Of course, Amber wasn't really hoping they could be friends. If this was the disturbance Boteg was worried about, the pirate just wanted them gone. But as with Martha, there was no need to tip her hand so soon.

Sakura takes a seat on the swing and glances at the school. "Uhm, no. We kind of wander around a lot actually." Rolling her feet she lightly swung back and fourth. "I'm Sakura and this is my sister Violet. Nice to meet you." She did a lot better with a single person. Especially now that they were introduced. Smiling lightly she decided to ask a question herself. "So were you out here waiting for us?"

That was... an oddly specific question. Amber didn't think she had said anything to imply she was waiting for them. Or did they maybe know what she was up to? Amber didn't know, so she wasn't abandoning the cute act. “Oh! No, not really. I just came here to play on the slide.” Amber was pretty good at lying, part of good customer relations was telling people what they wanted to hear. Sadly, it wasn't always true. “Anyway, you guys feel like doing anything?” At this moment, Amber used the power of friendship to gaze into their souls. Surely there was something she could do to gain their trust. But her power wasn't picking up anything. Nothing she could do in the moment could win their trust. "What?" Amber groaned to herself. This had never happened before. Not when she so desperately needed it to work.

Violet released her hold on the wall and turned her fall in to a controlled tumble. She had a partially bored expression on her face as she regarded the disguised pirate. "Conversations are always fun." she said after a moment before she jumped up on to the playground wall she had used to catcher her earlier fall. "Twenty questions is as well." she added with a mischevios gleam in her eyes "Do you want to play?"

Amber shoved her hands into her pocket. “That sounds...” She snorted. Amber really didn't have a lot of options. She didn't want to have a drawn out battle with two magical girls, but it seemed unlikely she would be able to surprise them at this rate. They had spotted her first, and were not the trusting type. There was only one thing Amber could do in this situation that might net her a victory without needing to transform. And that was telling them what she wanted. “Alright, so I'm not going to sugar coat this for you.” Amber lifted her hand over her opposing shoulder. “You need...” She cut through the air with her hand. “...To go! You can't come around here anymore, my employer doesn't like it. He can't sleep with other magical entities like you around.” Amber liked booty, but fair fights weren't her style. “It's strange, and it's stupid, but it's what I've been tasked with. I don't hate you, I'm sure you're fine people, but...” She whipped out her arm and pointed down the road. “You can't be here!”

Violet let out a sigh "Way to ruin the fun." she said resigned as she walked along the wall's edge towards Sakura, she made sure to keep her pace slow, as didn't want Amber to think she was becoming hostile. "Should have known it wouldn't have been easy, our luck rarely makes it easy," She grumbled to her self as she leaped to stand on the swings Sakura was on. "Don't suppose that was a Wish?" She tossed out, hoping that the other girl would say yes, while doubting she would at the same time. It was a strange situatation to be in she mused normally people are chasing after them, rather then chasing them away.

Amber's eyes moved onto Violet. “Being easy? Wish? I don't follow.”

Nodding Sakura bagan to swing properly, though not very high. "Well... Pausing occasionally as she was on her backswing. "If we're going to be blunt then...you must know that we are the Djinn Sisters... Maybe you or your friend have heard of us.... All the hubbub here in Penrose has caught our attention... because it's a prime spot to grant all kinds of delicious wishes." Using her feet to stop herself she smiled softly and looked directly at Amber. "And we happened across you. We're not really about fighting if we don't have to. Our master isn't about that. It just gets in the way of wish granting you know." Sakura glanced at her sister briefly and it seemed that she should continue.

Taking her hand of the ropes of the swing she put them on her knees. "It's fate that guides us, we never really know where we'll end up next. We're here now so you must have some kind of wish." Normally the twins were much more cryptic with their fellow magical girls about what they did or why. However Amber was being particularly agreeable and it didn't seem they would ever get a wish by leading her on. "I like your familiar by the way. Can I uh... can I pet her?" Her tone was a genuine question, as if she wasn't sure if it was okay to ask but did anyway.

Sue cocked her head to the side. “You want to pet me?” The diving petrel spread its wings and attempted to land on Sakura's out stretched arm. “You may, but be sure to rub my beak a little too!”

Amber folded her arms. “So you just want someone to make a wish huh?” Amber didn't doubt their intentions, they just seemed strange. The former manager had met quite a few magical girls, and very few of them truly acted the part of girls. Yet here were Violet and Sakura, offering to grant wishes and pet strange animals. “Well, I don't know what's so special about me. But I'll give you a wish to grant if that's what you're here for. But why does your master want you to grant wishes anyway?”

The two shrugged lightly. "Punishment?""Warped sense of humor?" Their tone conveyed that they weren't entirely sure themselves. "Made the mistake up disrespecting a Djinn. I don't recommend it." It was clear that talking wasn't Sakura's strength, for as she continued she got more quiet. Sue landing on her arm, Sakura reached up and carefully pet the bird. And as per the request she rubbed Sue's beak as well. Sue was clearly enjoying it, pushing her entire head into the girl's palm.

“Alright...” Amber didn't fully understand the twins situation, but it seemed like getting them to leave was as simple as making a wish. But what wish? Amber stroked her chin. “Wishing for things does take the sport out of plundering them, but we'll give this a try.” Amber gave the twins a sideways glance, almost too embarrassed to look at them directly. “Would it be possible to wish for a handsome guy to just show up? Like we could become steady dating partners? And maybe he's really rich, understands my problems, and is all around a swell guy? Could you swing something like that?”

"You don't watch a lot of disney do you?" Violet asked as she hopped down from the top of the swings " There are a few rules when it comes to wishes. We can't kill people, we can't force love, and we can't bring people back from the dead. There are a few more issues but those tend to be needlessly specific." She explained as she walked over to Amber, a mischievous glint in her eye yet again. "So while we could summon a handsome, swell rich guy for you" She continued as she began circling the girl "You would have to convince him to fall in love with a pre-teen." She finished explaining with a grin. Violet enjoyed this part of the wish granting, everyone had different wants and needs and they always tried talking the out with the sisters. Sometimes she would help other times she would remain quiet and let them wish for a self destructive wish, depended on her mood really.

Amber grinned. “Well of course I've watched Aladdin. That's one of my favorite animations. Though it's not always wise to apply what you learn through TV to real life ya know?” She winked at violet. Of course Amber was disappointed with how limited the wishes actually were. Amber came into contact with men that fit her description every day. The thought of the Djinn sisters walking off the playground and grabbing someone off the street for her was a bit dissapointing. “Well, I can't think of anything to wish for that I can't get myself, so I guess I'll just wish you away.”

“Wait Amber, please!” Sue was batting her stubby wings.

Amber turned to face her familiar. “Oh? Do you have a wish?” The bird bobbed it's head up and down. The bird bobbing its head up and down caused Sakura it giggle a bit. “I think you're trying to nod, but it doesn't really work for birds.”

“Yes!” Sue dropped her head as low as it would go. “Please Amber, if you're just going to wish them away, let me make a wish!”

Amber was a bit confused. Sue had only ever really had a desire to do what Amber wanted. But if there was something her heart really yearned for... “Let's hear it.”

“Thank you.” Sue's head shifted between the two sisters as she asked her question. “Would it be possible for you to deliver something? Even if I don't know the recipient’s name or location? I do know what they look like.”

Though the wish wasn't coming from a magical girl she figured it was still as good as any. Giving the question some thought Sakura answered. "Might depend on where they are. If they're magically shielded or something then it may not work. But other than that if the description is good enough we might be able to find them." That seemed a reasonable description of the limitations. Knowing where someone was would be preferred, as mistakes could be made with a description.

“O-oh okay!” Sue settled down a bit. “Alright, um...”

Amber raised an eyebrow. “Is something wrong Sue?”

“Um.” Sue sighed. “So the description. Let's see. She's a magical girl. I've only seen her transformed. She has really long white hair and a blue eye. Her right eye is covered by an eye patch, erm, if she still has one. She also wears a black dress, and has an adorable stuffed bunny. Umm...” Amber's eyes widened in horror as the details came together. What was sue thinking? “But her magic is really how you'll know it's her. It's very unique. Portal magic. I haven't seen anything like it.”

Amber cleared her throat. “Also she has a pair of very rude gelatinous harpies. And if you do find her, she will likely try to ambush and kill you on sight. So be ready for that.”

Sue turned to look at her master. “Amber!”

“We also mustn’t forget that she has tentacle magic. She's VERY good with it too.”

“Uh-well.” Sue flapped her wings. A nervous tick of hers. “Amber fired some grape shot at her tentacles, and I think that upset her. I don't think her intentions were going to be all that unwholesome.”

“Do you remember what she told us?!” Amber was practically shouting. “She was going to 'reward' us for surviving her ambush! Sur-vi-ving!”

“It was scary, and a little intense.” Sue's body was vibrating now. “B-but I think you guys will be okay. We last saw her in Highbrook, but with magic like that, she could be almost anywhere now.”

Glancing back and forth as the two talked, Sakura was a little confused as to what exactly the wish was. "Sooo... What is the wish? You want us to find where she is or...?" So far the request sounded a little hazardous. And the two weren't about throwing themselves into danger.

"Well, I'm assuming you'll need to find her to deliver the package. But no, I don't need to know her location." Sue wiggled her tail.

Gaze slowly drifting to her sister they seemed to have an inner discussion. There still han't been a wish yet. Her eyes snapped back to Sue. "Uh, put the request in wish form and we'll tell you if it's possible or not." They really couldn't apply their wish magic any other way.

Sue was still shaking. “Um...” She closed her eyes. “I wish for you to deliver a package to the portal creating magical girl I described to you earlier!” Sue's eyes popped open. “Like that?”

That would suffice as far as the wish part was concerned, well with one exception. An important detail was left out. "What's the package?" Sakura asked with a smile.

“Oh, right! Um.” The familiar looked around. “One second.” She spread her wings and took off. Amber didn't take the opportunity to talk with the twins much. But she was always in thought, occasionally glancing up at them. They didn't seem like bad people. And this was punishment for disrespecting a genie? In that sense, the Djinn sisters and Amber weren't too different. Being burdened with a new life they didn't want. The pirate would spend the next ten minutes thinking in silence before Sue returned. It was a simple envelope with nothing but the words “Portal Queen” written on it. It wasn't much larger than a standard envelope, and it was in Sue's beak. “Sorry that took so long.” So squeaked before landing on the fence. “But I didn't know I'd find people who could deliver it.”

Amber sighed. “That had better not have any personally identifiable information in it.”

“O-Oh!” Sue flew over to Sakura. “Don't worry Amber, it's noting like that. She won't be able to find us with this.”

“Good.” She folded her arms. “Because I sleep just fine knowing that she can't find me.” Amber wanted to ask what it was, but at this point she was just happy to give the djinn a wish to grant. And if it made Sue happy, that was even better. She had done a lot for Amber.

As Sakura touched the letter both of the Sisters felt a tingle down their spine, they had encountered it before. It was, as far as they could tell, an omen. It wasn't necessarily good or bad, nor were they sure if was their magic or their luck that caused the feeling, but it would often make it's self apparent shortly before a wish. 'Seems like this one will be important' Violent thought as she moved next to her twin.

A moment of concentration later and Violet had an idea of where to go to find this "Portal Queen", which would help with the granting, if they chose to go through with it. An up side of not being true djinn, they had the option of denying a wish. They didn't often, but the ability to say no was a welcome one. 'I've got no objection to this one, and if it does turn dangerous we can always just poof it to the recipient' The girl thought at Sakura, 'Any on your end?'

"I have no objection. to the wish. I wonder where it will take us." She returned in thought. She looked back at Sue but let her sister continue.

With a nod Violet turned to Sue her eyes sparking with white light "Your wish shall be Granted" The Mini-Djinn intoned seriously as a spark of white light jumpped from both the Sisters to the letter. It stayed glowing for a moment before fading back to normal.

"It may take some time to get the "Package" to its recipient" Violet began explaining as she took a step towards Sue "So take this token and when it breaks, you shall know you wish has been fufilled" she drew a small circle around the Familiar's leg. In the wake of her finger's passing a small, silk ribbon appeared, tied to the birds leg.

“T-thank you so much!” Sue's head started to bob up and down again. She nearly forgot to let go of the letter before doing this. Amber remained silent, just passively watching the twins do their thing.

As Violet stepped away from Sue her eyes returned to thier natural red. "Well, that takes care of that. You still have two left after this" She says off handedly as she turns towards the open road, pocketing the letter as she does. "And you've still got all of your wishes Amber, in case you think of something." They would likely be in Penrose awhile, so there was always a chance they would run into each other again. "You ready, Sakura?" She askes looking at her twin.

Hopping up from the swing Sakura smiled. "I am. Let's hope this girl isn't too hard to find." She waved to Sue and Amber, letter the former fly back to Amber "Glad we could take this wish. It's not every day we have such a nice encounter with other magical girls."

“Well...” Amber scratched the back of her neck. “Wish or no wish, if you need shelter from anything... I have an empty sky ship.” The girl folded her arms. “I'd appreciate a call in advance, but it's well out of my boss's range of influence. So there's no problem if you need to stop by for anything.”

Good non-combat posts from my fellow white texts. Beacon definitely needs more posts like that.


Amber doesn't go to school. There isn't much reason for it as her paranoid patron keeps her pretty busy. The Bates twins could go to school. They are still the right age and have no patrons to appease, but they are currently on the move and lack the resources to enter school.
And Beacon seemed like suffering before.

You're the real heroes Beacon! I'm just going to pray Justine doesn't figure out Elroy was the one hate flirting Caroline and actually isn't affiliated with Beacon.
OOC: sorry for my absence, but my more "serious" roleplay responsibilities are getting a little crazy right now. I haven't forgotten about this, but it might be a bit before I can respond. If someone wants to stand in as "GM" while I'm on my hiatus, that would be okay with me.

Davis remained unmoved by all the voices in the court room. He just sat there with a smug look on his face, slowly shaking his head. That was until Max spoke up. Then Davis's smile instantly vanished. For a moment he looked surprised. Impressed even. But everyone kept talking. It wasn't until Marianne began raising up from her monologing to accusing Bliss that everyone started to quiet down. Each harsh accusatory word cut into bliss like she was being struck with an actual knife. She squirmed backwards, half leaning into Max's train to get away from the woman who was literally standing right next to her. By the time Marianne wished Bliss was dead, she was on the verge of tears. Rising above everyone was the sharp laugh of a certain bear.

“Oh, now isn't this splendid!” Killgood was still laughing while he tried to speak. “The despair in this room is so thick, so, so, so very savage!” He was starting to breath hard. “Oh, oh this just feels amazing! At this rate you'll all kill each other well before you run out of time.”

Davis balled his hand into a fist. Though with a few breaths, he was able to calm down. At this point, Caora was the only voice in the room. Quietly mumbling “shut up” over and over to himself.

“Bliss?” Davis words were soft and gentle. He laid his sword on the podium. None of his hands were on it.

Bliss, still rattled by Marianne's assault, was unable to look in the man's direction. “Yes?”

“You're going to be okay.”

She turned her head. Because of the angle, it was difficult to look at Davis without also looking at Marianne. So she held her hand up in front of one of her eyes “Why are you telling me this?”

“Because I know you didn't do it.” He folded his arms. “Everyone in here is convinced Krista didn't do it, I know you didn't do it.” He made eye contact with her. “If I yell at this unwholesome cunt, it's going to be loud. And that's going to upset you further.” He shot bliss a friendly smile. “This is a fight you need to win yourself.”


Davis closed his eyes and cast his hand out into the center of the court. “Take a deep breath, think, and explain to Marianne why she's wrong.” And bliss did just that, or at least she appeared to. She closed her eyes and took a few breaths. It didn't take her more than a few seconds of controlled breathing to regain her composure. She still had dried tears on her cheeks, but her eyes. They were on fire.

“Wow...” Bliss looked directly into Marianne's eyes. The nanny was pulling anxiously at her gloves. “So your logic really boils down to, I wasn't there, so I must of killed him. Right?” She nodded. “I'm just curious. You seem to know a lot about the human body and how it works. Even knowing how long it takes for blood to dry at room temperature. But do you know what else humans need?” Bliss groaned. “We need sleep. Are we all suppose to sleep at the same time? Doesn't that kind of defeat the point of protecting Krita AT ALL TIMES!?” Bliss grit her teeth. “I know it isn't in that stupid E-handbook that you can't peel your eyes away from, but do you remember what I said when I volunteered to watch Krista with Mondatta?”

Bliss turned to face Mondatta and Krista. “We should sleep in shifts. No two people should rest at the same time. It's just... safer for everyone that way.”

“Krista slept at night, while Mondatta and I stayed up to mke sure no one broke into her room during the night of carnage. Then Mondatta slept mornings, and I slept evenings. Of course it takes a bit to adjust to a schedule like that, so I happened to go to the break room to have a talk with Alice. If I eat too much it helps me sleep.” Bliss was furious. She was leaning towards Marianne's booth now. “So you just accused someone who's tired, sluggish, and sleepy, who was doing EXACTLY what they were suppose to be doing, of being a shit, incompetent nanny.” Bliss leaned closer still. “At least I spent the last few days trying to help.” The nanny leaned back and folded her arms. “Maybe you should look at all the facts instead of the ones that appear on that device.”

“Hahahaha!” Davis waved his sword in the air to get everyone's attention. “Okay Bliss, that's enough I think.” Davis shook his head. “Alright, before I go on, I'd just like to address a few things.” Davis looked over at Shaun. “You're asking me to include a handle in my theory. I'm just going to ask you why you think it's important.” Davis shrugged. “It being here doesn't really invalidate anything I said. Nothing in my theory can be undone just by the presence of a handle. Maybe think things through before trying to white knight the suspect? Kids these days...” Davis looked at Caora. “I seem to recall Krista and Cyrus exploring this cave some time ago. I wouldn't expect a brat like yourself to remember such a minute detail, you are pretend investigators after all. But with your theory, there should be three sets of foot prints. One for Mondatta, one for Krista, and one for the killer. Only there's two different sets. If a scuffle wiped them out, then why are there two sets? Did the killer only wipe away Mondatta's footprints? That makes no sense.” Davis turned to face Marianne. “As much as I'd like to go of on you for- YOU CUNT!” Davis pointed his sword at Marianne. “YOU INNER MONOLOGING, FRENCH CUNT! WHAT DOES PASTE HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING? YOU THINK WITH A ONE HOUR TIME LIMIT, SOMEONE'S GOING TO MIX UP MORTAR PASTE FOR A CRIME? YOU SMELL LIKE A PEICE OF CHEESE THAT WAS ON THE FLOOR OF A BROTHEL FOR A WEEK TOO LONG, AND THEN SLAPPED IN SOME HOBO'S SANDWICH! MAYBE NEXT TIME YOU COULD ACTUALLY GIVE POOR BLISS A BREAK INSTEAD OF TRYING TO FILL YOURSELF WITH EVERY CUT OF MEAT THAT PASSES YOU A GLANCE!”

“Eeep!” Even Bliss was a little taken back by Davis's outburst.

“Now...” Davis cast out his hands. “I'd like to gently remind everyone that we are on a time limit. We need some focus. If you think my theory is wrong, prove it. Present some evidence that contradicts what I said. But I gave all of you a chance to say something before I gave my little theory. Let's try to be a bit more focused in the future.” Perfection turned to Max. “You... actually made some good points.” Davis folded his arms like he hadn't just called a woman that word. Twice. “Yes, the knife would have been quite dull if it was used. And one might think that the wrapper being in Krista's room must clear her since it obviously wasn't the weapon. But isn't it also possible for Krista to plant such evidence there herself?” Davis shrugged. “Certainly from a logic standpoint, planting something that wasn't the actual murder weapon in your room would be a great way to get people to stop looking at you.” Davis shook his head. “But actually, that was Bliss. I never actually said I thought it was the knife.” Davis held up the tool handle. “I think it's possible this is what Krista used to actually fight Mondatta with, and I believe that you are also right that it is a file. It could certainly explain the scratches on his armor.” Davis turned it over in his hand. “The file itself must have broken on his armor.” Davis's eyes flicked up to Krista. “What do you think about that? Ma'am?”
Damn, my metal and water pokegirls aren't going to work for this one.

Regina! I choose you!
The court room erupted into commotion, mostly voices objecting to Davis's claim. They ofter overlapped, and while their words couldn't be clearly heard, their disagreement was evident. Davis only needed to say one word to lower everyone's voice.

“Really?” Davis no longer looked like a deranged person, or even himself. He had a cold, piercing gaze. His entire stance changed. His posture was perfect, and he held his sword out of sight. “Not a single one of you can tell me why it wasn't Krista? But you're all prepared to tell me I'm wrong?” Davis shot Mary a wink. "Except for you. at least you're asking interesting questions. But the rest of you?" He slowly reverted back into a crazy spartan with a chuckle. “If not Krista, than who? Of all your friends that you've been paling around with, which one of them could have done it?” Davis placed his sword on the podium and looked at everyone. “Call me what you like, throw around Mondatta's name, but I'm just here for one thing: Infinite conquest!” A smile stretched across the disheveled man's face. "As Marianne said, the murderer could not have taken place more than an hour ago. But this makes a fatal assumption. That assumption being that Krista was knocked out at the same time Mondatta was killed.” Davis pointed at Krista with his sword. “She could have killed Mondatta, then banged her head on the wall she was propped up against.”

Aleecia was holding her chin. “That's possible.” She looked up. “But then how did she kill Mondatta?”

“Because of Max's rule, Mondatta and Krista were alone.” Davis took hold of the podium, still holding his sword. “So she could have taken him into the caves. Once they were alone, she might have had a weapon ready to attack him with...”

“The knife!” Bliss chirped. “The handbook says the wrapper was in Krista's room!”

Davis continued. “She would have been unable to breach his armor, and shoving Mondatta into a stalagmite could be the killing blow.”

Calvin's fists were shaking. “there's no way Krista did it, and you know it!”

Perfection smirked. “Why? Do you?”
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