Avatar of BrokenPromise


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19 days ago
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1 yr ago
The virgin "My post was so bad it killed the RP!" VS the chad "My post was so good it concluded the RP."



Did you know that Dante's inferno is called a divine comedy because things work out for the protagonist? Back in the day, the only two genres were comedy and drama. The only difference was that in a comedy, the protagonist is better off at the end, and a drama is the opposite. So that's why a story about going through hell can still be considered a comedy, even if it's not funny.

Broken Promise, BP, Boss

Old enough to know better, too young to care. (that is to say 30's)

Preferred RPs:
I Prefer to make my own, but will occasionally join something if it looks interesting. I'll join just about anything so long as it isn’t overly edgy/sweet, though it's rare for me to do. I don't do 1x1s too often either.

Preferred Roles:
I tend to play adorable characters everyone wants to befriend or proper assholes everyone wants to stay away from. I try not to play moral paragons or prime evils.

RP Conquests:
I've completed quite a few RP's off site, but most of them are on private forums or have simply been lost to the ravages of server crashes. As for stuff here, I'm sure everyone who sees me post in the off topic sections has seen me find an excuse to talk about Danganronpa: Tower of Carnage. It's a project that took over 4 years to complete and I feel pride not only for myself but all the wonderful people who helped make it enjoyable during its run. Re: Zero: The High Council Is technically my first, but it was just something I kind of took over and ended up ending the story after just six months. It finished, but eh...

Last RP I finished was Symphony of Espers which turned out pretty good.

RP's in progress:
For some reason I can't seem to stay away from Ari's magical girl RP, even if I'm not sure why I'm still in it.

As for my own projects, I'm doing Symphony on High to continue the gigachad adventures of the espers in Pax Septimus.

RP Graveyard:
I've been pretty fortunate on this forum. I think I joined one when I first came on the site that didn't really do anything, and there are a few 1x1 things that didn't go anywhere. It's disappointing when an RP ends before it can be finished, but I've come to look at them as learning experiences.

And then there's that london magical girl RP, and that dark magical girl RP. I think I'm done joining magical girl RPs for a while.

Other interests:
I watch a lot of educational videos on youtube. Usually as research for something I’m writing or purely because a topic interests me. I like channels like Tier Zoo and Daryl Talks Games, and I’ll also watch things like Critical Drinker or Literature Devil to deepen my understanding of story telling. Though I also like memes and jokes, to which I’ll find myself watching stuff like Sseth, but usually find myself surfing through meme videos. I gotta work on that.

I have a rather long history of playing virtually every platformer to come into existence during the indie boom, as well as quite a few other indie games. I’ve played Meatboy, Binding of Issac, Gunvolt, Cuphead, Princess Remedy in a World of Hurt, Classic Metroid, Warcraft 3, Final Fantasy 7,8, and 14, Left 4 Dead, Shantae, Celeste, Danganronpa, God Eater, the list goes on. What I’ve played is kind of all over the place. I don’t play many games these days, I tend to pick things that look interesting and go on a decent steam sale.

Painting Minis
I do this in moderation. Otherwise, it's a pretty expensive hobby to start...

I listen to everything, save most country/rap songs. I have too many favorites to name.

Not one to take life or the internet too seriously. Is only serious about writing well and having a good time.

People to Insult:
Dalton is a Dingus.

Most Recent Posts

@WanderingDragon I've been pretty fortunate with my roleplays, and have no real desire to start that one up again at this time. I'm also co-GMing a magical girl RP, so once that's done I think I'm going to have hit my quota for "young girls fighting evil" for a while.
I've never really had a weird plot that I never ran with. I mean yes, in the past I've had ideas that I felt were too strange for the people or forum I made my home, but those ideas often got refined into something that people later enjoyed.

One example was an RP that involved little angel girls going on a quest together. It had a simple yet interesting magic system that is most similar to avatar: the last air-bender. Each angel had one of the four elements and could use them a certain way. The players were going to go through a lot of fairy tale like landscapes on their way to the "empire of dirt" where they would do battle with whatever was draining the world dry. It was a private forum, and the players were all adverse to playing females and were hyper masculine. The final version still had angels in it, but it was more symbolic. The angels looked like humans, were older, and could be men. Even in the original version there were male angels, but they didn't adventure much because of how their magic functioned. Instead of fairy woods, we had kind of an ancient world vibe.

The very strangest one I had was an RP about going through someone's mind. Just weird thoughts all of the players had, their fears, parts of their past, would manifest as characters. There were no sex deviant minions, but there's something surreal about taking your brother's entirely fabricated impersonation of his favorite non-speaking character in phantasy star online and making it fight his character. And that was just the tenth post. Somehow, that one actually completed.

(Written with Ari bro)

That shower was a lot better than Su thought it would be. Her hair was all nice and straight, and she was able to try a new type of shampoo. Typically Su used herb-scented shampoos, but Helga had an assortment of fruity ones. One of the reasons Su tended to prefer the herbal shampoos was because they weren’t scented too strongly. But having hair that smelled like apples every once in a while was alright. She was considering getting some for her own shower.

Since their shower turned into a bit of a laundry session towards the end, Su needed dry clothes too. She didn’t want to risk wandering over to her room, so she put on some of Helga’s clothes. They were about the same size in terms of shoulder width and waist size. But Su was slightly taller and had a broader bust, causing a snicker from Helga as Su passed by and a button on the blouse popped off. It wasn’t like Helga had a second bathrobe lying around. And aside from the sleeves on her blouse looking a little short, it didn't look bad.

Su had gotten dressed while Helga was steaming her curls in front of a mirror, the both of them having moved to the locker room. Unlike more mundane hotels where the personnel-dedicated facilities are dull and utilitarian in design, the rooms and hallways in the basement of the Golden Trove were serene and pleasant, with marine-blue walls and a carpeted floor, giving the illusion of an aquarium. But for Su, there wasn’t really any reason to stick around there. The hallway upstairs was still littered with Helga’s clothes, and Su planned on picking them up for her. Then she could go into her own room and change back before Mika got done playing with Lupa. With her plan in mind, Su walked towards Helga’s room. She took the service elevator back up to the top floor and stepped into the hallway.

But Mika.

Was standing right there.

With Helga’s clothes in her arms.

“Hi Su!” Mika had transformed back into a civilian, and was eyeing Su with a raised brow. “I don’t think I’ve seen you wear a button up blouse before. Isn’t that more something Helga would wear.”

Su could feel the blood rush into her cheeks. She was getting flustered. ”U-Um, no. I wear stuff like this sometimes.”

Mika closed her eyes and sniffed the air. “You used Helga’s shampoo too!”

Her face was getting redder by the second, but hopefully Mika wouldn't jump to any embarrassing conclusions. ”A-ah! I just wanted to try it!”

“Aren’t those your shoes next to Helga’s room?”


“I also just picked up a lot of Helga’s clothes.”


“So I think-”


She paused, still giving Su a bright smile. “What is it Su?”

”I-I um, I just noticed you had some new jewelry.”

“Oh that!” Mika placed a hand on her head. “Yea, it’s magical. Someone who works for Veronica gave it to me.”

Su sighed. It wasn’t too surprising that Veronica would reward Mika for acting like a go between for them. She didn't fully trust Veronica, but if it got Mika to change the topic, she wasn’t going to ask too many questions about it. ”Alright.”

“I got something else to ask you. But first, I have a request.”

”A request?”

Despite her harsh past, Helga was always considerate of her appearance, especially in her normal life, and took to a habit of curling her hair at a young age; it was one way she brought a semblance of order and routine to her chaotic life, as the process requires meticulous attention and patience. And when she was done and saw the revolving strands of hair, they reminded her of how life also revolves around itself. At least, that’s how her more childish self thought. Still, it gave her a unique look, so she continued upholding the habit. And that time, she made sure there was not even a single stray strand.

Once she was done curling her hair, she returned to her room and found Mika and Su sitting at the foot of her bed, her mouth open in surprise: Su was still wearing her clothes, and now so was Mika. Mika was relatively thin for her age, and Helga’s clothes didn’t fit her at all. But Mika looked happy to be wearing them.

“Uhh, what are you girls up to?” Helga asked, having raised an eyebrow with her hands on her hips.

“We’re trying your stuff on today, Helga!”

”I think we have a problem.” Su did not look as amused as Mika did. ”Mika told me that while playing with Lupa, she just ran down an ally and encountered two monster girls.” Su looked at Helga. ”They took Lupa, but they said they would give her back if we gave them a room.”

“What? Is that true, Mika?”

“Noooooo.” Mika giggled. “They said they were going to fix Lupa and they would pay for a room, but they wanted one on the top floor. They showed me their gold coins, they can pay it.”

”They are willing to pay for the room, but it seems sketchy to me.” Su folded her hands in her lap. ”I’m just concerned. Aside from Sergei and Maria, we really don’t have anyone with magical powers that close to Boteg. I don’t think he would be too happy having that kind of power next to him anyway. However…” She raised her eyebrows. ”It is the slow season.” Su placed a hand on the side of her head. ”I’d like your opinion. And Mika said they’d come here with Lupa in an hour, so I’d like you to be with me when they show up.”

Helga stepped before Mika, and attempted adjusting her clothes so they wouldn’t sag so much on the lithe girl, only to sigh as it didn’t work. “Alright. If you trust them, Mika, then I’ll believe you. That’s what I’ve promised, after all.” She petted Mika as she looked at Su. “However, first Boteg needs to be informed of this. They also need to understand that we are not going to tolerate any suspicious behavior near our Master.”

Su nodded in agreement. ”That does sound like the most reasonable thing to do.” She folded her hands in her lap. ”I can’t believe so much is happening before we even had lunch yet.” Su shrugged and turned to Mika. ”Alright, lets get changed back, then we’ll head to the auditorium to talk with Boteg.” Su noticed Helga flash a grin, and looked at the missing button on her blouse. ”I’ll sew that back on later today.”

Debriefings with Boteg were always relatively short. He was very in tune to the magical forces around him, and could feel when a magical entity had been driven away or eradicated. The only thing Boteg really needed to know was if they felt the entity in question would be making a return or not. Su refrained from telling him about Sophia, as that felt more like something Helga and Su would have to pursue on their own. She probably wasn’t a threat to Boteg, and thus wasn’t something he cared about.

”Thy scares hath protected new home most splendidly!” Boteg chuckled.

“Thine gratitudes be gracious Master,” Helga replied in turn, holding the skirt of her dress and making a curtsy.

”We had a bit of a development on our way home, Boteg.” The dragon tipped his head.

“Yea! I met some new friends!”

And so Mika explained what happened to Boteg, with Su making comments to better inform him of what was going on.

”More scares!?” Boteg placed his hands on the side of his head and paced back and forth. ”Twisted scares no less! I compare them to a dog-hearted ratsbane!” Helga bit her lip, looking a bit dejected.
He swiftly turned to her. ”Not to sully the dragon scare’s image. Methinks thou is fair! Far more comparable to a summer’s day.”

“Ah, I comprehend thine intent,” Helga replied, feeling a bit better. “I entrust mine faith in Mika, Master. If twisted scares dare to make big faces, I shall cast them off the Trove mineself.”

Boteg pulled a handkerchief out of his vest pocket and dabbed his forehead with it. ”A summer’s day.” He repeated.

”If they did help Lupa, they could be powerful allies to have.” Su started to count her fingers. ”We also have Charlie Rocha, Janice Hunter, and Noida Losey from Charlie’s angels here with us. As well as Sergei and Maria, who haven’t been causing any problems. We can probably handle two monster twins if they get out of hand. ”

”Hmmm.” Boteg scratched his chin.

“They’re also really rich!”

Boteg’s head shot up. ”Sky Scare!” He spun on his heel to face Su. ”Thou shall do everything in thy power to ensure thy guests are at the peak of comfort.”

”Just keep in mind tha-”

Boteg pointed at her ”Get thee gone! Return when thy guests have been served.”

Su pulled her lips into her mouth. ”Alright.”

All that was left to do now was wait for the ghost twins. There weren’t any pressing administrative duties at the moment, so Su decided to wait outside for them. Mika was also there, hopping from foot-to-foot. She had already explained that she was going to pounce on Lupa as soon as she showed up. Helga stood next to her, anxiously tapping her foot with her arms crossed.

Then, the ghost twins arrived; Lupa was following them.

‘We fixed Lupa,’ Julia stated matter-of-factly, before slinking behind Jillian as she saw Helga’s scornful look.
‘Here you go!’ Jillian cheerfully spoke as she gestured for Lupa to join them; she blinked, looked at the others, and slowly walked toward them. “Uhh...Mika?” She asked, only to be met with a tearful hug from the smaller girl.

“You’re fixed!” Mika repeated over and over again, nuzzling her head into Lupa’s shoulder. “We did it! We got you back!”

Julia blushed.
‘So, is it okay if we move in?’

Su was still watching the two embrace. There had been too many accounts of brainwashing for her to fully trust the work of the ghost twins, but it was too late to reject their help. She would have Boteg look over Lupa later to make sure everything was in order. But for the moment, she had to adress the twins.

”yes, you may come in.” Su gave a deep bow. ”Mika was quite distraught when Lupa lost her ability to move independently. You helped them both out more than you know.” Su stood back up, keeping her eyes on the ground. ”Mika has told me of your needs. we understand you made an arrangement with Mika and kept your end of the bargain. So we will keep our end as well.” Su looked to the ghost girls. Her eyes did not carry scorn, but her gaze was no less intense. ”But do know that this is not a privilege that is normally granted to guests with your qualities, regardless of how wealthy they may be. There will be rules, and you will be required to follow all of them.” Su gave a much smaller bow. ”But I must stress that we are grateful for your help, and if a few rules doesn’t bother you, I would love to show you your room. It has a view of the cityscape, one of the best ones in Penrose.”

The spectral siblings looked at one another, and then nodded.

‘We understand,’ Julia softy spoke, and bowed.
‘We are in your care.’ Jillian bowed next.
‘Please’...‘Lead the way.’

On the way to Vertti’s house.

"Just stay calm Grisaia." Mistress Vertti remained by her servant. "We just have to get back to the noble district. So long as we remain safe, everything will turn out alright. Were all together."

“Grisaia!” Aer rushed past the two, spear drawn. “Focus on the distant threats, I’ve already cut a way through! But the two of you must return to the noble district at once!”

"You can do what she says to." Mistress Vertti added with a nervous smile.

Alistair and Odessa swept over the cultists like a force of nature. Odessa fanned her arms out and baithed the cultists in curses. Some were able to resist, but their cries of fear let Alistair know that many, many more had not.

Captain Crunch suddenly stopped when she was stimulated by Alistair’s spell. ”Wha? Why does my body feel so hot?” After dispatching the last of the cultists in her vicinity, she shiethed her sword. One of the devilbeasts were preparing to charge for Vertti, but Crunch was able to leap towards it with a single bound. Then empowered by Alistair’s spell, started to throw hook after hook at it, empowering each blow with a spell ” Fura-Fura-Fura-Fura-Fura-Fura-Fura-Fura-Fura-Fura-Fura-Fura!” The outcome of such an attack was obvious. It was a moderately dangerous opponent, after flame had blinded it. Alistair had just stimulated one of the mightiest sword arms in the country.

"I think she liked it." Odessa chirped.

Chieko’s strength even suprised herself sometimes. Her blow forced the wolf to release the girl with a loud wimper before its entire body flew through the air and crashed into a bunch of cultists. She had managed to free Eiko, and had just enough time to help her to her feet.

But they couldn’t linger here. The archbishop was headed straight for the noble district, and likely had his strongest threats with him. They couldn’t daudle here.

The noble district was surrounded by barricades, and people were being dumped in by the second. Most of those coming in were humans, and for good reason. Demihumans were of course all suspect of being with the bandits. They were all checked and asked for any passports to confirm their housing before being let in. Those that weren’t were “quarantined” to a special area where they had to have their stories confirmed. With the arrival of Captain Crunch, this process could begin.

”Thank you everyone, I’m glad you stayed and fought with me. We wouldn’t have saved as many people without you.” She turned to look at Alistair. ”I wouldn’t be oppose to trying a second date. That double date with Sandra Fotos was, well, I don’t think it should count. Once this is all over we can go someplace really nice to eat.” She turned around. ”For now I have some stories to confirm.” She walked towards the group of demihumans. ”We don’t have much time before they attack again, so decide what you want to do before they come. Remain by the barricade if you want to fight them directly, or you hold up in Vertti’s mansion. It’s rather spacious, and where the bulk of the civilians are hiding. If they try to ambush us, it would be good to have some people over there. Also Mono should be arriving shortly. I don’t advise going out after him. He can handle himself. But of course, you are free to ignore me. You seem like you can handle yourselves.”

Belriggers cool crib

Ashton had never seen a cultist. Not until now anyway. And they were talking to a demihuman bandit of all things. Ashton knew what he had to do though. He swiftly slit their throats. Clearly peace wasn’t an option anymore. This went against his code, his character, but it had to be done. That was when Ashton heard the low grumbling voice of an Oni nobleman.

”Murderer.” Gris had his sword drawn. ”Figured you’d show up with all the cultists. Killed the healer and his demihuman wife. I’d expect nothing less from shit like you!” That was when the situation came into focus for Ashton. Gris had to be insane. He thought that the cultist was a healer, and the bandit was his wife. Absurd, Ashton knew better.

”Stand down Gris. Leave this to the law.” Ashton didn’t know who this woman was. Wait! Yes he did. Her name was Sandra Fotos. She was one of the most potent pyromancers in the country, and was in charge of watching over the compass. He had seen all of this information somewhere before. Perhaps in some of Belrigger’s books? The point was this woman was dangerous and… she rubbed him the wrong way. Ashton could feel there was something off about her. An aura of evil. She didn’t belong in this world, but was he strong enough to strike her down?

Flames bellowed out from under her feet with every step that she took. ”Ashton Andrews.” Flames swirled around the war banner in her left hand. ”What are you trying to do here?” The sword in her right hand coated itself in flames. Her form was becoming difficult to see. The heat distorted the air around her. ”Surely you’ve come here for more than mindless slaughter?” That was when it finally clicked for Ashton.

She was the new Witch of Envy.

”First post, and I've already contracted the 'tism.”

— Tetrad


It was a moon-lit night when it happened. Tetrad was in the talons of a very big bird. Its appearance was reminiscent of an eagle, only it was green and covered in scales. Tetrad was powerless to escape and was entirely at the mercy of her captor. She stopped struggling when she realized it only made its grip tighter. Strength of that caliber was not something she possessed.

It’s just a matter of time before life was going to give her a bad hand. Even if her chances of dying each day was one out of a million, she was rolling that dice every moment she drew breathe. This morning she felt like her chances were one in a hundred-thousand. Seeing this monster made it feel more like one in ten-thousand. Not having any matching suits or colors in her hand made it one in a thousand. Her backup not showing up made it feel like one in a hundred. Now the monster was going into a high speed dive. The g-forces were almost enough to make Tetrad black out. She felt her chances of surviving this attack were about one out of ten.

Those weren’t horrible odds.

The monster released Tetrad over the school, causing her to plow through the roof. Asphalt and timber rained down on her body, which had come to rest on the floor of the classroom. Tetrad could see the monster flying in front of the moon, but was unable to do anything about it. Something had broken inside her, and she couldn’t move anything below her bellybutton. Her body was wracked with pain, and her range of motion was severely limited. She was able to raise her head just high enough to assess her body’s condition. The tallons had torn her outfit to tatters, and did little to retain her dignity. More pressing was the metal pipe sticking out of her torso. It probably use to be part of a chair, but was now preventing blood from flooding her lung. She looked at her remaining cards. A five and six of hearts, and a king of clovers. None of these would save her. She let them fall out of her hand before allowing her head to rest on the floor. She wasn’t sure how many sides her “fate dice” had, but she had rolled a one today.

Or perhaps it was still resting on its edge.

The monster cried. A sliver of hope was restored. Perhaps it was just the Puchuu’s metal edit that made Tetrad love slaying monsters, but hearing the beast’s death cry filled her with pride. She knew her team had killed it. They were nearby, and she might be saved. All she had to do was hold out. If they looked just a little bit they would find her. Then they could celebrate one more dead monster together. She could hear their footsteps as they got closer. She could hear their voices. They were running towards her position. They were laughing. Tetrad lifted her head to see if she could spot them in front of the classroom windows. They just had to look inside. Their voices were getting louder. She could make out their words. They were talking about the great job they did, how they would grab a pizza, and how badly they all needed a shower.

Nothing about her rescue, however.

And they were getting quieter as they walked further away from her. Tetrad didn’t have the strength left to ball her hands with. She wanted to scream, or at least have the strength to cry, but all she could manage was a few tears. The dice teetered on its edge no longer. Her fate was sealed.

It would be foolish to get upset about this outcome from a statistical standpoint. If you have an eternity to tempt fate, you’re eventually going to get unlucky. What Tetrad was experiencing was something every magical girl to ever live would eventually face. What made this so sad for Tetrad was the nature of her departure. She spent a lot of time with her fellow squad mates. They nurtured each other despite none of them being here by choice. Countless days of shopping together, hanging out after school, weekly pizza nights, card games, video games, park visits, fighting side by side, watching each others back. All of the time she had dedicated to them, and they were going to let her die alone.

How cruel.

”Now that we got THAT shit out of the way, the real fun begins~!”

— Tetrad

For some, the event at the graveyard was a threat that had to be taken care of immediately. For others, it was an opportunity to do things while the bulk of Penrose’s magical girls were scrambling. It just depended on what your patron was telling you to do. She wanted to join the graveyard fight, but she was instead tasked with grabbing a mint agent and squeezing information out of them. It was pretty simple. The mint had a large force, and they weren’t nimble enough to mobilize without observant eyes taking notice. It was only natural that they would choose to move during a large scale event like this. The poor guy got abducted and dragged into Tetrad’s interdimensional home before he even knew what happened. It wasn’t like he was a magical girl. Without an escort, it was all too easy for Tetrad to overpower him.

”Gee, is this too risque for a first date? I just don’t want him to think I’m boring.”

Tetrad was examining herself in a mirror. While she had been a magical girl for years, she’d only been working for Crimson Cradle for a few weeks. Her old uniform was something akin to a maid’s outfit, much like the rest of her squad mates. But after changing patrons, her outfit did too. Some would find her corset leotard indecent, but she like it. People had a tendency to comment on it a lot more. And the pockets were a nice touch! Maid uniforms really needed more pockets.

She spun on her heel. ”You don’t like talking much, do you?”

Tetrad’s lair looked like like a typical dive bar. Complete with poor lighting, walls of booze, darts and pool, and a floor that was in desperate need of a mop. An interesting addition was the man in black tied to a board. His legs were elevated off the floor by a step stool. He was still wearing his shades, and there was a rag resting on the edge of a filthy mop bucket not too far away from him. Tetrad’s his swayed side to side with each step she took towards him.

”Well, that’s fine.”

Tetrad placed a finger on either side of his shades and slowly pulled them off. Using utmost care, she folded the shades closed and placed them beside his head. Tetrad reached for the cloth hanging off the side of the bucket.

”I prefer to get to know people through emotional expression over words anyway.”

The MiB struggled to break free, but he couldn’t move. Tetrad could tie some pretty mean knots. She draped the cloth over his face and pressed all of the folds out of it. The cloth over his mouth and nose moved as he breathed. His panic was evident.

”And you are going to be expressing a lot of emotion.”

Some time after the skies cleared up, Tetrad decided to pop back into Penrose. She had a smile on her lips when she contacted her employer. ”Special delivery for Veronica: One delicious slice of lintel coming right up.” It wasn’t technically “intel” yet, but Veronica understood her. Probably.

“The mission was a success then?”

Tetrad’s grin widened. ”Oh Veronica? Are you really going to make me say it? Just do it, disrobe my mind. Look at the naked truth with your own eyes…”

“You’d do well to remember I’m not her. But very well.”

Tetrad pouted. ”You’re no fun.”

It was quiet while Vernica looked through the information Tetrad had collected. She didn’t feel a thing, but she knew it was happening. “I will have a scout confirm this information, but I’m expecting it to be correct. An agent will be dispatched to deal with the MiB in your care. Mission complete.”

”Now if only I could forgive you for making me skip out on the monster mash at the graveyard.”

“You know why I didn’t let you go.”

She rolled her eyes. ”I know too much to be sensibly deployed where a known Psychic girl is lurking. Certainly when they’re as strong as Regina.” She sighed. ”Doesn’t mean I need to be happy about it.”

“I can fill you in on what happened.”

”Now we’re talkin’!” Tetrad disguised herself as a middle aged man before walking onto the street. There were likely mint agents in the area looking for her victim. Walking around just in costume probably wasn’t a good idea. ”Was it also mission complete?”

“Close enough.” Tetrad could hear Veronica smile. “I had hoped Soth’s ritual would destroy Amber’s body, but the Bates were sloppy in retrieving it and were spotted. They managed to get attacked by some ghost girls. They were either seen by a mint agent, or the ghost girls themselves were mint agents. Regardless, they discovered Amber didn’t use the coin despite my best efforts. They would have found it eventually, even if I hadn't said anything.”

”Eh, not to shame the great Vermilion Veronica, but that makes this entire gamble feel like a waste. It’s only a matter of time before they look into Amber’s former Patron and spot his new magical girl. A dark magical girl that has the same name as Amber’s familiar would be worth investigating to me.”

“I had wanted her to leave Boteg and take on an identity removed from her old one. but Su is just as stubborn as Amber was. Regardless, such a secret cannot remain hidden forever. All we can do now is delay the inevitable for as long as possible. Every day, I become more prepared for our final fight.” Veronica trailed off. “On the up side, Everything went according to the scenario, save the Bate's survival. Soth has left and Crimson Cradle’s operations have begun in earnest. Considering the Mint attacked me after I proposed we take down Soth together, I’m going to say things went well enough.”

”Wait, what?” Tetrad found herself physically laughing. This meant everyone around her would see a middle aged man throw back his head and laugh like a mad man. ”Mint thinks you’re a bigger threat than some world devouring horror? That’s hilarious! We’re public enemy number one already!”

“They are not fools, they are wise to fear me so much. Understand that I tell you this because the Mint is gunning for us hard. If they knew the type of things you had locked away in your head, I’m certain they’d make your capture a priority.”

”Good thing you’ve got a fail safe in case that happens.” Like most of the cradle agents. Veronica had a special relationship with Tetrad. She trusted her with more information than most. The drawback was that she wasn’t allowed around people that could easily read her mind. And if someone managed to, all of the information inside of it would be wiped away with an irriversable stroke of amnesia. ”Just turn me into an RPG protagonist if things get bad.”

“You’re becoming bored with this topic, and can no longer take it seriously. I suppose you weren’t interested in Silhouette’s recollection of the graveyard anyway.”

Tetrad’s eyes lit up. ”N-no! I’m interested! I uh, I’m just a little, you know, I just feel good because I completed a mission. ”

“I’m glad that’s all it is. Since I have your mind ‘disrobed,’ I’ll just put her memories of the event inside you.”

”Oh…” Tetrad looked ahead and saw an empty chair about fifty feet away. She began power walking towards it. ”Just let me get seated first, alright?”

“That feels like a waste of time.”

Tetrad broke into a run. ”Shiiiiiiit-shit-shit-shit-shit-shit-shit-GAAHHHHH!” When Veronica looked into Tetrad’s mind, she could barely feel a thing. Having memories forcibly shoved inside one’s mind was a bit more noticeable. There was a prickling sensation that enveloped the back of her head, and even crept down her spine when receiving memories that were longer than a few minutes. It was very stimulating, and often caused Tetrad to lose her balance. The transfers were not instantaneous, and moving during them was nigh impossible. It was like being under the effect of sleep paralysis. She was aware of her surroundings but only able to twitch her muscles during the entire transfer. Tetrad went limp across the arm wrests of the chair. She had to wonder if laughing, then running over to a cafe chair to pass out had caused anyone to wonder if she had any problems.

“Enjoy that?”

”Yea It was great.” Tetrad stood up and kicked the chair over. ”Next time let’s get a room so that we don’t inadvertently draw the Mint’s attention.”

“I want you to have a few eyes on you right now. But we’ll get to that later. Do you have Sam’s memories?”

”Oh yea.” Tetrad chuckled. ”Everything from her slicing up those magical girls to leaving the scene. And… oh!” Tetrad raised her eyebrows.

“There are a few things in her memories that I wanted you to see. Tell me what you notice.”

”Well for starters, that portal that swallowed up Elroy’s arm. That clearly leads into the catacombs. which means we’re probably dealing with ‘aqualung.’Who is…” She sighed. ”A memory thief or whatever. Sounds like I’m going to miss out if he gets involved in things.”

“Depends. We don’t know what Grandfather is doing in Penrose yet. But have you found anything else?”

”Naturally, the catacombs didn’t just appear out of nowhere. The mirror girl and the other one who’s…Uh, why does she look so weird?”

“She’s trying to hide with cloaking magic, but Sam has special vision. Such tricks don’t work on her.”

”Oh cool. Well, they have gray eyes. That paired with the portal to the catacombs means they’re his girls. Grandfather’s gifted have monochromatic eyes like that.”

“Someone’s been studying.”

”I try to remember the most fearsome horrors.” She stroked her chin. ”Anything else? The fight with the Bates is a little busy, so I can’t really focus on anything except for how cute Mika is.”

“Well, Mika is rather cute.”


“I said Sam finds Mika rather cute. It’s understandable you’d get that impression from her memories.”

”I believe you.” Tetrad grinned. ”Anyway, thank you. That could have been a Christmas gift.”

“It is not often I do such things, even with your level of clearance. It was also important to show you Mika, as I have a mission involving her that you will complete.”


Mika was feeling pretty good about arranging Lupa’s recovery. But she had to keep her end of the bargain, and that meant convincing Su and Helga to let the ghosts stay. She was pretty sure Helga wouldn’t have a problem with it, but Su could be a bit harder to convince, as she was less trusting of strangers. She ran for the Hotel as fast as she could, but she was going to encounter another surprise visitor. This one looked like one of those ladies who stood on street corners and sold love to people. She’d never seen them in Penrose, but Mika didn’t think it was a bad omen. A lot of people around the city don’t have any love in their lives, so it was good that they could buy some if they needed it. Fortunately Su, Helga, Boteg, the weird girl and masked guy, and those magical girls at the graveyard all showed Mika a lot of love. She couldn’t possibly take any more. But it seemed like regardless of what Mika wanted, they were going to approach her.

”Why Hello Mika! Don’t you look happy today?”

“You know my name?”

”Yes! I’m one of Veronica’s friends. Call me Tetrad.” She looked around before focusing squarely on Mika. ”I have a gift for you! Would you like a gift?”

Mika pushed her fingers together. “I don’t really need any love ma’am.”

Tetrad inhaled deeply, but she kept her smile up. ”The gift is from Veronica, for protecting Silhouette. ” One of her eyes twitched.

“Really?” Mika tipped her head. “I don’t think I helped that much. But okay!”

”Of course, it’s rude to turn away a gift anyway.” Tetrad reached into a pouch on her utility belt and pulled out a jeweled circlet. She placed it on top of Mika’s head and brushed her hair around it so that it would fit snugly.

“Oh, it’s pretty!” Mika took a picture of herself using her phone. “Tell her thank you for me!”

”It’s not just a decoration, silly.” Tetrad put her hands out in front of herself. ”You can use it to make platforms in front of your hands and feet.”

“Hmm?” Mika put her hands out in front of herself like a mime, and sure enough, an opaque barrier appeared in front of her hands. “Cool!”

”Pretty neat, huh?” She waved her hand. ”I’ll tell her you like it. You go do whatever it is you were doing.”

“Will do!” Mika said before running into the Golden Trove. Today was turning out to be so exciting! If she was any happier, she might just explode.

(Written with Ari bro)

The ride back home was a quiet one. Mika was in high spirits, but Su and Helga were still recovering from the event. They didn’t take a direct route back to the Golden Trove, as they were being followed. They flew between buildings, under bridges, before touching down just outside of the apartment complex.

”Helga and I are going to take a shower.” Su was talking with her eyes shut. She felt so tired. ”After that, we’ll all see Boteg together. So don’t go too far.”

"Yeah..." Helga quietly answered with a nod, lost in thought over what she had experienced today, wondering about the pirate girl, Sophia. She was also conflicted about her friendship with Sue; to her. "Hey, Sue..." She quietly spoke, having intoned her older name on purpose, to show she was serious. "You...You attempted to kill her, right? How...How could you do that?"

Su reached up to her mouth with a trembling hand. The spot on her lip that she bit had scabbed over.  ”Not in front of Mika, please. We’ll talk about it shortly.” She looked back at the beast girl before transforming back. ”How about you and Lupa play until we’re done.”

Mika nodded. “Alright!” Su took Helga by the wrist and walked inside. Mika could sense that the fight had taken a lot out of the two, but couldn’t quite put her finger on why. It felt like more than your every day getting tired though. It didn’t matter though. They would probably feel refreshed after a shower. Mika probably needed a bath too, but she wanted to play with Lupa! She hadn’t realize that she could get Lupa to do things just by talking to her. Telling her to fight by her side and ask her for suggestions during the fight was a lot better than manually controlling her. It was like Lupa had her free will back. “So Lupa, did you want to play?” She looked back in the direction of the nimbus, only to see that Lupa was staring down the street; the girl was crouched down with her legs bent and arms straight, much like an animal. “What are you doing Lupa? We’re home now! No reason to get excited.” Then, Lupa actually barked, and took off without saying a word, her tongue hanging loosely akin to a dog. “Did you spot Penny Lupa? Let’s get her!” Mika hopped onto all fours and ran after Lupa. She weaved between buildings before arriving at a dead end ally. “Come here Lupa! It looks dark over there. There’s no way out, and Penny could jump us!” But Lupa didn’t listen, and instead remained in the alleyway. “Are we playing tag? We really shouldn’t be this far away from home. Su said we might be followed. Let’s go back inside.” Mika crept closer to Lupa, who disappeared behind a dumpster, but jumped backwards when she someone sitting on a cardboard box, petting Lupa with a gentle smile as she scratched behind her ear.

The girl lifted her eyes up towards Mika, and her smile widened.
‘Lupa's a good dog. Aren't you?’ Jillian cooed, and Lupa barked again; Mika saw how her memory marbles seemed to glisten with iridescent light.
‘But, is this her true nature? As nothing but a mere pet? No, I think the fault lies with her curse. You see these too, right, Julia?’

‘Yes.’ The other ghost passed through the wall slowly, like from a horror movie.

Mika assumed a combat stance. “Who are you? You’re not with the terrifying one are you?” She squinted her eyes. ”I guess not, but why is Lupa acting so weird? Did you call her over here?”

‘Oh, this? Well, this is only possible because of her current state,’ Jillian stated, and stood up...Or rather, she stopped pretending like she was sitting, and floated up so her legs were no longer inside the box.
‘Our Psychic magic would otherwise have been powerless against such a strong will.’

Julia floated next to Jillian, and hesitantly lowered her hand towards Lupa's nose; the Beast girl attempted licking the hand, causing the shy girl to pull it back with a frightened expression.
‘Please, stop this.’
Jillian stopped the mind control on Lupa, causing her to stand back up with neutral expression. Julia then curtsied.
‘Greetings. Please excuse my twin's rudeness in playing with your friend.’
‘Yeah, sorry. I am Jillian, and this is Julia. You performed admirably as you fought against the Deceiver today. Pretty interesting how that ended up.’

“Add-mir-abbal-ly? Me?” She remembered what the cradle agents had told her and scratched her head. “It wasn’t all me. Sil helped me out too. So did Lupa.’” That was when Mika came to a realization. “Wait, you guys were there? What were you doing?”

Julia moved behind Jillian, peeking out from behind her.
‘We were there...because we.needed to contain the Deceiver's power. It’s a...long story.’ She averted her eyes, and seemed to turn just a bit more transparent.
‘And while there, we happened to notice your friend's condition.’ Jillian flashed a friendly smile.
‘We can help with that.’

Mika beamed with a smile. Her tail was making loud smacking sounds as it hit the pavement. “You can? I really want Lupa to be herself again!’” She walked closer to the ghost twins, no longer keeping up a defensive stance. “How does it work? Do you need anything to break the curse?’”

‘Oh, we have all we need to break it. We just-’
Julia suddenly tapped Jillian on the shoulder, and whispered to her ear. Jillian then nodded with an understanding expression.
‘Well, Julia and I have a proposition to make. In exchange for breaking Lupa’s curse, and restoring her will back, we would like to have a room at the Golden Trove hotel.’
‘Top floor, with a big window. We...Can pay.’ She opened her palm, showing a few Gold Coins.
‘And before you ask, we did think about asking directly from your other friends, but...They seemed to be in a bad mood. Well, can’t be helped, right?’ She scratched the back of her head with an apologetic chuckle.
‘So, how about it?’

Of course Mika would get them a room. She would give them her own room and sleep outside if it meant helping Lupa. This was probably her only chance to fix what had happened to her. But the deal did seem strange to Mika. Typically ghosts haunted mansions, and tended to scare people out of their dwellings. That would be a problem if they were to wander the hotel and scare away all the guests. But maybe they were nice ghosts, like Casper. Jillian had a strange aura about her, and felt she could trust her. Even if she was being a little mean to Lupa.
“I’ll do it. I’ll get you a room.” She pointed at Julia. “But you gotta keep it down, and try not to scare anyone. That’s my only rule.” She pulled her hand back and folded her arms. “Just give me a moment. I’ll get you guys a room if it’s the last thing I do!” She pointed at herself with her thumb. “I’m Mika by the way, we’ll probably be neighbors. Wanna just meet me by the entrance in a few hours? I need to talk to some people to get you a good room.”

Julia put her hands to her mouth, stifling a giggle, while Jillian sighed in relief.
‘I can promise you that, Mika. As for Julia...Well, I’ll try to keep her from pulling too many pranks, heh.’ The two of them now floated closer to Lupa.
‘Let’s begin, Jillian.’ She extended her hand towards her fluffy ear, seemingly disappearing inside it. Jillian moved beside her, and clutched at the marbles in her hair.
‘This will take a while, with these memories all jumbled up. See you in a bit, Mika.’

Mika nodded. “It’ll be nice to have more friends!” She turned around to go find Su and Helga. Hopefully things had cooled off in the two minutes she had been away.

Su was still angry, but not as much as when she was at the graveyard. She tried to meditate on the trip back, but it hadn’t really helped. The most stress relieving activity she had participated in was blowing away the beacon girls. It wasn’t healthy, and wasn’t the sort of thing you could do on a daily basis. But in a strange way she was thankful they were there. It was true what everyone said: Beacon girls made great punching bags.

Once Su and Helga walked inside, they made a beeline for the service elevator. A swipe of Su’s keycard was all it took to send the elevator plummeting to their level. This was an older elevator that most of the staff didn’t use. It was fast and up to code, but it was too small to hold much more than one or two people. Employees were typically moving around large bussing carts or the luggage of guests. This elevator had been made in simpler times when all employees were expected to do was take a mop to various floors of the building. But the demand for better service made installing a larger elevator vital to the Golden Trove’s success. This smaller elevator was left alone, as the building’s cross sections and stairs made upgrading impossible. Su used it as a personal elevator for when she wanted to get around quickly without holding up the rest of the staff.

The elevator was a little narrow, but Helga and Su could stand inside without touching so long as they didn’t stand side by side. It also lacked the glamour of the rest of the hotel, as Su had no plans for renovating it. The synthetic wooden walls went out of style towards the end of the 80’s, and the vinyl floor was peeling in the corners.

Helga transformed back to her maid-uniform wearing self. She held her shoulders as she looked away, not feeling strong enough to look at her in the eye at that moment."It was like...Seeing you try to...Well..." Whether she was actually a reincarnation, or just a magical fluke of fate, Helga couldn't find peace with Su’s brashness.
"I mean, I often lose control of my feelings, but to see you flip out, it was actually scary." She leaned her side against the elevator wall, and sighed. "I guess, in that way, we both inherited her foolishness." A teardrop stained the floor between them, as she was unable to hold her grief back.

Su had transformed back on her way into the elevator. She pushed a button on the control panel, and the booth began its accent. Su watched the buttons light up as they climbed floors. They had reached the second floor, the third, and then she pushed the stop button. Su brushed her hair back and leaned against the wall, looking directly at Helga.

”I don’t think a shower is going to fix this.” She took her thumb and wiped away the tear streak that had run down Helga’s face. ”I’m not mad right now, okay? Not at you. I’m-” She inhaled. ”I don’t want us to explain things to Boteg with awkward pauses between us, or to try and dodge each others glances. Okay? So we’re just going to talk. I just want to talk about today.” Su allowed herself to take one more deep breath before going on. ”So let’s talk about the pirate girl. You saw me vanish with her right? You thought I was going to kill her.” It was important to explain everything that had happened. This ensured Su understood the situation, and avoided a lot of needless back and forth. ”You decided to get help, you were going to stop me from doing that. Because it could be Amber somehow, maybe. It could be her.” Su averted her eyes. ”And then you got there, you saw I was confronting someone else. But you told me not to kill them. Because I would have, right?” Su lifted her hands up and placed them on Helga’s shoulders. Helga kept looking away, and turned more tense from the contact. Su locked her eyes on Helga, regardless.”When have I ever killed anyone?” Su found herself biting her lip again. She took a step back and let her hands slide off of Helga. ”I-I didn’t kill Justine! I didn’t kill Janet! I just thought that pirate girl might have been working for that horror. Taken over by it.” She placed a hand on the wall. ”A-A-Beacon? Beacon! You went to them for help? T-those hussies wanted to kill you! They probably wanted to kill me! W-why did you-” Su held her forehead. ”You really thought I was going to do it?”

Helga bit the corner of her lip, nodding. “You haven’t, I know! But I was desperate! I didn’t have any other choice at the moment!” She pulled on one of her drills; knowing how she only touched her hair when in moments of great distress, it was shocking to see. “I’ve...I’ve had enough. I don’t want to be angry anymore. I’m ready to move on. But when I saw you with that look...I was afraid you would repeat the same mistakes I have done many times over all my life!”

She forcibly pushed Su against the elevator wall, her face inches from hers. Su winced on impact. “You’re someone I look up to, Su. You’re the sensible voice in this sea of noise. When I lost Amber, you were the first one to tell me that it was going to be alright, that we could move on.” She grabbed Su’s hands by their fingers. “That’s why I was willing to give myself up, just to stop you. I won’t let these hands be stained with the blood of an innocent...Even If I have to let Beacon kill me.”
The elevator bell ringed, and the doors opened. Helga removed her touch, and turned away, still shaking from her outburst. “I’m calling dibs on the shower. I need a minute.” She then walked away, leaving a trail of clothes thrown off haphazardly.

Su remained frozen in place. She could still feel Helga’s grasp on her fingers long after she left the elevator. But what really had Su pinned in place was what Helga had said. It was a lot to take in at once, and she wasn’t in the right state of mind to try to make sense of it. Su couldn’t understand how you could look up to someone and also feel like you needed to save their soul. Whatever was going on here, it wasn’t over. Su had more she wanted to say, and she wasn’t going to let Helga’s tantrum get in the way of it.

Helga was out of sight, but It was not hard to tell where she had gone. Su pushed herself off the wall and marched down the path littered with clothes. She stepped over an apron, a blouse, and various other articles of clothing before arriving at the end of the trail. When Su got to Helga’s room, She kicked off her heels which landed beside a pair of buckled shoes. Su swiped her key card before walking inside. Nothing in this building was going to keep Su from seeing Helga. She turned to walk into the bathroom where the shower was running. But as she got closer, she could also hear Helga sobbing. This gave her pause, and caused her to approach with care.
When Su entered the bathroom, Helga wasn’t stirred by her presence. She was wearing a shirt with one sleeve out, and with a half-pulled sock dangling off her foot; the other one was on the floor, soggy from water. She was huddled in the corner of the shower, hugging her knees against her chest. The water from the shower rained down on her back, saturating her shirt.

”Helga?” There was no anger in Su’s voice. Only concern.

“...Terrible...” She weakly spoke amidst her sobs, and then slowly looked up; her eyes were puffed from how much she had been crying. “I’m terrible, Su. I...I couldn’t...” She gulped. “I couldn’t trust you...I’m a horrible person. After all this time, I still...” She took a moment, breathing heavily. “I’m sorry, ok? I’m a complete mess now, thanks to seeing that girl. It’s like the the wounds I stitched together, like, opened.” She pressed her cheek back against the cold wall.

Su placed a hand over her mouth. She walked over to the sink and looked at her reflection in the mirror. ”I see.” With a tug, Su pulled the ribbons on her head free. This caused her hair to fall down her back like a silver curtain. Next, Su pulled her shirt over her head and packed it into a ball. Once it was as tight as she could make it, she dropped it on the floor at her feet. Su didn’t bother removing her bra, the skirt part of her qipao, or her pantyhose. She marched into the shower and pressed her back against the wall. She slid down into a sitting position and grabbed her knees, right next to Helga. The water made her pantyhose transparent. ”I don’t like it, but I think your behavior was justified.” She turned to look at Helga. ”This entire time you’ve been trying to better yourself. Every week since Amber’s death, you’ve been taking on more responsibilities. You watch after Mika, you help manage the hotel, and you answer Boteg’s summons so that I don’t have to. Meanwhile, I’ve been working to distance myself from everyone so that I could get stronger. Getting Amber’s boat back has become my life, and I haven’t been spending as much time with you or Mika as I should be.”

“Amby’s...boat?” Helga asked quietly, and managed to look at Su again. Su reached over to Helga and brushed a hair out of her face, causing her to flinch.

”I thought I was alone. I convinced myself that nobody could love Amber as much as I did. I knew her for over a year. I knew her longer than Boteg did. Imagine my surprise when I witnessed your rage. ” Su folded up her arms again. ”I had no idea you had that much passion inside you. When I put myself between you and that Beacon girl, my only worry was that I might not save you in time.” Su placed a hand on Helga’s shoulder. ”I’m just upset with myself. That things got so out of hand that you had to ask Beacon to stop me.”

“They always seem to do with me around,” Helga replied, and gradually accepted Su’s touch. Su looked at the floor and smiled.

”I’m honestly not sure what I would have done to that pirate girl if you didn’t show up. I didn’t go there to kill her, but I wanted to. I’d like to think I’d have spared her, but I wouldn’t have spared Justine. I only spared her because you told me to. You said it wasn’t what Amber would have wanted.”

Helga’s eyes widened. “I...I did. It’s what I truly believe in, even to this day. She was kind of heart, to the very end.” With a sigh, Su’s smile vanished.

”If you can’t trust me, the fault is mine. You have nothing to be ashamed of. I need to be someone you can count on, and that means I need to stop dwelling on the past. It’s the only way I can put the anger behind me.” She looked up at Helga.

Helga no longer held her legs, having let her hands fall down. “Y-You mean it?” She hesitantly asked.

Su’s answer was to slid her hand behind Helga’s back and grab her far shoulder. Helga averted her eyes, but didn’t push herself away. ”We’ll find that pirate girl and talk to her. Figure out who or what she is. We’ll find Janet too, I need to forgive her. In the end, she was just being used by Justine.” She hugged Helga, not caring that her clothes were getting soaked. ”We’ll get Amber’s ship back too. Boteg is insisting on the death of the great one’s champion, but we’ll find a way around it. We’ll seal her away or force her to follow another patron. I won’t get Amber’s ship back only to hold it in blood stained hands.” She lifted Helga’s chin up so that she could look her in the eyes.
”Will you help me do these things? Do you trust me?”

A long moment of silence ensued, until finally, Helga lifted her arms, and hugged her back. “Yeah…I’ve decided. I will trust you, Su. No matter what happens, we’ll get Amby’s ship back.” With hesitant steps, she lifted herself up, helping Su get up as well. Her sock fell off.
“If it comes to it, I’ll kill her myself.” She took a deep breath.

And then, they realized they were nearly naked in the shower.

“Uhh...This is awkward.”

Su slowly folded her arms over her chest. ”It is.”

“Well, whatever.” She punched the valve, and let the steaming water gush down with full force. “Might as well do laundry while we’re here.”

Even if Su was embarrassed, she couldn’t stop herself from smiling. ”Should save on water that way, at least.”

Jenna did not have much luck getting Lotus's attention, likely because she was listening to Alicia. But Faith gave her a nod. "I'm Faith, daughter of Gaia! I'd shake your hand, but as you can see, my hands are filled with a pair of tense shoulders.“

”Killed?“ Lotus put a hand on her chin. ”How can I have my rematch if she's dead?“ She mumbled the words to herself. What Alicia said about Binky did nothing to improve Lotus's mood. She stormed off without waiting for a response. Lotus grated her teeth until she was out of ear shot. ”I should not have doubted Sammy. She was correct that Beacon lusted after the power of the coins.“ She levitated into the air before floating towards Serenity. ”If she wants to barter for information, than perhaps we should take something beacon wants?“ The nearby Beacon girls raised their weapons at Lotus, ordering her to back down, but it did nothing to deter her.

Faith hugged the maid girl's shoulders. ”L-Lotus! Heh, we can't just whisk this girl away. Cindy's part of the alliance now, and this could cause trouble in her City. We must be mindful of our allies~“

”Hrmm.“ Lotus stopped. ”Very well. We will talk with Cindy first.“ She looked down at Serenity before looking back at Faith. ”If you're done giving out free shoulder rubs, I would like to leave post haste.“

"Only one left is for you~!“ Faith's words caused the octopus girl to place her hand over her face. "Anywho, I hope we can meet again on better terms, Jenna. Lotus is just a little cranky because her rival isn't around anymore. But please take my word for it. The longer you allow Binky to make those coins, the worse off Penrose will be. Please tell your superiors to reconsider giving her sanctuary.“ Faith stepped away from Serenity and departed with Lotus. She wasn't able to get much out of their surface thoughts for the short duration they were around. Just that they were indeed allied with Cindy Ford and believed Binky to be evil.

Why Su was here didn’t really matter anymore. Her mind was so overtaken with emotion that there were few things she could focus on. She was vaguely aware a ship was pointing its cannons at her, but most of her focus was on Jenna. In the moment, she couldn’t remember why she had come here. None of that explained Jenna’s sudden appearance anyway. Letting her talk for so long without pause was annoying. Hearing she was Janet’s twin soul made her furious. Hearing her go on about how sorry she was made Su bite her lower lip unti it bled. Excuses and pity weren’t things the former familiar wanted. Su opened her mouth to speak, but she caught the sight of Helga in the corner of her eye. That wasn’t her main concern though. Su Knew what the beacon banner looked like, and the sight of it was turning Su’s anger into fear.

She didn’t care that she was a dark magical girl, black wings spread for all to see. The fact that she looked like she was about to assault a former member of Beacon didn’t cause her to pause either. It was the way they were looking at Helga. It was when Helga used her sonic scream to throw her voice through Su’s windstorm that she understood. She had bartered with them to come here. Su didn’t know what they were going to do to her, but they were going to execute Helga. That was how beacon worked. If you were a dark magical girl or a monster, you deserved to be killed. Su needed to leave. Fast.

Su was ready to put her plan into action when Helga got close. The first thing she did was put a vacuum around Helga, Herself, and Jenna by virtue of her being close. It is widely believed that the vacuum of space will cause your body to implode because of the tremendous pressure. But It’s all negative pressure, so there is no danger of being compressed into a cube. You are far more likely to explode due to the air in your lungs expanding from the lack of atmospheric pressure containing it. Su was aware of this, and erected the vacuum gradually to prevent this. There were other threats of course, like the boiling point of water dropping to the point that the moisture in your body would evaporate away (ebullism). But the real danger was the lowering level of oxygen in your bloodstream. That would cause a normal human to black out in about ten seconds. Su did not plan to keep everyone in the vacuum that long though. The others were hardly aware Su had done anything. The only tip off they might have had was that Su was no longer surrounded by swirling wind, and that they couldn’t hear anything. Sound was just vibrating air, after all.

The rest of Su’s spell blast was to summon a wind storm. It blanketed the area, so there was no escaping it. The wind came at them like a tsunami,tumbling like water. They could hear an ear splitting howl as it washed over them. Due to the nature of the attack, the wind’s effect was dependant on the profile of the target. Any of the beacon girls that were standing up would likely be swept up and thrown by Su’s magic. But once they were laying on their back, the wind would harmlessly rush over them. The spell was over a large area, but as a trade off it wasn’t nearly as strong as the twister Su had summoned earlier. Everyone in the vacuum was safe, as the pressure kept the wind off of them.. With the opposition reeling, Su shifted out of the Overcity with Helga and Jenna in tow. The winds were calm again.

When Su appeared on the other side of the shift, the first thing she did was looked at Jenna. ”Janet sent you to speak on her behalf. That shows how little she trusts me and how little she values her friends. I’m not going to entertain the idea of us ever working together. If she wants to help, she can stop telling other people about me. As for you…” She looked back to Helga. ”We’re going to talk when we get back, I doubt beacon is going to take that laying down.” Su placed a hand on the side of her head. She wanted to scream, hit someone, break down crying, anything. But perhaps taking a hot shower would have to do. ”Mika! We’re leaving!” She wiped the blood off of her lip.

“Coming!” Mika was a bit flustered when Helga disappeared so suddenly, but was glad to see Su and her were back in sight. She couldn’t run to her yet. Mika wandered up to Rina with a rock in her hand. “Here!” Mika wasn’t the type to carry around a pencil and paper, but was able to etch her phone number into a rock before handing it over to Rina. “I gotta go home now, but I’d like you to call me later. We can eat Pizza and talk about magical girl stuff. And clear up the misunderstanding that I’m actually not a monster girl.With her business concluded, she hurried towards Su and Helga. “Want to ride the nimbus?” Su nodded. The feline magical girl danced in place and a white cloud appeared next to her. “All aboard!” she said before hopping on.

”Hmmmmm… More than just Shining Scale, I’d like to know what you’ve discovered with Binky.“ Lotus Paced around Alicia until she was standing in front of her. ”According to Sammy, you took Binky into custody with the intention of finding out who she works for. But she doubted your claims and insists that you’re just using her to produce more of those coins.I personally doubt it. Her boss is clearly an evil sort, one I would suspect Beacon would be interested in locking away.“

@Crusader Lord@t2wave

Su had every advantage she could possibly want in this fight. She was more experienced than her opponent, stronger than her opponent, and if Sophia trying to yell into a hurricane was any indication, far smarter as well. The land mines detonated as soon as they touched the debris in her storm,which were carried past Su into the sky. The ship’s “surprise” Appearance was hardly that. The wind and Su were one, and she could feel it traveling over the ship as it started to appear. Su immediately gained altitude to put herself above her new opponent. And there they stood, Su inside her twister, and Sophia by her ship.

Su might have been a new magical girl, but as a familiar she had been around for a while. She had seen all sorts of sights with Boteg, and knew the difference between a ship that was created by a girl’s magic, and one that was her patron. If Su wasn’t so upset, she might have laughed at the patron coming to aid the pirate in such a direct manner. That would be like an emperor personally showing up to assist the army, It made the patron look embarrassingly inadequate. Boteg might have been a coward, but he would never humiliate Su by attempting to personally save her in a fight. Especially not at the first sign of danger. The worst part was that it didn’t change anything. Su could just push forward and pull the ship into her storm. By the time the cannons adjusted for her position, she’d have eradicated the two of them.

But the situation had changed. The reason why Su attacked Sophia was because Su suspected the horror in the sky had managed to turn Amber into an evil magical girl. It was that small chance that she could be wrong that was making her fight so defensively. Even if it wasn’t at the forefront of Su’s mind, she wouldn’t kill Sophia if she couldn’t prove she was legitimately evil. Su let Justine go, after all. And if Su could spare the person who killed her only friend, then she could spare a magical girl who had yet to really show what she was made of. The ship’s appearance revealed the the girl’s true nature. Sophia was the product of a vulture. A grave robber. A third party that took advantage of Amber’s vulnerable corpse. Su’s fight wasn’t with the magical girl, it was with the unseen patron. Su was confident she could split her storm and demolish the ship on either side of Sophia. She was prepared to do this before she got a transmission…

When trying to talk people out of doing something, it’s 20% how you say it and 80% who says it. Boteg could just say “stop” and get Su to obey. But Jenna did have that luxory. Su looked over her shoulder at the newly arrived. The way she was talking was like she knew Amber at a time. It was evident to Su that Jenna wasn’t just prodding through her memories. Even the best psychic girls would need more than a few seconds to know what was going on here, as evident as her rage was. Su’s strong magical potency also made her resistant to such things. Clearly something was off. She knew more than she should.

The storm faded away as Su glided to Jenna’s position. She had her back to the ship, but was prepared to shift as soon as it tried to fire at her.

”I’m sorry, do I know you?” Su’s wings flexed and bent in the wind. ”I can’t say I ever remember seeing you. You’re talking about what Amber would want, yet I’ve known her for the entirety of her magical girl life.” Her lower lip was quivering. ”I know her favorite color, her favorite places to eat, her dreams, what makes her insecure, what makes her happy, and I know all of her friends. But with all that I know, I haven’t seen you once.” Her voice was cracking. ”So who are you? What makes you think you can tell me what Amber would want?” Even though Su had stopped her attack, she was pulling a tremendous amount of mana into herself. The ground under Su was cracking under the pressure.
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