Avatar of CaptainManbeard


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I listen to a little bit of everything. My music on shuffle goes from Veggie Tales to Eminem to Phantom of the Opera to Green Day and everything in between.

I’m gonna work on my Iceman character before I post. Figure now is still enough time to work him into the fold without having to backtrack too much.

Uuuuughh I love Phantom of the Opera, especially Nightwish's version. The music calls to me!

I still haven’t figured out what to do with my Storm character.

So far I have

Born and raised in Wakanda
Parents died (Likely in Earthquake)
Taken to Orphanage
Eventually adopted by wealthy family
Comes to America at some point



Sounds good so far :D.
I decided to take elements of this RP and fuse it with my Ballad of Mallory Dane idea to create an original story to publish on Tapas. I'll link you guys once the first chapter is up. Also, here's the old video I did for Mallory Dane, which had me voicing narration over scenes acted out in Sims 4. The quality is shit, which is why I abandoned that version of it, but the training montage leading into the opening credits was cool, and Mallory was partially based on Keanu Reeves, lol.

And here's an older Sims 4 video I did with an anime-style opening and closing. I never filmed any actual scenes other than the footage used in the opening and clothing themes, "Damian's Long Goodbye" evolved into "The Ballad of Mallory Dane."

This awfully feels like a fetish-influenced rape fantasy idea to me.

Any sexual aspects of the story would be in PM, the actual public thread would be legitimate fantasy storytelling. Though I doubt much rape would be going on since our characters eventually become refugees and try to sneak their slaves over the border to free them. In case it wasn't obvious, I intended for our group to eventually join the anti-slavery side. :D
This Interest Check as been retired.

I'm envisioning an alternate Earth where magical beings known as feyfolk exist. In this world, southern Germany is replaced by the English-speaking kingdom of Aedyria, where slavery of feyfolk has been deeply woven into the society for centuries. Laborers, town guards, sexual consorts, den mothers, etc. -- different types of feyfolk serve different purposes. One law that seems prominent in older, traditionalist towns and villages is that slaves must be fully nude at all times and are legally prohibited from spurning advances by humans, unless their owner has specifically commanded them to remain chaste.

King James VII was a tyrant like the rulers who came before him, but after his untimely death, his young son, Prince Abraham, inherits the throne. The new king immediately tears a schism within the country by announcing a gradual process to outlaw slavery, and many of the older, traditionalist noble families rally behind his uncle, Lord Finis, who makes the claim Abraham is too young and inexperienced to rule and that his policies will permanently harm their kingdom. This begins planting the seeds for an eventual civil war.

But for our characters, this political unrest is in the background, in the distance, at least in the beginning. We live in the small town of Rothenburg, far away from the capital city. You can play slaves or townspeople, fulfilling whatever role you'd like. Feel free to use your imagination to craft feyfolk, whether they are catgirls, bunnygirls, monstergirls, or whatever. Our story will start in Rothenburg, but eventually when the conflict reaches our little town many of us become refugees, perhaps trying to get our feyfolk allies across the southern border into Switzerland, where slavery has been outlawed for years. Unfortunately the border is being guarded by men loyal to Finis, so our group has to take a detour through the Swiss Alps which pits us against dragons, trolls, and bandits. I've added the 18+ tag because of the mature themes and the strong possibility for smutty side stories played out in PM.

I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's character ideas :D.
So what kind a music does everyone like to listen to? Cry Thunder by DragonForce has been my favorite song and go-to geek hype music for like eight years, lol.

Okay, I made some light changes to have Donny still on the other side of the park with the Maximoff twins. Feel free to post now, everyone. I think we're in a good place to move forward now.

Oh myyy!
As for the agents, S.H.I.E.L.D. will definitely have a visible presence, but it's going to endlessly annoy the FBI trying to do their job. Up until this point, S.H.I.E.L.D. has been glorified as a conspiracy theorist's wet dream, with the more street-wise FBI saying stuff like, "What, they called in S.H.I.E.L.D.? Oh great, aren't they those psychos always chasing UFOs and Bigfoot?" Since the world has been largely "normal" prior to the Terrigen Crisis, S.H.I.E.L.D. has not yet evolved into the enormous agency it is in canon. In this version, it stands for Special Hazard Investigation, Enforcement, & Logistics Division. They basically gather intel on anything deemed to be a "Special Hazard," dating back to the days of the SSR (Strategic Scientific Reserve) in the 1940s. The sudden emergence of over a hundred mutants is going to immensely expand S.H.I.E.L.D. and it's operations, with President Takei signing an Executive Order to triple the size of the agency to deal with the new influx of Special Hazards.
So depending on what Rennie wants, the only real change I'll need to make to my post is removing the impression that Donny, Owen, Waylon, and Petra walked over towards the interns. Maybe the four of them could just go to the hospital and that's where they meet Samira later, like you said. I'll wait for Rennie's input on that before I move forward with it, and then we can go from there.
So I think the best way to get back on the right track is for each of you post your thoughts on the situation, where you feel I went wrong in the IC, and what you would like to see moving forward. That will help me steer us back in a good direction.
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