Avatar of Cat22


Recent Statuses

3 mos ago
Current I’ve called players out before for disrespecting a dark era of my country’s history. Afterwards, I left the server in question and blocked both individuals.
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3 mos ago
Also, show of hands… Who wants a Pokémon RP involving the daily life of a group of misfits who are lab experiments?
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3 mos ago
Paras in PLA is basically the definition of “I woke up and chose VIOLENCE.” Change my mind.
3 mos ago
So… the apocalypse but it’s Final Fantasy might not work out however, I plan on writing the lore when the actual thread is made.
3 mos ago
Guess Who’s Back for a bit?
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||18||She/Her||Cat Lady?||Final Fantasy Fan||Plays Video Games A Lot||

A 18 year old Final Fantasy fan who has been roleplaying for four years. I’m a fandom roleplayer first and foremost who tends to like a bit of chaos being present in roleplays since I find it to be fun. To that extent, I can usually be seen lurking around multifandom threads the most although I’m usually friendly to requests to roleplay. I also only use male and non-binary characters in roleplays due to being uncomfortable with playing female characters.

My Favorite Characters
  • Vaan
  • Bartz Klauser
  • Tidus
  • Firion
  • Riddle Rosehearts

My Fandoms
  • Final Fantasy
  • Kingdom Hearts
  • Project SEKAI
  • Fire Emblem
  • Pokémon
  • Disney
  • Disney Twisted-Wonderland
  • Monster Hunter

And yes, the cat in my profile picture is my cat. I have three of them! And yes, Layla is a chicken nugget thief.

Most Recent Posts

Sure! Just give me a few moments to get a starter put together!

Who doesn't like Isekai ?

Can I play an Elf?

Sure you may! Isekai is fun after all especially the reverse isekais. I’ve seen a few of those and they’re a good spin on the genre.
Hello There

I’ve recently been in the mood for a Final Fantasy roleplay as of lately however, finding them can be rather difficult. Whether it be through just a general disinterest in the series, a lack of knowledge about it, or even the occasional age gate (which isn’t an issue anymore except for the 20+ and 21+ age gates), finding Final Fantasy roleplays has kind of been difficult for me hence the reason why I tried to create my own… to mixed results. However, that doesn’t mean that I am not willing to try again hence the reason why I have decided to put various plots in this forum.

I am currently 18 years old however, I don’t really have any age requirements for general plots aside from romance ones. To that extent, if you want to add in MxM romance or MxNB romance in a RP with me, you have to be 18+ since I don’t really want to write romance with anyone outside of my age group. Also, PLEASE be honest about your age.

As always, NSFW is a huge no-no for me so I will not be incorporating it in any of my RPs due to being uncomfortable with NSFW themes.

And as for some plots, they will be here although only 1x1 roleplays are going to be listed here.

1x1 Roleplay Ideas

Feel free to suggest a plot as well. Besides, these are only a few plots.

That’s amazing! I’m the most familiar with the Dissidia series although I also know the basic story of Final Fantasy X. As for the series that I have spent the most time playing, it’s Dissidia. I just like how interactions can happen in there that don’t happen anywhere else.

I also have some ideas for quite a few Dissidia related plots as well.
Sweet! I’ve been wanting to do a Final Fantasy Roleplay for a long while and what games are you familiar with if you don’t mind me asking.

<Snipped quote by Cat22>

Happy belated birthday. Might be getting a new job soon, I just need different surroundings and to meet different people.

You’re actually just in time for that birthday wish. I turned 18 today.
I’m still searching but this time for more Final Fantasy roleplays.
“Shut up… I don’t want to talk right now…” Tidus muttered softly before he ended up swimming into the corner of his enclosure. While he opted to also curl up within said enclosure, he remained completely silent as he did so with the only sign that he was still moving being the occasional flick of his tail.

“I am Vaan. I do not know the reason why I was brought here however, all I do know is that I’m pretty much stuck here for the time being.” Vaan muttered softly before he ended up jumping into the lagoon. While this triggered an automatic shift from his human form into his merfolk form as soon as he hit the water, he also ended up poking his head out of the water as well.
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