Avatar of Chuuya
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 4 yrs ago
  • Posts: 696 (0.46 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Chuuya 4 yrs ago
    2. █████ 4 yrs ago
    3. ████ 4 yrs ago
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3 yrs ago
Some things are just certain. Like death, taxes, and lying in the Mystery Dungeon personality tests.


No, I can't believe how little all this means to me.

I'm a long-time Roleplayer looking to do something with my life. My name is Chuuya, Chuu, or Oliver and I'm a 23 year old that lives with relatives outside Tampa. I like 2D fighting games, discovering new music on the daily, and I'm about as much of a weaboo as the next guy. At the moment, I'm currently in the middle of guerilla warfare with the roaches in my bathroom and the dumbest thing I've ever done was fly across the country for work during a national crisis. I like listening to people's problems and I sometimes think about the fanfictions that I'd like to write too. I'm also pretty good at reading people, but other than that, I'm actually pretty boring.

I don't have a preference for Roleplaying though I tend to bore very easily and get distracted by the next shiny plot that comes along. I'm open to about anything though I'm too inexperienced for smut (I have to know my partner for a minimum of a year before I feel comfortable writing it anyway). I've been Roleplaying for a little over a decade now and I'm mostly adjusted to "chat-based" Roleplays (i.e. Discord), but I'm open to new experiences. That's all I can think for now, but ask me anything and I'll be happy to share.

My best friends, @Lyly and @Tiger, also use this website.

  • The Collision Games
  • Starfall Hollow

Most Recent Posts

@Rodiak@Dr Lovecraft

Sorry for the late responses, but both of are you accepted. Feel free to drop your characters into the Character Tab whenever you have a chance. I'm sure it was sheer coincidence, but I really love how both of your characters have December 21st as a birthday.
So, what qualifies as 18+? It says "adult themes" but like... death is technically an adult theme, and death can be found in the most kid friendly media. I'm assuming it's more like an R rating or an M rating? More drugs and sex than anything else?

18+ usually applies to graphic erotic content (ex: "smut" or "ERP"). This, for example, is what the rules of the Guild apply to. What ELSE falls under that umbrella tends to vary from person-to-person though. Sometimes people also just use the 18+ tag to mark that they don't want to write with minors for miscellaneous or comfort reasons as well.

Hope that answers your question.
In Deify 3 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
Goddess Of Many Roleplays.
What ZAVA said. If you need help finding an avatar, I'm sure that most of us would be happy to help with that too!

I absolutely love him. Completely relate to "confused" too. Feel free to throw him into the character tab whenever you have a free moment.
I'm actually working on a character for that winter RP of yours. I hope you like them when they're done. ^^

Oh, fantastic. Looking forward to seeing you! We have an OOC Discord if you'd like to pop in and say hello too!
Well, it looks like everyone already jumped in with answers before I could, but if you have anymore questions or just want to talk, then feel free to shoot me a message anytime. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy the time that you spend on and find what you're looking for.
Welcome to the Guild, @Dr Lovecraft.

First off, I would like to say that I would be more than happy to help you however I can. I'm usually around to answer questions and you might also find some help from the folks on the Official RoleplayerGuild Discord (accessed through the top bar of the website) too. You might also find some use in our Articles & Guide section or by perusing through the Suggestions/Problems forms.

Is there any specific questions that I can answer for you in the meantime?

Looks like a good addition to me. I have a feeling that she'll definitely enjoy her time at The Peak. Sorry that it took so long for me to respond, but it looks like you're all set. Just throw her into the Character tab whenever you have a minute.
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