Avatar of Citrus


Recent Statuses

8 mos ago
Current I'm back, if you remember me, and would like to Roleplay again, Let Me Know!
1 like
1 yr ago
So sorry to all my partners. Did not think I'd be away for 9 days. Sheesh, I'll reach out and get in touch tonight or tomorrow morning!
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1 yr ago
Sorry, it's been rough.
2 yrs ago
My day off, and nothing to do! D:
2 yrs ago
I need a fluffy RP in my life. Chilly weather, Pumpkin Spice, Everything Nice...


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Most Recent Posts

@Dark Cloud
So I should post it here, I'm comically in experienced with this! lmao
Hello, my name is Citrus... though that is kind of redundant information, as you probably already knew that....
I'm not the greatest at writing these searching threads, as I usually just search through the posted ads and find stuff I like... but this is a unique idea that I am looking to play out.

Age I'm looking for 21+ here... I'm looking for someone who is mature, willing & able to deep dive into character emotions and the real state of our world.

The World is something we will build over time, and I really am using world-building loosely. I want my character to be traveling the world, and experiencing new and vibrant place when they do so! Whether your character is always someone new, or a steady traveling companion, I'm all for it!

I think that sums up all my needed firm ground rules. I guess I should throw in, don't be strange.

Closed for now!~ Thanks for the interest!

I am searching for my Rival!
So that we can journey through the world of Pokémon together!
I'm hoping to largely stick close to the feel of a Pokémon game.

By that I mean:

- Our character will start the journey with their starter Pokémon.
- Our team will grow slowly, and round out a team used to tackle the Gyms of our Region. (One of our own making or One of the established ones.)
- There will be some Team Rocket plan that our characters will tackle together, and unite to save the region.
- An Elite Four and Champion Battle, before deciding what's next for our characters!

Some edits to the Pokémon universe, I would like to see for our heroes is:

- The Journey begins at the age of 18, and is something that teens prepare for if they intend to take it.
- The Nuzlocke rule, a trainer is assigned a permit or tag, allowing them to capture one Pokémon per route.
- Like above, I am perfectly fine assigning our Pokémon to have just one life. Having some tragedies along the way, could bring our characters closer together... and over all bring a slightly darker theme to some of the encounters.
- This rule for my character specifically, who wants to be a Pokémon professor... To be a professor, one must first experience the entirety of the region, and defeat the champion.

In short I'm looking for a friendly face, to share a Pokémon journey with. I'm not sure about what else will happen along the way! Romance, or not, it doesn't matter to me. I'm fine with writing darkness into our plot, so long as there is an approriate amount of sunshine to back it up. It's Pokemon, our characters are supposed to achieve their dreams after all!

I am Citrus!
I have about 10years of Role-playing experience. I do mostly modern or fantasy, slice of life and Romance.
I am looking for partners, in role-plays along those lines.
I play mostly females, but enjoy any gender.
I'm down for any pairing of gender!

I'm not sure what I'm looking for, to be honest.
I love to hear what other people are looking for, and that's why I typically don't have a search/interest thread!

Anyways, I am looking for partners who are atleast 18+.
I land somewhere in the middle for smut to story. Sometimes I'm down with it, others I don't care for it.

Hit my inbox with a few of your biggest cravings and let's talk!!
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