Avatar of CollectorOfMyst


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5 yrs ago
Well, guess I'm back here again. It's been a while.
7 yrs ago
The things I do for spam topics... neon pink avatar coming up...
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7 yrs ago
The pain of constantly refreshing an active page with a lot of people on it in case someone posts...
7 yrs ago
Just stayed up the whole night doing RP stuff... now to see if it was worth it...
7 yrs ago
Gonna be out for the day, people, so I won't really be RPing much.


Hey, there. Myst here, as you've probably guessed. Can't exactly write in other people's bios, can you? But, you're probably reading this for a reason, so I'll get to it.

I prefer high-Casual and Advanced games, in a medieval, fantasy or sci-fi setting, because that's the sort of nerd I am.

I'm a thinker - I've thought a lot on certain things, and am firm in my beliefs. So you could ask me what I thought about a good few things and I could give a well-reasoned answer. Or a less reasoned answer based on my morals.

TheCharactersOfMyst - This is my storage for past and present characters, and where I might occasionally go for nostalgia and/or recycling a character I've used before.

Most Recent Posts

*lurks, unsure if I could keep up with the apparent pace of this, but wants to try out this sort of RP at one point or another...*
I hope I'm doing this right.

*Behind them, a young man with a cybernetic eye pops his head through a hatch in the ceiling.*

"That's not going to work, Jora. No power, no comms. We're in dead space here, and we're only going to drift."

*He pulls himself through, holding the edge and swinging himself around before dropping down lightly.*

Since I assume that you do indeed want to go ahead with an ambush, as discussed in Discord, please roll me some initiative.
@Fuzzybootz I'm not Lovejoy, but I'm sure she won't mind.


As Lear began to walk away from them, Scott immediately began to jog after him. “I’m aware that I’m weak, sir. It’s, ah, nothing new. Pixies aren’t usually very strong in our books, either.”

When the man mentioned Geir and Mirabelle, Scott nodded for a moment. Then a thought came up. “And do you plan to tell them? About us... being summoned? I really don’t know how this works. I could hide, maybe. That way you could break it to them cleanly, or you could-” He cut himself off. He was rambling. “I- um- sorry.”

His face turning red, Scott looked down at his feet. They were absolutely filthy, he realised. Well, of course, they were. He had been running barefoot this whole time, and he certainly hadn’t washed up since… well, since he was born. He idly wondered over the state he was in, and how he might go about fixing that. A shirt and shoes would be nice, at least.

“And, uh. To answer your question...” he mumbled into his chest. “Nobody can really say if demons exist or not. Monsters, too. Or if they used to exist but don’t anymore. Our gods are... mostly distant, I think. Some people don’t believe in any of it, but a lot of people do or want to. But the idea of demons and a lot of other monsters... they’re usually used by parents to convince their children to not do bad things.”

It was at that point that Miiba started to run around him and Lear, expressing her excitement at having a friend. That really did confirm it, then. She was childlike, even though Scott was probably around the same age as her in this world. A small smile appeared on his lips as she approached him.

"Mira nice. Geir angry. Lear say mean well, so Miiba just be Miiba, nothing more can do. Miiba want be friends too, but no think they want to be friends... not with gob. Or not yet anyway...Miiba no know,"

“Well, ah - I’m sure the two of them will come around eventually.” Scott told her. “Some people are just... wary of strangers.”

As he passed through the gate, ushered in by Lear, the pixie looked back over his shoulder at the forest.

“With good reason, usually.”
@The Harbinger of Ferocity Sorry, bud. You're outnumbered. 😅 You make valid points, but it's a lot easier to manage things.

To all; when you join the server, @ me, and I'll give you a role especially for you; it'll make private messages easier to handle.

@Tangletail@Vertigo@Eleven I will say, there should be a brief bit of collaboration on your guys' part. It'll be your choice whether or not you guys engage the enemy, and how you'll go about doing this.

There's another thing I want to bring up, and that's a Discord server. @Lucius Cypher@The Harbinger of Ferocity, you two can weigh in, too. It can be trying, at times, especially since we've fallen into a slow, but comfortable pace. It would mean I'd be more easily reachable, and it would help with inter-party dynamics if you guys can discuss things like that. It would be text only, but the majority of the IC would remain on here.
Your pieces said, and your determination renewed, you set out into the night, keeping to shadows and alleyways. There is a collective flinch every once in a while, when Magdar stumbles into a barrel, or when Vaal stubs his toe on an uneven flagstone, but you draw no attention.

Linan is leading the way, Cuth, Magdar and Cassandra on her heels. She is about to turn a corner when Magdar's hand shoots out and grabs her.

"Careful." he mutters.

He points out onto the street, where two taller figures and one shorter one are emerging from a house ahead. It could be a family but for the gleaming scimitars, one held by each of the taller two. The third has a curiously humped back, and it is carrying some sort of bag or sack with it. They pass a burning oil lamp, and their faces are illuminated for a brief moment.

A human man and an elven woman, both garbed in leather armour. Behind them is a kobold... or, as Vaal would call them, an Urd. Winged Kobold.

They do not seem to be aware of your presence but they are in your way.
@Tangletail@Vertigo@Eleven Since I'm assuming that you're all going to say yes, please could each of you roll a stealth check.

Cassandra - 21
Sebastian - 9
Surina, Tarya and Artus - 16
Magdar, Linan and Cuth - 4
Rhaeyla - 11
Caw - 18
Vaal - 5
Sebastian looks over at his sister and then back at Magdar. The dwarf nods, before walking outside. He straightens, before turning to the room at large.

"Well, our course of action is clear, then. We have to reach the keep before they close the gates."

"What about the other townsfolk?" Linan asks.

"If we come across a group, we'll bring them with us, but that's not a priority." His eyebrows meet. "There might be an entire company between here and there. We can't afford to be spotted, and if we are, we can't afford to engage."

"Coast is clear!" Magdar calls, despite having walked back to the door.

Cassandra walks over to her twin and hugs him. He whispers something in her ear, and she whispers back. The druid then looks over at Rhaeyla, Caw, Surina, Magdar and Vaal. "We... we appreciate all you've done, but truly, if you do not wish to stay, then you must go now. We have reached Greenrest; your job is complete."

Surina shakes her head. "Maybe it is, but it isn't safe, here. I would bring shame to my clan if I left you now."

Magdar reaches to his belt and takes out his axe. "And if you don't mind my saying, but there's going to be a lot of fighting tonight, inside a castle or not. That's a speciality of mine."

Cuth stands up, testing how much weight he can put on his injured leg. It seems stable. "Will we be able to keep up with you?" he says, looking at his children.

"I can carry them." Surina offers. She looks down at them with a smile - somewhat reptilian, but comforting nonetheless.

"And I'll stick with mom and pop." Magdar adds.

Eyes turn to Rhaeyla, Vaal, and Caw.
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