Avatar of Crimson Flame


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4 days ago
Current DNA, the soul of the memes.
7 days ago
Cry, die, and bake a pie. Not necessarily in that order.
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14 days ago
Gays already get enough undeserved hate. We don’t need to be branded criminals by people too. 😔
14 days ago
You’re both wrong, I’m alive!
16 days ago
Because I’m tired of Goku winning every fight.
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Gay, he/him, Autistic

I’m Crimson Flame and I’m addicted to RPing. But sometimes ADHD kicks in, and it takes me longer to reply to things than it should. If I’m taking too long to respond, feel free to say something. Just don’t be rude about it.

There are a bunch of RPs I like. Pokémon, Digimon, Fantasy, Superhero, it would take too long to list them all. I’m not a fan of Horror or Apocalypse settings though.

I have a particular type of character I like making. Look through my Character Sheet thread, and see if you notice what a lot of my characters have in common.

Most Recent Posts

I’m already indecisive about my choice of Digimon, and now I have to decide on the color of my Digivice/Crest?

Either Pink or Purple.

<Snipped quote by Crimson Flame>
If you want to swap out to Love let me know. I'm trying to translate love into a personality and hitting some walls myself.

You’ve got a deal! :D I know what to do with that.

I’m usually Love or Kindness in every Digimon RP with Crests, so this works.
Ok, I’ll take it. Just need to figure out how to translate reliability into a personality.
I’ll step in and take Kindness. :D

Edit: Wait it has to be a girl? Damn it I had a male character in mind. No big deal, I’ll make fluttershy then. :P

Edit 2: *Looks up* Wait is it Reliability that’s open or Kindness?
Hey, I just saw this in my PM box now, but it looks like all the spots are taken. Oh well.
Tenative interest...
Collab@MenacingEffect and @Crimson Flame

As soon as Max arrived, the kid that he told not to use his sketchbook as a weapon had started giving orders. He explained that they were split up from the rest of the group. That much was obvious. There were definitely more than just three of them earlier.

He started giving everyone directions to split up, despite everyone else there being what? In their late teens? Max himself was an adult. Still though, clearly bad things were going down, now wasn't the time to be complaining. Besides, he got paired with the cute boy that this guy who introduced as Himura Kei called Nasaneiru-san. Max would have to find out if he had some kind of nickname or if that even was his real name, because somewhere down the road, he was probably going to mispronunciation Nasaneiru.

“Don't worry about it kid.” Max replied “Stuff is going down, and we have to move! Just so you know, my name is Max. You can call me Max-Sama if you want to. Seven did.” He grinned, and gave Kei a thumbs up gesture. Then, he took the other boy that he had been partnered up with by the wrist. “Come on cutie pie. We’re going!” And he ran in the northern direction. “By the way, I don't remember seeing you with the other kids. Did you get sucked in here just now? Also, he called you Na-sa-neiru-san. Is that your real name? Or is that just Kei’s accent? If it is, do you have a nickname or something? Because I’m probably going mispronunciation that.”

“By the way, I’m Nyaromon!” Cinderella piped up suddenly. “Or Cinderella as Max likes to call me. Hi, how's it goin?”

“Where have you been this whole time?! You’ve been so quiet.”

“Sitting on your shoulder silly. You didn't say anything…”

“Well, obviously. It's hard to miss a small yellow cat thing. I meant why have you been so quiet this whole time?”

“Not much to say I guess…” The small Digimon gave the closest thing one can give to a shrug when you don't have shoulders. “Now come on, you two can walk and talk. Let's go find those humans!”

Everyone scrambling to adapt to new circumstances, as Kei handed out instructions. He didn’t mind. He believed as the older members of the group that they should encourage the younger members to take charge. It will help Kei in the long run and in the future. Or maybe he’s just easygoing and that doesn’t necessarily bother him. The red head dragging him off didn’t really bother him much either, they were in a hurry. If one individual is dead, then so could others.

A yellow cat introduced herself as Cinderella, now that’s intriguing. He wondered how the name came about.

“First I’ll address my name is Nathaniel, though as I told Kei you don’t have to call me Nathaniel every time, Nathan, Niel, Nate, all work fine, it is after all a very versatile name,” he laughs to himself, before continuing, “Cinderella is an interesting name. Where did it come from? What drew you to the name? You know the story of Cinderella?”

It was a fascinating thing to consider that these creatures had individual likes and individual thoughts. He looks to the young chick of his, currently mean mugging a tree.
“You think you can take me, huh,” Pinamon says to the base of a tree, that he admits has a leg like shape. Still he should reign him in before he accidentally hurts himself.

“Please don’t fight the trees,” Nathaniel tells him He’s not actually sure what good that will do, however.

“Nathan huh? That's cool. Pleased to meet cha! I’ll call you Nate. My real name is Maxwell, but I prefer Max. Maxwell is way too fancy to my taste. Haha!” Max replied. “ I picked the name Cinderella because well… let's just say can really relate to her story…” The strawberry blonde boy frowned. “She had a terrible upbringing, but at the end of the day, she was still kind to others. Because of that, the animals helped her out, her fairy godmother helped her out, and she managed to find love in the end. I respect that. Despite everything they did to her, Cinderella could still forgive her stepmother and stepsisters. I don't think I could ever forgive that asshole that calls himself my dad...”

Meanwhile, Cinderella the Nyaromon bounced off her tamer’s shoulder and bounded over to the Pinamon that was challenging a tree to a fight. “You're not going to stand a chance. It’s clearly bigger than you. Why are you interested in fighting it anyway? It's… not even moving…”

Max laughed at the silly behavior of the two tiny Digimon. He put his hand on Nathan’s shoulder. “It's like being a parent, isn't it?”

The group of humans and Digimon kept walking, until Max came across something… unpleasant… First, there was the unpleasant smell, that made Max hold his nose. “Oh god! What is that smell?” As the boy got closer, and saw two bodies on the floor, Max frowned. “Oh no… That better not be what I think it is…” It was hard to deny something that was right in front of your eyes… There were two dead bodies right in front of him. One was of a boy he had seem in the group, but had never spoken to, and the other was Seven… “No… nonononono…” Max fell to his knees, covered his face with his hands, and started bawling. He had just spoken to Seven earlier today and now he's dead. How could this possibly have happened?

Cinderella saw what was happening, and bounced to where her tamer was crying. “Is… everything ok?”

“Does it look ok?!” Max shouted through the tears. “They're dead! Ugh… first my mom, then Robbie, and now this!” He went back to sobbing into his hands.
After meeting their new Digimon friends, Dorumon led them away from where there houses were and into the woods. It was alll trees trees and more trees, as far as the eye could see. He overheard a few of the other kids in the group talking about their families back home, and all of a sudden Max couldn't help feeling bad. Here he was, totally excited to go on an adventure, and these kids had families back on Earth that would surely miss them. Meanwhile, his mom was dead, his dad was abusive, and his boyfriend was dead. He didn't have any siblings, and sure he had friends back home, nothing beats a family that would notice you were gone, and actually miss you. Max let out a sigh, and it did not go unnoticed by Cinderella.

"Oi, what's wrong now?"

Max laughed nervously. "Oh... um... nothing's wrong. Everything is perfectly fine. Yep, totally happy to be here." He lied. Cinderella did not need to know about his personal problems. Not yet, they had only just met.

Before Cinderella had a chance to ask more questions, shit really hit the fan. They came acrosss a clearing, where some sort of orange dinosaur, a rock monster, and some sort of orange badger thing attacked Dorumon. The purple dinosaur told them all to run, and that's exactly what they did. There was no way the little yellow creature in his arms could do anything against these things. They were outnumbered, and unprepared. Even Max knew it was wise to get out of here, and live to fight another day. "We're runnning!"

Max ran to what in what felt like a complete circle. All the trees looked exactly Identical, and Max didn't know this forest. He slowed down to a walk to catch his breath.

"What was that? I could have digivolved and tried to help!" Cinderella exclaimed.

Max spoke in between taking breaths. "Against... Alll of those.... I... don't think so..." Come on, let's go see if we can find the others...

After some more walking, he eventually found a clearing where some of the others had gathered. Including, a new boy that wasn't in their group before. The new guy was actually kind of cute, but Max wasn't in the mood to fawn over him right now. Once he got up, he collapsed to his knees. "Oh... there you alll are..." Max panted. "I've... beeen running through the forest trying to lose those things that attacked us..." After taking some time to catch his breath, he straightened himself up, and regained his composure. "Um... anyway... uh where are the others? I was sure there were more people than just us.... And who's the new guy?"
I'm still here, just been busy... I'll try to post on the weekend.
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