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@6slyboy6@DX3214 So what is being said is....they need some far east action over there? XD
@6slyboy6 Hopefully it was a positive past encounter we had. Course anything prior to college graduation for me becomes somewhat blurrier due to stress from back then. XD

If i do join, however, it'd be something hopefully fun.
@Crusader Lord You know me, I'm the kinda guy who ran Shadowform Priest and spammed Mind Blast with a macro on one of those 30 key mouses they sell in korea

And yeah, the idea is to make a slow burner that ticks every single checkbox for fans of NRP who sometimes feel like certain areas are lacking. The idea is to make something slow, lore and creativity friendly, that has the potential to become literally anything that the palyers want to form it into. (Not that I'm expecting it or anything, but give us two years or three and we'll have a space NRP on our hands XD )

So yeah, I'm not gonna tempt you to join, but please, feel tempted to join us X3

And I do remember you! It was more than just lurking we were in an RP together that I liked a lot but I don't remember D:
And believe me, I tried, I've been looking at my archived psots for the last 20 minutes to figure it out haha

...That does ring a bell of some kind. But i can't put my finger on it at all. Dangit! XD

I won't even try my archived posts. That list is too long for me unless i have a week straight of free time with no breaks. Which is sadly do not have because work. :P

So many familiar faces on this sight, and so many strange ones at the same time. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

You sound like a Shadow spec'd priest player in WoW who'd spam Mind Blast with a 30 key Korean mouse. Then again, i used to be the guy who took Mind Control as a talent waaaaay back and go into Warsong Gulch just to troll people with controlling them. Fun times, long gone tho. :3

Look at the bright side, no one decided to make the Na'vi blue space hippies from Avatar. lol
Edit: also, wait, I know you. Hnnnnng, I remember your name, but where from >~>
Damnit, this is going to keep me up at night...

I've lurked in various interest checks and such places over a long while. So i am guessing you saw me in one of those places, at least potentially. Or maybe that dead 'Battle for Titania' RP or something of the sort. Hmm...

I all seriousness, I have a lot of events prepared. My idea is that using this way of getting to know your race from the very beginning, it can develop into a more usual NRP but with players who truly appreciate and care about their races, with VAST amounts of material to work with compared to other NRPs where you have to make up often thousands of years of history before you can submit your sheet.

I like the concept! It makes sense, at least, to kick things off simply and build from there. Kinda like playing Age of Empires, in a sense, at least in my brain. :D

It is a pretty long-term a goal for an RP though. I hope this place develops the strong core needed to at least keep it alive. Though on the other hand, those who leave can be technically killed off potentially as an IC mechanic (er, not that they have to, just a silly suggestion that came to mind lol). XD

It makes me feel tempted (just tempted at the moment, to avoid overextending myself by rushjing into something) to join, if only because primitive dragon-like humanoids forming a nation could be a cool thing potentially. Or if not dragon-like, then something else fitting on that island between the two landmasses. Haha. That, and admittedly these types of RPs tend to be slower and easier to handle than others sometimes.

At any rate, thank you for all of the helpful answers, dear tiny potato! :P

Careful about that crazy mental energy tho, don't Brain Blast yourself into the next galaxy! ;)
@6slyboy6 Greetings, tiny potato. I am passing by this place, and became curious enough to want to ask you something...

...what are your plans for this RP's future? And do you think this RP will survive, or will natural selection occur? DX

That is all. :3
...hello? D:

What was a servant? Some kind of magical being with fighting skills? That could be interesting to hear about. Yet more than that, what did "getting nails done" and "shopping mall" even mean??? This girl was making no sense with some of this, and he wasn't even going to ask what a "high school" was for that matter. What he did understand best, however, was that the place did indeed seem to be a ghost town. And as much as he had failed the banter game, well, this girl was skilled and rather easy on the eyes at least.

"O-O-Of course."

...and maybe her chest had felt nice against his body when she'd cozied up next to him for a moment.

But he wasn't going to be swayed and distracted by that in the end. He'd faced alluring foes before...or at least Yiga disguised as ones. Those had been a danger of their own, and it wasn't like he hadn't been somewhat distrustful of certain traveling merchants as a result as well.

"If we get on some high ground, that would be a good point to survey the area-"

Wait...what were those two things flying out there in the air towards them? Was it more enemies, or people like this girl?

Based on the lack of bluntly attacking himself and Suzuka (an odd name) here, at least, Link didn't instantly draw his blade and shield again. Yet when the two closed in, and one began to speak, the Hylian hero of the wild felt a mild relief come into his chest. Finally.

"Yes, actually, i got here through a sort of strange door as well. Do either of you know what this place is?" Link said, as he tried to both address the two new arrivals and answer their question as well.

@Arondight Been reading through some while passing by here, but i am curious and want to ask this and a couple more things! :D

1. So what is the final plan for this RP?

2. do you have an blank character sheet for things, or an example or such to show?

3. Further, how are you going to treat magecraft in this RP setting?

...Wow, that laughter really did sting more than a blunt rejection. Most of the time ladies had just commented bluntly on it and left him alone, but this was mockery a whole nother' level. Of course, it seemed his attempt at battle banter had...at least failed successfully though? Failed successfully. One could even say "successfully failed". So if Zelda asked him about this moment in particular, that's what he'd say about it.

"What can i say...i was asleep for 100 years in a resurrection chamber...it was a lot of time," the Hero of Hyrule muttered under his breath to himself for a second, sheathing the Master Sword once more with small flourish of the blade, then sighing before he looked again to his new acquaintance more pleasantly and offered a hand, "My name's Link, by the way."

Maybe he could get off to a better start. That 100 years and the amnesia had, if memory recalled, done him some good in being around people at least. Not that the stoic look didn't stick...that had been ingrained for quite a long time before he'd even been put in the Shrine of Resurrection.
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