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@DecemberI forgot to say, am liking Leo ^.^ great work!
Miranda Burke.

Location: Sky Lakes Medical Center.
Interacting With: Xerxes Arvanitis @YoshiSkittlez, Quinton Matson, Cassandra Arvanitis, Connor Vos and Cody Treadwell @Caits, Gage Brooks and Aron Brooks @BlackPanther, Sebastian Monroe @December, Zoé Flores, Syleste (Vos) Nioré and Kaylee Evans. @Vicier,

Everything was a real whirlwind in her mind now, nothing really made sense she was confused, scared and god knows what else. Miranda was not what she is known for right now, she was known for being friendly, confident and more times than most was always there for her friends. Weather it was simply to have someone to talk to or shoulder to cry Miri most of the time was there for those she deemed closest to her. However, right now she probably needed as much comfort as the others, and understanding. The gentle squeeze of her hand from Cassandra was very comforting right now and she was grateful to have such an amazing and wonderful friend.

Her mind was racing with thoughts and worries, one could probably see it in her eyes that right now she was lost, just standing there silent holding Cassie’s hand and looking a right mess, Miranda couldn’t understand it but she was psychically feeling wat better than she looked. It was when Zoe suddenly spoke up that snapped Miri out of it and look at the alpha as she began to explain to them how their world would never be the same again.

“..everything you think you know about this world… forget it. Because there is a whole ‘nother side to life that you have never seen… one that we’ve tried so hard to keep you from finding out about…”

Forget everything that she thought she knew about this world?? And now there is another side to this world! One that they tried to keep herself and all friends from? Miranda wasn’t going to lie, Zoe was not making much sense but nothing did right now. Hell, Zoe was even apologizing for not being able to stop the wolf attack and it was her mistake. No, Miranda was not accepting that, it was not Zoe’s fault or her mistake in the blonde’s eyes. How could it be? It was not as if Zoe had a crystal ball telling her that they were going to be attacked.

“All but two of you are healed, aren’t you..? No pain… no injuries… and you know deep down, that you feel better than you ever have before in your entire lives…” Her voice trailed off for Miranda not really taking in the last part of the sentence in. Healed, No pain or injuries… Now that she thought about it, Zoe was right. Miranda did feel better, much better than she could remember and there was no pain… like at all. She only snapped back quick at the word of werewolf and that Cassie had start crying into her father, she wished she could do more but felt helpless to do anything about it.

Everything for a little while was like a blur, her lips parted ever so slight as she took to do slow control breaths while her mind processed everything Zoe had said. Even if she didn’t really listen to it all, her mind had registered it, she missed what was going on around her Conner’s revelation of what Kaylee was, that was another girl Miri clicked with, she was a pretty awesome chick, and bonus… She is an Aussie. Hell, Miri completely missed that Gage was making for the door with Syleste, it still tore her apart to see the pink haired girl like that.

Xerxes soon spoke up, however her friend’s father seemed to be aiming his words over to where Kaylee and Conner at the back of the room but it was not hard to add to the ever-growing list of things she wishes she could ask but was too afraid to do so. Now there was an amendment to the list that seem to grow. It wasn’t just werewolves, now there were weredingo’s… whatever the hell they were, and siren’s. Also, another thing, way was the guy stripping? First his lab coat and then his jacket before slipping out of his shirt. Did Miranda just miss a memo somewhere? But that was not why she was paying attention it was more to what he was saying, Klemeth falls, her home was drawing in the supernatural? Now it was turning into an episode of twilight. But the biggest thing that spoke out to her was him saying that Zoe was speaking the truth, to her that spoke volumes in her mind but couldn’t understand why Zoe was not mentioning all this right now?

Her reaction was instant, Miranda stepped back a little as the man she thought she knew well from all the time she had spent at Cassie’s house suddenly sprouted wings, Sure it made her jump, heck if it was for this change she was going through Miri would have probably yelped but she was staring at the guy wide eyed. He asked for forgiveness from Cassie before doing so and she could see why he did by popping wings out from his back. Miri was speechless and was tempted to glance over at Zoe, she could not understand it but… It felt like something was… different about her, About her alpha. But right now, she was distracted by the wings and the daughter/father moment in front of her. It made Miri think of her parents, how worried they would be and it did bring a tear to her eye a smiled a little at it.

What happened next was nothing short of Miranda having to blink twice at what she was seeing and hearing coming from Cassie as she approached Zoe. But somehow, Miranda seemed to understand where she was coming from and why she was doing it, how could that makes sense? Was there her werewolf side? Now that is a scary thought. But back to what she and the other just bared witness to, Cassandra just claimed Zoe as her alpha, was that how it worked? Miri didn’t know but seeing and hearing everything Cassandra did carried weight, she was right, they were not alone though. Moments later the guy at the back with Kaylee spoke up, she didn’t know him but he did announce his name and explain a little before doing the same thing, stating they wanted Zoe as there alpha if she accepted them.

Soon Aron accepted Zoe to, but not after a little squabble with his twin, Gage was certainly not as accepting and was holding onto Syleste, she could understand why he is reluctant, not because of what was going on at their home, honestly, she had not spoken to them enough to really catch on, but because of the current confusing situation they found themselves in after a life-threatening attack. Soon enough Sebastian spoke up, it was clear to see he was not like them, even the sweet innocent little Syleste was not like them, they were both still injured and broken. How come they did not change like the rest of them though? But both were still her friends, would that still count for something now?

Either way as time seemed to pass on by, even if slowly. Miranda found herself standing there like a lemon all this time watching and taking everything in, it was clear she was thinking as it was probably written all over her face, but the truth was she is. She didn’t know why but she kept finding herself looking at Zoe as if contemplating, the alpha had come to find her, reunite her with her friend, even kissed her forehead and told her everything was going to be alright and to trust her, and truth be told Miranda trusted her even before all this tonight. After seeing everything unfold the way it did, Miri knew things were going to be different now and needed to make the first step towards accepting that.

Soon she smiled a little at the woman, if she was to be ‘claimed’ as her alpha, then Miranda could not think of anyone more capable than Zoe. Zoe did not fail them tonight, she gave them a second chance at life, even if it was different now. Before she knew it, Miranda found herself stepping over to Zoe before she took the womans hand in hers, Miranda then looked into Zoe’s eyes with her own, a more noticeable smile on her features as she spoke softly.

“I won’t pretend to say I understand what is going on, because I don’t” She paused for a moment. “Back in the hallway out there you told me to trust you… Zoe, I have always trusted you with all my heart, you have been so good to me ever since I came to you looking for work.” She gave Zoe’s hand a gentle squeeze.

“You have given us a second chance at life, no matter how different it may be… You gave us all another chance. I don’t blame you Zoe, I thank you.” Miranda paused for a moment with some tears in her eyes. “I am probably not doing this right, but you are more than just my boss, more than just my friend, You... are my alpha and I gladly accept that” When Miranda finished with those last words she leaned in pressing her lips softly against her alpha’s cheek, holding the action for a few moments before she stepped back and to Zoe's side.

She quickly glanced over to Cassandra with an assuring smile. “I am glad not to be alone to.” She spoke softly.

@December@Vicier Yeah I saw it, sorry guys, been loaded with extra work will have a post up shortly. :)
Miranda Burke.

Location: Sky Lakes Medical Center.
Interacting With: Xerxes Arvanitis @YoshiSkittlez, Quinton Matson, Cassandra Arvanitis, Connor Vos and Cody Treadwell @Caits, Gage Brooks and Aron Brooks @BlackPanther, Sebastian Monroe @December, Zoé Flores, Syleste (Vos) Nioré and Kaylee Evans. @Vicier,

Miranda could’ve swore that when Zoe looked down at her, that the woman’s eyes had a moment of red tint to them. It could’ve been the light reflection on the eyes from her laying down angle or she was simply going mad and seeing things. But Zoe soon spoke to her, the woman’s voice reassuring Miri that everything was going to be alright and trust was never an issue for Miri when it came to Zoe. She is a friend, her boss and now apparently soon to be her alpha as she looked in the woman eyes.

A moment later and something that felt like a lifetime, Zoe had gently pressed her lips against Miranda forehead and held it there for a few moments. Miranda had closed her eyes for those few moments, it made her feel at ease and safe, she would be lying to herself to if she said she didn’t enjoy it, the feeling of being gently kissed on the forehead. And then it was over, Zoe then began pushing the bed again as they were once more on the move, pushing the bed down the hall towards their destination, it was not hard even in her confused state to her commotion coming from the room they were heading to, but the voices... it was her friends!

When the bed she was on was pushed through the doors and into the room, Miranda sighed with relief. Miri leaned up upon her elbows to see those that were around the room for a moment, they all seemed to be there and most looked relatively okay. Het bestie Cassie was there along with her father Xerxes who was holding onto Syleste. Just seeing the poor girl in her state and what she had gone through tonight was enough to make her feel sick in the stomach and would never imagine what it must have been like for her only being able to hear and not see her fiend being attacked. In her mind, she let the pink haired girl down and her mother of whom Cassie promised they would look after her.

Aron and Cody were together also and both looked like they had recovered well or got of lightly from the attack? The whole event still a blur in her mind, there was Sebastian who too looked like he came of far worse than all of them, maybe he took the brunt of the attack? Miri only hoped he was okay. Even the new girl that joined them tonight was here, thank god Kaylee was okay, the Aussie certainly made a new friend in Miranda, the two seeming to get on well enough before the attack, although there was the strong chance the accent had something to do with it. There were a couple of extra guys there she did not recognize in the room but maybe they were helping Zoe? Miri wasn’t sure.

Finally, there was Gage, he seemed to be the one that was causing most of the commotion within the room, He seemed mostly angry but maybe had a flood of emotions going on like the others and had simply not coped with it well? Or maybe it was seeing the state of Syleste that had kicked him off, either way he was not totally helping the situation. It seemed to her relief all her friends were pretty much there, looking around the room there was one small question that briefly was in her mind. Where in the hell was Cleo? The attack might have been a blur, but she knew it was hard not to miss that girl, she is like a hamster on coffee most of the time and it worried her that the teen was not with them, was she okay? Was she still hiding in the RV? She would have to speak up and ask if anyone had seen her but then… Then there was this deafening roar that dominated the room.

Within a split second of that roar animating from right behind Miranda’s bed, Miri had practically flew out of the bed in surprise, well flew out the bed is probably fully accurate, it was more like falling out the bed thanks to the cover she was in catching her legs but within moment’s she shot up onto her feet, the fact there was no pain at all from all her wounds being healed was not foremost in her mind but instinctively went over to the nearest friend that happened to be Cassie. Miri was still in a hospital gown, her clothes that she was wearing bloody, torn and long gone, she still had the bandages on from where she was injured while being bare footed and her long wavy blonde hair was a mixture of blonde and crimson red from the blood that had got into it.

It only took moments before Miranda found and took Cassie’s hand in hers, holding firmly but not too tight, her gaze was on Zoe the whole time, the woman was responsible for the roar and certainly looked frightening. Her eyes where a bright red, and were those canines? Miranda now felt even more confused and worried as a million questions filled her head and wanted to ask, but she didn’t like she was speechless and simply held her best friends hand, interlacing their fingers. Miranda had her head down slightly as Cassie asked her questions, she felt more at ease having Xerxes and Cassie either side of her, especially with the amount of time she would spend round there house.

@CaitsI'll be posting tonight if not tomorrow for definate, depending on our timezones lol.
will be posting tonight ^.^
Miranda Burke.

Location: Sky Lakes Medical Center.
Interacting With: Zoe @Vicier

In amongst the chaos, Miranda had found herself placed in one of the other rooms, she was attended to of course as the staff had to stabilize her and treat her more severe wounds from the attack. But with so much commotion going on out there, Miranda had found herself left alone in a bloody mess in the room un-attended attached to a ventilator machine. Her breathing was erratic as she was setting herself into a panic attack while unbeknown to her however, her wounds were healing and gave her a burning sensation. The sensation was weird, painful as she could not tell what on earth was happening to her, tears threatening to sting her eyes as she was scared not just for herself but for all her friends.

She closed her eyes, Miri wanted to just rest and it was so easy just to just close them and try and shut off. The rapid healing doing wonders to help her breathing even if still in a little panicked state while her lighter wounds just seemed to be pretty much gone, she really had no idea of what world she was entering. Unknown to her though, Zoe had come to the room and silently made her way across to the blonde teen before removing the ventilator which startled her some, moments later, Miranda felt the bed move and that had certainly alerted her enough to open her eyes and fidget on the stretcher as she wondered what the hell was going on.

Miranda’s eyes darted around, a little panicked at why she was being moved and even tried to move but failed. Maybe one of the staff gave her something for the pain and calm her down, but Miranda was certainly one of the more cooperative among her friends although at the time she could not talk while struggling to breathe. Her neck wound looking much better than it did, if it could be seen under the bandage that was put in its place. She calmed down once more when eventually and while appearing upside down for her when Miri’s eyes had settled upon Zoe… Wait Zoe? Why was Zoe pushing her down a myriad of halls?

Miranda looked at Zoe a little confused but it did put her at ease a little seeing that her friend and boss had come to see her, sure the blonde was really worried about her friends and that had got her into that panicked state. Cassie, Syleste, Aron, Gage, Cleo and even that new girl… What was her name again? Kylie? No Kaylee, Miri is worried and thinking about hem all so much right now, she was scared for them all. But still, Miranda was relieved to at least see Zoe, she managed a small faint smile to the woman, looking at her and before she lifted her left hand up and raised it over towards Zoe before resting it softly on the Latina’s hand, the woman looked like really stressed and she hoped reaching out to her with a smile would help in some way.

“Thank you for seeing me, but have you seen the others?” Miri said quietly, her voice still sounding a little off, she just felt so exhausted. “But since when did you become a doctor?”

It was not long before Miri increased her grip on Zoe’s hand when Siren screams were ringing out, she didn’t even know they existed of course but who ever was yelling or screaming out had one hell of a set of lungs on them and it hurt her ears no end and made her eyes water. Her grip only loosening up once it stopped, her hand softly rest again, all she wanted to do was just rest and just hope it was all dream, everything was feeling weird and hurting and right now Zoe was her anchor.

@VicierCongrats hun! knew you would get it ^.^
Cleo D’Nile

Location: The D'Nile home.

Kareen was worried, she knew it was a full moon tonight, A retired hunter knew these kinds of things and that is why she was also a little angry at Cleo. The little pain in the butt Dhampir and snuck out to be with her friends who were camping out for their yearly camping trip, she tried several times to get hold of her but failed. Eventually however, Cleo came blasting through the door and slamming it shut behind her, Luckily Darien was not around as he did night shifts. Her face looked a mess from where she had obviously been crying and messed up her eye liner.

Kareena immediately ran to the young teen who wasted no time in diving into her arms sobbing. “It was so horrible… It got them all!” Cleo sobbed into her guardian’s shoulder as she held her tightly. Kareena immediately took Cleo over to the couch to sit down and held the teens hands in her own, she could see that the fangs from Cleo’s mouth had extended. Something big happened at the camp, She could see it on the Dhampir’s face. “Cleo, Calm and deep breaths” She waited a moment. “Who got them? What happened?”

It was a disaster to say the least, getting told of for sneaking out was the least of the problems as Cleo thought back to it, seared into her memory forever. ow could she forget all that blood, there faces. It was supposed to be a great time, Defying Darien and being with her awesome friends, one of which was new and Apparently from Australia. That girl sensed of but the girl was from Australia and could have been weird for all she knew.

The other odd sense she would get was from Syleste, her blind friend that she adored so much, she is considered her bestie with beautiful pink hair which looked so awesome! Despite her ninja attempts, that girl always knew when Cleo was attempting to sneak up on her. “A werewolf, It attacked our camp...” She paused trying to keep herself calm, still visible shaken and upset. “It got them all, My friends! I should've done more to help them” She sobbed once more in Kareena’s shoulder, But she had to keep her secret as she recalled the events.

She could sense it coming, feeling even. It snapped her attention away from her friends immediately, they could not know what was coming for them, for they were simply having a great time. Cleo, felt it getting much closer and she worried her, most wolves would not think of attacking a group but this was no normal wolf. It was werewolf. Cleo had a bad feeling rising in her gut, she needed to warn her friend, but how? It was not as if she could tell them ‘Oh by the way guys I’m a Dhampir and I sense a wolf coming to make you it’s next happy meal’ So she made an excuse to move away from the group. She felt her fang where extending and she would struggle hiding if she turned to speak to one of them, she hoped to god she was wrong but excused herself to the toilet in the RV.

While in there she concentrated on her anxiety, to calm herself enough to retract her fangs, she was thankful she could do that. Her attention was cut short when sudden screen and commotion could be heard outside, the werewolf had attacked her friends and she was not there to help or protect them. She needed to get out there and do something. However, when she flung the door open of the RV the sight she saw shocked her and even made her feel sick. It was a bloodbath and couldn’t help but have water form in her eyes, she was like dear caught in the headlights not moving until the flash of another animal flew past her, A dog? Yes, a dog was taking on the werewolf. What a brave little thing it was, Cleo immediately sprang into action seeing the animal struggle to get the upper hand. Cleo ran over to a decent sized stick, her back facing the fight behind her. You could say it was her vampiric side, but the fun-loving Cleo everyone knew was not there in that moment, A serious look on her face as she looked back over her shoulder at the fight.

Without hesitation and in one fluid motion. Cleo spun round throwing the stick straight at the attacking wolf. The object hit its mark with great accuracy and with a hefty big of force that a normal human could not achieve, it was enough to distract the wolf with the surprise impact and slight whimper, it looked at her at that moment and Cleo’s met it's stare, probably stupid on her part. But, it left an opening for the dog to attack and it, Cleo took that moment to pull out her cell and dial 911, if there was one thing she could do was at least get help for her friends as quick as possible. She gave out the details the group and the attack, well the apart she could tell without giving away that the supernatural were involved and their location. It was when Cleo noticed another wolf turn up and join in the fight.

This was bad and she knew that she had to leave and was already stepping back when she another two join soon after and then she saw her. Zoe, yep at that point she knew it was her que to get the hell out and dodge when that woman showed up. Cleo was long gone before the ambulance showed up. When Cleo, recited some details of what happened Kareena looked at her, she to was worried for the teens, But she needed to protect Cleo. “Shhh.. It's okay honey, There was nothing more you could of done.” She was slowly stoking Cleo’s hair as the teen leaned and rested head on her aunts shoulder, Cleo felt there was more she could've done, She was Dhampir after all.

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