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I'm so Fuckin' broken...


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”Who said anything about a relationship?” Clay softly growled with a playful predatory grin. He continued to listen and top up her shot glasses as soon as they were emptied, taking a sip for himself each time.

”So was the kid worth it? He asks, shuffling between his now lit cigaret and the bottle.
Looking down at the table he chuckles before taking a deep drag on his cigaret, trying to decide how to answer her invasive question.
”Well enough that it’s gotta finally pay off for me.” he said with a laugh before washing it away with a long drink.
@Dark Light

Does Clay flirt with all the ladies? Lol

You’ll have to ask them :p

”Well shit.” The man replies, he takes another swig straight from the bottle before casually filling up the shot glassses again.
”Better hurry up ‘n’ get this first date out the way then.”

Clay he responds, taking her hand.
”So Evie.” he says accentuating her name as he tests it. ”Can I ask where you came from? Musta been a hell of a party.

He notions to the state of her hair and attire. Once again finding his cigaret, he holds it out for her to light.
“Sure thing.” He said with a nod, still smirking at her sarcasm.
He carefully lay out three shot glassses between them and knew just where to go to get the perfect bottle of whisky. He removed the cigaret from his lips as he poured the liquid, generously filling each little glass. Then he took a swig himself before turning to the near full board of room keys.

Sorry doll, don’t look like we got any rooms with a shower left.
He blatantly lies with a sly chuckle. He takes a key off the board and turns back around. Eyes locking onto hers.
But seeing as I’m a nice guy, I’ll let you share mine.” he returns her wink from before.

A familiar figure responded to the mercenaries call. While never seen before in person, he was a clear match to the image she had previously been shown. Even down to the open leather jacket sitting across his wide shoulders and exposing his bare heavily tattooed chest.
He was a tall man with a solid physique, dirty blond hair and a short beard. He had a rough yet charming look to him. Mostly because of his constant daring perfect smile and his deep mesmerising pale blue eyes.

He approached the bar from the kitchen out the back, a small towel in one hand and a clean glass in the other.

Haven’t seen you around before.” he states as he puts away the glass and drapes the towel over the counter. Leaning forward on the bar he shamelessly examines the new patron.
Looks like you could use a room with a shower.” he playfully teases, flashing that notorious grin as he pulls a cigaret from his jacket pocket and puts it in his mouth, letting it hang from his lips.
@Dark Light hoiiii what I miss in my absence from here

Hmm, depends when you were here last but most likely didn’t miss much :p
Jump back in!!!

Nice character ;)
Hi and welcome. Please jump right in!

Post and I shall reply ;)
might this still be running by chance? if so would you mind if i wandered in every once in a while?

Jump right in XD
Seeing activity in this thread is honestly the best thing that's happened today (for me)

You either
A) really like this idea and/or fallout.
B) have had a really bad unlucky day.
C) a little of both above.

Lol anyway I'm glad your excited. :)
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