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Here's my first of two characters. But generally, both are going to have the same occupation and alignment. This may need some revision so I appreciate some feedback on this.

-Classified- (Though sometimes calls himself "Danny Sparks")

Vigilante Name
K Nine








Detailed Information


He stands roughly 6'0". Weight unknown.



Notable Relations

MSU funding and/or any "jobs" he's assigned to.

Everyday Skills


Fighting Style
C.Q.C. or Close Quarters Combat. Basically, Danny knows how to fight using a combination of hand-to-hand combat, knife fighting and gunplay at close range. His training pretty much prepares him for more sensitive situations like hostage situations or storming a defended area.

Cool, calm and collected (during a mission anyways), Danny knows how to handle a crisis that goes further than simply fighting your typical supervillian. He knows how to switch tatic's when stealth, planning and reconniasnce is needed rather than an all-out fight.

Despite his training, Danny has trouble using longer range weaponry accurrately even with his powers. While he can use pistols, knife's and his bare hands with his C.Q.C. fight style, anything past a pistol size (or past SMG size since he started practicing using SMG's) or longer than a knife still give him problems.

Pretty much anything MSU assigns to him based on the mission or wherever they send him.


Though classified, those within MSU would tell you this. Danny is half wolf or half lycanthrope if you will. Even if it's only half, Danny still benefits since it put him on a "super soldier" level overal. Strength, speed and endurance. The usual. But what got enhanced in particular was his senses. His hearing, sight and smell in particular can help Danny be more aware than your average human.

Danny can exaust himself from using his power for too long. Normally, when he's NOT using his lycan abilities, his eyes are a normal brown color. But when he goes into Lycan mode, his eye color changes to yellow. A clever opponent could spot this and wait for the change depending on the situation. His hearing, sight and smell can also work against him depending. If, say, a real bad smell, a loud noise at the wrong time or a bright enough light to his eyes while in Lycan mode can stun, knock him out or even stop the Lycan mode if the opponent's timing is right.

As shown above, alot about Danny Sparks aka K Nine is sealed and classified due to the measures MSU puts on it's agents, soldiers and members. For those well-informed on MSU though, there are rumors that float around some of it's members. In the case with K Nine, there's a story that says he was born human but was suffering from some disease. What disease is unknown but it kept him from leading a normal life. It was because his human parents were military that they volenteered Danny for some "super soldier" experimentation. What exactly happened afterwards is unknown but it's assumed the process was TOO successful since it turned Danny into a half lycan. Now disease free but turned mutant, he now owe's his life and loyalty to MSU or so the story goes.
I'm also interested in this. Not often I do RP's here anymore, even more so a superhero one, but this one looks flexible enough to give a try.

I actually have two characters in mind but I'm guessing you only want one per RPer right?

For Maria, even under a new mind set, combat on this level isn't anything new to her. But she also knew something else that she told no one else.

With a new mind set, a new sync and perhaps a new way to look at things, she was about to experience something new.

But if "Seven" and even Elora herself felt that this was for the best for her...

Seeing the fighting start, Maria readied her laser sniper rifle. She was about to take a shot at the turtle Cruxi on her side when she got a call on her comm line.

"Neo Angel! Detonate the thrown Cruxi or give me some cover!"

"...Understood! Be advised! My L.S. Rifle may pack a kick to whatever you have planned!", Maria responded to cadet Anastasia.

Seeing what she was attempting to do, Maria stood by, read to fire either at the group of Cruxi she was trying to cluster up or perhaps targetting anything close to her.


As Jake landed, he immedately dropped to one knee and started taking aim. He then heard the chatter about Paladin taking a bad landing. Just by the sound of Ariin's voice, Jake knew it wasn't good.

"Elise! Palladin's not a hundred percent! I'm going to provide sniper fire for him! Use Rec-1 to highlight anything that goes after him or if Paladin himself targets an enemy Cruxi and I'll give him a hand!"

Holding his current position, Jake set his rifle to energy shots and took aim.

"Also let me know if you need another drone. I got four more left", Jake added to Elise.
Jake and Elise

Jake sat inside his framework, Weissritter. His eyes were closed. Thinking. Trying to make sure he did his part to keep his team not only safe but aware of the battle conditions, situation and of course, information.

He may not the strongest of his family, the Armstrongs, but he still had enough of the brains to not do anything stupid. To show good teamwork. Synenergy.

Now, with Elise's help, he was going to show it.

"This is Jake Armstrong in the Weissritter. Ready to deploy. Bridge. Is Elise ready to go?", Jake then asked on the comm line.

Jake heard Elise's voice on the other side. "Affirmative! I'm on the bridge, and deplyoing REC-1," she said, a code phrase coined to describe their plan with using the drones. "Whenever you're ready."

"Roger. Stand by. Looks like we still have to sort out who gets the assault packs here. Not me though. Being the sniper and all..."

Jake did trail off a bit there. He just seemed to think about something.

He then switched to a private line so that only Elise and perhaps others in the bridge area could hear them.

"Elise...were on a private line. I just wanted to ask some stuff before we get rough. For me, such a question is out of the blue but...what did you do to achieve a perfect sync with your framework?", Jake then asked.

Elise was quiet for a moment, and then answered: "...It's because of my father." She seemed somber as she spoke those words. "He was the one who built Prometheus, well, at least the important parts of it. Even after mom died, he continued supporting me. I was proud to be her daughter. He has always been there for me...Even now."

"...I see...the bonds that keep us together...to keep us going...makes sense. It's also one of the reasons why many within the military use terms like "may your souls be as strong as steel" or similar sayings leading to that", Jake responded.

Jake was quiet for a few second before he spoke.

"...Elise...I'm sure you've heard about my military family the Armstrongs. But I'm also sure you've heard rumors about a "black sheep" of the family...it's because I didn't quite live up to the military expectations. Sure, I'm perceptive and smart but with my low sync, I'm not exactly the best in the family. And...unlike you, I've had trouble getting along with my family members...well mostly my mom and dad..."

A pause before Jake spoke again.

"Sadly, I couldn't patch things up with my dad...he was K.I.A...and...my mom suffered a rare sync fault against a Cruxi Ace unit that keeps her sync at zero percent no matter what she did. Still, she was re-assigned to a battleship and is now leading it as it's captain and a team of Frameworks on missions currently...but being in a military family...it's tough holding attachments to anything...but I've managed somewhat..."

Jake let out a sigh before he finished his story.

"...after all...in a war as brutal as this and being in a military family, your life expectancy isn't exactly "great"..."

Elise sighed. "I'm sorry to hear that. I bet most people here have sad stories, but yours is one of the worse ones. Yeah, I've heard of the Armstrongs; they're famed for their contributions to the war effort."

"Yep...rain, shine or even blood...we gave it our all for the sake of humanity...though you were wrong when you said that we were nothing more than a stat in general...were actually a stall tatic...from frameworks to cloning like the homonculus...hell, I've even heard a rumor that there are even robots with human feeling being tested in secret...high command is just trying to find something to end this war...but how long before it happens or it ends up biting us in the ass I wonder..."

Taking a deep breath, Jake then said this.

"And not just the Armstrongs...Mai's mother was the one of the few pilots who helped break that mold for a time...and...well you thought my story was bad, Mai's was worse...when her mom was shot down, high command were desperate for someone who had her abilities...they pressured her into framework combat testing...then came the Helldivers...her split personality problem...doing whatever she was told to do...now this..."

Jake then cleared his throat before he said, "The reason I look out for her because she's like family to me. Hell, even her mom was kind to my family members back in the day. But now...she's got all sorts of pressure on her again. A new mind set. A new sync that she's never experienced before...a new outlook on life I suppose..."

Jake was quiet before he then said this.

"Elise. Do me a favor and keep an eye on her for me during this fight. I'm sure you, your busty wingmen and drunk wingmen would even say that just because your perfect sync doesn't mean your invincible. Mai's seen plenty of combat sure but not in this state of mind and not on this sync level."

"Acknowledged," Elise said. "Assuming radio silence. Over."
Still alive all. Also Ariamis. If you read this, I left Jake out of my latest post because he's most likely going to be working in sync through Elise.

So yeah, at some point, I have to get back on Discord and start a possible collab between them at anyone else on the bridge of the NOAH when things get going due to the recon drones and such.
For Maria, thoughts were still distracting her even after the meeting ended.

One of which was Jason being benched on his mission so Lorenzo himself wanted to...do who knows what. But Maria knew that it may have something to do with Serah.

Which started to fill Maria with dread. But it was also one of the sad things she had learned early on even when she first started to train as a pilot.

Those above you just looked down on you.

It was one of the first things that she and six others had learned from Caulder himself. Unlike other leaders slash scientists, he didn't sugar coat it. He told the truth. Even when high command themselves told him when not to.

Now...it may seem like Maria had to say goodbye to yet another pilot...but unlike when she was Seven, saying goodbye was going to hurt.

But was that the right way to live? Just turning off your brain to the point where your just numb to the war around you? Caulder had warned the seven of them at the time to be wary. Sure, such feelings and the thing she feared, attachments, did grant you impressive sync and unimaginable potential.

"But is it worth the price you'll most likely pay? No matter how much brutal physical training and experiences you'll most likely experience, the ones that hit your soul will hurt the worst...emotional pain is ALWAYS worse than anything physical", he had once said.

As Seven, she had accepted it and simply worked on her teamwork with the other six to improve their mission odds with sync rates around averages around seventy percent or so. Back then, things were simple. All that mattered were the orders given and the mission completed. Even if some were "dirty" work.

Now...Maria looked back on it and perhaps realized something...and as she sat there in the Neo Angel, waiting for the call to move out from the NOAH...maybe Caulder was wrong about THAT part at least.

Sure, she was an emotional mess...but at the same time, she was focused. Her sync was perfect now. And perhaps better yet...she made better decisions rather than falling back on suisidal tatics like the "Ash to Ash" protocol. But at the same time, Caulder was also telling her the truth about the emotional baggage it will bring.

At the moment, even she questioned whether or not this was the right way for her. To embrace emotions. To have proper friends as Katya put it. And even the things Elora had told her during that last battle...it was starting to make some sense now.

She had her eyes closed the whole time as she thought about all this. But now wasn't the time to think. Caulder was right about one thing though.

Once the mission starts, leave thoughts outside your mission at the door.

And from inside her black helmit and red visor, Maria then opened her eyes.

"Maria Angel Twilight in the Neo Angel. Standing by in the docking day", Maria said on the comm line, verbally checking herself in.
Sorry for the lack of activity. I've been planning this mission, and have yet to decide on how it should play out.

We also talked about it too so yeah...don't forget about me ;_;
@DarkRecon Yikes, sorry for the slow response! Crazy busy last week, first chance I've had to look at the forum. In regards to origin story, yes, it can remain the same. Though we never really hammered out the details and put that into actual forum posted 'paper'. We should probably work on a collaboration at some point to figure that out. Probably after this next combat would be a good time to hammer all of that out.

That's fine. I'm still here too but right now, it just seems that the RP has hit a major slow right now. Still, I have been checking in here at least so I'm still around.
I think Black Star might be getting a facelift, and also a loadout change... Black Star - Anubis:

Drop the armor wings in favor of additional thrusters, like the ones on the assault pack that I used before...

Giving speed and stealth, less armor is needed...

thinking about it. nothing official yet.

Ohh pretty ^_^

Though now it looks less Gundam-like...still, I'm guessing our mechs still hold the same origin from Elizabeth's company right?
Sorry bout this double post but I'm going to be away come saturday for the rest of that week. Family vacation stuff. While I will have internet through my iPhone, making posts through it probably will be sloppy so if I do, I apologize in advance for it.
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