Avatar of datadogie


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2 yrs ago
Current Smarty Jones... Just... Consider removing the 'Smarty' part of your name if you're going to try and kick up a side-argument here, there's no reason for that. Otherwise, let's just move on.
2 yrs ago
People don't tend to think about rules when in disputes. Instead, just point out that whoever stops arguing first gets to see the other make a fool of themselves if they going after it all stopped.
2 yrs ago
The best part about being on the Guild this long is that nowadays, I can sit back and chuckle as the newcomers try to start a fight an instead get all the old hands ganging up on them. Popcorn for me.
3 yrs ago
Got my first covid vaccination today. I was terrified, but the staff there were very well trained and things went well.
3 yrs ago
Every few minutes playing Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, I tear up from the memories. It's not often you get a game that truly pulls at the same heartstrings as your childhood playthrough's once did.



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It's pretty much just copy-pasted with an edit or two. Anyhow, just work on a character, really. :P
@Nevix@Claw2k11, new stuffz here! :P
<Snipped quote by datadogie>

My fingers betray me. That was supposed to say "rather not GM". Though, if I must, I will.

Teehee, I'll admit I guessed you meant that and I replied that for funsies. ;P
Feel free to make us the RP then, @Nevix! :D
@Claw2k11 Eh, just whatever, I suppose. If you have something new, sure, I suppose, but it doesn't matter if you stick with the old one. XD
So, who is GMing the new shiz? XD I mean, I could throw it up as a private RP, but I'd have no idea what direction to take it and such. We could just see where it flows.
I believe that @pyroman would probably be interested, too.
Me! *Holds up hand*
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