Avatar of Deadlyrose9641


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current To all my partners, Father’s Day plans today so no replies till tomorrow or Monday thanks for the patience
3 yrs ago
To all partners waiting on replies, I have come me down with something , so I won’t be posting rn. I’ll keep you updated and in the loop
4 yrs ago
Welp I’m back. Sorry for leaving without warning to all my partners
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4 yrs ago
Guild seems quiet today
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4 yrs ago
My roommates dog has broken two glass tables now... Pitbulls
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@Burning Kitty

I forgot will add lol

I really like the feel that you guys all do some cool powers and tricks and such, and I just am really good with a six shooter, I'm so honored to be Hawkeye

To make it funnier he should try over and over because he refuses to accept he can't go through that wall.

like mid combat too, he could easily walk around it, but he refuses to not go through it on principle
I couldn't think of a cool super name if anyone wants to help lol
I'm trying something different, below is the character i want to play in a slice/anime, highschool kind of romance. this RP could have a variety of plots, and could contain smut, or it could fade or not have any mention of it, that would be up to my RP partner. I only ask that my partner be able to do at least 3-4 sentences a post, i usually stick to 1-2 paragraphs myself but i can do more or less depending on the flow and such.

if you would be interested in cuddling her up on cold nights, and taking her to the arcade, feel free to PM me
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