Avatar of Delta44


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current I'm going to try my hand at drawing my gf as a Pokemon trainer with her six favourite Pokemon for valentine's/our anniversary. Wish me luck!
4 yrs ago
Got a drawing tablet, time to draw porn
4 yrs ago
Seeing actual bushfire footage looks straight out of Hell... It moves so quickly and so powerfully, literally the trees just ignite. You firefighters are absolute legends, but please, don't die.
4 yrs ago
4 yrs ago
Today ain't Christmas, it's garbage day!


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T H E N E R D / T H E L E G E N D
You are the wind at my back and the sword at my side;
D E L T A 4 4
together, my love, we shall build a peaceful world.
Just you...
and me.

Welcome to my little personal den of Hell! Sorry, sorry, I meant my personal profile. Same thing, right?

I'm a roleplayer, same as any around here. I've been doing it for about five years now, coming up to six in September. Its been quite the time, thinking back. I started out fresh as can be, understanding the basics of writing but never quite knowing how to become better, or become as great as those around me. In the end, I did the only thing I really knew at the time:

Write as much garbage as possible and hope for the best!

As you can see, that particular tactic fucking failed.
Jokes aside, I like to think I've developed a lot over the years, both as a writer and as a person. However, absolutely nothing can dissuade my weeaboo ways and supporting my OTP with all that I can freaking muster! If you haven't already guessed, said OTP is Chrom x Robin (Chrobin) from Fire Emblem: Awakening. Highly recommend the game, there's a reason (other than nintendo's cheapskate attitude) that it hasn't dropped in price, it's honestly the best place to start off in the series. And hey, maybe you'll end up addicted like me and want to buy every game on the 3DS like a fucking loony?

Speaking of loonies, the Fire Emblem Chrobin Comic Dub Project has recently finished, so for those of you who also appreciate the best ship in existence, I highly recommend it. Hell, even if you're not interested in that, I do highly recommend watching it for those into fantasy love stories. The quality improves drastically with each episode, so trust me when I say by the end of it you should be thoroughly impressed. It has helped motivate me in ways I can hardly describe with words, and so I thought the least I could do was put this out there. Maybe it's not for everyone, but I know it was the perfect thing for me.

"Do you think you can tip any of the scales in here?"
"Chrom, for the love of Naga, I'm thinking..."

"So I heard."

"There are better places
to take a nap than
on the ground, you know."

Most Recent Posts

Despite the alarm being heard within the psychologist's office, the man ushered the debut hero to stay. They were in the middle of a checkup, both for Eliott's bracers as well as her mental health, as her split personality sounded like a problem to the higher-ups. Despite her claims that she is in full control of herself, the rest of New Horizon don't share that kind of mentality. She had experience dealing with and talking to psychologists before, however they often brought up bad memories...
"You appear to be doing well, Eliott. Your cooperation is appreciated." A small button beneath his desk silenced the alarm. It could be heard in the distance, but apparently disabled the speaker within his room. She nodded to show her understanding. "Your bracers seem to be fine and well-calibrated. No adverse effects..." He pointed to a not he had scribbled a half-hour earlier. "But I would like to ask you a few questions before you go. Just some little things, bits about the Tower and whatnot. Please, be honest with me, I know you're not a bad person."

"That sounds OK." Responded the meek voice of Eliott. She still hadn't quite grown accustomed to his presence, as well as that of the other heroes, but was making progress.
"Alright, how do you feel about living in The Tower? Do you feel safe? Do you get along with the other heroes?"
There was a pause. Eliott liked to think over her answers carefully. "It's comfortable. I haven't made an impression with everyone, but there are some who I like, some who I don't. I-I want to get to know them..."
"That's fine, that's fine." More scribbles. "And how goes the training? I hear you're almost finished?"
Eliott nodded again.
"Almost finished. I might get to go on the next mission, or so they say. I have a test to do, and that's apparently the end of it."

The psychologist raised an eyebrow. "Congratulations! You're pretty quick, huh? It took some heroes here much longer to reach where you are now." He cleared his throat and leaned in, catching Eliott's affirmative hum. She could already tell what he would ask next. From her experience, they tended to feed into a conversation, as opposed to ask random questions. "Then do you mind if I ask if that 'other you' has came out much?"
Eliot shrugged.
"Eliott, please. I need to know."
Eyes looked down to towards the floor.
She frowned.
"A little." She sighed. He nodded and wrote some more., but didn't say anything, silently pressuring her to keep talking. She gave in. "I... I get a bit more excited at the practical things. But I'm quieter when I do the written things..."
That much he already knew, but it seemed like Eliott wasn't willing to divulge anymore information. While it did worry him, he wasn't going to push her, and instead let out a relieved sigh. "OK. OK! That's good - this is good!" Reider's gaze returned to the man, confused. "We're about to run out of time, so let me ask you a couple more questions before you leave. Is that OK?"

Another couple minutes of questions came at her, and she did her best to answer them well-enough. Most had to do with the Tower, the heroes, and how she herself felt. Though none of them were particularly hard, she came out of the psychologist's room feeling tired, like she had just undergone exercise. She was beckoned to visit the park on the roof; some peace and quiet would be hard to find with all the other heroes around, and the sense of nature it provided was refreshing as always.
But first, food.
She made her way to her own room, and prepared a pair of sandwiches. It was a simple meal - lettuce, tomato, bacon, buns toasted. She made two in case anyone came to visit her while she was up there.
Hallway, elevator, hallway, stairs; the roof was a long walk to get to. It wasn't visited by too many heroes, which is why she found it relaxing. She'd brought books with her, one about philosophy and another about fantasy. Her choice of books never really had a preference, just those that seemed interesting to her.

The park, as ever, was beautiful. Her favorite place by far was beside the pond under a tree. It was shady, and the grass was just soft enough to lay down on. The tree served as a nice backrest when it came to reading, and the serenity of it all often put her mind at peace. Even when people came to play volleyball, the sound was drowned out by the flowing of water, and the tree's thick trunk meant sound couldn't penetrate it. She could still mute sound if things were really bad, but then she wouldn't be able to hear the birds. True, they weren't really there and were just sounds produced by the dome, but it added to the relaxing vibe of the park nonetheless.
As she found her place, her spot, she settled into it comfortably. The toasted sandwich was good, just as she had learnt, and reminded her that she needed to cook more often. The thought of cooking for other heroes crossed her mind. It sounded nice, since she hadn't been invited to anyone else's cooking yet, but there were some faces she was unsure of inviting. Perhaps a smaller crowd -- Epsilon -- would be ideal?

She lost herself to thought, absentmindedly chewing her toasted sandwich, even as the announcement that the other heroes had returned echoed throughout the park...
Well my life has gotten a bit harder. So has yours now @Denduris.

I think the word you're looking for is interesting ;)
Gonna make a post soon, sorry to keep ya'll waiting ^-^ I know Claw has fell into a writing slump of sorts, and I can't say when he'll be able to respond, but mine will likely be tomorrow :D
Sorry for the wait :3 I'm gonna hold off on posting for now, but will have something soon. Not gonna be part of the fight though :D

K R O N - N E S I S

The Grand Marshal chuckled at Illyarion's perceptiveness. He was most certainly a sharp one. But he continued before he could answer, and Lenius listened careully. He understood his friend's worry - he himself was worried for the safety of not only the princess, but his own daughter. But alas, things were never so simple.
"I suppose I've gone somewhat senile, what in my old age." Replied Lenius with a smile. "But I'm afraid this isn't a result of that particular problem. The king has ordered it so, and I won't disobey."

Before Illyarion could speak, the Grand Marshal spoke up; now it was his turn to talk over him. "That said, I have no intention of letting either of them die before me. Maryvale is a competent warrior, a knight of my own blood, and the princess is hardly a fool when it comes to the blade. They will be under my direct command, and I will therefor ensure their safety."
He seemed to speak as though he were giving an order - a no-nonsense kind of approach. Despite is stern words, he softened slightly as his eyes turned back to Maryvale and the princess. "That said, I have no intention of allowing them onto the field without the appropriate level of caution. If you insist on taking them under your protection, then perhaps you and your Ravenguard could ensure their survival? My heart would be at-ease knowing that."

Maryvale was silent while her father spoke. She often kept quiet during times such as these; Lenius had instilled an obedience to authority within her. Azymn, on the other hand, liked to ask questions and make statements, given her own authority. She was glad to hear the Grand Marshal's confidence in her and her retainer, though Illyarion's skepticism made her frown. "Sir Myriavin, I can assure you, I am no typical princess. I know how to defend myself, and under your Ravenguard's protection, I see no reason we will not see the end of this campaign."

"She isn't Maryvale, but she's stronger than your common soldier, I can vouch for her." He gave the elven man a look of understanding, hinting that the two had trained before. Though, this would be news not only to Illyarion, but also to Maryvale. "That said, she will be a target both on the field and off, so you will need to keep an eye on her at all hours, should you accept." The Grand Marshal's attention then turned to Pox, who had yet to speak up. "If something were to happen, however, I've word our friend here is more than capable of handling her Highness' ailments. Terrible apologies for my lack of mannerisms, by the way: I am the Grand Marshal of Kron-Nesis. I'm hoping you live up to your reputation, Pox. While I don't doubt the skill of her company, you are almost certainly needed on this expedition. If not for the princess, then my daughter, Maryvale, will require your assistance time and again. Her magic is self-inflicting, so keep that in mind as you treat her."

He gave Pox room to speak his mind as well as anything else Illyarion wanted to say, before immediately following up with: "Before we get into anything else, let it be known why you're here. A warcamp is being amassed to the north, which is where you'll be headed. Head to the border town of Lyserene. That's where many of our army will be headed." Many knew Lyserene to share the border of Kron-Nesis and Eamonvale. Going beyond that town would lead to a direct act of trespassing, and could provoke a war. Unless...
"I will explain more about the situation, strategy, and formations of our forces once all is accounted for. Until then, don't press me for questions I cannot answer."

Sorry it sucks ;-; Not been doing much writing lately. Trying to get things moving again, though! XD
"Hey, Zookeeper! Antarctica sends her regards!"
So many goddamn ice jokes and puns are going to be made now XD
I just want you to know I really appreciate the ripoff name you gave to Starbucks XD

Also I'm going to try and post today for a couple things, so might get one here, too :3

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