Avatar of Dezuel


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1 yr ago
Current Some of the damn quotes from old 80's animation is damn gold. If english isn't gonna cut it, just swap to ones native language and you have yourself some good comedy. Unlike hollywood post year 2000
1 yr ago
Prepare for oblivion...
1 yr ago
36yo today, one step closer to oblivion.
3 yrs ago
Let the roleplaying shenanigans ensue! Fun times!
3 yrs ago
Nationbuilding buisness is underway!


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Alberich is in Tokyo like my other two characters, close to the Japanse Imperial Palace, in the forest/garden north of what is known as Three Palace Sanctuaries.

Menomaru and Emilio are both further south in close proximity to the Tokyo tower.

And judging from the rest...

Misaki is appearantly by a Fashion center in Tokyo. Which one I do not know.

Ben is in the Yoyogi park which is to the west of my characters and the imperial palace.

Evangeline, Mordred and Hans are appearantly in an unnamed park.

Moriya is in New York.

Not sure about the rest. There is some which have not posted yet.


Allright, didn't know it was that bad on mobiles. I shall keep it vanilla white next.
Emilio Michaelov

Tokyo Tower

"Hngn. Where am I? Something is wrong..." He watched the city of Tokyo from the top of the Tokyo tower, and how lively it was with all the cars driving below. Something about how peaceful it seemed bothered him.

"Is this really New York? No. Does not look like it." Emilio furrowed his eyebrows and then offered a smile as his spectral wings manifested and he leapt from the building and he began to take flight from there down towards a lower located building where he could inspect things abit closer. The building just below the tower held a sign.

"Tokyo...tower? That's right! This is then Japan? So where to go now? Heh.. Let's go and see what can be found."


Forest north of Three Palace Sanctuaries

"What is this place? What's going on? This is not my homeland Asgard." Alberich stopped in his tracks to take some glances around, all around him were trees and none of them were snow filled. Not even the ground was covered in snow.

"Has Shiryu been able to deceive me? No this is not him. Another saint?" Alberich closed his eyes and placed his sword in front of him trying to reach out and feel any nearby cosmos. His eyes flung open. He couldn't feel anyone at all. How could this be possible? Alberich took his left hand before his mouth and pondered on other possiblities.

"Have I been sent to another dimension? A bronze saint would not be strong enough to- That means there must have been a gold saint which-" Alberich tightened his hands, one tightening around the grip of his crystal-like blade.

"You dare deceive me! I am a god warrior!" Alberich began to run forth, taking a leap up on a branch of a nearby tree, sighting a building in the distance. You will pay dearly for this... Saints of Athena. I will collect all the Odin Sapphires and defeat Hilda with the Balmung sword... then all shall bow to me in worship.


Gate of Daitokuin Mausoleum

Menomaru looked around himself in some confusion. "Hari. Ruri." His calls for his servants were not answered.

Tch... What has happened here? Where is the remains of the great Hyoga...?
Menomaru thought to himself then began to command forth his moths and surrounding himself in them, before sending them out to spy for him.

"Find the remains of the great Hyoga. Find me the fang of destruction. Find out where we are." The moths began to scatter and fly off in all manner of directions. Some carried slightly away by the wind.
Emilio Michaelov



Changed Emilio's character sheet to include a sign of how fast, tough and strong he is physically.

Adding replacement for Valgarv right now.

Waiting for go on two remaining characters before adding all to Character tab.

Edit: Also did a fix on Alberich. I had forgotten a very important fact about his sword.

A character which heals almost immediately, can reattach lost bodyparts, vampire with immunity to sunlight and nothing but a full body disintegration will be able to kill her. With some dark magic, ice, lightning and wind spells to be the cherry on the top.

Abit of Lina Inverse with some of Hellsing's Alucard in the mix.

Good thing all are stacked up with abilities which can cause disintegration or that would had been a really bad scenario right? I mean it is not 'indestructable' at least. Thank goodness.
@Raineh Daze

If that's how most things are going to be judged then the next character posts shall be an interesting read for us both surely. It shall be curious to see who you'd pick however. If you do decide to join.

I'd rather not waste further time defending a cause which would take more effort to defend than to write down. I'll just pick someone else.

Regarding first character the amount of physical toughness is above the average human, in the sense that the person can still act and survive from having had been hit by a large fireball or a lightning bolt. While being wounded, even heavily by some of these it would not be enough to kill him with just one hit. The actual strength on using fist and feet is enough to cause a 2 metre cyborg to be knocked back and harmed. So not what one would consider average compared to a normal human. In terms of speed, he is capable of dodging quick projectiles like artificial lightningbolts, fireballs, rockets, machinegun-fire and beam attacks.

In regards to the second character.

If you want to reconsider it. Otherwise I'll just pick someone else.
Yeah, I really liked Slayers NEXT and Try. And the character I enjoyed the most from it was Valgarv. :)
The oldies shelf can be a great shelf, If I can say so... myshelf.
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