Avatar of Dinh AaronMk


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9 mos ago
Current Never spaghetti; Boston strong
11 mos ago
The last post below me is a lie
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12 mos ago
1 yr ago
Was that supposed to be an anime reference
1 yr ago
I live in America, but the m, e, r , i, c are silent


Harry Potter is not a world view, read another book or I will piss on the moon with my super laser piss.

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In Spam 7 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
@Sanctus Spooki@luna558

When's the wedding?

Do we have a spam shipping thread?

I feel like once we might of had one, but I can't remember.

You're fine, just keep in mind androids built for civilian purpose shouldn't be capable of killing or leading man to their death. So unless you want Lee to still be a museum curator then he'd have to take a more back-seat role in combat beyond the lines. Or his purpose would need to be re-worked.
Gold devalues to dirt, and you become investigated by federal trade authorities by devaluing the price of gold and crashing the market. Libertarians everywhere also hate you.

@Letter Bee

You're fine now.
<Snipped quote by Dinh AaronMk>

So, edit my work to make the scavengers at Troy a more prosperous settlement and reduce Roderick's role, then?

It wouldn't really need to be prosperous either. It could be a need to split and share what resources or wealth is on hand and it could be argued from there.

Native Americans weren't particularly wealthy in the western sense, but they maintained functioning democracies. At some point the Troy Republic may change its priorities or means of living, but if this means they don't try to dramatically change their social make-up then they wouldn't be making kings or anything as they start farming again. It would be kind of like Thomas Paine's Common Sense when he discusses the differences of society and government and the establishment of the later; provided everyone or a large part of the population is equally wealthy and doesn't decide to develop a permanent warrior society for instance then it may not go full feudalism.
<Snipped quote by Dinh AaronMk>

Any other way of giving the Republican Empire the imperfect knowledge of the old days needed to form their nation, then?

You wouldn't really need any knowledge of the old world to form a republic, tbh. If anything, where a feudal state may be said to be when an individual acquires so much material power he can influence or subjugate others to form his dynastic state, the process of a Republic is when a collection of people acquire material wealth giving them power, but not enough to really over-power one or the other; and so might confederate to form a Republic among themselves.

Otherwise, it may be little more than survivors trying to form a semblance of normalcy by re-establishing what was lost to manage their stuff. They wouldn't have to know how the Republic of Rome or anyone went about it. The Romans themselves didn't really have a book about how to set up their Republic, and they themselves were a vague silhouette of a Republic to the American Founding Fathers who only had vague notions of what they were doing.
If I had a qualm to pick out, it would be the video games working after the world ended. It feels more out of place than what I had intended when I talked about some relics still working from the old days.
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