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7 yrs ago
dissertation done. can actually post again. yay.


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@Old Amsterdam

the shield wasn't the issue, the currently unresolved falling stab stab girl is the issue
I am just going to end my post at Seth legging it past Cell and yelling at him.
Draaaaaaaaaco I think you should hold off on that post until Mary has finished falling from the sky. It would take longer for your character to run across the street than Vegas has ATM.

Oh yeah, I have nothing to respond to in that post. So I suppose I wait until tomorrow, or until @knifeman saves everyone!

I guess I considered the distances involved to be shorter than you do. my bad.

I could cut of the bit of them getting there to do the grapple I suppose and have a shout of "look out" be the interaction instead. or maybe attacking the wards. hmmm. will think about it.

edit: also, I wasn't really expecting the coin grab to resolve the situation particularly quickly, more of a slow drag which doesn't save anyone from drop bears girls

The Covenant where, in a word, terrifying. Sickle-cell’s bloody murder was scary enough, but his two disappeared companions were even worse in Seth’s mind. If there's one thing worse than a lethal cape in front of you, it’s 2 capes who might pop out at any moment to stick a knife in your gut. Or whatever those two did. While Seth was wracked his brain for the stuff he’d read about the city on Parahumans Online and tried to formulate a plan to both perpetuate the conflict and get the hell out of dodge once this all wrapped up, events moved on without them.

Despite their dramatic entrance and devastatingly murderous start, things where not going well for the Covenant. With Sickle-cell seemingly stunned by the ghostly boop he had received and the dragon thing currently trying to toast Vegas and whoever she had with her under her shield it looked like the causers of the chaos Seth was here to take advantage of where about to go down. Now was the time to act.

”Alright, here's the plan, we bail out the Covenant so that their two roaming caps let us leave unmolested while those two fight the Protectorate for us. Got it?”

”Understood””Got it””uh huh”

At that Seth darted out the alleyway, heading away from the crashed transport and towards the beleaguered shielder. As he ran Avarice whipped up the now 200+ coins into a rapidly revolving localised maelstrom around them, to have the spinning disks act as both a defensive barrier and sight blocker to obscure what they were doing. Running past the stunned hemomancer, seth yelled at him in attempt to snap him out of whatever haze he was in.

”Hay! Blood bag! Quit standing around like a gormless idiot or the P.T.R’s attack bitches are gonna get ya”

Once they were past Sickle-cell, Avarice moved most of the defensive coins into a solid shield behind them while about 60 of them were sent flying the short distance distance between the pair and the fire breathing metal beast.

”Speaking of bothersome canines, let me deal with this one.”

Using the coins Avarice attempted to form a metallic collar and leash around the burning monster’s neck, which they then proceeded to try to use to yank her head to the side, away from the trio she was currently trying to barbecue.

”Bad Dog! Heel!”
couldn't get anything up yesterday due to net problems so I'll be trying to post as soon as possible today, probably in an attempt to bail the Covenant out of the jam they are in.

Numbani airport - early evening

Upon the recently repaired tarmac of the African city of Numbani’s main airport quite the crowd has gathered, centered around a soon to depart KGDF cargo transport plane and the small group of scientists and military personnel preparing to board it. The main focus of the various local reporters and paparazzi, who had been allowed a brief opportunity to ask questions and take photographs before the group went of to japan, was on the Month old android Orisa and her 11 year old creator Efi Oladele who they were bombarding with questions.

”...looking forwards to learning from experienced units like Gipsy Danger...”

“...all thanks to our wonderful university's...”

At the back of the congregation Asmaa Kattan, the highest ranking of the military personnel present received a high priority phone call from KGDF headquarters and, after a short conversation, approached the android and her inventor. Efi noticed her approached and turned from the journalists to ask

“Are we ready to get going Miss Kattan?”

“Change of plans. Private Orisa, walk with me.”

I.. Yes. At once mam!”

The centaur android turned from the now unruly press who were desperate to know what was going on, and the two walked towards the aircraft, only to be joined by Efi.

“I don’t remember asking for you to join us Efi, go and rejoin your colleagues.”

“Where Orisa goes, I go.”

“I will not be the one to take a child into a war zone. Go back.”

”A war zone? Whatever is going on?”

Kattan sighed and turned to face the young pair, rather exasperated. She was in the military, she should not be having to deal with children.

“The KGDF just got word of 3 separate simultaneous kaiju attacks, one of which is currently hitting Casablanca: the capital city of Morocco. As you are the closest available unit it has been decided you will be engaging the threat. We are to leave immediately.”

“Then I have to come, I’m the only one who knows how Orisa works and it’s her first mission! What if something goes wrong? I should be there, supporting her!”

“I will not budge on this issue, and every second we waste on it puts more lives in danger. Go back. That is an order!”

“I. But.”

”I’ll be fine Efi and you can still keep an eye on me remotely. Right?”

Kattan nodded and, after a few moments of deliberation, Efi slumped, accepting her predicament but still clearly upset at the limitations remote communication would bring. Seeing this, Orisa gave her creator a quick hug.

“Come home safe so we can both go to Japan together. Promise.”

”I promise. See you soon.”

Approaching Casablanca - Morocco, early evening

Inside the rear end of the transport plane a visibly nervosa Orisa stood before a currently closed exit ramp. The android was running a few last minute pre transformation diagnostics, as much to calm her nerves as to make sure she was ready, when Kattan’s voice came over the intercom.

“We’re approaching the dropsite. We still don’t have an orbital visual of the target, so your primary goal is to get us a clear picture of the kaiju. Once we have that you’ll engage or pull back on my order, understood?”

”Understood mam.”

“Good. we’re opening the door now. Prepare to jump”

At this, the large bay doors at the back of the plane began to open slowly, the ramp lowering and exposing the city of Mohammedia, a port city just east of Casablanca, below. The lights of the city came into focus as the plane descended and slowed in preparation for android deployment.

“Drop in, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, go go go!”

At that command Orisa galloped down the exit ramp and leaped out of the aircraft, the freezing wind blowing through her dark curly hair for just a moment before she activates her size changer. At this android massively expands in size while in mid air and, while her lower half remains roughly the same in appearance, her upper half becomes covered in metal armor, her horns expand massively in length, a plasma cannon forms in the place of her right hand and her face is covered by a golden tinted mask. The now 70M tall orisa activates her Fortify ability, a golden aura shimmering across her entire body, which braces her for the impact with the water seconds later. She grinds to a halt, canceling the momentum she had inherited from the plane, and then turn quickly to face the city of Casablanca.

”This is Orisa. landing successful. I am ready to initiate combat operations.”

“Confirmed. Proceed as planned.”

From her hiding place among the cargo in the plane, Efi watches this all through Orisa’s eyes on her laptop. She opens a chat window alongside all of the various diagnostic info she has onscreen and types Good Luck

Down below Orisas eyes briefly make a ^_^ expression before she begins her steady advance along the coast line towards the beleaguered city.


”Fuck sake, stop stealing my thunder people!”

Before they could ready a second shot however, Seth intervened.

”oh no, that's enough from you Spite, get down. Gre.. Avarice, get up here and that money flowing”

”With pleasure”

At this command two lanky arms ending in golden claws reached up behind spite and grabbed ther shoulders, pulling him downwards. Accompanying them were 11 smaller ghostly sets of hands that grabbed Spites cloak and arms to help pull him back down to join them.

”I wasn’t done yet!”

Despite their struggling, Spite was quickly dragged back to whichever place it was the devils came from and in his place extended the tall and resplendent figure of Avarice. The golden globe headed being immediately began to produce his coins, the small golden disks appearing around his head and then spiraling down and around his arms to form rapidly growing golden double helixes, ready to be used at a moment's notice

The wonderland mook, upon seeing hell portals on one side and demon behind him, legged it as fast as he could in the only direction seemingly available to him, only to run straight into the Covenant’s breathtaking entrance. From his side street Seth was spared the worst of the vacuum bomb, but found his little alleyway now between his targets and the mad bombers who started the whole ruckus he was here to get in on.

”welllllll shiiiiit” Sloth finally chimed in ”We might wanna mosey on outta here. Let em fight each other”

”Oh, we’ll let em fight alright, but then while they're at it we’re going to mess the Protectorate's teen girl squad. You know. This whole thing we’ve been doing for 3 years now”

Sloth simply replied with a vague grunt of indifference. Seth sighed and then pulled back up the alleyway to skulk in the shadows and wait to see how this confrontation played out. Greed's golden body and armaments made doing this considerably harder.
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