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“Thanksies, Wiwi,” Cecilia grinned as her health bar was topped off, saluting the healer lackadaisically, before spinning on her heel towards Prome and his totally un-aerodynamic metal-body self. She wagged her index finger left and right as she leaned forward. “And c’mon now, Prome. We don’t need none of those fancy stuff here. Just, you know…Wiwi’s Telekinetic Move? Or wait, I’ll show you! All you need are a long stick and some good legs!”

It was with that sort of cheerful attitude that the lilac-haired Lancer approached the bridge with, her boots kicking against the ground as if she were dancing. What was there to be depressed about, after all? They were going to clear the Floor Dungeon, unlock more content, and get one step closer to getting home. The sky was bright, everyone was in tip-top shape, and the enemies before them were more or less fodder that she’s been clearing out since level one. And with numbers like this…

“Alright, Karuu, Akumu, I’ll see you two on the other side~ Let’s get a good count going again, neh?”

Cecilia had no intention at all of dealing with those Goblin Warriors. Let the slower people play with those frontliners. As for herself…

First Sprint, then Accelerate, and she was off like an arrow, shooting around and then past the first mob of Goblin Warriors. Each step roared in her blood, and each step roared in her ears as Cecilia drove her spear into the river’s bank, jumping up at the same time. Letting out a cry of exhilaration, she sailed over the river and landed in a roll before springing up onto her feet once more and charging straight for the archers. By nature, arrows were ‘points’ rather than ‘lines’ and as long as she kept moving amongst the crowd, using the goblins around her as cover, it would be so much harder to hit her.

And if the warriors guarding the bridge were to give chase?

Cecilia chased down wolves. These stubby bastards didn’t have a chance in hell in catching her.

Mixing in Cleaves, Iron Pulls, Evade Missiles, Pole Jumps, and Redeeming Glows, Cecilia danced the iron waltz, her steps filled with deadly precision as blood, like autumn leaves, fell around her.

Before Karuu could think fast, Cecilia’s hand snapped out instead, catching the Crystal before handing it over to the Marauder. “Just in case, Mr. Leader,” she winked, before turning her golden eyes back towards Zks as he did the other part of his job: reporting.

So the ruins were the suspicious part after all, and they had the option of either heading to the bridge, which was filled to the brim with Goblin archers, or to head off through the detour instead, hoping that everyone was stealthy enough to make it through without trouble. Cecilia looked at Tower and Prome, before grinning and shaking her head.

“Nope, definitely not happening,” she sang, twirling around on her toes, “Let’s go straight through the bridge then. It’s short enough to cross almost instantly for the Great Demon and I, while the sides of this bridge serve as partial cover from archers on the side…not that we’d actually get hit by those arrows, neh, Akumu? River can send Pepper in as a quick aerial distraction, the melees can all Accelerate in and run amok, while Tower does what Tower does to deliver our cute lifeline closer.”

“Destroying the totem alone won’t make these monsters disappear, after all. I’d rather get rid of them before they sandwich us when we go for the totem, you know? And…”

She stabbed the spear into the ground before doing some jazz hands shenanigans with a soft giggle.

“Think about all that tasty loot as we descend upon a mob of archers!”

As the warg’s corpse pixelated into nothing, leaving behind only EXP and loot, Cecilia let out a sigh, wrenching her spear out from the tree and inspecting its edge. No nicks, no bend. Her leather armor was inspected as well, only spiderweb marks left by the claws of the beasts. Good. She can continue on without any repairs, and it looked like Zks was back as well.

Or well, as ‘back’ as someone could be when they weren’t even present for the orientation at the start of the dungeon.

“Understood,” Cecilia spoke, tossing one of the Wolf Pelts over to Willow. “I’ll take the other two, if no one has objections. And Willow, River, calm yourselves. For scouting purposes, a Rogue works best alone, and our fight created a perfect diversion.”

A pause, and then she flashed a small, cheeky smile, switching easily to a cheekier persona, her eyes widening slightly, her posture become more light and active, her tone brightening like a blooming sunflower.

“Not that I couldn’t have found the totem three times faster than Zks if I wasn’t doing my job as a warrior, neh?” Cecilia winked, her enhanced eyes glowing softly in the daylight.
Even with a boost granted by a girl who was much stronger than she looked, Matteo’s ascent up the tree was still dodgy, only one of his arms being of any use for pulling himself up. He swooned occasionally, almost falling off the branches he used as footholds, and other times, he had to hug the tree with his legs and slowly inch himself up. More often, the youth was forced to simply stay where he was, his limbs shaking, his clothes soaked with sweat, trying to summon up more strength from a body so thoroughly exhausted. It was just one wolf, but they were all hungry and tired, and it was fear that gave him the extra boost he needed to reach eight feet off the ground, braced against a large branch with his feet dangling off.

All of Ash’s own comments were overruled by her party members, and when safety in numbers came hand in hand with climbing a tree, the adrongynous Ranger had no choice but to ascend as well, her one injured leg shaking as she was hoisted up by Muu. After reaching the first noticeable branch, however, her own muscle training, biceps developed from days of pulling bowstrings, proved sufficient. It was a shame that she didn’t have the grace or speed of Muu, but Ash ascended without much trouble once she put her mind to it.

For all her whispered rambling, Muu was able to climb the tree with ease alone, her acrobatic training as a Blade Dancer coming to play here. Though the darkness of the new moon made it hard to accurately bound from branch to branch, her arm strength was tremendous and her body weight was negligible. Within a minute, she passed Matteo, and slotted herself higher up on the tree than him, breathing easy, waiting, resting.

The howling had long gone, but as they waited in suffocating darkness, they could hear the rustling of leaves, the soft growls of a beast. From the brush, golden eyes emerged, transposed upon a gleaming silver pelt that seemed to give off its own light, irrespective of the new moon and the faint stars. This was no starved loner, no deranged beast. Its plentiful muscles rippled beneath the glossy fur, and it stepped with a gravitas, restrained violence and savage dignity. For a moment, it sniffed, turning its head up towards the three shadows nestled amongst the branches.

Then, it stepped over to the base of the tree, laid down, and closed its eyes.

Soon after, the sounds of the nightly forest began once more, insects and chirps and cries. But all three soldiers could smell it. The thick rustiness of fresh blood, coming from the creature that laid beneath.

Cecilia spared a single, unimpressed glance towards Karuu and his masochistic tendencies, before leaping into the fray once more. It had been a mistake for those mongrels to ignore her, but it was similarly a mistake for them to focus upon her. She was no stranger to pain, after all, and her own steps remained light and graceful, her spear twirling and bouncing, deflecting as much of the Wargs’ blows as possible even as they did manage to hit their mark.

Wounds were a warrior’s merit? Nay, such thoughts may suit a Marauder just fine, but the more grave injuries she avoided, the more MP her healers had to deal with truly problematic situations.

Lightning struck again, thunderous claps bursting from River’s hands to fill the air afresh with the stench of smoking flesh. Masking her eyes from the brilliance, the lancer narrowed her eyes against the shadow of the Warg that rushed towards Willow, before thrusting her spear forwards. It dug into fur and flesh, and she yanked the beast back to its compatriots. One sweeping strike sliced through all three of them, her small smile baring her canines as she stepped forwards next, the razor point of the Zenon Spear rising up and catching the central Warg in the jaw, hoisting it up skywards. It yelped as it was summarily flipped and crashed into the ground, belly exposed.

Those yelps didn’t last all too long once she buried half her spear into its chest and tore it out from the side, slicing through the face of yet another Warg. Cecilia turned to the final Warg, as her voice called out brightly.

“Let the Trainer escape. It’ll guide us to the totem.”

And then, the ground beneath her burst.

Charging forwards, she smashed into the Warg with the force of a battering ram, breaking its spine against the trunk of a tree as the black-iron Zenon Spear drove its heart through the great oak.

From above, leaves fell, a thousand small shadows cast as her form shone with golden light.

It was all but over at this point.

Main Stage Audience Area, Dianoid, District 15

A city full of super-powered children, and not a single one of them capable of influencing what was happening right before their eyes. If it wasn’t for how shitty of a situation this currently was, Yu-Ri would probably smile about it. Alas, her escape attempt had caught the eyes of the stage-hijacker after all, and the Chinese ESPer clicked her tongue, immediately abandoning her attempt at exiting. She pushed away from the door, dropped low, and tumbled, grazing underneath the massive drone a second before it would have pulverized her against the heavy doors.

Her dark gaze turned upwards and around as she stood up, legs coiled and ready to run. How many more of these ‘weapons’ was this psycho going to spend on going after her?

Ugh, why couldn't she just have a simple job for once?


“Indeed it will,” Amaryllis replied, her own face flushed obviously by the glory of victory and the warmth of the sun. “Well, if you will excuse me, the sun has still not yet reached its apex, and the day’s duties have not yet been dealt with in full yet. As such, I must depart, Hunter Rina. May h-”

Before the Knight of Rose could properly make her exit, however, the pilot of the war machine emerged once more, offering a hand and some celebratory alcohol. With peppy neon blue twintails and a body almost (but not quite) as bodacious as Amaryllis’s own, she certainly looked at odds with the war machine she summoned, but a lady was a lady, and a knight would be remiss to introduce herself properly before her. With one smooth movement, the swordmaiden knelt on one knee, took the offered hand, and pressed her lips chastely against the back of the woman’s hand. Around the two, rusted petals fell at an angle, blown by an unfelt wind, as Amaryllis turned her midnight gaze unto Penny.

“A pleasure to make the acquaintance of a fellow Saintess of Steel,” she spoke, “I shall certainly remember the thunderous aid you’ve provide in the vanquishing of that wretched beast. I am Amaryllis Evenings, Knight of Rose, Swordbearer and Chainholder. If you ever find yourself in a situation like this once more, simply call my name, and I shall be there, clad in Silverlight and Sacraments.”

Standing up once more, she released her hold on Penny’s hand and turned her palm skywards. Within, a rusted rose budded, then bloomed, manifesting in a way that could only be considered hypnotic, and with a casual, practiced motion, the Knight pinned the metallic flower into Penny’s hair, turning away in that same motion.

“Alas, though to drink with two beauties would certainly be heaven for any individual of taste, the tragedies of the world continue on regardless of my desire for leisure. As such, I shall bid you two farewell. The Goddess calls, and I must answer her pleas.”

Her speech concluded, the Knight of Rose kicked off the Earth Bastion, somersaulted twice, and bounded off into the distance, a blue blur trailed by scarlet petals.

Couldn’t afford to be any later to her classes than she already was, after all.

Province of Ilagorn -- Adventurer's Guild a.k.a. The Delipitated Duck
12th Hour of the 2nd Day, Summer

“Hrmm,” Ier-Briar vocalized, as it turned out that Nimr was actually dirt-poor and just flapping his gums to sound smart before the Guildmistress. Still, another educated individual was useful, and the knight crossed her arms in momentary contemplation. Siwan claimed to be a hunter, but a forest filled with the monstrous would naturally be filled with prey accustomed to the insidious machinations of foul beasts. Nothing that a soft-hearted hunter would be accustomed to trapping.

“My own coin purse is more than sufficient for my own needs, and perhaps the needs of another,” Ier-Briar spoke, “And my pack has ample supplies, but once again, for my own needs alone. It’ll last me three days, five if I stretch it.”

Her azure gaze turned towards penniless Nimr. “Two days if I share it with those without. For now, however, I wager a day-time excursion to Fogmere Forest will be sufficient to test the waters of this wilderness. Once we gain some knowledge of the lay of the land, we can then prepare more fully for a long-term adventure within the fog.” Ier-Briar nodded to herself, her bangs bobbing up and down, and concluded. “Naturally, though, that won’t be necessary. I trust that our skills combined are more than sufficient for discovering the lost shipment before the sun sets.”
Bippity bappity bop, still looking for someone interested in being a Priest~
Mm, alright. I'll send you a PM or something discussing this stuff later.
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