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As Daniel drank, Verity watched him. For immediate reactions, delayed reactions, to anything odd with the coconut water.

He looked fine at a glance, of course, but she could wait regardless. She could wait for a good while, especially if Sofia really had spotted water as well. A spring, indeed, that Verity somehow missed while she was up on her tree. That was good news too. Someone else could drink from there too, and she could continue to wait in comfort to see what would happen.

But the silence was a more curious thing. It came suddenly, the stilling of seagulls and insects. A silence to stoke up a ringing in her ears, a silence that encouraged her to take a step closer to the tree she had climbed up upon, encouraged her to check her surroundings slowly, looking for a sign of something that wasn't just vegetation.

And of course, she too was prepared to ghost.

After all, Verity had prioritized food and water over weaponry. And though there were many things that she has done and wanted to do, punching an animal to death wasn't one of them.
Oh, Yankee, I meant ICly.

In a school of 100ish kiddos, if your character wanted to be student council president, they’d have gotten their position without an election, because no one else would’ve.
@AThousandCurses They’re third years in Junior High. That would put them at 14-15 years old, I believe.

@Cu Chulainn Sounds fine with me. He just needs a cute library club gf now. He’d probably be looking at a pretty doomer high school future though. Basically zero chance of him placing in the junior high final exams.
The childhood friend always loses. But also Cu, is there a particular reason for him to go to school if he’s delinquenting it up?

@AThousandCurses junior high schoolers can probably get licensed for a scooter. If they’re a farm boyo, they could drive tractors or something too.

@Yankee Unless someone else pops up, it’d be likely that your kiddo became student council president by default. Do they have any particular talents or skills out of the norm?
So when IC?
Real RPers make bad decisions and then double down on em afterwards, Thousand. How real are you?

Also, for other interested parties, quick Character Sheet template if anyone wants to get started early. It's not gonna be anything more complex than this, but I'll probably add sections as the RP goes on.

Monday, July 5, 2027.

Summer struck Japan with the weight of a hammer: not with heat, but with storm. Rumbling clouds burst with sheets of rain, drowning the coast of the Kochi prefecture. Late summer blooms bent beneath the weight of water, sewer drains flooded and overflowed. Coastal winds whipped against windows and umbrellas, and even seagulls took shelter beneath eaves. It was a day that begged for truancy.

But the bus still arrived at the stop you’ve always waited at, and so, you entered.

It was July 5 and the bus was as crowded as it could be in a town so small as this, filled with scattered cliques of faces you recognized. All a part of Saga Junior High School. In a week, final exams for the third-year students would begin. A week after that, the only reason for caring about grades at all in junior high would manifest.

From a graduating class of 50 students, 12 of them would be selected to homestay abroad to New Zealand.

In a town like Kuroshio, this would be your only way to get out. To see the world beyond the setting sun, and then, perhaps from there, to use it as part of your applications to study at a high school that wasn’t in the middle of nowhere. Tokyo called for your soul. Bustling metropolises with enough people to intoxicate on atmosphere alone. International schools with international repute, enough to catapult you to the world further beyond! That's the only reason why you, and so many others, were crammed together in this old-ass bus, after all. There were teachers to get into the good graces of. Materials to study. Quizzes to do. Effort to be shown! Indeed, in the week before exams, every second mattered.

So you flipped through your damp notes. Plugged in your earbuds. Checked docs on your smartphone. Traded trivia with friends and rivals alike. Leaned against a window to catch a quick nap. The bus's engine rumbled on, through winding mountain paths, and you swayed to-




The headache hit you like a hammer, but the heat hit harder.

It was the heat of mid-August, a dry heat that you had never experienced on the coasts of your hometown. You try to pick yourself up, only to find that your body was entangled with another's. No, looking around you now, you see that everyone had toppled over, one way or the other. The front of the bus had smashed against the trunk of a tree, window turned opaque by the myriad of fractures. It was an accident. But it was more than an accident.

Because beyond the bus, the wilderness you witnessed was not what you could ever recognize as the prefecture you had spent your entire life in.

Because within your mind, in an instance of clarity, you understood exactly what had happened.

This was another world.

This was a Dungeon.

Eyo, so this thing is basically just to help me get my fix for a particular sorta isekai thingy, which is fundamentally portal isekai based off of Solo Leveling and the like. Except, considering the situation, this may be a touch more similar to the Drifting Classroom.

I'm looking for a group of people who can post weekly, and who understand that this is going to be a RP that I'm pretty sure will end within a year if the weekly post pace is maintained. The situation will develop somewhat rapidly, because I really just want an ending kek.

Some extra tidbits that are awkward to place:

Your character is a third-year junior high student from Kuroshio Ogata Junior High School, in the Shikoku prefecture of Japan. Ideally, they should have something that makes them exceptional as an individual, but this doesn't necessarily have to be anything that makes them super useful in an isekai survival situation. They could just be really good at yo yo tricks.

Earth is plagued as a whole with Portals that pop up in reality, and the monsters that spill out as a result. Usually, specialized military forces are sent inside the Portals to clear the Dungeons and ultimately close the Portals...but as junior high students, most of what you'd really know about it is from all the media that pops up surrounding these real-life anime shenanigans. You can think of the isekai genre as something that now also gets 'based on a real life story' movies.

There will be no fantasy civilization that they come across in this Dungeon. Though there is a form of 'magic', there won't be any cheat abilities popping up. Outside of the bus driver, no one else has died, so you'll have a hefty group of fellow students to help with survival tasks n all. Or to sacrifice to monsters as bait. Depends on how you want your character be psychologically at the end of this.

So ye. I like questions so feel free to hit me up with that, alongside any immediate character concepts that come to mind. Depending on the question, I'll have to keep the silence though. Some stuff is just there for people to find out.


As it was, Saint George was taking a much needed vacation, watching a Broadway production of She Kills Monsters with his pet rat. And what was there to worry about anyways? If a dragon was dead, it couldn’t have made for that big of a threat. Now the living dragons, those were the ones to be afraid of!


Not that the ramblings of a bygone saint meant much to the present situation.

Unseen and unheard, Edward was lost in his own little world as he sketched away at the skeletal dragon, noting the fantastical nature of its structure. Despite evidently taking its cue from fantasy and mythology, the size of the creature and the length of its skeleton-limbs seemed to beggar disbelief at how viable it truly was. If this truly was the ghost of a dead dragon, it certainly wouldn’t be able to fly, and its skull too seemed more reminiscent of a child’s approximation of a dinosaur than anything else. This, at least, despite its fearsome visage and impressive gouts of phantasmal flame, didn’t seem to match the necromancer’s own image of a city-destroying reptile…but perhaps that was for the better.

The beast continued to stalk its quarry, snaking around and warding off the ghostly parade that Celeste Arnaux attracted. Despite the tension around her, however, the pink-haired model handled herself well. Back straight, smile always on, she greeted guests and journalists one by one, the spotlights interspersed through the venue always seeming to catch her at just the right lighting to give her that sort of graceful yet dramatic mien. It reminded the reaper, for a moment, of Miss Death’s own countenance, yet wielded to a more exacting, deliberate effect. But beneath the exterior of an eminent fashion model laid too an uncertain fear. Her eyes traced the shadows interlacing with the crowds. Glided over the spotlights and the rafters. Searching, perhaps, for a sign of the fatal misfortune that had stalked her.

And then, stopping.

Vera could read it there, reflected in the woman’s blue eyes. Surprise. Recognition. And then…

The woman excused herself from her acquaintances, her steps gaining a click-clackering tempo as she maneveured herself through the room, each movement a bit faster than the next. The dragon trailed her, jaws swinging open, but the parade recognized the threat at a glance, the possibility of total annihilation.

Lucian saw her, of course. Saw Celeste walking right towards him, staring right at him.

But he was eating cheese. As in, the cheese was in his mouth. As in, there shouldn’t be any floating cheese in the air, so he should totally just be invisible, which meant that she was obviously just looking at someone behind him.

Until, of course, she grabbed his very tangible wrist and pulled him away with her off to an isolated corner of the venue. All it took was a few seconds, and she was looking at him once more, her eyes now mixed with shock and…something more calculating.

“Lucian! Mon dieu, you’re supposed to be dead!”


Reddish-brown hair, parted and combed.

A well-tailored suit, one that yet managed to accentuate his decidedly average build.

And, most interestingly, a set of green eyes. The green of a murky lake.

Close to the stage, a young man watched the happenings in that isolated corner.

Then, he turned to the woman by his side and took her hand in his. Skin against leather.

They’d begin, soon.
Ok, but OWO, consider.

Shiozaki Yasu
Female | 4'8 | Rank II

“You don’t need math for murder.”

The 10th District was no place for a child to be, but where there were humans, there would be children. In the gutters and alleyways, sheltered or abandoned, all as one toiled away at the factories of the crown-magistrates or fell in line with the professional criminals who preyed upon the helpless and principals. Monsters lurked in shadows, lurked in the alleyways, lurked in the dumpsters, and lurked in your lunchbox.

Yasu too, would have fallen prey to such monsters, if not for a single difference.

When she was seven years old, she saw her reflection in a shattered mirror. And that alone was enough to change her world.

Soon after, rumors of the Tiger Cub spread. A child wielding an iron pipe, one who could take on men thrice her height. One whose form flickered and changed, like channels switching on TV. One who stole and ate, who was in perpetual solitude within the sinner’s city. And yet one who remained ever-so-happy, who possessed a smile that could not exist upon the lips of a resident of the 10th District. But how could she not smile?

She was never alone, and she always had a choice! She was freer than the richest oligarches in the 1st District, and even if she died, she would live on in her stead!

The shattered mirror gave her happiness and madness in turn. And all the while, her vitas continued to drain away, falling deep into the cracks of the city. Yasu was but a child of the 10th District. And who would teach a child what Magic truly was?


Was it coincidence or fate, that found a Cleaner placing a weapon in her hands as her vision began to blink in and out? Was it charity or curiosity, that found a Cleaner directly her to the shadows, the alleyways, the dumpsters, her lunchbox?

Monsters were real. They can bleed.

And if Yasu loved herself as much as she thought she did, then she would kill them to continue loving herself.

Yasu has a sword. In her hands, it may be a two-handed sword, but in truth, it's short as these things go.

But it suits her well in its simplicity, sheathed as it is in her own vitas. No tricks. No gimmicks. Just strike down the monster with a swing, and leave the more esoteric ones to the other weirdos.

In the little room she has to herself up in the office, there still lies a rusty iron pipe, fit for the hands of a child smaller than even herself.

Beyond the usual host of abilities that one could expect of a hunter of the supernatural, Yasu also, strangely enough, possesses the ability to read lips.

That's not what made her a Rank II Cleaner at the age of 14 though.

The magic that came to this child when she was but seven years old was the ability to see herself in alternate timelines, so long as the current situation was similar enough. Through this, she is able to swap herself with another self, ultimately allowing her to perform actions that are physically, logically, and temporally impossible. A swing from the right becomes a swing to the left. Motions to steal a wallet become motions to steal a watch. Of course, from the perspective of Yasu, it is the world that has suddenly changed around her, as she catapults herself through space and time to reach a place further than the universe she had always known.

But in the eyes of those around her?

Yasu is simply an airhead of a girl who too easily mixes up names and faces, possessing magic that makes her attacks nigh-incomprehensible.
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