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Mina was wandering off inside the forest, ignoring the pleas of her partner to come to her senses and return to the dorm. “Leave me alone.” Mina yelled out while walking deeper into the forest. “It was just a friendly duel Mina, there was nothing of stake to it?” This made Mina turn around to retort, “Everyone in the dorm saw our duel, and how I was humiliated. So it was quite a huge deal.” Her dog like spiritual partner thought at first that Mina was overrating, but remembered her past and how that shaped Mina’s behaviour. Her partner could only try to calm her down. “Well, I thought you need very well in that duel. I think you are still the best.” He watched as Mina was now sitting down underneath a tree.

Feeling like if he said anything more to try and calm her down, it would only make her more agitated. All he could do now was lay down beside Mina. This was a common occurrence, where her partner would comfort her when she would lose a duel. Mostly he would do this every time her parents would abuse her for losing.

Mina thought she would not be able to manipulate Rin to her liking. "Well of course, that is why we are all here. But what got you into duelling?" She asked, now leaning forwards a little more. "You are not going to get anything from this girl, she's a brick wall." Her spirit partner spoke up, rolling his eyes.

"It's... fun."

Mina took a deep sigh as the girl gave her another one-worded answer. "Okay, well, you must be really good if you got into Ra Yellow. Wanna have a little duel? nothing too high-stakes of course." She said, getting off her bed and brandishing her duel disk.


The two left for the Ra Yellow lounge, which was big and open enough that they’d have room to duel, albeit with a lot of spectators. Mina shuffled her deck, placed it within her duel disk, and pulled out 5 cards from the top as her starting hand. She stared at her hand, thinking of what her next move would be.

Mina vs. Rin

"After you."

Rin wordlessly drew her hand, before silently placing a card from her hand onto the field: Gift Exchange. Without explaining it, she started going through her deck before banishing a card in it face-down. She then pushed the card hologram across the field with a simple gesture so that Mina could read the text on it herself, instead of explaining what it did out loud in a dramatic fashion, like a normal person. Mina clicked her tongue to the roof of her mouth, picking a card from her deck to be banished.

Then, for the first time, Rin spoke a complete sentence. "I hope you gave me something good, roommate-chan."

It was slightly jarring to hear her be so talkative, even if it was just one sentence, but Mina couldn’t help but focus on another detail. Roommate-chan? "Call me Mina, Rin-chan."

Rin simply nods as she sets a monster and two face-downs in the back row, then gestures to Mina, indicating the end of her turn. The gifts from Gift Exchange arrive: Rin receives Vampire Kingdom, while Mina receives another Gift Exchange.

"It's the gift that keeps on giving. You'll play it for me, won't you?"

Mina scoffs. She’ll probably just get another Gift Exchange. "I set one card in the back row and play Vampire lady in attack mode. Now, Vampire Lady attacks your face down monster."
Vampire Lady - 1550/1550

The monster flips face-up to reveal Mimicking Man-Eater Bug. Although Vampire Lady brings her heel down on it with great force, the bug doesn’t falter, but instead grabs Vampire Lady and begins eating her alive, with very little apparent chewing. As it finishes gulping Vampire Lady down, its color changes, it sprouts a pair of bat wings, and its attack rises to 2000.

Mimicking Man-Eater Bug - 2000/600

"Tch. I end my turn."

"Don’t want to exchange more gifts with me? I'm hurt." Rin activates the Vampire Kingdom she received from Gift Exchange and changes Mimicking Man-Eater Bug to attack.

“I must say, I really like what you’ve done with your deck. It’s very stylish.” She continues playing non-verbally, pointing to Mina to direct Mimicking Man-Eater Bug as it attacks directly. Its attack rises to 2500 for damage calculation due to the effect of Vampire Kingdom before returning to 2000.

[8000 LP > 5500 LP]

Rin gestures again, passing the turn over to Mina. Despite a full hand, her options remain rather limited. She sets one monster face-down. “Your turn.”

Rin draws, and a smile lights up her face. She places the card directly on her duel disk. It’s another Gift Exchange. They each banish another card before Rin points again, attacking the face-down with Mimicking Man-Eater Bug.

It flips to reveal Vampire Sorcerer, who blows up under the giant bug’s claws. Its effect activates in turn.

“I add Vampire Red Baron to my hand.”

Rin ends her turn. Gift exchange activates. Rin receives Vampire Familiar, while Mina receives Griggle.

Mina had to do a double-take when she received it. What trash is this? Rin catches her eye from across the Ra Yellow lounge and gives her a smile. The audacity.

“I banish Vampire Sorcerer from my graveyard to normal summon my Vampire Red Baron without tribute, in attack mode. His attack is also increased during battle, thanks to your gifted card. Now, go! squish that bug!”

Vampire Red Baron - 2400/1000

Vampire Red Baron attacks Mimicking Man-Eater Bug. Vampire Kingdom increases the attack of both of them, to 2900 and 2500 respectively. Rin takes 400 damage, but Mimicking Man-Eater Bug cannot be destroyed by battle.

[8000 LP > 7600 LP]

“Consider me squished.”

Mina grit her teeth. “...I end my turn.” Her hand had 7 cards in it at this point. She could have avoided discarding a card by setting Gift Exchange or something, but she’d rather toss Griggle with extreme prejudice.

Rin notices as she draws. "Spurning my gifts? How cruel."

She places the card she just drew, activating Brain Control. Rin pays 800 LP and points at Vampire Red Baron as large ghoulish hands emerge from the card, reaching over to grab Vampire Red Baron.

[7600 LP > 6800 LP]

“I activate my trap card, Vampire Domination, to negate Brain Control.”

“Very well. Unfortunately for you, I don’t give up so easily.”

Rin puts down the second card she got from Gift Exchange: Vampire Familiar, in face-up attack position.

Vampire Familiar - 500/0

She then activates Creature Swap from her hand, giving Mina her Vampire Familiar back and taking Vampire Red Baron in exchange.

Mina can’t help but feel a bit speechless. Wasn’t stealing monsters supposed to be her thing?

“Battle. Go, Vampire Red Baron.” Rin points to Vampire Familiar, and Vampire Red Baron charges at it, impaling it on its spear. As before, Vampire Kingdom boosts both sides, cancelling out the difference.

[5500 LP > 3600 LP]

She points at Mina again, and Mimicking Man-Eater Bug attacks accordingly.

[3600 LP > 1100 LP]

“Now, since he was destroyed by Vampire Red Baron, he comes back, doesn’t he, Mina-chan?”


The effect of Vampire Red Baron activates, and Vampire Familiar is summoned to Rin’s side of the field in face-up defence position. She sets a third face-down in the spell/trap zone, then ends her turn with the usual gesture.

Mina draws. It’s something useful this time, but too little, too late. She begins to sweat as she activates Gift Exchange, banishing a copy of her spirit partner, Vampire Retainer, in a desperate attempt to receive something, anything, to pull her out of her current situation.

She has nothing to summon, and so simply ends her turn right after. The gifts come down, and she sees that Rin has deigned to gift her…

…Is …Is that what Rin thinks of her? Mina looks to Rin, who already seems to be smiling at her.

“Thank you. I’ll… cherish him”

For just a moment, she seems to go back to being the quiet girl who can’t speak in complete sentences. At least, until she summons it, changes Vampire Familiar to attack position, then attacks directly with it. “Go, Vampire Familiar.”

Mina pulls out her last resort: a bluff. “I special summon Vampire Fraulein in defence. Her effect also lets me boost her attack and defence when attacked.”
Vampire Fraulein - 600/2000

“Oh? How cool. Why don’t you show me?”


“Mimicking Man-Eater Bug, go.”

It surges forward, and as her last hope is about to be eaten alive by a giant Vampire Bug, she decides it’s pointless to activate its effect. If she does, she’ll just steal it with Vampire Red Baron anyway, since she doesn’t have the life points to use her effect twice. It’s disrespectful enough that she’s being beaten by her own monsters, no need to add insult to injury.

“Oh? Not going to prolong the inevitable? That's good. I do so hate to drrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaag thiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnngssssssssss oooooooooouuuuuuuuuut

The peanut gallery laughs at her joke. Laughs at her. They all must think she’s a joke, losing like this. What an awful duelist.

Despite her words, instead of finishing her off right away with Vampire Red Baron, Rin attacks first with Vampire Familiar.

[1100 LP > 100 LP]

She then makes her spirit partner, Vampire Retainer, deal the finishing blow.

[100 LP > 0 LP]

The duel comes to a close. The hologram system carries Ameba and Mina’s cards back to their original owners automatically. Mina takes them, looking at them, her hand, and her deck. She unites them before silently walking out of the dorm.

As she makes it outside, away from most of the students, she’s unable to keep herself from crying as her pathetic loss sinks in. She begins punching herself as hard as she can. Stupid! Damned idiot! Fucking loser! She walks into the tree line, looking for a quiet place she can be alone.

Back at Ra Yellow, Rin smiles warmly, keeping her eyes on the ground as the spectators cheer for her win. It was… really embarrassing, actually. She couldn’t handle attention like this. She looked up, looking for Mina, a point of familiarity. She wanted to compliment her. It was really fun being Mina, and her Vampire deck was really cool. However, Mina seems to have already left when Rin wasn’t paying attention. She looked around the room, but Mina was nowhere to be seen. She was about to walk back to her room to see if Mina was there, when someone walked in through the front, asking why there was a girl crying and hurting herself outside.

Rin didn’t think it was Mina. Mina was the type of girl that oozed confidence. There’s no way it could be Mina. Still, empathy and curiosity got the better of her, and she walked outside just in time to see Mina walk into the tree line, out of sight. Huh. Okay. Where’s the crying girl, though? Rin scanned the area, but there was no one overtly sad around. Maybe they already left?

Rin looked back to the forest. For a while, she just stared at it, thinking.

She eventually walks towards it and into the treeline.

Matilda walked off in the direction of the footprints, the kidnappers thought themself pretty clever that there could try to cover their tracks. But she was a much more skilled hunter than Anderson and the others. She thought this was now turning into a hunt, she was the predator searching for her prey. Standing in between some trees, she stopped and stood there for a moment. She was placing her hand on the tree, wanting to know what they saw during the incident. Getting quick flashes of what happened, seeing the kidnappers waiting for the right time to strike. Gets into a skirmish with the guards, and during the confusion stole the prince. Having to run on foot northwest. “Where did they go? Is there a safe house they ran off to with the prince?” Communicating with the trees, wanting to know where the kidnappers could have gone. Hearing a distant voice of the kidnappers, mentioning something about a submerged ruin west of here.

She knew what they were talking about, it was a lookout formerly used by the Kindence forces during a war with some dark elves a long time ago. “So that is where they are keeping the prince. Thank you Sar Echia.” Patting the large oak tree, walking off towards the direction of the ruins. The trip did not take long for Matilda, once she was a few meters from the ruins. She crouched down behind some trees. Watching the ruins to make sure there was no one patrolling the area. Her eyes looked over at the marking Henri made to her armour, remembering that she could hear every word. “If you hear me Henri, I have followed the trail to some submerged ruins. It does not look like they are any patrolling guards, so perhaps they could be hiding inside the ruins. The ruins are located west of the hunting grounds, I do not know where you are, but the ruins should be located by a large body of water. So just follow the river near you, which should lead towards the ruins.

Heading carefully towards the ruins, noticing that half of it was submerged in the lake. It has not been abandoned for almost seventy years. Matilda searched for someway inside the structure. Finally finding the main entrance that was not submerged in the water. Moving as stealthfully as she could inside, finding it eerily silent. Part of her thought no one was here, becoming increasingly worried that the prince was not there.

Matilda took a moment to absorb all the information that was being spoken to her. There was a defiant correlation between the attack on the king and the kidnapping of the prince. This was a good indication that someone in the court was working with the enemy.

I will follow the tracks to wherever they lead to, hopefully, they lead to any stragglers that are still alive.” The group could see her hand tightening into a fist, it was very obvious she wanted to beat the information out of them. She quickly looked through the pouch carried by her horse, giving Henri. Gave him a small medallion, the medallion had an image of a tree skillfully burned into the wood. (Picture of the medallion- image.spreadshirtmedia.com/image-serv…)

This should be enough for Cedar to easily find me.” She looked at the medallion that Cedar was now holding, “Please be careful with that medallion, it is a family heirloom.” She felt empty handing Cedar the medallion, it was found on her person when she was found by her adopted father.

Looking over at Henri who had done something with her armour, “Very well. Let us not waste any more time, I will meet with you hopefully soon.” She quickly told Anderson to watch her horse, walking off toward the forest. Carefully following the footsteps of the kidnappers.

Mina arrived at the academy via helicopter, not making any conversation with her future classmates. She did not think of them as skilled duelists from what she observed during the trip. Looking not very interested in Chancellor Sheppard’s speech, mostly scanning the area for any strong looking opponents. There were a few people that she would be interested in duelling with. Some people included an Obelisk Blue student that looked straight out of a horror movie(Cassandra), and another Ra Yellow girl that looked had a cold distant look to her (Valerie). Both of them she could tell would be interesting opponents to fight. Skipping the first message on her PDA, and skimming the second she had no interest in the inner workings of the academy. Bringing her luggage with her toward the Ra Yellow dorms. Finding the dorms to be acceptable, although she knew she would be in the Obelisk Blue dorms soon enough. Walking into the room of her dorm, noticing a girl that was obviously going to be her roommate.

Smiling at the meek looking girl. “Nice to meet you Rin-Chan, my name is Mina.” Walking over towards Rin. “She looks weak and easy to manipulate.” Her spirit partner chimed in, A tall handsome man was standing behind Mina, wearing a gothic attire. Nodding her head in agreement. “So what brings you to the academy?” She asked now sitting down on her bed. Wanting to know a little more about her roommate.


Okay I can change up her origin story/age. But it may take a little bit as I just started a new job.
She walked with Cedar as he was interrogating the animals. Listening quietly to their conversation, she was curious about what he could find from these animals. Again assuming that he would not find much, perhaps she could persuade him to instead try to track the prince. After Cedar had interrogated the dogs' Matilda spoke up, “What information did the dogs and birds tell you? Where does what you found lead?” She felt stupid saying such a sentence, but this was the only lead they had so far. Matilda scanned the area for any other clues.

Turning to face Anderson and the others, “These bastard must have been watching the prince’s every move. Finding the right opportunity to strike. Or perhaps there is someone in the court working with the kidnappers.” There was a possibility that someone in the court had given the kidnappers the prince’s schedule. Or those inside of the court were a part of the plot. “I have seen this arrow before, it is specially made by a blacksmith in Rorthgaard a few miles from here.” She wondered if the kidnappers had gone to this blacksmith for supplies. Solomon had a similar theory to Matilda, and she worried that this theory could be true.

Crouching down once again placing her armoured hand on the ground, closing her eyes while moving her hand through the trampled grass. Breathing softly, she mentally tried to connect the pieces of what had happened. Noticing that the footprints were heading further into the forest, she turned towards Anderson. “Let’s not waste any more time we need to move quickly.

Let me know if i need to change anything.

Cool, and do the cards in our deck have to be from Duel Monster and GX exclusively? Or could we have some XYZ, Sychro, and Link cards in our deck. Will the duels happen on discord, or some other programs where the duels will play out?
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