Avatar of Fabricant451


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1 mo ago
Current Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown
1 mo ago
I'd like to think I've matured with age but then on weekends I watch cartoons and eat too much sugar cereal in my pajamas so if anything I've stayed the same.
1 yr ago
I've watched the trailer for The Marvels a dozen times already you can't stop me I've needed this this is my heroin and my herione. Wordplay.
1 yr ago
How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, Seabiscuit
1 yr ago
If there's anything that brings this community together it is dunking on people who bring their own shit onto themselves. It's like schadenfreude!


Look, I got lost on the way to getting some jajangmyeon and it'd be foolish to leave now.

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<Snipped quote by Fabricant451>

Character-wise? Don't recall anyone else making one, might have been one person I talked to about it. In the RP in general though? Many.

Then there's at least one more.
How many twi'leks will there be
They chose the Destroy ending.
<Snipped quote by Fabricant451>

Tbh, my gripe is mainly plot-related, and I guess that's sorta unfair especially since it's technically minor, but I really find it glaring and hard to forgive. Purely personal, it disappointed me but I'm another schmuck throwing money at it and whatever sequels come out anyway so it is what it is.

That's totally fair. I guess I'm just sort of used to Square games underwriting half their cast.

If KH3 is a disappointment I'd hate to know what isn't. KH3 is pretty on par for the series and slots in at second over all.
Thoughts on KH3?

Are the tired to death disney story telling tropes still considered 'charming' by people approaching their 30s?

Considering the Disney stories in this are equal parts pseudo-sequels to the movies with the occasional retelling but with thematic relevance to the more important narrative I'm not sure what 'tropes' you are referring to that are specifically 'Disney story telling'. If you're just trying to stir the pot then you should mention JRPG story tropes, not Disney ones.

Anyway here are thoughts on KH3:

It is a good game. There are often too many pointless options in combat. The combat isn't quite as floaty as the other Osaka team games and bosses actually stagger and have openings like they should. It is fantastic visually. Only two of the worlds aren't fun to explore and play through. The music is fantastic. There are smart changes to the way Keyblades work since you can equip three of them and they are all easily upgradeable so you're encouraged to pick some to suit your playstyle or mess around instead of just always going for the biggest number or the most useful ability. Party member A.I. is actually good this time. The first three quarters of the story exists to find new ways to deliver information that is already known to old players while doing little to actually make it newbie friendly; the last hours of the game are Kingdom Hearts in all its wonderful glory - take it as you will. The lack of a colisseum sucks but there's a substitute that's not as good. There aren't any Final Fantasy characters unless you consider all the Nomura OCs to be FF characters and at this point why wouldn't you. It really sucks that they call Remy 'Little Chef' the whole time but I guess it makes sense because rats can't talk human words even though ducks, dogs, and mice can. In terms of world design it is the best game, in terms of story it's...the best game but only if you're genuinely a fan of the story and its colorful cast, overall it's the second best game in the entire franchise which isn't bad considering the long wait.
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