Avatar of Fabricant451


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8 days ago
Current Jenny Nicholson's four hour takedown of the failed Star Wars hotel is the most entertaining thing Disney Star Wars has provided in seven years
9 days ago
Train isn't a real band, it exists just to be played softly in clothing stores or the few malls that still exist in America. You can't convince me otherwise. RIP to the bassist though.
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9 days ago
Discord really did ruin everything, now people can't even air their grievances publicly like the good lord intended
9 days ago
Someone grab the lid before the worms escape the can.
9 days ago
The real status bar drama are the friends we made along the way.


Look, I got lost on the way to getting some jajangmyeon and it'd be foolish to leave now.

Most Recent Posts

TLOU 2 was a 3/5 because it's still really fun to stab people with shards of glass and then shoot heads into tomato paste with a shotgun and them adding death gurgles really fuels my murder boner and then playing as Abby was more fun because she kills good too
It's really funny to me that like every place that talked about Oscar Isaac being cast as Solid Snake in the Metal Gear Solid movie uses pictures of Big Boss instead.

but also trying not to give the awards any kind of credence.

Really, it's only worth it for the shiny reveals.

This is said by people every year and every year people get all weird and upset when the one they pick doesn't win it's this weird cycle that follows award shows like a plague.

to think i still have a fourth in the wings
So glad BioWare hit the panic button and now suddenly Mass Effect 4 can happen for real
<Snipped quote by Fabricant451>

(sigh) What bs anime character is gonna be dlc now...

Literally it's Sephiroth from FF7.

i cant believe mario is fuckin dead

top ten lies caught on tape
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