Avatar of Fading Memory


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Don't sweat the small stuff, it's all in your head
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Back From The Ashes


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I am very interested and will probably lurk and observe if thereโ€™s no more room, but I would like to toss my hat in if thereโ€™s space!
Location; Sol System, Sol 3, United States of America, New York, New York City, Queens, Some Frigid Street
Interactions: Hi-Volt, Jackpot

"--Mm." Picture Perfect stopped. Multiple things had caught his interest all at once, and it was difficult to articulate them all while burning your tongue on a pizza whose melted cheese content made it more closely resemble cooling magma than traditional concepts of Pizza. This is what he gets for making rough guesswork as to the speed it'd cool in the snowfall laden air. Beating himself on the chest to help clear his throat, he hastened his chewing and swallowing process post-haste.

First thing's first, something truly spectacular was going down; Some dude was taking a selfie with a slice of pizza and that always warranted acknowledgment. He'd never met or seen this guy before in his life, but he could appreciate the grindset of the pizza selfie. Everyone had to start somewhere, after all. Briefly considering jumping over there and offering a small boost to what he presumed was some small-time fish in the big pond of social media with a personalized joint-photo, he shook his head of that idea; if some superhero had come to crash his early game, he'd have been at least a little annoyed and have felt cheated of the climb.

This made his brain's strange calculus finally acknowledge the blue streak of lightning that had stood out in his enhanced vision like a trail of neon through his present filter settings. He turned his head upwards and followed the path of the streak through the air until he eventually settled his gaze directly on Hi-Volt, who was taking her breather atop a rooftop. This is when his mind clicked that two birds could theoretically be killed with one metaphorical stone.

"Hoo boy-- Didja see that, holmes?" He declared boldly to the other pizza-consuming-gentleman, unknown to him as MJ. "I think we've got another live one on the streets tonight."

And with that not-really-an-invitation-but-socially-inclusive-declaration, Sullivan set off at a trot along the snowy streets in a much more mundane fashion than Hi-Volt was seemingly interested in possessing. Ambulation was for those who can't jump across rooftops, after all. Once he made it the short distance to reach the area beneath Hi-Volt's perch, the red haired man lifted his free hand to his lips and let loose one of those high pitched and absolutely piercing whistles that one learns through having experienced it prior in life. Just trying to get her attention in the classic style of New York, really.

"Yo, supes! Hungry?!" He yelled up to her, gesturing towards the box of pizza in his outstretched hand. "It's dinnertime and even the baddies get the munchies!"

If there was one thing people had said about Sullivan prior to his awakening to superpowers, it was that he had a set of lungs on him.

How It's Goin'

Enter, Picture Perfect
Scene: New York City (Queens; patrolling around a Pizza Joint known as Joey Doug(h)'s Pizza (H)ole); Winter, snowfall, approaching New Year's Eve.
Interaction: Open

It had been an eventful day. The morning started with a breakfast vlog, lead into an exercise update, and ended with a late morning meeting with a local small-time band. From there, he'd delved into a lunch that was interrupted so rudely* and spent most of his afternoon in interview with the police and reviewing footage with witnesses.

Finally it was time for dinner, and damned if Sullivan wasn't starving. Headphones over his ears, eyes glued to his phone as he walked the snowy streets, Sullivan positively vibed along the familiar streets of his home turf. Oh, Queens, you woman of a city. She could welcome you home, Queens could.

He paused at a street corner, occupying the space against the pedestrian walk signal that was quite prestigious at crosswalks, to await the legal and official time to cross. His destination was nearby- a positively bangin' pizza joint. Skipping lunch had made him crave childhood memories and hot food alike.

Watching the video for the last time, Sullivan was satisfied. The video was a quality example of the modern 'meme'; it portrayed he, as Picture Perfect (naturally), standing and holding a bag of money above his head just for a strange drone to come speeding through the air and snatch it from him. However, as opposed to the mysterious and perplexing events of the real world scenario, this rendition had personified the drone with sunglasses and a backwards baseball cap that read 'Get Smoked', and played a common musical tune of gangsterific success over the scene as it sped away with the money.

Salvaging image by embracing the failure. It was a new tactic, but one that Sullivan could be satisfied with. As it turns out, occasionally being one-upped is good for the Ratings. People like their heroes to still be human and fallible. Go figure.

Sighing, he finally put his phone away and let his music wash over him as he looked upwards into the snow-filled sky. His mouth watered. He could practically taste the food already. Queens has the best pizza; he'd tried some from everywhere in the city, but no matter where he went or how much it was recommended to him, the childhood memories of eating at these same-old pizza places always kept him coming back for more.

Joey Dough's Pizza Hole. Finally graced with permission to cross by the crosswalk gods, Sullivan silently continued his pilgrimage to this most holy of Mecca's. The sign was rustic- downright dilapidated, really, as both H's were missing. Joey Doug just didn't have the same ring to it. Pizza 'Ole was alright, though, by his estimation.

Stepping into the parlor he pulled the headphones back so he could enjoy the atmosphere of the place...

"Oh look who just walked through my goddamn door- It's Sully!" Cried the familiar voice of Joey Dough himself...

And soon Sullivan was back out in the Wintry air, large pizza supported in one hand, singular slice in the other. Nothing hit the spot quite like a hot slice of pie as you patrolled the cold.

*= See: "Trouble In Little Italy"
Happy Holidays! I hope everyone is having a good holiday season.
Yo it's real

Edit: WIP Yo it's done.

Formally dropping interest here for guild inflation purposes
Posted: If we do enter initiative before I can formally hold an action, then consider that my action when it gets to my turn in the pass; to hold and swing if it enters reach.

The joys of a big scythe will never abandon me.
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