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Done with uni forever, whoo
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Constantly dead from uni and physical health shit
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Mid 20s. Been here a long time, generally only join friend's rps. Constantly tired. Masc nonbinary, preference for they pronouns but he are ok too!

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@Surtr Inc either works for me but set up sounds fun
@Surtr Inc Starting now seems fine to me too
@FernStone I'd be down with working out some connections. Your characters all seem really cool.

Sounds good to me! Let me know if you have any ideas of any of them and I'll see if I can come up with some tomorrow :)
Finally got around to adding colour to all of my character sheets >< Also updated relationship tables for some within my characters and with @Surtr Inc's

If anyone wants/has any ideas for connections with my characters just let me know! I've read through p much everyone elses so I'll also start thinking about possible connections when I get a chance



Luca was enjoy talking to Hale, nodding excitedly at what he said. Not having to ever get new shoes was certainly an interesting idea! That would save him a bit of money. Though he wasn’t sure if that was something he was going to need anymore. There was so much he could do. It was nice to suddenly be able to use his imagination for things, to think up anything to do with his power. And the fact there were other people who would be there with him along the way, like Hale? That was even better.

Katya listened carefully to what Gardenia said – she tried to think properly about it, she really did. She could see where the woman was coming from but she really didn’t believe it. Was it really possible to change? And wasn’t the connection between them all false and forced? She didn’t get a chance to respond to everything, though, as Gardenia went away and came back.

“Oh, I can’t wait to unlock them!” Luca practically jumped to his feet as Gardenia did, unable to keep the spring out of his step as he followed back through to the theatre. He was more than happy to follow her orders and getting into a line with the others, going to stand beside Hale. Katya hesitantly followed.

Katya frowned slightly at the tickling feeling, glancing over at the others. She decided to wait until they tried out their powers before going for hers.

He couldn’t help but laugh slightly as the wand touched his forehead, eyes widening at the white glow. His eyes moved down the stare out his hands as he listened to what Gardenia had to say about trying them out. What should he do? He had so many ideas! Too many, if anything. What did he really want to do? The answer to that was obvious. The thing he wanted to do was fly. That seemed a bit too hard to go for first.

Well, he didn’t have to completely fly the first time.

Luca stepped away from the others, moving just a bit to the side so he wouldn’t crash into anyone if something went wrong, and took a deep breath. He moved his hands downwards, trying to push himself upwards. He imagined that he was manipulating the air around him, creating a breeze from it. After a few tries a small breeze pushed out of his hands and moved him just a few centimetres off the ground. It worked! He could control the air.

“Did you see that? I just- ah!” Luca had at the beginning of what was bound to be another excited rant when he suddenly launched up, wind left in his wake. He felt so light as he lifted up, swivelling around so that he could look down at the ground. Then, he was falling back towards the others. Shit! Panicking, he pushed his hands out again to shot another blast of air just before he hit the ground. It was enough to let him flip around and land awkwardly on his feet, collapsing backwards as soon as he did. “Wow, that was so cool! It was scary, but amazing. I was almost flying!”

The relatively short man was grinning widely as he bounced up, acting as if he hadn’t just almost fallen from a height that would have broken a couple of bones. Gardenia had said it would possibly come out in a big way so he was sure that it would be fine now. He careful concentrated on shifting the air around him, once again moving up of the floor to reach one of the bubbles that Hale had created and popping it. His landing was lighter this time used more air to soften it. From what he could tell if he actually wanted to fly that would take a lot of practice. But he couldn’t definitely use the air to get way higher than anyone else.

“Hey, Hale, those bubbles are amazing!” He chimed cheerfully, while sending a small gust towards the blond to mess up his hair. It hadn’t taken him long to feel confident around the other person at all. He was sure he would get along with the other three too if he talked to them! “I can’t believe it actually all works!”

Katya let out of a soft sigh, even though she couldn’t help but smile a bit at the excitement of the other two. She stepped well away from them to try hers. Fire didn’t seem like something she could safely just blast out. She didn’t want to risk harming anyone, of course.

Carefully she held out a hand, trying to conjure up a small flame. It came out as a roaring fire and she narrowly avoided singing off her own eyebrows as she accidentally threw it away. Thankfully it was in a different direction from the people.

“Well, uh, that’s something,” she mumbled, trying again with a little more success at keeping it small.

Luca continued to bounce about with the air, before remembering that Gardenia had said he had another power to. “You said I could control vines or plants or something too, right? I’m not quite sure how I’m supposed to try and use the other one…”

@Surtr Inc Sounds good to me, I'll move the two to the character tab when I have Tuyen's abstraction and the weaknesses then
@Surtr Inc Min's abstraction done;

@FernStone They're both good. But just tell me which character you want me to give an abstraction. I have a good idea for Tuyen's.

If you have an idea for Tuyen's you can give the one for her :) I'll think if Mum's later today and post it
@Surtr Inc I got a bit carried away and made two new characters. I haven't thought of Abstractions for them yet, but was maybe going to ask you to choose for at least one

(I'll maybe change Min's appearance a bit I kind of rushed it)

Sure sounds good to me :)

Yeahhhh I personally don't see the point, but that's also sort of because while a few of my flatmates have tvs I don't so it'd be a waste of money xD

Sure - see you've done the post and all so I'll respond tomorrow probably (snow days off uni yay). Also hope you sort out / have sorted out the issue, I know those kinds of things can suck

Yay for writing new things!
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