Avatar of Flamelord


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7 yrs ago
Current Going in a trip over the weekend. Will be back on Sunday, probably no RP posts until then
7 yrs ago
>That awkward moment when you learn the religious revival movement you were headin was actually a vehicle for a Lovecraftian Abomination masquerading as a God to jack your body and take over the world
7 yrs ago
>That moment when you realize that you can only do fandom RPs because you're bad at original characters. This is what I get for never playing DnD


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Oh yeah, that reminds me. @Ariamis, how does Purification work anyway? The CYOA is kind of unclear on that, from what I could find
Well then, looks like we have a potential fight imminent.

The Daybreaker was pleased to see that his fire continued to work like always. the Tyrant might have regeneration, but so long as it bathed in blue flame it was taking on corruption as quickly as it could heal it off. Effectively they were in stasis, and the momentary free fall reinforced that notion of equilibrium.

Well, up until the Tyrant was smashed away by a falling tree. He didn't have time to react to that though as he had an unfortunate encounter with gravity and the tons of rubble crashing down atop him. Needless to say, he did not emerge in one piece.

Silence descended over the debris field, the fight seemingly over. Slowly Lenier began to reassemble himself, regeneration returning flesh and bone, sinew and muscle, blood and other fluids. With a grunt he gasped back to life, shifting rubble off of himself as he forced his body upwards. "Haven't died like that in a while," he grunted to no one in particular. Nerima giggled in return, and he felt the ghost of a hand brush against his shoulder.

'My poor hero,' she replied, her voice dripping with condescension. 'But that just makes the struggle so much better.'

Struggle she wanted, and he had no choice but to give it to her. Rubble went flying as he emerged from his crater, his body coated in dust and dirt. Turning around he found that the Tyrant had become a giant tree, growing higher and higher without limits. "Time for some pruning," he muttered as his torch lit with a blue flame.

If it didn't know he was still around it soon would as he tossed a ball of fire at the Tyrant with a swing, moving to close the gap so he could douse it in a constant stream of fire. It had killed him, so it was only fair that he returned the favor.

Just as he had expected Magus had tried to indicate to Dragon Heart that he was a criminal, but luckily for Finch he either didn't get it or just didn't care with the problem that was at hand. There was a silent sigh of relief at that as attention returned to the bit with the Snapper. It certainly seemed like things were going slower than they needed to at that point.

"This is why I don't do hero stuff," Finch muttered to himself with a sigh as he kept his distance and watched the spectacle. Individually they were great, but get a bunch of Epics in a group and things invariably became more complicated and fell apart. Hopefully somebody managed to actually deal with the thing before they succeeded in making it even more complicated than necessary.
Elsa Witter

Well then, so that had apparently happened. All things considered Elsa could understand hr problem, since she was in much the same boat. At least she didn't have anything like those wire contraptions herself, so she didn't have to worry about this sort of outcome. Of course she also didn't need the justification provided to rescue her, though it was appreciated and a bit sad in that regard. Well, she supposed it made sense.

Without saying anything more Elsa stepped forward and struck with her weapon, moving to cut the wires that help her in place without hitting the girl herself. She wasn't sure how tough those wires actually were, but ideally this would solve the problem and she could be back on her way. "There you go," she said, dismissing her weapon at the same time. Well then, this had turned out more interesting than she had expected


The criminal was nervous for a few moments, up until Magus decided that he had better things to do than harass him. Like, for example, actually being useful in this particular problem that they had going on right now. Good for him, at the very least. It would make getting away easier.

He found himself with not much to do at the moment. Most of the people had run off after the whole incident with someone getting bitten by the Snapper, so it was mostly a matter of making sure the Snapper didn't move further to a spot where there were actually people now. But as everyone else had pointed out the current plan wasn't working, so getting him out of here would be for the best. Hopefully someone listened.

As if his day couldn't get any better, he soon found Dragon Heart walking over to talk to Magus of all people. What were the odds of that? Slowly he began moving away, if only in case Magus decided that he didn't want to leave it be for now and Finch suddenly had two Epics on him. Not that a few feet would make a difference, but it was better than nothing.

I am willing to throw my fate to the GM's. Probably because I guess I'm just not attached enough, or something like that.
Alicia Hayden

Unaware of Penny's brute force solution to their current dilemma, Alicia had already been thinking over how this was going to work. Fortunately Beacon could provide her with a lot of materials and she had an allowance, so she had com up with an idea that would let them do their job without too much extra effort. There were some risks to it, but she figured that it was worth it.

She led them out of the building, talking as she went. "There are a few ways. In person, cell phones, and we do have a few telepathic girls with us," she began. "But primarily important information is relayed by the Beckoners to the girls who need to know it. Since they can teleport at will they're a lot better at that than we are, and they can determine if something is truly important or not. If we have a bounty board I don't know about it though." There were monster girls they wanted dealt with, but she was fairly certain they didn't do anything as crude as offer bounties on them.

Arriving at her backpack, she opened it up and rooted around for a few moments before tossing an item to Penny. "I brought these cameras with me," she explained. "We can put them up around the outside of the garage, so if they show up we'll see them arriving. The only problem is if they use illusion magic, but if they don't know they're being watched I doubt they'll keep that up forever."

She pulled out some for herself, leaving them with a total of five. Not that she expected to use all of them. "You get the front of the building, I'll cover the back," she said. With no objection she would get to just that, putting the cameras down in locations where they were likely to stay concealed. With that, their 'stakeout' could begin.


It was rapidly turning out that coming to this show was not worth it. More Epics seemed to be showing up with every second, only exacerbating the sort of chaos that Dragon Heart had wanted to avoid, if Finch did not miss his guess. Sure, he was more restrained about it. But others were spreading panic far beyond the location of the actual fight. The Epic letting his arm get bitten didn't exactly help calm anyone down, even if his limb was surprisingly intact.

"This is what I get for playing nice," Finch muttered to himself, resisting the urge to rub his forehead in exasperation. At least everyone was gone, and he could return his glass constructs to their original state.

Not soon enough though, as he found himself with an unpleasant welcome from someone who was very familiar. Finch didn't forget a nuisance. "Not right now," he replied as the Snapper became even more agitated because of the manhandling it was receiving and further provocation. "I think we're all a bit busy at the moment." His glass powers kicked back in as he formed two batons, staying out of the way of the harebrained scheme that the other Epics had thought up, and bracing himself for when it didn't work. There was crazy, and then there was monumentally stupid, and this plan fit the latter more than the former.

@Flamelord also lemme know if your not okay with lenier being man handled

Aww, I didn't think Hikari cared

Yeah, I'm okay with it
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