Avatar of FlitterFaux
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  • Posts: 480 (0.18 / day)
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    1. FlitterFaux 7 yrs ago
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Current If it doesn't hurt it's not spicy enough.
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7 yrs ago
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
7 yrs ago
Lol, site says I have no friends- wait a minute... I have no friends? Sad now.
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7 yrs ago
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The years behind me grow and become brighter whilst the years ahead shrink and become dimmer, providing me an excellent opportunity to use the word 'whilst'. Now I'm tired and can't think of anything else funny to say. Let's see, classy info dump should do. I am FlitterFaux this time around, I tend to get horribly busy (still am) and leave the guild sometimes for years at a time but I just can't stay away forever. I'm not awesome enough for advanced but fast paced one lining does not work for me either so casual is juuusst right. I'm a lady, possibly past 29 but don't ask which 29th birthday I'm at, I like rainbows which is good because they're hard to escape in Hawaii, I like fantasy and sci fi with liberal sprinklings of horror and drama, and I'm tired again. I'll finish the rest later. Edit: Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold the phone. I can start a private conversation... with myself!? Epic. Truly epic.

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Grimm Studies

Skye braced herself as the thick glass containing the Dionaea lowered and the great beast took stock of its surroundings. She noted that each of the smaller heads angled toward them as if those were its main sensory organs. But she still could only guess at what senses it used to track them. With a chilling cacaphony of shrill shrieks from these mouths, the Dionaea began its assault. It managed to attack everyone surrounding it simultaneously with incredible speed and coordination, and still had plenty of limbs waiting to strike or defend.

Skye kept half her attention on her surroundings and other students nearby even as she was attacked by two tentacles that skirted around their group. The first to reach her came from her left and slightly above, and it tried to smash into her perhaps to knock her down or away. Or into the other tentacle approaching low from the right. Skye stepped into the left side attack and threw her elbow as hard as she could into it to stop its momentum. Surprisingly, the attack seemed like it had to be half-hearted or weaker for reaching so far around her allies. Skye's counterstrike sent it reeling away but she could feel a few things within her body that might be a problem, the most alarming of which was the aching and strain of her muscles. That was a new development and could only be a very bad sign. Fighting at her normal capacity was putting a lot of strain on her weakened body, and her overall strength and speed was notably less than normal.

But there was nothing she could do about that. Her team needed her to watch their backs no matter what condition she was in. And the Grimm, as always, would never relent until either it or Skye was dead. Just like any other fight there was no alternative but to push herself to her limits or beyond.

The second tentacle tried to slither around her leg, counting on her to be distracted. She stomped down hard, crushing the tip and momentarily pinning it to the ground. With her other leg she kicked as hard as she could, shredding the flesh under her foot as the tentacle was knocked away. She had a moment to catch a breath as the rest of her allies were doing just as well if not better, so far. In fact the other three managed to avoid getting hit and caused some significant damage to the first wave of tentacles.

Ben asked how everyone was faring and Skye called out a quick affirmative, even as Bianca put her spear through one of the tentacles severing it fantastically.

Of the ones that had gone for Skye the damaged one had pulled back toward the body and the other seemed hesitant to attack again. This let her take stock of her allies farther away. She was not surprised to see Jack darting almost effortlessly between the Dionaea's roots, easily evading and slashing and keeping incredibly mobile. It was an impressive sight as far as shewas concerned. The other group Jack had been strategizing with looked to be having a bit more difficulty, but managed to hold their own well enough that she wasn't too worried. They were even managing to put firepower into the upper heads of the creature, which would likely take some of the pressure off her group while they pushed towards the trunk.

And then she saw Ashe and was shocked to see her isolated and taking a major hit. She doesn't have any cover... Skye mentally kicked herself for not noticing until now, and assuming Ashe had another group to join for support. With a creature like this and without the kind of speed Jack displayed she doubted anyone alone like that would last very long. With no time to spare for coordinating with her other teammates Skye made a decision.

"Ashe! Over here! She pointed to a spot mostly in the center of them, closer to Sangue's side while Skye shifted her position a little closer to Bianca. As Ashe moved to join them Skye made sure the others knew what was going on. "Friendly joining us, at your backs."

She faced the Dionaea proper as it still seemed to debate if it was worth it to come after her again. She watched as the main head of the thing moved and, disturbingly enough, seemed to be looking at Ashe. Then it turned that eyeless gaze onto their group, and she couldn't tell if it was looking at one of them or the team as a whole. It also scanned over the team shooting at it, but at this point Skye knew it would be too risky for her to dart out and help them, they had pressed too close to the massive riesen.

As if to confirm that assessment the Dionaea picked up its pace in an already largely relentless assault. It was now throwing about three roots at each combatant with greater ferocity than before. And it still had appendages it wasn't actively using. At some point they were going to push this thing to its full potential and that would truly be a terrifying storm to weather. This was already bad enough.

Apparently concluding Skye was a worthy enough target on her own the Dionaea sent three completely fresh tentacles her way, fast and all at once, each from a different angle. She attempted to strike one of them away, then block a second with her arm, and stomp on the third, lower one to stop it. Her first two attempts at deflection met with success, but the low approaching tentacle stopped short, and her foot slammed into the ground. Overextended an slightly unbalanced the Grimm slammed its low tentacle into her poorly planted legs and droped her facedown. Water splashed chaotically as she rolled onto her back as fast as possible, in time to see all three tentacles poised to deliver crushing blows.

She rolled, pushing herself as fast as she could and just barely managed to evade the first two impacts. The third compensated for her direction and came right down on her. She was lucky enough to be on her back at that point and able to catch the attack. But the shock was still incredibly jarring and she felt sharp pricks under her skin as some of the crystals in her body shifted. She kicked upwards forcing the root on top of her away, and turned in time to knock aside one of the others that tried to capitalize on the brief distraction. She managed to roll to all fours and leap just out of range as the Dionaea relentlessly attacked. She had a split second of room to get to her feet and face the continued assault.

Now that she had a taste of how intelligent this thing was she managed to keep up and push her attacker back this time. But she didn't think she was doing well at this point. All she was managing was to defend herself and at any moment someone might need her help. Pick up the pace, this isn't good enough! I need to do better than this, I'm going to fail them at this rate.

Ashe clarified she had not captured Grimm personally and it was just as dangerous as one could imagine, but Skye was still impressed. She considered Ashe's advice on getting back her lost weight, and nodded affirmatively at her offer. Besides catching up on her studies she needed to put this at the forefront of her goals, and Ashe's help or just her company would be appreciated, no, probably needed. When she thought about it Skye honestly had no idea how weak she would be without her aura. Would I even be able to move? I'm already slower and weaker than I was...

Skye smiled at the two other girls and their enthusiasm about their shared classes. Truth be told she felt the same way; she was looking forward to spending more time with the two of them. Not only that... "Another one of my teammates takes Dust Applications as well if I remember correctly. I might spend some of the time with him as long as he doesn't mind. He's smart and... helped me out a lot since we met. But he's really nice, too, so maybe he wouldn't mind the three of us for company? I'll have to ask him when I see him." Thinking about that also reminded her she only had this one class shared with Bianca and their team leader, Jack. That didn't leave much time to get to know them during the day. But then again, they would be sharing a room, so maybe they would have more time to get to know each other later tonight. She hoped so.

As everyone prepared for the coming life and death struggle Ashe brought up an interesting point, how did the Dionaea detect its prey? She wasn't sure how knowing that would help, but Ashe must know what she was talking about.

She nodded when Ashe asked if she was ready. Technically she had been ready the moment she had arrived in this room. She also took a moment to get a good look at her new friend without her disguise. Hm, she looks better this way. But... I'm still pretty sure her eyes were not pink in the photo she showed me.

"If it is much like normal plants it could have a complicated sense of smell. But as a monster it might sense movement or heat? She knew flora communicated mostly through smell, pheromones, she thought was the correct word. But Grimm, even ones based on plants, were a whole different story, usually.

Skye was shocked by Ben's casual comment directed at the quiet redhead who had been silently studying the enormous Dionaea. Bored? Is he serious? Does he usually get bored fighting monsters? He doesn't look afraid, not one bit. Almost none of the others do. Incredible... Listening to the exchange between Ben and Bianca she was convinced that these people had to be absolutely fearless. How do they do it? Does Ben honestly consider this fun? Ben and Bianca were even making a challenge of who could cut more tentacles. They both seemed very confident, and the redhead herself was unerringly steady. Even Ashe was looking more confident about this.

Skye listened carefully as the strategic plans were laid out. She nodded at Bianca when she said to stay near her, Ben, and Sangue, then again at Ben himself when he further clarified she should guard the rear. The plan, overall, sounded very good to her limited knowledge of strategy. Skye could not consider herself much of a tactician beyond attacking a perceived weak point and adapting to changes as they happened. Such tactics worked well enough for her to survive, but it wasn't usually pretty. In fact most of the fighting she was used to got very, very ugly, despite having survived each encounter. But it sounded like this plan, though very dangerous, would work out well.

Hearing a somewhat familiar voice Skye turned to see Jack, Jumpercables' team leader, had spoken up. He was addressing another group that seemed to have their own plan of focusing on the upper parts of the Dionaea, which also sounded like a good idea to her. The other group Jack was talking to seemed to have more ranged weaponry than their own team, which, at first glance, looked to favor close range combat. She waved at Jack when he looked her way, and wondered which group he would be part of, or if he would be fighting independently from either. He certainly looked like the fast, mobile type that could manage such a thing. Technically she could as well but she functioned much better as part of a team, and definitely preferred it, as well.

When a female voice spoke up behind her she turned to see who had addressed what sounded like the whole class. Her eyes immediately fell on the speaker's weapon, a bow. This was a weapon Skye had a tremendous amount of respect for. The unofficial leader of the survivors from her village had been a master of the weapon. Using it he had saved so many lives...

She inclined her head towards the girl in acknowledgement. They would keep this beast occupied for the shooters. And in turn the shooters would make their job much easier.

Skye had no idea what was going on between Ben and Bianca. She noticed something subtle happening between them, but she could only guess at what it could be. I wonder if Ben and Bianca are in a romantic relationship? She looked pretty depressed until he sat with her, and they are smiling at each other a lot. Hmm. Is it wise for Hunters to become romantically involved? That doesn't sound like it would be a good idea considering the risks and complications. But I suppose it must happen anyway, emotions don't always take us down the smart path, do they? No. Definitely not. She had innumerable memories she could turn to to remind herself of that last fact. I'm probably making assumptions again, anyway. It's not really any of my business, either.

She did not even consider that the two had just met.

She put her sidetracked thoughts aside and turned back to Ashe, focusing again on the conversation they had begun with Yue. Ashe said something unexpected about Skye being 'cool'; something she couldn't exactly say about herself but it made her feel better. Furthermore her secret faunus friend helped smooth over the increasingly annoying mask issue with Yue, making things much easier on all of them. "It's true, thank you Ashe." She smiled and inclined her head in gratitude, then added a bit more information to hopefully put Yue more at ease. "I should be fine in the next week or two? Maybe less? I'm not sure how long these things take."

With the hard part out of the way she became quiet, content to listen as everyone talked. She was surprised to hear Ashe was without a team even though she had passed some kind of entrance examination the day before. She did empathize with the 'fish out of water comment, though, and it looked like it was the same for Yue, despite having been a student for a few days. Skye had been placed with Team Jumpercable almost immediately following her sudden acceptance early this very morning, without any kind of exam like Ashe spoke of. Why is it different for Ashe? Are there just no openings right now? Does it normally take more time to place a new arrival in a team than it did with me? I'm starting to feel more and more like some kind of exception... But why would I be? Come to think of it, didn't Luke mention someone else had been transfered from the team just before I was placed? The more she thought about it the more uncomfortable it made her feel, but she kept her thoughts to herself.

Skye was shocked and impressed to hear that Ashe knew firsthand how to capture Grimm, and she even made it sound easy. While the concept Ashe explained was decidedly simple Skye knew that any face to face encounter with the Grimm could be deadly, and was never to be considered an easy task. Unless one were a Hunter, perhaps. Although she knew next to nothing about Ashe's abilities Skye felt the girl was definitely Hunter material.

"Oh, classes? I asked for Physical Education and Dust Applications, so I'll be in your sixth period class." She answered, remembering how difficult it had been to choose her fourth and especially fifth period courses. On one hand she could really benefit from Armory Class, possibly build a weapon that wouldn't break when she tried to use it. But at the same time she had a proven method to fight and kill Grimm already, without a weapon. And the more she knew about Grimm, their anatomy, habits, strengths, and weaknesses the faster and more efficiently she could kill them. Or simply survive them. As for fifth period Survival Class... She doubted she would gain much from a first year course. More importantly now that she had the choice she felt she could use a break from concerning herself with survival every day. Of course, Physical Education came with its own challenges considering how her body worked with all the Dust embedded inside. At least the choice of Dust Applications had been a no brainer, and Ashe would be there, too.

When the matter of the Professor's absence arose Skye looked up, perplexed. Now that it was mentioned it did seem odd. She supposed Bianca might know if anyone did, so she turned to ask her teammate. "Um, Bianca? The professor, is he-" The question died on her lips as professor Port made his appearance at just that moment. Oh. N-nevermind... She laughed nervously as the stout man launched into a spirited greeting and explanation of what they would be doing in class today.

She followed the middle aged man with the rest of the class, noting with a sinking feeling that she had no idea what a Megaladeus or a Riesen class was. If she was lucky those were just technical terms for things she had already encountered. If not... Then again, does it matter what they're called? It's not like we had any textbooks or time to study the Grimm we came across out there. I'll learn the names in due time, I'm sure. She stayed facing the caged creatures as she departed the classroom, very reluctant to have to just leave them here. The rule she was used to was that once a Grimm was aware of you it was unthinkable to just leave it alive. But that did not apply here and eventually she had to force herself to let it go, grating nerves or not.

In the end those nerves were nothing compared to the reaction she felt upon seeing the monstrosity in the next room. She did not charge forward like she instinctually had with the other, smaller Grimm. This beast was the kind you avoided or ran from. Or it would be if she was alone, out in the wild. Here, as professor Port explained, the students would band together to fight and kill this thing. This was to train them how to kill one of these monsters, not just hide or escape. That's right. That's what Hunters do. That's what makes them different. She focused on the few good memories she had and forced herself to relax. Just like yesterday and countless times before that there would be only one option. Face the demon in front of you with everything you have and no hesitation.

It was somewhat different this time, however. She hadn't had this many people at her back since first escaping the decimation of her home, and never this many competent warriors armed so well. And then there was professor Port himself, there to take control of the situation if it got out of hand. She doubted it would come to that, though. It wasn't just their numbers and armaments, but the fact that they had five whole minutes to assess the creature and the environment and make plans. This was another luxury Skye was unused to having. Considered all at once this whole situation was beginning to feel sureal to her. To be able to stand in the presence of a Grimm this size and know with certainty it would be defeated... she had never felt something like this in her life. It felt good.

She sought out Bianca once more, veiwing the girl as her senior teammate and therefor the one to decide what Skye did in this battle. "Bianca. What do you want me to do?"
Devil is in the details but I can't lie, that's a fair thing to say about her.
@Abillioncats @Lucius Cypher @MULTI_MEDIA_MAN

My epic struggle continues.
Annabelle Valentine

That's a good idea, having the scroll itself take most of the workload. It would let us fit a lot more features into the visor itself. If she does choose to go with the smaller model it will take some time to get parts that good ordered and shipped. Hmm, Ozzie's gone quiet. Either he's getting fully into his work now or... No, I'm sure he's just busy at this point. Lots to get excited about.

"No spare blades, Grenster. I only brought the essentials from home and haven't done any major shopping yet. Aren't there some generic bladed weapons over there?" Ah! And earmuffs, perfect!

She stood up to go fetch the much desired ear protection but a sudden outburst made her jump. "E-Emmie, what-?" Hold on. How is she suddenly so much taller than me? Ooooh... Emerald hadn't gotten taller. She was floating! What the hell?! This is insane! Annabelle cheered Emerald on as she began a series of aerial acrobatics throughout the classroom. Briefly she wondered if she should remind Emerald she was wearing a skirt. She picked up her scroll and began to record the event instead.

It would just ruin the mood if I pointed that out now.
Well, let's not get crazy here, folks! I'm sure there's a happy middle ground somewhere
Agreed. Of course if they want maiming, dismemberment, or are straight up looking to retire a character, however unlikely that may be... I can comply.
Awesome. Cause one day I wanna try my hand at making a mission. And if I do well enough I would like to make related follow-ups.
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