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I guess my comfort zone is "eccentric side character."

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Meanwhile, that same morning...

There were a pair of voices that that drifted in to Celestine's consciousness. A young one, and an old cantankerous one, and they were having a discussion that could politely be described as "heated." Both fell silent, though, as the change overtook Celestines body.

When Cel's eyes opened they fell upon a large bedroom, the wall festooned with porcelain nik-naks of all shape and size. Gil stood at the foot of the bed, his head barely visible over the front, facing down an old, bird faced woman. At least, they would be facing down if they weren't now staring at Cel. The sharp shifter, after gathering his thoughts, let out a light chuckle.
The old woman, for her part, sighed, muttered something about her one weakness being exploited, and stomped out of the room looking very cross.
Gilliam made his way around the side of the bed, tracing up the length of Celestine's new body. He opened a drawer on the bedside table, pulled out a pink hand mirror, and handing it dutifully to Cel. "It is not at all unusual, Master Nursemaid, to feel slightly peckish after such a profound transformation. At least, in my experience."

Celestine took a few seconds to register that she was being talked at, her mind racing to get her coordination back after such a radical change, still sore and drained from the change. "Peckish is underselling it, mr Gilliam." Celestine croaked in a tired voice. "My body shouldn't be able to do this... It's revolting to think... that in my search for power I end up resembling you of all people." She eyed the stranger's face in the reflection, before warming up her facial muscles. Stopping for a second, she concentrated, as she twitched with her left eye, who now was becoming slightly green-tinted. "But on the other hand, as laborious as it might be for me, not being constrained to an underdeveloped manchild body any longer is good." She added, putting the mirror before stretching and trying to stay on her own feet

She was nearly a foot taller than her old self, and her knees became weak all of a sudden, falling to her knees. "This body will need adjusting." It was then when she realized. "...I switched genders too. It seems." She paused before letting a muffled laughter. "I guess... there's something worse than resembling you, it seems. Resembling the woman that is supposed to be my mother."

"I've found family to be the root cause of all life's difficulties." Gilliam replied, silently trying to figure out if anything Celestine had just said didn't contain some form of insult directed at him and whether they outweighed the flattery of imitation. He trotted along behind, reaching down to help lift the new Cel back up. It didn't help much, considering how monumental their differences in height were right now. "Be that as it may, you will find my Grandmother to be an excellent cook by any regular standard."

"If you will permit me, I'd like to ask how you are feeling." He continued. "Not the hunger, that is to be expected. Any aches or stabbing pains to indicate something out of place. Any intrusive thoughts or feelings that might indicate a fraying of identity? It is most important to catch such symptoms early so they might be corrected before they are given a chance to solidify."

"Unlike you, my core body structure is still a human base. I just rearranged some bones, muscles and a few organs." She paused, the eyes becoming blue again. "I just feel sore, but refreshed." Celestine finally stood up and began to walk. Step by step, with the grace and elegance of a catwalk. "Now that you mention it... I feel." Celestine seemed to shut down for a second, before tears began to bubble in her eyes as she tried to claw away the skin of her cheeks. "THIS IS NOT MY FACE OH MY GOD THIS IS HORRIBLE." She downright shrieked like a madwoman, seemingly falling into a fit.

Only to stop at the last minute. "Mr Dewitt. Who am I? My mind controls my body, and not in reverse." before sporting a grin, the playacting being over.

Gilliam had started forward as Cel began to claw at their cheeks, but had stopped as the screams began. As Cel turned and grinned at him he could only politely clap. "Bravo. It's good that you have such a well defined sense of identity."

There was a thunderous series of steps as the old woman burst into the room, brandishing what looked like a human finger bone in one hand while balancing a wooden platter laden down with re-heated biscuits from the nights dinner. She looked at Gil suspiciously. "Boy..."

He shook his head. "Just some theatrics. I'm a patient lad, I can wait for dinner."

She narrowed her eyes, slotted the bone back into her apron, and laid the biscuit on the bed. She left again, this time muttering darkly about leaving for months only to scare her half to death.

"You eat one cat and you're never allowed to forget it." Gilliam said after her footsteps had disappeared back down the hallway. He took a biscuit and threw it to Cel.

Celestine eyed the biscuit with some apprehension, before gulping it down greedily. "Cats are too stringy. Dogs are meatier. Can't beat pork, though." She said, licking the crumbs out of her finger. "You're not a ravenous beast anymore. You have purpose. If you wanted to eat me you'd done so already." She added, a hand in her hip, before realizing that her clothes wouldn't fit her anymore. "Nevertheless, it is only fair that I help you in kind after extracting me from that humiliation." She sighed. "Why did you do it?"

"Duty." He said, very quickly. "I also find it's easier for me to think rationally if I'm performing a task. I tend to get unhinged when I'm not wrapped in the form of a butler." This also didn't seem as though he were being entirely truthful.

"And, I..." He started slowly, in the easily recognizable tone of a. patient that needs to tell his doctor something but refuses to. "I need to ask your professional opinion on something."

"Ask away then." Celestine added, as she helped herself to more biscuits. They were reasonably filling.

Gil looked side to side, as though he'd been asks to strip. Then he slowly reached up and took off his eye patch. The first surprising thing was that it could be removed at all, which meant that it was a real item of clothing and not some part of his body. Underneath there was no hole, no eye, just a blank canvas of skin. Gil concentrated and the skin that had been hidden started to ripple and shutter, then went still again.

"I was attempting to create an eye there." He said solemnly.

"I didn't notice until I tried to regain a human form. It's not just that. Right now my brain is in a different part of my body because I just can't seem to form something that complex within my skull. Just bones and meat. I'd like to know if you could fix this."

"hmm... it's a bit hard to tell. It could be oxidative damage from repeated regeneration, but that problem should be in the entire body, not there. What hit you there?" Celestine said.

"Were you watching when that William boy nearly chopped me in twain?" He replied. "I don't even know where he got that sword."

"hmm, it's that so. Astral damage is a pain. It's your spiritual self that is damage, no matter the biology." Celestine said frowning. "We would need a magician to undo that damage. Because it seems you don't have enough sense of self to perceive where the damage is..."

"Spiritual self?" He said, completely confused. Gilliam, for as long as he could remember, had only dealt with things in a biological sense. For one reason or another he had never considered the idea of what shape his soul might take or what sort of damage it could receive. "There's nothing wrong with my biology, I'm simply at the mercy of some immaterial thing I can't even perceive?" It was like home all over again, but somehow even more offensive.

"Hmm." Celestine pondered. "If only I could show you. Actually, come to think of it... there might be a way, but it's a bit risky for us both."

"What are you thinking?" Gil replied.

"Parallel brain processing. I have more than enough capacity to at least show you where the damage is, should our minds be connected. But it is risky."

"You mean connecting our nervous systems together?" Gil said. At first he looked incredulous, but then he lowered his head to consider. "It is theoretically possible. I've considered I might be able to supplement someone else, but..."

He grumbled and cupped his hand over his eyes in frustration. "I might eat your body, you might eat my mind. But if you're willing to take that risk I'm willing to take it in turn."

"Well... you're already paying my fees... so let's do science."

"For science." Gil said. He raised up his arm, wiggling nerves pushing themselves up out from under his fingernails. "Turn around."

He gently put his fingers to the base of Cells neck and, as though administering a shot, pushed the nerve inside. They ate their way inside in pinprick streams, searching out their counterparts and wrapping them like intertwining pieces of tinsel.

Celestine seemed to faint ever so slightly after the connection was stablished, struggling with nausea. The foreign body was clearly not his own, but he persevered. The mind of hers shuddered and came back strong, as if it was an awoken beast. Thoughts gave rise to mental images, as Celestine turned to her inner self. There was the black void again, the personification of her power sporting an office look and giving a stern glare to the new, foreign presence. Gilliam's ego.

"Well, it seems it worked... so far. No excessive signs of shock." Celestine said to the black void, before bringing a gigantic mockery of his body... with yet another attacked displayed as if it was an hologram, the chaotic mass that Gilliam was being a stark contrast with the order of Celestine bodily functions.

The weird thing is Gilliam looked human in this light at a passing glance. But then you looked closer, and realized that his body was composed entirely of what looked like strands of spaghetti made of cancer, tightly packed and bound by some force into the vague shape of a human being.

"Fascinating. And gross. I suppose I should apologize. You're actually close to sponges than to amoebas. Diffuse cell networks in a vaguely defined shape. " Celestine muttered, as he exerted his willpower. "Now, I can check the status of the cells of my body. At first I could... not define what soul, or spirit damage was. I still cannot comprehend. But it just shows as another statistic... it seems, as I've increased my awareness of the supernatural." Celestine did a few gestures as the wretch that Gilliam's body was, before flicking some ethereal button. A ghostly pale image of both Celestine and Gilliam's lifeforce was displayed, showing the dark area near what it seemed to be the arm and the body of the critter. "See this area? Somehow, your power is being spent due to some... well, let's say magic? You'd need to cut all this area, and hope the remaining bits of the body pick up the slack, but you need to concentrate to sort out which parts of your... uhg, body,will be viable."

"That was the first thing I tried to do." The shambling mound gurgled. "Remove the damaged sections, or transfer them to a less problematic area."

"But could you account of the damage and the quality on a cell by-cell basis? That's where things get difficult. The way I see it, there's two ways to solve it... The long and fairly safe, and the short and reckless one."

"I would rather take the option with the least risk." It said. "I believe I can still perform my duties in this state. There's no urgent need to proceed quickly."

"Aw, you're no fun." Celestine deadpanned, before focusing, fetching images on his memories. A couple of ethereal personifications appeared before Gilliam, one of them a well-known silver-haired short girl, in a tasteful dancing dress. The witch, Diana. The other a voluptuous yet gory visage, a caricature of Meredith. "These two can fix you up with healing magic. I would rather seek the Witch of Bones. She is more trustworthy."

"A witch...?" Gilliam said. He thought he had heard something about witches before, some murmured talk in the distinct past that made his skin crawl. Literally, the strands began to intensify their wriggling and some from the bottom of his mass began to spread out defensively across the floor as he considered it. There was a shutter that ran through him. Something from home?

"Is she anything like a necromancer? Grandmother is very strict about no necromancers in the house." he asked, his tone distorted as though many mouths were all attempting to say the same thing at once. "I would have to meet her elsewhere."

"A skillful one. And she changes fair rates for her services." Celestine droned on, with a bored expression. "Now, I believe we're done... unless you want me to force install knowledge on you or something." She tilted her head, expecting Gilliam to make a move.

"Planning to sneakily swallow me up?" it gurgled, it's form coming even more unbound. No, no! Wait, no. Maintain, maintain. "No, I believe our time to be short. Let us discuss the rest of the details outside." There was a light static sound as Gilliam willed his nerves to unwrap from the doctors and the bridge connecting their minds was severed.

"Hmm, that was weird. And exhilarating. Let's not do it again." Celestine said, nursing her neck, as she looked at the young boy. "Alright, I think it's high time i find some... decent clothes and food. I could eat a whole horse." She added, as she began to walk with the swagger her old short legs never allowed her to.

"Do not tempt the old woman. She will hold you to comments like that." Gilliam replied, shaking his head until he was sure he was still him.

Still Pretty Early, St. Lucifer's front gate


There was a battle waged here, fierce and terrible. It didn't involve bullets and bombs, every blasts, or even punches. It didn't last very long. It was fought in an instant, and ended in only two moves.

There was a lot of things that she considered wrong about what he'd said. She wanted to say he hadn't gotten Alto. She wanted to tell him that, no, she was talking about real strange men that had really come to attack them. She couldn't though, because he was going back into his body and if he were going back in there he wouldn't be able to walk very well. "She got out a short "but..." as she stepped forward to try and support his frail body and that's when he launched his first deadly attack.

She was unsure of what was happening at first, confused by this odd full body warmth that seemed to seep into her. It took her only a moment to realize that Vittorio was very close, arms wrapped up around her neck. This sort of full body contact was unprecedented. She had snuggled with her sheep on especially windy watches, yes, but even that mass of warm bodies had never felt quite this hot. It was paralyzing. It was nice. She was locked in place, worried that any sudden movement was going to shatter this feeling.

He was speaking again, and she wanted to argue she really did. He was wrong. She knew he was wrong. He didn't even know Clara. He was just like the William boy, she was sure that if they could just talk...but then he squeezed her so hard it felt like she was going to be torn to pieces.

Leave the darkness. He said nearly exactly what she'd been thinking about on her walk over here. The he leaned in and delivered his finishing move. It was wet and warm and the shock of it simply scrambled everything in her head.

It was in this moment, red as a ripened tomatoe and three times as squishy, that she had a revelation. This entire morning had been altogether to nice and warm and full of plesent surprises. This was a dream. This whole thing had to be a dream. She had passed out sometime during her watch, probably in the early morning. When she woke up she would be hungry, Rurik would be off is some freezing gulag somewhere, and warmth like this would have never reached her. That was a far more believable story.

These were her last thoughts as her head fell forward and she fainted on her feet, leaving her standing right there just outside the school, smiling dreamily. After a few minutes she began to snore.

Bak Vs. Vittorio

Winner: Vittorio


"Extra big giant rat flank, honey roasted, no bones. Completely de-boned. Pile that with every spice you have. I also see you have this sauce you call The Man. Bring it to me with an side of fried onions. And a large grog, no skimping on the sulpher."

Still Pretty Early


Bak couldn't help but let out a huge yawn as she made her way back to the School. She had eaten too much, that was the cause of it. That had been the best breakfast she'd had in a long while, much better and much more than the soggy pancakes and not really sausage whipped up by the cafeteria staff in the morning or those lemon glazed donuts from the convenience shop. She could feel the drowsiness really hitting her now.

She had to soldier on. There was no telling how long she would stay asleep if she dozed off on her feet here, and the waning morning hours were going to give way quickly to the hustle and bustle of a city that was awake and alive. Though, now that she thought about it, maybe that would be a good thing? since coming to this city she'd remained shut up in the school basement, only really coming out on tournament days. Despite living here for more than a year now she had still only seen the small part of Rhea surrounding St/ Lucifer. There were lots of reasons she could use as an excuse. She could tell herself she was helping keep the secret of St. Mephistos, that she'd just recently been implicated in aiding and abetting a criminal, or that her passport was more of a shipping manifest and on paper she was a forklift.

But none of those were the reasons. It was like she'd admitted to Rurik.

She was just scared.

That self-reflection, a concept more terrifying to Bak than any of the monster stories she'd ever heard, turned out to be enough to keep her from lapsing even into the walking doze she'd fallen into by following Rurik out and meant that she made in back in good time. The city seemed more slow to wake up today, much more captious, so she didn't have to face the anxiety of passerby by on this trip. That was good. Baby steps. Baby steps that brought her right back to a familiar gate and, happily, a familiar face.

"Vittorio, you are awake!" she shouted happily, before suddenly remembering that he was probably a wanted man and covering her mouth. "Vittorio, you are awake." she repeated in a loud whisper as she approached, as if that would cancel it out. She had spotted him coming out and the relief nearly sapped the last of the tension holding her to consciousness. Even her addled mind, though, could tell something might be wrong. Why was he carrying himself? Why did it look like he was ready for a fight? Her mind went back to the bloodstains on Rurik's steps. "Oh no, did strange men come here as well?" she said, looking around.
I'd be fine with that, but depending on the software we write in I might have to PM you my responses so you can add them in.
"If you've stolen anything on this turf It'd be best to keep that to yourself." Gadot whispered down to Blaze. "Orgs like this tend to take a dim view of thieving without a license."
Gadot shook his head and tried as hard as possible to project the aura of a well paid, well fed, professional thug as he followed the elf inside and kept close.
'Let's roll out then, times apparently a-wastin."

Whole nations, huh? Yeah, he could probably use that to kill one guy.
@Stern Algorithm

We can charm him with our combined charisma and bird rearing experience.

Or fight when he wakes up and Mavericks out.

Level 4 - (32/40) + 2

Location: The Open Road - Hammerhead

Word Count: 1102


Unfortunately Linkle wasn't able to scrounge up anything useful from inside the cabin and was quickly forced to conclude her search as the repairs started to become truly underway. She did find something in the other car though; a bottle full of some sickly smelling brown liquid that she poured onto the thirsty died because it was probably poison or cursed or something.

She kept the bottle though. There was nothing more useful on a legendary adventure than an empty bottle.

As she was making her way back to where the repairs were rapidly proceeding she spotted the bear and bird lifting the crushed remains of her bike into the back of that strange trolley cart of theirs. As they lifted the front end she grimaced as the majestic horse head on the front listed sadly to the side and seemed to give her an accusing look.

"No, it's okay." She called out in reply to the bear. "I was gonna hang around, keep an eye on Jr in case more karts come around. Thanks for recovering my bike though." Given the chance Jr would probably use it for parts like he was every other wreck around here. Maybe this way there was a chance she could have it put back together. "You're a cool guy, Bear."

It only made since, she thought to herself as they rolled off. Nobody that liked birds enough to carry one around in his pack like that could be anything less than good people.

As time wore on and no enemy attacks were forthcoming Linkle started focussing less on watching out and more on clumsily practicing with that sword in the shade of the truck.

Sword in one hand, spider shield held in the other, she swung and spun with all the grace of a rampaging hippopotamus. She was at least as dangerous as a toddler with a kitchen knife, but it was clear this was getting her nowhere.

She stopped for a rest, leaning against the side of the truck and watching Michael hanging out around the dispencer, as Blazermate called it. She quirked an eyebrow as she saw him excitedly whoop and start holding things in front of the machine. Curiously she got a bit closer and saw him putting the weird metal cartridges into his coat. Then, seeming from her proximity, the dispensar powered to life and began coughed up a bundle of those weird blocky arrows, about six in total.

"Oh, it gives you ammo too." She said, even more impressed with the thing. "I wonder how it knows how to make arrows?"

The repair turned out to go quicker than expected, and soon enough everybody left had piled in to the interior of the new and improved monster kart and set out to the town the rest of the convoy had headed off to.

As they pulled up to the grey building Linkle realized that they were rolling up in a monster that had been stealing spirits out the wazoo. She wondered if their was some way to make it clear that they weren't headhunters like the previous owner, that they had just killed him...and...stolen his kart.

As Michael pulled up to the stop and hopped out to talk with Franklin Linkle pulled herself up on top of the thing to get a commanding view of their surroundings. Red eyed people littered the stop, but that didn't concern her to much. The rabbits, after all, weren't that bad. So long as they didn't cause trouble, and Galeems pet hand didn't decide to throw them a curve ball, they would be fine.

As she looked around she spotted the remains of her bike laid in the entrance of one of the buildings. Jumping down and seeing truly inside the building she spotted all kinds of tools and machines lining the walls. If must have been some kind of tool shop. Maybe she could find someone here to fix he bike.

But the more important thing to catch her eyes wasn't her bike or the tools. It was laying in the back of the garage. She quickly ran inside with no mind as to whether the buildings owner cared about tresspass, like a hero would, and approached the thing just to confirm what she was seeing.

"Whoa!" She said. It was a bird, like a hawk or something, but made of metal. A new type of robot, or maybe a Blade like Poppy said she was. Whatever he was it was apparent he wasn't in good shape if he were just left lying around here. Birds didn't just lie around if there was nothing wrong.

She opened her mouth to call out to it, then remembered what species her was. She laid her rabbit ears back on her head and pulled her hood up and over to hide them. Then, safe in the knowledge she wasn't prey, started to speak. "Hello? Mr. bird? Coo coo coo?" She said gently. "Can you make a noise for me?"

Seeing this guy and this state really reminded her of her boys, lost in this big mashed up world somewhere all alone with no one to care for them.

Linkle thought about it. When a Cucco got hurt you were supposed to put it in a dark, secure place. She looked around. For a bird this big this place was really dark and secure. Next, you needed to keep it hydrated. She stepped outside, looking around for any water. She saw a wet patch of ground and followed it back to a dripping spiget set into the wall of the garage. Smiling, she went over and twisted the knop. A torrent of water poured out, and she filled up her new bottle before turning the water back off. She went back inside, dipped her fingers into the bottle and letting the water drip off them into the birds mouths just like she did when one of her cuccos was too sick to drink. She did this am few times. It was a good start, but was it good enough? After all, he wasn't just a bird. He was a robot too.

Or a Blade.

"I'll be right back. You don't go anywhere." She said to it, standing back up and stepping back out into the sun to look for...

"Poppi, Tora!" She shouted, spotting them. "I need your help. When Poppi gets hurt what do you guys do? I found this passed out metal bird. I only know how to help with the bird part, I've got no clue what to do with the metal part."
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