Avatar of Goldeagle1221


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7 yrs ago
I am Spartacus!
1 like
9 yrs ago
"Stay awhile and listen!"
9 yrs ago
God bless.
9 yrs ago
9 yrs ago


I'm not really a bird.


Where did I play,
A land of twisted branches,
A kingdom of clay,
A swamp of memories,
A never-ending day,

Where did I run,
Across the dawn,
Through the sun,
Across the sky,
Through laughs and fun,

Where did I walk,
Pristine grass green,
White cliffs of chalk,
Pools of sky so blue,
Orchard stones that talk,

Where did I sit,
By the gates of silver,
Near endless pit,
By forever horizon,
You may remember it.

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Dude I don't even remember if I was serious, satirical, or if it was for the joke at the end. I don't even agree with all of it, but I'm happy I did it. It was fun, silly, but fun.

Glad you could see where we were coming from. I must admit that I'm not stoked to see Quantum physics and black hole interactions as the explanation for what's going on in your Sphere, but I'll talk to the other GMs about it and see what they think. Until then, you've got time make edits and hopefully take steps to address some of our qualms. We'll wait until you tell us that you're ready again, and then we can re-review your sheet.

@Goldeagle1221 for K'Nell

Love the questions, concerns and suggestions. A lot of which I too thought of after writing the sheet. We can talk about it tomorrow for sure. But with that and with this, fittingly, I sleep. Goodnight!
Oh maannnn I'm psyched.
Death to all noncrustaceans.
I'm going dreams and then nightmares to really finish uo my sleep.
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