Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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2 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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Nice! XD
Thank you!
Najila was surprised to see that the Drake actually fell dead after her attack. She had actually ended the fight. She actually killed a drake...? She voiced her thoughts out loud, "Oh! I actually did it? Huh!" She honestly thought the Drake was tougher than that. She couldn't help but smile a bit. She guessed that it was true what some people say, "Many people may start the fight, but it's usually the ladies who end it"

She looked back to Celeste and she answered her softly, "Yes, we are safe for now. But stay close to us, Celeste. The employer escaped, and he could easily come back," Once Celeste was close to them again, she looked to Angus, Aron, and Orchid, "Are you all alright?"

She then looked to Angus, "What happened? You seemed to be having quite a discussion with that employer,"
Najila shook her head to clear her mind and focus. Yes, she is frustrated at the fact that she missed the Employer and let him get away, as well as missing the drake earlier. But right now, she couldn't afford to be unreliable right now. She needed to get her act together and help out her allies, as well as protect Celeste. She lifted her arcane focus once more and this time, aimed at the drake carefully. She shouted in draconic as she fired, "That is enough! STAY DOWN!"

I’d be okay with that. ^_^
Thank you for the confirmation. ^_^
I wasn't sure, but I had a feeling that was the case from the Initiative Count. ^^"
Najila looked around, trying to pay attention and see if she could hear the employer wheezing from her hex anywhere. But it was no use. She couldn't tell. If anything, she honestly would not be surprised if he was already gone by now. So, begrudgingly, she transferred the hex from the employer and onto the Black Drake. She once again aimed her arcane focus, this time at the Black Drake in an attempt to assist her friends. However, her Eldritch Blast had gone wide. She swore under her breath. What was going on with her aim?! This was not good! First, she missed the employer, and now she couldn't even hit something bigger and visible than the employer?! She could feel tears of frustration start to sting her eyes.

Sylvia moved closer when Pylia started crying. She wanted to hug her as well, but she remembered the last time she tried to hug Pylia and how well that went. So, instead, she settled for placing a comforting hand on Pylia's shoulder. After Pylia finished crying and asked her question, Sylvia nodded and she answered, "Of course. I'll pay for them, but they'll be from all of us," She then suggested, "Why don't we hurry to the shop? Wouldn't want them to close before we get there,"
Thank you! ^_^
Sylvia was silent at Pylia's comment about how easy it was to say it. Pylia did have a point, but still...
She was quiet as she listened to Pylia voice her feelings. She figured it would be best to just listen and let Pylia vent. She waved off Pylia's apology, "It's alright, Pylia. Please don't worry about it," She then looked to Shortfang as he spoke up. Sylvia smiled and she agreed, "He's right, Pylia. Back then, you could have easily ignored me when we first met. But you didn't. If it wasn't for you, I'd probably still be wandering around that forest with no clue," She then continued, "And you have helped so many people on the way here! Dirk, Ferric, Mica, Shortfang, Buddy, Andras, Andrews, Elena, and the Sewer Dragons! And you're still trying to do the right thing. That is amazing to me,"

She then finished, "It's ok to be sad and to talk about your feelings. We'll always be there to listen,"

She then looked to the graves around her, and she suggested to Pylia and her friends, "I think there is something we can do for Seraph, before we head back to turn in for the night. Pylia, do you know of any flower shops nearby?"
Does Sylvia see any bouquets of flowers laid out in front of other graves?
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