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Current Goodbye Miura. One of my favorite fantasy authors of all time has gone too soon.
4 yrs ago
Don't forget, they made another new hero named Screentime. A meme loving superhero who got his powers from exposure to internet gas. He has the ability to basically be a smart phone.
4 yrs ago
Sometimes I open up a new tab on my browser and I forget what I intended to do with it... What am I doing here again?
5 yrs ago
When did I do that?
5 yrs ago
Whenever you're feeling down, just remember that this man is cheering you on: youtu.be/KxGRhd_iWuE


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Despite Ms. Aristeas' rather kind evaluation of their results, Robert was not as happy. Of course, no one in their team was hurt or killed, which was always optimal, but he still felt like they could have done better. No, he could have done better. Everything was going perfectly until he had gotten too far away from the others and almost thrown off the edge of the ship. He was alive only through the support of his comrades, not through his own efforts.

The young student turned to his team leader though to try and read her reaction to the evaluation. He'd been in charge once and he didn't envy his admittedly much more worthy replacement. He still knew how it felt to succeed but still feel there was room for improvement. To do everything you could do right, yet still see nothing but more needing to be fixed. The worst part about being leader though, at least a good one in his opinion, was that you often found fault in your own actions first. Sand struck Robert as the sort of person who'd think the same way. So as she left to return their borrowed weaponry, he began contemplating possible words of encouragement so she knew how glad he was to have her in charge.

Those words would be forgotten though once Sand was back, giving the team her own debriefing, which felt very much targeted at his screw up. Perhaps he was solely in the wrong here. He was, after all, the only one who had needed saving. He had thought he was being cautious like asked and the incident was only caused by bad roll of the dice, but maybe he was the problem. "Sorry, guys," he said, embarrassed.

When the ship landed, Robert did his best to push away the creeping self-doubt and refocus on the objective. Being distracted would only lead to more mistakes, past missions had taught him that. Still, while he certainly looked serious and ready in appearance, he didn't seem to yet notice the odd behavior of the facility's employees. Though perhaps it was better to say lack of behavior as only the one man seemed to be working here for all they knew.

With the fires extinguished and the injured and dying collected, Cayde would volunteer himself to organize their rag tag group and get moving through the forest. Others might have called it leading, but in his own head the military man was purposefully avoiding using such a term. Despite all he'd done today, he was still unsure of how he felt taking command again. In any case, they couldn't stay here. He needed to keep as many of their group alive as he could, so it would be off to this mysterious healer as soon as they were able. They wouldn't be able to bring everything, after all mobility and speed would be their objective here, so the larger and heavier supplies would need to be left behind and hopefully collected later, the biggest of note being the harvin engineer's personal fighter. It was unfortunate to leave such a beauty behind, but there was no way to get it ready for take off and it wouldn't help with transporting everyone either.

While journeying through the unknown wood, the escapees would come across a new face. Being the nephew of a member of the Zweite Junta as well as a commander in Eradine's military, Cayde had quite a bit of knowledge of the other islands, especially those with impressive military capabilities. So seeing the young knight's armor, he recognized its place of origin in a decent amount of time. "What's a soldier of Niflhelm doing so far from home?" he asked Hilde. Or perhaps a better word was interrogated as he kept a hand on the hilt of his sword, ready to draw from it's scabbard in case of trouble. And one with affiliation to their elite guard judging by the insignia. Now what were they called again?
Papercuts. Up until a few moments ago, Hana's attacks had reminded Aoi of the occasional papercut she had gained from reading to her little sister every night before bed. They were annoying and hurt when touched, but when compared to the emotional torment of fighting her sibling, they were nothing. The guilt of landing a blow on her sister did far more damage than any attack that got past her defense.

Bee stings. Suddenly, the blind girl would switch fighting styles. Where before they had been aggressive slashes and cuts, now she was using her sword to lunge at any open segments of her armor or, if that failed, between the plates themselves. Each time the blade pierced her skin now, Aoi was reminded of the time the two had been playing in the backyard as children and had mistakenly disturbed a hive of bees. At first she had barely felt a thing, but as the sharp object stayed in place the limb would soon begin to burn. Unlike back then, she couldn't curl up into a ball and wait for her mother or father to rescue the two of them. She had to continue blocking or the next strike could be lethal.

However, as the assault continued, the master of Longinus would find it increasingly difficult to even remain standing. Exhausted from her constantly stinging arms and legs, unable to find the determination to take the offensive, the young mage would find herself with no where to dodge as her sister charged forth for her finishing attack. I- I can't. I can't do this anymore. It's over.

No, child. This shall not be our end. Hearing his master's thoughts of defeat, Longinus used all of his willpower to overpower and take control of Aoi's body. With no time left, he forced her hand to let go of his prized spear and grasp the incoming blade, slicing the palm but stopping it from going through the skull. It had not completely stopped the sword's advance however.

Incomparable. Where before, each time Hana's weapon found purchase it had sent Aoi back on a trip down memory lane, her brain attempting to rationalize the beating she was receiving, this new pain was unimaginable. She had never felt anything like this before. As half her vision began to turn red and disappear, the girl released the most horrifying of screams, the noise echoing through the trees and back to the main campus.

Still retaining control as both tears and blood dripped down her face, Longinus used her other hand to shatter Hana's sword, leaving only the tip that was lodged into her eye. Aoi's body would duck downward to avoid any follow up attack before grabbing the Spear of Destiny and rolling to the right. His master's body had taken too much damage. She needed medical attention. Searching her memories for directions, Lancer would attempt to navigate the labyrinth of school hallways and arrive at the nurse's office while also trying to lose their pursuer. If successful, he could begin the painful process of removing the remnants of Hana's blade and cleaning the wounded eye of possible infection.

“On it,” Cayde quickly replied, wasting no time to leave the pirate with the burning engine and rush up the stairs to the top deck. Perhaps sending the man in heavy armor to climb up the three story ship wasn’t the best decision, but Sid was needed below. Feeling somewhat out of breath after fighting the goblins and a hard sprint, he approached the first non-green skinned humanoids he spotted. Not knowing Arno had gone temporarily deaf, he shouted to him and Zendrith, “Do either of you know how to repair a burning and possibly explosive engine?” There was not enough time to find and evacuate everyone aboard. They needed to keep the fire from spreading.

Seeing Arno's confused look, followed by the Harvin pointing to his own ears and shaking his head side-to-side, Cayde soon understood the problem. This was the crazy bastard that fired the cannons. That immediately gained the savant the nobleman's respect. Pointing to the blackened smoke escaping from the ship's entrance, the former commander heated up his armored fist until it glowed red hot then opened his hand to give off the impression of an explosion. The charade was clear, Arno was needed down below and the two would quickly descend back to the engine room where Sid waited.

Watching as the last of the goblins retreated from the inside of the crashed ship, Cayde would give a friendly pat on the back to his newly found battle buddy. Hopefully this wasn't just a temporary alliance, since the nobleman could easily see this pirate knew how to fight. "Impressive work there. I've never seen footwork or weapon handling like that before in my life," he praised him, similar to how a commanding officer would congratulate the work of his auxiliary. While he certainly was no hard ass military commander, it would probably be clear to Sid that this man hung onto their upright and scrupulous nature.

With that, Cayde would finally direct his attention to the smoke which had been gathering above their heads for the past several minutes. He had noticed it earlier, but with the little mechanical knowledge he had and the goblin ambush he had pushed any thoughts about it aside until later. Now it was difficult to ignore. Cayde had never directly messed with a ship's engine before, but he knew that the thing was in a much worse state than it had been earlier.

"I don't suppose you know how to fix this thing, would you?" he asked, turning to Sid. His best guess would to just throw cold water on it in the hopes that it would cool it down, but he knew that was a temporary fix at best and something to further to break it at worst. "If not, I think we should check the top deck. Perhaps whoever was operating the cannons also knows how to fix this."
Frightened of what Longinus might do against her will should she give over complete control to the servant, Aoi would find herself fighting a defensive battle with her sister using only her own skills and knowledge of fighting and the spearman's enhanced strength and reflexes. She could feel his thoughts trying to convince to dodge one way or the other, but each time they'd be followed by a counter-attack. No. I refuse to hurt her.

Child, if you continue to put yourself in such situations, she will wear you down until you can no longer continue dodging.

Just then, Hana would thrust her sword forward toward Aoi's chest. Having been distracted by Longinus' words, the girl hadn't predicted the attack and panicked in her response. Instead of bringing the large weapon close to parry the blade away, she swung the Spear of Destiny like a club, batting her stone sister away. In her current state, she may be a rank C in strength, but it was more than enough to send Hana flying several feet away. The terracotta warrior felled two trees before impacting against the third and halting her impromptu flight.

"Oh God, I'm so sorry Hana. Are you okay?" Aoi asked, her words reminding her of better days when such a question was reserved for the aftermath of playing too rough with her sibling and their mother was fast approaching to investigate the sound of tears. That was before the world turned topsy-turvy. Before she had entered the Student Council. Before she had begun training her magic. Before she had blinded the closest person she had to a friend.

In response, Hana simply looked back at Aoi with those same cold eyes, her face unchanged from the neutral expression that had stayed since the beginning of their duel. She was still a drone serving her master, and her master's orders were to kill. Gripping the blade now with both hands, she charged again at her sister, sending forth a barrage of stabs and cuts that Aoi's C rank agility struggled to keep up with.

"Seems like a fair request to me," Robert replied to Trad. The only reason he had pushed the responsibility of one liners to his teammate was because he couldn't think of one on his own either. Soon after Sand got a last couple comments in, the platform would reach the top of their transport and things would get loud. Very loud. So loud that all he could really hear was the rushing wind and the screaming Nevermores. He was pretty sure the wolf girl had said something, but he wasn't sure what. "What do you have?!" he asked, just before Violet began her systematic slaughter of raven-like Grimm. Every trigger pull sent a Grimm plummeting to the Earth below as she methodically emptied the magazine. "Oh you've got this. Yeah, I can see that now."

Not one to let others do the work for him, Robert finished loading in a new magazine for each of his bracers and lifted his arms into the air. Admittedly, he wasn't as good a shot as her, and the rounds his weapon used were a lot smaller than the Atlesian rifle, but he got was able to gain a respectable number of kills considering the conditions. Seven more birds would begin nose-diving downward, while another two would be struggling to stay airborne as the 10mm rounds nicked their wings. "Whoo! Pretty sure I got two of those with one shot. That's two birds with o-"

Before he could finish his lame joke, something very... Well something very predictable occurred considering Robert's presence. As he began to reload his weapons, one of the larger Nevermores swooped down and gripped the hood of his sweatshirt with it's talons and started to carry him away. The young huntsman-in-training tried his best to struggle, but after looking down at the possible fall that would result from escaping his captor, he shouted back to his team, "Guys! Someone help!"
Breathing hard from the mental stress that comes from losing control of one's body and attempting fratricide, Aoi's knees began to buckle under her weight as she dropped down to the floor. The magical spear which had appeared in her hands moments ago continued to stay embedded in the wall she had aimed for while trying to avoid running her sister through, while it's wielder watched Hana slowly make her exit, following a voice that only she and the other stone warriors could hear.

"Hana," she whispered, reaching her hand out despite knowing the blind girl was too far gone.

It's too late, child. She has fallen to whatever unholy forces lead these people on their destructive crusade. If you shall not allow me to end your sister's suffering though, I shall not force you to do so. Know though that such a curse is unlikely to have any way of being reversed. More innocent blood shall be shed from your decision.

I... I don't care. I can't do it. Not after all I've done to her already. She doesn't deserve this.

So often is that the case for God's children. However, in the end, he has a plan for us all and we must learn to play our role. No matter how... difficult it is to do what is asked of us.

This gave the student pause. It was only now listening to this religious man preach about his devotion that the question she had asked him earlier returned to her head. Who are you? Aoi asked the voice.

I am Longinus, and by installing the lancer card as you have done, you have gained the power to wield my power and my weapon.

You mean-?

Yes, child. That spear which you pierced into the walls of your institution of learning is The Spear of Destiny.

Kuremi, Rebecca, and any other students who may have been in the school's courtyard would be able to see as their fellow classmate returned to her feet and pulled out the weapon with ease, as if the wall before her was styrofoam. She turned back to them, still covered in her class card's strange armor and the color of here eyes missing, before attempting an awkward smile. "Um, I'm not gonna lie, I'm about as confused as you all are."
Cayde Selmy

Seeing the sudden appearance of goblins on board their crashed transport, Cayde would attempt to defend their weakest party member, that being Perkeo. His heavy armor and distance would slow him down enough for the small monsters to get a few good licks into the draph with their slings, however the nutshot would be the best they could accomplish. The armor that had slowed his movements a moment earlier now worked in his favor as he became a human shield for their bard, rocks harmlessly bouncing off his body. The only part of him that was unguarded was his face, his helmet lacking a visor in order to obstruct as little of his vision as possible, but even this was easily corrected by lowering his head and shrinking their target.

Now in position, the nobleman charged his three opponents, sprinting toward the nearest of the wolf riders. The room was small, it's ceiling only a few feet above his head, so instead of using an overhead slash Cayde opted for a piercing attack, thrusting the end of his sword through one of the creature's mounts. The man let out a grunt of disappointment, having intended to stab the rider instead. The goblin had panicked though when it had saw it's heavily armored rival coming so close, directing the wolf beneath to turn and evade but instead putting it between itself and Cayde's sword.

With his sword embedded deep within the wolf's body and the three goblins reading to pounce upon him, Cayde released his hilt and let the canine slump to the floor, charging it's rider again with fists raised. The green bastard had no time to react before flaming knuckles collided with it's cheek. Teeth clattered to the floor as the goblin clutched the burned side of it's face. It could try and scamper away as best it could, but Cayde was too close, grabbing one of the rocks the goblins had been using as ammunition and smashing its skull in. The guards back at the prison were one thing, innocent men only doing a job and making a living, but these were monsters. They were incapable of kindness or mercy. So he would show them the same.

Rising up from the floor, Cayde kicked over the wolf's dead body and pulled his sword out from it's chest cavity. Free of its temporary sheath of flesh, the blade burst into flames and boiled away the blood which had been covering it. It's tip was now pointed toward the two remaining goblins. "Who's next?"
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