Avatar of Guy0fV4lor
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    1. Guy0fV4lor 6 yrs ago
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2 yrs ago
Current God Bless the USA! Happy 4th Everyone! (though admittedly a day late)
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2 yrs ago
Oh yay-- the status bar has turned into Twitter again... My favorite.
2 yrs ago
Damn dude-- don't remind me what's been taken from us.... I seriously miss that game.
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2 yrs ago
Imagine not using maple syrup to sweeten your coffee.
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3 yrs ago


Coming Soon!

(or whenever I get off my lazy ass)

Here's a couple neat memes while you wait:

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playing catch up with college work-- i wont be able to post until the weekend at best
A middle-aged man with a shield charged forth and crashed into the wretched experiment, pinning it against the wall.


Don's body is early twenties....


"Dammit!" Don cursed as the rock he'd thrown at the guardian simply bounced off it's colossal frame. He hadn't expected the rock to do much, but he'd at least hoped to get it's attention back on himself while the others ran.

As much as he wanted to rush after it, the man knew that such a suicidal stunt would only be to the detriment of the others. They hadn't the tools, nor knowledge to fight such a monstrosity. Huffing a flustered sigh, Don sank into a light jog and continued his path around the cliffside. Hopefully he could get a chance to regroup with the others, given that he arrive timely enough to do so.

It was upon entering the courtyard of sorts that caused the man to stop completely. This entire place, as far as he'd seen-- had long been left untouched, and snow-covered. But amongst the snow laden ground was a large black stone; fissures bordering it's edges, covered with withered vines of tar, and not a lick of snow to be seen in it's immediate vicinity. Had someone been here? Were they 'chosen' like the others he'd met? Or were they something else entirely?

Kneeling down before the large stone, Don picked a piece of the tar, and examined it in his fingers for a bit. The stuff was still warm to the touch. Someone had to have been here, and recently at that. As he wiped his fingers on some nearby snow, Don heard something echo from the building he'd just rounded.

A bark.

"Tha hell's a dog doin' ere?" Don thought out loud as he rose to his feet. Several sets of fresh footprints led toward the building in question, ending at the open door of whatever that place was. If there was another group that could possibly help Don save the others from the Guardian, they were here-- and he was going to find them.
Titus nervously fidgeted with his equipment as they approached Erathell; ensuring his pistol, eyepiece, and cogitator were all functioning at peak performance. The prospect of being sent on a bona fide covert op was equal parts exciting and terrifying, and quite frankly, he hadn't the slightest clue as to what his own role in the retinue would end up being. From what he could tell, they seemed to have every base covered, and his rather lackluster addition didn't even seem necessary. For what reason was he sent to join them? Who would've ordered such a change?

The boy's fingers pressed firmly into his eyes as he listened to the expanded briefing. Sure the generalized explanation of the operation's scope were useful, but Titus was a scribe; not a psyker-- he needed fine details in order to know where he'd need to focus the few skills he had. A paper trial couldn't be pulled from thin air after all! He needed cabinets, and files, and transcripts, and documents if he hoped to be of any use!

Having remained lost in his own thoughts whilst in transit, Titus found a wide, enthusiastic grin creeping across his face as the Typhon entered the Stratosphere. He couldn't remember how many years it had been since he'd gotten to walk planetside, and it was a welcome change to the stuffy, recycled air of a void ship. The moment the ship landed, Titus wasted no time gunning for the door; excited to breath some fresh air, only to nearly collide with a very angry Celestian. The young scribe's entire body seemed to shrink as he was reprimanded; his very bones cowed by the Celestian's fury. "I... I Understand Celestian Andromedai." he whimpered in response; his face devoid of the excitement he had shown just moments before, "It shall not happen again."

Heeding the Sister's words, Titus took a moment to lower the setting of his collar to three, hoping to avoid causing any more trouble for the retinue, or himself.

He could only hope for the best.

Though he had been following orders, Titus could already tell that turning down the collar was a mistake. A slight prickling sensation danced across his skin every so often; the sensation like an icy static. It was without a doubt a bad omen. Nonetheless, Titus had a job to do-- and his primary concern at the moment was ensuring that the main contingent of chaos devotees in the hive weren't able to get a proper warning of the Inquisition's arrival. Depending on how far the corruption had spread, Titus suspected there was going to be a mole carefully kept in the Planetary Governor's company as a form of insurance. "Governor Nickolai, if possible, I'd like a digital map of your estate, as well as a roster of those that work within it' wall." Titus spoke, having waited until after the others had asked their own questions.
I feel as if I'm being singled out here. O.o
Titus gulped at the Celestian's response. If she hadn't been the person to reassign him.... Then who had? Unfortunately, before he could give it any real thought, the other members of the team saw fit to give him a few words. The first to welcome him was a rather 'normal' looking man. Based on his equipment, Titus figured him an armsman of sorts-- though the clearly salvaged patchwork of carapace and flak armor was unlike anything the young scribe had ever seen. "Er... Thanks for the reassurance?" Titus responded with a nervous smile as he scratched his head absentmindedly. Whether the armsman's words were supposed to be encouraging or some form of foreboding, Titus preferred to assume the former. It would be much easier to get along with his new teammates that way.

Not wishing to keep the Celestian waiting for departure, Titus stepped forward to board the ship, only to find himself uncomfortably close to a cheerfully chirping mass of bionics. Cogheads had always rubbed Titus the wrong way, between the constant disregard for non-mechanicus humans, their incessant tech-fetishism, and the fact that so many had tried to get their oily little mechadendrites his null-collar was reason enough to typically ignore or avoid them. This one however, seemed particularly disturbed. The gaze with which she regarded him could've been likened to that of a feral grox, perhaps even more unsettling was the fact that her servo skull was an exact replica of her own head. How he'd failed to notice such a disturbing device when he'd first arrived was beyond Titus, but it was more than likely due to his rushed entrance to the briefing. He could barely manage a grimace and nod as he backed several steps from the entrance of the ship. If Titus could help it, he'd be certain to sit as far away from that woman as possible.

While he was allowing the crazed magos to board ahead of him, it seemed that Titus was not yet done with the secondary introductions, as a solid thump struck him from behind. "My apologies, I didn't mean to stand in your-" Titus began to instinctively apologize, "way..." The young scibe's voice trailed off as he turned to face whoever had run into him. Before him stood the largest non-augmented psyker he'd ever seen. Between her well kempt, snow white hair, pale skin, and impressively developed yet still feminine physique, Titus could've almost considered her quite beautiful... But she was a mutant and a witch; sanctioned or not. Such mutants were a deviation of the human form, this one had simply been fashioned into a tool of the emperor's will, and Titus would do well to remember that. Even through the protection of his collar, Titus could feel those violet eyes of hers drilling into his soul. "As I said psyker," Titus quietly spoke as his hand gently pulled back the high collar of his coat, "My name is Titus Ramsay, and I am but a scribe." Exposing the null-device for a brief moment, Titus turned it's setting two clicks higher before discreetly concealing it once more. "If you were expecting something more... Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you."

And with that, Titus quietly took his place upon the Typhon, ensuring he was as far from the Magos girl as humanly possible.

Aaron opened the door to what should've been his driveway. This was it-- the first big step toward his new future... His vision suddenly changed the moment he crossed the the threshold; a dark sky, a tower, a woman, and an apology. Whisked away from the scene just as fast as he'd been shunted there.

"For what?"

Rather than an answer, Aaron suddenly found himself in a place he'd never seen in his entire life. It was a street made from stonework and unfamiliar architecture, barren of all life save for the others that had appeared just as spontaneously as himself. Not even having a chance to fully register what had just happened, the first thing Aaron heard was the infuriated voice of one of the others, clearly enraged about something. The other two however, seemed unnervingly calm; one even commenting that it would be nice jogging weather.

Panicked thoughts swirled in Aaron's head as his face drained of color, This has to be a hallucination-- he thought to himself silently, his breathing growing more frantic by the second as he narrowed the possibilities, But that would mean.... That there must be a gas leak in the house!

It was't the only explanation Aaron could think of, it was just the only one that made sense. Swallowing dryly, and taking a few deep breaths, Aaron calmed slightly. "I was at the doorway... Which means my car--" the boy breathlessly murmured as he took ten long strides forward, following with four long strides to the left. "Should be here."

He reached for the handle of his car, only to find himself grasping at empty air. Hallucinations weren't able to mask physical contact right? Had he already passed out? Was he dead?

"Nonononononono, this can't be happening. Not right now. Not right here."

Shaky mutterings escaped the boy's lips as he sank to his knees in despair, clutching his head in disbelief.

What the fuck was going on???

@Cu Chulainn@Crusader Lord@Click This@Rune_Alchemist

As Donovan scanned the surrounding area for threats, he noticed the guardian immediately. The thing was fucking MASSIVE!!! Gently taking the handle of the door, he prepared to hold it shut and wait out the Guardian's patrol route until the coast was clear. The large man's blood ran cold as a distinct thwip reached his ears, he was frozen in fear, his eyes watching in horror as an arrow struck the massive stone monstrosity in the shoulder. Before he could even fully register what had just happen, his eyes locked with the towering stone figure as it let out a terrifying shriek.

Donovan damn well knew he couldn't just hide from this damn thing in the building. It would just tear the place apart, and put the others in danger. The man gulped as he made terms with what he needed to do. The guardian had only seen him, and didn't know about the others just yet...

He would need to buy the others some time if they were going to make it out in one piece.

There was only one place he had a shot at reaching before the guardian was going to be upon him; a path that seemed to rest on a cliffside. Without a word of warning Don broke into a dead sprint for the cliffside, slamming the door shut behind him as adrenaline surged through his veins. "COME N' GET MEH YAH UGLEH BASTARD!!!" Don bellowed as he sprinted with all his might across the snow covered ground.

He didn't know if he'd make it, but he'd damned before he didnt try his hardest. He dug deeper into himself, calling on whatever mystic might the goddess had given unto him, and trying to force it through every fiber of his being as he ran.

@Cu Chulainn@Crusader Lord@Rune_Alchemist

Donovan frowned as he realized there wasn't anything in the walls. He'd hoped there would be some form of hidden compartment that he and the others could glean information from-- but alas there was nothing. Turning to the others; about to recommend checking the third floor before a swift departure, a silver glint among the salvaged timber caught Donovan's eye. Approaching what remained of the pile of wood, he knelt down and took the object into his hand, eyeing it curiously.

"Hmmmm... I wonder what this means...." Donovan mused to himself as he eyed it. Unfortunately, he didn't have time to investigate further, as Leannah informed the group that the guardian was headed their direction. "Aye'd say weh best get ah move on. Aye ain't keen on meetin' whatever's on patrol." he announced bluntly as he tucked the badge into the inner breast pocket of his coat. Crouching low, and slowly approaching the door, Don cautiously peered outside, scanning to see if the coast was clear.

Titus awoke with a start, his body drenched in cold sweat and a face pale as the very sheets he lay upon. Shakily, Titus pulled himself from his bunk, groggily stumbling his way to the nearest showers to clean himself off. He'd never really enjoyed living on a voidship, the recycled atmosphere always felt 'stuffy' to him, let alone the fact that nigh every narrow corridor looked almost identical to the next one save for signs left here or there. Despite this-- Titus had grown used to it during his years of living under the inquisition, and by now considered it a minor annoyance... Warp travel, however, was another beast entirely. It didn't seem to matter how high he cranked his collar; the nightmares always came when traversing the warp . Every night he closed his eyes, he was plunged back into that hellscape. His only respite was his waking hours, when he was free from whatever abominable force saw fit to torment him.

Upon finishing his shower, Titus immediately hustled back to his quarters to get his equipment on; today was a big day after all, and he wanted to be sure he didn't leave anything behind! If his hunch was correct, today was the day he'd finally be elevated to being the direct assistant of one of the senior scribes! Truly, today will be a day to remember!

"You've been reassigned" spoke the head scribe in a dull tone; not even bothering to look away from his work. "W-wha-what?" Titus stuttered as his heart sank, he'd been working for this promotion ever since he was transferred onto this Emperor-damned ship! "B-but by who's orders? And why?"
The head scribe slowly set his spectacles to the side as he leveled an apathetic glare at the boy, "It was somebody higher than me kid, that's all that matters. Now you'd best get your ass moving to hangar Four-Two-Seven-Three-Three... The last thing you want is to piss off your new supervisor by being late." Titus gulped as he heeded the Head Scribe's command, rushing out the door and down the corridors as fast as his legs could take him.

Titus knew in his gut that he was already late for whatever meeting he was supposed to be attending as he approached the hanger door. Wiping the sweat from his brow as best he could before entering the chamber, Titus tried in vain to make himself as presentable as he could for his new supervisor. Taking a deep breath, he stepped into the hanger, only to have all the blood drain from his reddened face. His new boss was none other than the Celestian Superior herself! "Uh-" Titus gulped as he took his place amongst the gathering of individuals before introducing himself with a short bow, "Scribe Titus Ramsay, at your service Celestian."
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