Avatar of headintheclouds


Recent Statuses

17 days ago
Current Don't be surprised if your whiplash sneaks up on you. Mine showed up with a vengeance the next day.
3 mos ago
Ooh, RUSSIAN live edge tables! How exotic!
1 like
3 mos ago
I'd love Bethesda to create a character creator that doesn't result in humans that look like early 2000s abominations
3 mos ago
Well, there goes Rooster Teeth. I am also sorry to all the folks suddenly finding themselves unemployed :(
5 mos ago
Anybody know how to build a live edge slab table? Asking for a friend.
1 like


Hey guys! Thanks for checking out my profile :)
I'm pretty much always looking for roleplays, so I figured I'd put a list of my preferences on here in case you're interested. Always PM me if you have an idea. I promise I don’t bite, and I love to hear from new people!

I’m a massive history buff (it’s what my degree is in!) and I love sewing and historic clothing and theater, so if you’re at all interested in chatting about that, hit me up. My specialty is in early colonial English society, but I’m a sucker for a good castle and medieval family tree.

-I generally prefer to play female characters, but I'm not opposed to playing male characters either!
-I'm available to RP over forum, PM, or email
-I'm a big fan of 1x1 roleplays and prefer them due to my schedule, and the group Rp curse I seem to carry with me.
-Genres I like? History, fantasy, some fandoms, modern....
-Romance? Definitely. Just please no smut. Fade to black is where it’s at.

Current Cravings:
-Beauty and the Beast
-Class differences
-Jane Austen or Austen-Esque
-Probably something else I can't think of.

Most Recent Posts

@EmyBear8913 I really enjoy this idea!! I'm gonna shoot you a PM now.
@Hari Would you be willing to take me on as a partner once more, so long as I promise to be good?

Welcome, friends! I believe it is a truth universally acknowledged that a writer must be in want of a partner, and I find myself to be no exception. I'm in desperate want of a partner that would be interested in a historical romance roleplay either based off of a Jane Austen novel, perhaps using canon characters or original characters, or a roleplay based in the time period, where balls and card parties are prevalent, clandestine walks in the garden are all the rage, and men on horseback saving people from rainstorms are more common than you might think.

If we want a twist from the typical ballroom and cottage, I'm also a fan of the zombie variant of Pride and Prejudice, and would love to do something with that. If zombies aren't your thing, then still send me a message; I'd love to work something up.

While it is marked 18+, I do not write smut. I can happily write fade to black scenes, but I'm not a fan of smut. Gore is okay, especially if we do something with zombies, but things like cutting locks of hair to save in your pocketbook or sneaking out to the garden unchaperoned for a walk is more of what I'm looking for with regards to romance. Or, you know, some stolen kisses and improperly placed hands when dancing.


  • I am a Jane Austen fanatic, and I've been on a serious binge recently. My particular favorites are Emma, Sense and Sensibility, and Pride and Prejudice
  • I'm a history nut, but I don't mind bending history for the sake of the story. I graduated with a degree in History and Museum Studies, and social history is one of my favorite things to look at.
  • I am a hopeless romantic, but I also enjoy throwing roadblocks at characters to keep them further from their happy ending than they may want.
  • I love to chat with people about RP and life


  • Someone with a love of Jane Austen, or just Historical Dramas
  • Someone to play a male AND/OR double! I don't mind doubling if that's your fancy.
  • Someone that posts pretty frequently; I understand daily may not be possible, but a few times a week at the very least is ideal. Life gets in the way; if it manages to get you, let me know! I prefer you let me know rather than leaving me to wonder whether you're dead in a ditch or hate my guts.
  • Semi-long to long posts. I'm not saying we re-write War and Peace, but I find it much easier to write in posts of at least a paragraph or two, if not more. I'd also like grammatical accuracy as best as you can :)


  • An active partner; I'm on pretty much every day all day at this point, until I get a proper job.
  • Someone who loves plotting and writing
  • Someone who has her head in the clouds and feet on the ground; I adore romance and fluffiness, but I also like throwing a wrench in the works. Nothing is more fun than than writing the concept "Absence makes the heart grow fonder"

If you've made it this far, and you're interested in discussing a roleplay, post here or PM me, and make sure to mention your favorite time period and/or historical drama.
@NecroKnightHi! Are you still interested?
@World Traveler Are you still looking for partners?im interested in your first two plots!
@TheBlackKnight Still searching?
<Snipped quote by headintheclouds>

Well there’s a first for everything! PM me and we can get something going!

Sent you a PM!

Of course! What did you have in mind?

Nothing entirely concrete, especially since my brain has gone to mush today from work, but I’m interested in pirates, vampires, and a tentative Tomb Raider. Western could also be fun, but I’ve never done one before
@Blushingi can’t decide whether to take you up on it or not
@Blushing This plot idea is really lovely and written up so well!
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