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It was clear to Eleven that he and Three were not on the same page when it came to how to handle the situation, but that had to be expected when improvising plans as they went along. He had wanted to get the other men out of the room before anything went down, to avoid, well exactly what happened when Three began tying the men up by the pipe. One of them still had a gun, and this genius decided he was going to start shooting at them. A bullet flew by him, another flew by Three, but before he could react another bullet found its target, hitting Seven who fell to the ground. Now Eleven had to give it to Jakob who reacted immediately, shooting his own man in the arm and disarming him of the small pistol. Of course, if you were in a group of people who could generally care less whether you lived, protecting the only person arguing for your life was the only logical move.

Eleven wasn’t sure if he’d ever taken a man’s life before, he wasn’t entirely sure how it might weigh on his soul but as he took quick and precise strides towards the man who had just fired shots there was no question in his mind about what he was going to do. The man held his wounded arm and the gun lay on the ground nearby. The man reached for the gun as Eleven approached but this time Eleven reacted quickly, he snatched the gun before the man and fired a shot intending to hit the man in the knee cap, aiming for some pain, but his shot missed. Eleven was no marksmen when it came firearms but as he closed the distance between him and the wounded man he ensured his second shot would not miss. He raised his firearm to the man’s head and pulled the trigger without a second thought. The force of the shot caused quite the gory spatter as the man’s head basically exploded.

“I repeat we are pissed off and trigger happy. Anyone else want a test me on this? The next one who steps out of line will get a far less merciful death than this sad sack of shit.” Eleven said, keeping a closer eye on the others. Before he grabbed one of the subdued men he glanced back at Seven, Ten was shouting out orders and working on fixing her up. He felt a pang of guilt, not for the murder he had just committed, but for the part he played in getting her shot. He glanced back at the men and grabbed the squirreliest looking one and shoved him towards the door, following Three’s lead.

Once in the hallway Eleven points his gun at the man’s head. “Here’s how this is gonna go, you can tell us everything you know about this whole fucked up operation or we can get that information out of you the hard way. Honestly I’m hoping you choose the hard way.” Eleven said, pausing to allow Three to say or do whatever he had planned.

@pokemad1 from now on I'm going try and use the phrase 'what the fungus' whenever possible...and working at a vet clinic I should have many opportunities

Location: South Rawyn - The Community Center
Interactions: Aiden @pokemad1, Lucy @2plus2isnot5

A man in a raincoat approached him, Elias didn’t think he recognized him, being that Rawyn was a rather small town and Elias had a knack for remembering faces he was guessing the guy was an out of towner. The man mentioned he seemed calm, asked him about Lucy, and showed him the same note he had found underneath a sleeping cat earlier in the day. Was he calm? He was certainly less worried about the situation when he noted Lucy was behind the note, she seemed like good people, at least that was the vibe he got. Something about the choice to come here felt like the right decision, although he hadn’t wanted to be here, something within his intuition told him he was supposed to be here.

I wouldn’t say I know her, seen her around town. You live in Rawyn long enough you learn the faces. Don’t think I’ve seen you around though. I’m Eli, guess we got the same invite.” He said introducing himself as he looked at the letter the man in the raincoat showed him. “As for being calm, I guess there’s a bit of tranquility in accepting what the universe wants from you. The universe wants me here so I guess I’ll just enjoy some free food and see where it takes me.” He added as Lucy began addressing why they were all here.

The room was full of nervous energy as she spoke, he could feel it, there was desperation in her voice. She had called them here for magic, some kind spell to find the missing girl, Olivia, clearly someone who Lucy was close with, having felt loss before Eli could understand. His experience with practicing magic, the real kind, was very minimal, but he enough to know that eight people would mean serious energy. This was something to be taken lightly, doing a powerful spell with doubt could be dangerous. Getting involved in more weirdness was not what he wanted, not what he thought he’d be doing when he woke up this morning, but it was what was needed of him. Someone’s life was at stake so now was not the time to be selfish, he decided at that moment he was in for whatever was necessary.

”I’ve spent my life doing things people wouldn't normally do so I’m in, whatever you need.


Whoa, the amount of world building here is really amazing, I'm loving how much history and culture was put into the different tribes. I'm thinking either a Baldori or Viking character. I'm kind of leaning towards a Baldori Militant so as far as the Baldori go I have a couple questions.

Does their religion have anything to say about magic/witchcraft?

Does a Baldori Militant end up in the Thelannian army? Would they, in a time of peace, live in Thelan in case they are needed or would they stay in their own lands until called? Is there a particular way they are chosen or a certain age when training begins?

Also based on the gif is it safe to assume that camel herding would be big with the Baldori?

The current plan, interrogate and take out the soldiers, then blow up the lab seemed, like the best plan for keeping their existence hidden with the exception of bring Jakob along. Eleven couldn’t see the logic in trusting someone who was only helping them at gunpoint but it seemed like a necessary compromise to keep them all on the same page. He headed over to one of the newly busted open crates and grabbed one of the many handguns as well as some extra ammo which he put into his pocket. The gun felt uncomfortable in his hand but he was more than certain he’d have to get used to dealing with things that made him uncomfortable. He walked back over to the others was hoping maybe one of them had some knowledge about explosives.

“You think you guys can rig this place to go boom?” He suggested in a whisper. A secret underground laboratory had to have something somewhere that could blow the place up. Then he glanced at Three, who had suggested the interrogations and gave him a nod. “You ready to delve into some morally gray area’s?” He half joked, torturing people for information sat about as uncomfortably with him as the gun in his hand did but survival was more important, and with as little as they all knew about what was going on the chance to learn anything more was worth it. Survival had to come first, whoever stood in the way was collateral damage.

“Alright anyone without a number tattooed on their arm, or who isn’t currently the man-pet of someone who has one, we are going to do a quick search of the rest of this god-forsaken shit-hole for anything useful. Anyone who doesn’t want to cooperate gets a bullet. I’d like everyone in a uniform to empty their pockets on to the floor, anyone of you who still has a weapon, leave it on floor. So long as you guys prove useful to us, you live, so I suggest not being difficult. We outnumber you, we having nothing to lose, and we are pissed and trigger happy but, your cooperation is very soothing.” Eleven announced, lying as easily as he breathed, and gesturing at the soldiers with the handgun as he waited to follow them out of the room.
Elias Hawthorne

Location: North Rawyn (his shop, Spectral, in the Eastfort Center) to South Rawyn (The Community Center)
Interactions: Lucy (@2plus2isnot5)

The hands of the antique grandfather clock that sat in the corner of Spectral continued to move forward no matter how hard Elias wished for time to pause. Earlier in the day he had found a strange, and incredibly vague, note underneath a sleeping Morpheus when he opened the shop. He could only assume that the girl the note referred to was Olivia, the girl who had either suddenly disappeared, or who had simply run off depending on who you asked. He wasn’t sure why the note was sent to him, or how someone had managed to get it inside his locked-up shop either. At first, he had thought it was part of some kind of prank; rile up the town crazy, try and get him wrapped up in a crazy conspiracy theory for a laugh. In the back of his mind, however, he could feel the intentions of the note’s writer and it felt genuine.

He thought about going, if he could do something that might help find that poor girl he would, but the fear of getting involved in something that could drag him back into the supernatural held him back. If this truly was a mundane case, or if the girl had simply run off, then he could see no reason why anyone would involve him. The note in his shop had to mean some sort of supernatural involvement and that was just the sort of thing he didn’t want to be involved in. So, he had spent all day alternating between trying not to think about it and asking for guidance on what to do. He had consulted his tarot deck, tea leaves, and the Ogham runes but everything was so inconclusive; so either this was a choice he must make on his own or he was letting his fears color his interpretations, trying to ignore the obvious so he can continue to lie to himself.

”This is ridiculous, I mean obviously I shouldn’t go right. No way anything on the up and up even goes on at the community center after eleven anyway.” Eli spoke to a barely interested Morpheus. The cat lay on Spectral’s main counter and Elias leaned against the same counter consulting with the wisest of all spirits; the cat. He scratched underneath the cat’s chin and Morpheus happily purred. ”Excellent, so we are in agreement.”

Morpheus let out a long meow and gave him that judgmental look all cats seem to know how to do. Apparently, the cat was not going to leave things up for interpretation. ”I’m almost doing well, you know, I don’t need to get involved with this. I’ve got a real bad feeling, this is gonna take me back to a place I don’t want to be.” He continued, although now he was thinking maybe talking to the cat wasn’t exactly saying wonders about his mental state to begin with. Morpheus continued his disappointed look although the cat was still happily accepting the chin scratches. Eli glanced at the day’s newspaper that lay beside the cat which contained the article about the missing girl, which he had read several times that day. ”I guess you’re right, I’d be a pretty shit person if I didn’t try and help. Well at least they’ve promised refreshments. My sanity for tea and biscuits, I hope they’re worth it.” He said with a sarcastic chuckle to himself before locking the shop up for the night and heading to the other side of town.

Eli was only a little late to the party and he was happy to see he wasn’t alone at the community center. There were a handful of others looking about as confused as he was as well as a glorious table covered with cupcakes and sausage rolls. He also noticed no one seemed to be eating which was pretty bizarre considering how good the food looked, and smelled. He took a quick second to study the other faces in the room and didn’t immediately recognize anyone except for Lucy, who had worked at Shifting Sands for a short stint. Well that was one mystery solved; he knew who wrote the note. He figured Lucy would explain what was going on when she was ready so he went ahead and helped himself to some of the food and some tea. It was a chilly walk down to the community center and the hot beverage was much needed.

”Here I was expecting a packet of stale biscuits but you went all out with the refreshments. Much appreciated.” He said, snacking on a cupcake.
Enzo’s heart raced as he ran through a thick and disorienting forest, he knew treasure was near and for some reason the rest of his crew was nowhere to be seen but he couldn’t remember where they had gone. Something was chasing him, he could hear it running just behind him when suddenly he tripped and became inexplicably entangled in thick ivy vines that wrapped themselves around him. As much as he struggled the ivy only tightened around him until he could barely breath. Then the beast that had been chasing him leapt upon him, a savage panther whose teeth and claws ripped and tore the flesh from his body.

Enzo awoke with a stifled gasp covered in cold sweat and out of breath. He’d been having that same dream for weeks and it was driving him well past exhaustion. He hadn’t had a descent night’s sleep, he woke up barely able to catch his breath, and with his entire body in pain as if it had been real. He was far too awake now to go back to sleep so he got up and wandered the ship’s deck, restless and shaken. Starring out onto the vast open sea calmed his nerves, as did the sound of rolling waves, and the smell of salty ocean air. He took slow deep breaths until he was able to fully relax again. He turned from the bow of the ship and headed back to the crew’s quarters when a raven dropped a scroll at his feet before the bird flew off. Enzo picked up the scroll and briefly looked at it, unable to read he couldn’t make much sense of it so he placed it in his pocket until morning.

Enzo failed to get much sleep the rest of the night and was up bright and early that morning. He quickly remembered the strange piece of paper the raven had delivered to him during the night and headed to the galley. The ship’s cook was a grizzled old man, called Old Man Johnny by the crew on account of him being the oldest man on the boat, pirate nicknames usually weren’t too clever, and he was one of the few been on board that could read. A much younger Old Man Johnny had been a tutor for some noble family but due to some bad luck he ended up on a less than reputable vessel living a pirate’s life. Enzo looked to Johnny like a second father and trusted the man more than other aboard The Harlot’s Kiss. Enzo showed Johnny the letter and after hearing its message he further explained to the old man the reoccurring nightmare’s he been having as well.

“Zeus’s tangled beard boy! Have you not studied the gods at all?” Johnny asked him. Enzo rolled his eyes and shook his head; he’d never put much faith in the actual existence of the gods. “Panthers and ivy, sacred symbols of the god Dionysus, he is speaking to you in your dreams. You have been called by the gods, can’t be a coincidence that we are due to dock near here almost a months time.”

“Can’t say I’ve ever need much convincing to spend my shore time in a tavern but what could the gods possibly want with me.” Enzo asked, the whole thing was so strange although it wasn’t the first strange occurrence as of late. A few weeks ago, he’d gotten into a fist fight with another member of the crew and after the exchange of only a couple blows the man had a bizarre case amnesia. Enzo would’ve sworn he hadn’t hit the man that hard but the amnesia lasted several hours. Not long after that he and some of his fellow sailors had almost been arrested by some guards in Eredel only to have them come down with a sudden case of amnesia as well. “Some weird stuff has been happening lately, you think it could be connect?’ He asked as he thought about the past few months, any explanation other than him losing his mind did sound preferable.

“Aye, lad, I’d say ‘tis.” Old Man Johnny said with a nod.

May, 15th

Enzo sat in the far corner of the tavern, his back against a wall and his eyeline towards the door. He was several flagons of wine into things and a small group of fellow patrons had joined his table. Enzo freely spent his ill-gotten gains on his temporary friends as they all cheerfully sang sea-shanties and traded exaggerated stories. He figured he might as well enjoy his time in at The Silver Crow while he waited for his answers. He continued to drink wine, occasionally pouring out some libations to the floor and shouting ‘for Dionysus’ figuring he might as well celebrate the god and maybe he’d actually get a decent night’s sleep for once if he sacrificed enough to the god. At this point Enzo would give anything to make his nightmares stop.
Awesome, I'm psyched for this to start!
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