Avatar of HueMan
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    1. HueMan 8 yrs ago


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@Duoya@mopsock17@Scarescrow@TaroAndSelia@demonspade64@Tybalt Capulet@Leaves@Ithradine


Go to Portrait Icon Album for your personal pics to use.
Otherwise, feel free to use whatever pics to decorate your posts like I do.


PS: Check out 0th post in CS section if you wanna know what it looks like when you post it.

✧DAY 4 - Daytime - Behind Inn, "Eden Hall"✧


Forge-Master walked over, eyeing Alisea's newest creation. "Thought I heard some good clanging... but it looks already now doesn't it? Anyways... sell it? You don't want to keep it?" He picked up one of the daggers without permission to inspect it in more detail. He figured Alisea wouldn't object even if she wasn't pleased by it. She seemed like the polite type. Plus it wasn't as if Bakhmann was going to do anything wrong with them. "Hmm... these aren't half bad. Tell you what, why don't you sell them to me. I got a buddy in the market district that's been looking for something this." He put the dagger back down. "I'll take it all, standard market price. Saves you a good walk and gives me a reason to see Layle again."

✧DAY 4 - Daytime - Behind Inn, "Eden Hall"✧


"Guild-Master eh?"
"Quite cool I think."
"Kven, no one cares what you think."
"Sven, stop being rude and shut up."

The twins seemed to be forgetting that they were talking to Reylan. But this was only a quick banter, they got back on to the subject at hand quickly.

"Hmm... dungeon sounds..."
"... actually quite fine."
"Yes, I do love me a good adventure."
"That's why we are here~"
"But joining a guild is-"
"-well, to put it directly, we don't know you."
"Not that you are bad person I think-"
"-since all this death shenanigan and whatnot..."
"Can't be too careful you know."

The Brauns were chatty. They always have been. Well, to their credit being such close twins meant that often times they operated more like a single person with 2 separate mouths. Being forced to share near-everything in their lives, the Braun twins were used to finishing each others' sentences practically unconsciously.

"But hey, does that mean I get to join a guild with such a cutie~?"

Kven smiled and winked at Aster. Sven smacked his brother on the shoulder, rather harshly.

"Kven, go and roll into a ditch. And stay there... sorry about my brother... ha... ha....."

✧DAY 4 - Nighttime✧


4th day of Talrae, the Death Game, is ending. It's been barely over half of a week yet the chaos that ensued during the first couple of days is nowhere to be seen. At this point it seems like just about everyone has moved on to accept their current situation, one way or another. Night is calm. Warm, yellow lights fill the streets of Genesis City. Outdoor vendors have wrapped up their business and most of the Players and NPCs have retreated back to their places of residence. There are still fair bit of people walking in the streets still however. Some are looking for new places to lodge or to dine in. Others are simply enjoying the clear air. It feels fresh and clean, unlike the artificially recycled air you are used to from reality. Despite the fact that its "all in your head", you still can't help but enjoy your external sensations.

✧DAY 4 - Daytime - Behind Inn, "Eden Hall"✧


The Braun Brothers stopped simultaneously. They moved in unison, as if choreographed to mirror each others' movements. It didn't quite help with the fact that they even looked identical, minus their weapons of choice. Kven and Sven considered picking identical weapons when creating their characters a few days ago. Perhaps they could have fooled a couple of gaming newbies into thinking that it was a glitch in the game.

"Us?" "Us?"

They spoke at the same time and stared at the approaching duo. They looked friendly enough. One of them, a silvery eyed young man had a grin on his face. The other was dark-haired woman. Somehow she gave off a little more serious attitude but didn't look hostile by any means. The Brauns decided to greet them in kind.

"Well hello-"

They dusted their clothes a little to make them presentable before doing a courteous self-introduction.

"And Kven."
"At your service." "At your service."

"And who-"
"-might you be and-."
"-what question do you have for us?"

✧DAY 4 - Daytime - Communal Workshop✧


"Woah, woah, woah, stop right there lil' missy." A big man in thick, leather apron reached out with a hairy arm to put his hand on the anvil infront of Alisea. "Communal workshop is 2 Silvers to use for a day. Didn't you see the sign?" He pointed towards sign hanging above the door, where in the most inconvenient of the spots measly mentioned the said information. "You are gonna have to drop off the coins in that small chest over there before I can bring you some ember to light your forge." Next to the entrance was a small chest, on top of a desk, with a tiny slit on top so that coins may fall in. It almost looked like an old fashioned piggy bank... if piggy banks were made out of wood and iron that is.

✧DAY 4 - Daytime - Behind Inn, "Eden Hall"✧


"Eden Hall" actually had a rather spacious area behind the building. Big enough to hold dinner parties for large guests, although Hans haven't quite got around to using it for such purpose. He was planning on it however; as soon as he could figure out how to host it, he was going to hold grand grilling parties filled with roasted meat, dancing music and plenty of alcohol. The recent business boom with these new adventurers was bringing Hans closer to his goal. But until then, it just remained to be an empty area closed off by nearby buildings.
The Braun brothers saw an opportunity to use it for themselves. Hans, who was busy savoring his morning omelette, only raised a questioning eyebrow before approving their request before telling them to "don't be breaking nothing". They headed out through the backdoor next to the end of the bar. Hard dirt beneath their boots, they swung their weapons around a few times to get warmed up.

"Yeah Sven?"
"It's nice to have a whole body."
"Tell me about it."
"Ain't so bad that I suggested this game eh?"
"Ain't so bad that I paid for this game..."
"You are older so its natural that you paid for it. Plus you have a job."
"BY 30 SECONDS. And you have that job too idiot."

Sven smirked before pointing his Trident at his brother. Kven did the same with his Glaive. It was a good day. The news of the virtual death game hit the Braun brothers like a tickling feather. If anything, they saw it as a chance to escape from their cruel realities, a possible refuge from the ugly truth. And now their hiding place is no longer temporary. Eternal even perhaps. The Braun brothers were fine with the situation that they were in.
Kven was the first to attack, thrusting out before slicing down with the keen edge of his glaive. Sven saw the attack before it even occurred however and dodged it lightly before jabbing out firmly with the three-pronged trident. Kven countered by flicking his wrist to push down his brother's longer polearm, using simple leverage to his advantage.
@Duoya@Rekaigan@mopsock17@Scarescrow@TaroAndSelia@demonspade64@Tybalt Capulet@Leaves@Ithradine@Smoking Peanut

Check discord announcements regarding date-skipping. In case you don't feel like checking...:

"Here's the new system I'm thinking: date-skipping will occur at the end of the week (Wednes night) exclusively. Meaning we'll chew up 3-4 days per month. I just don't think 3-4 days is enough to post in detail regarding what happens during a full day. Naturally dungeon-runs will be except from this rule as per usual."

Again... my sincere apologies in part of me screwing things up and changing things all the time.
The reason for Wednesday instead of Sunday is because there are some of us who are busier during weekends.

So timeskip to day 5 will occur next Wednesday. 12/6/17

✧DAY 4 - Daytime - Flower Garden✧


None could deny the beauty of the Flower Gardens of Genesis. Even to those who are normally unattracted to such environments, the Flower Gardens was definitely a site to behold. The peaceful and calm nature of the scene, combined with the lack of hostile Monsters saw to it that there were several Players and NPCs already on the scene, attempting to enjoy their days or collect flower items for various needs. It seemed that Dubstepp wasn't the only one who took on the particular quest. Those who weren't partaking in the flower picking were either laying around under the trees or sitting on the meadows, as if to enjoy their imprisonment in-game. It was true; the warm breeze across one's nose was most pleasant.
Flower gathering didn't last long. All it required was for the player to pick any 50 good-looking flowers to bring to Needlan the Herbalist. It was really most just the long distance between the Garden and Genesis City that made the quest rather unpopular despite its simplicity.

✧DAY 4 - Morning - Inn, "Eden Hall"✧


The waitress seemed to be pleased at seeing Dirk again, smiling brightly as she trotted over to bring the Paladin some breakfast. "Had a nice sleep?" She didn't bother asking Dirk about what he wanted for breakfast; it was the same for everyone. Hans did say how no one should complain about the breakfast menu since it was complementary with the room. True to his words, no one really had complained about the simple meal choice they got served so far. As she set down a plate, she noticed Dirk's wet hair and giggled a little bit.
"You know you look so much more handsome when not covered in grit and grimes."

✧DAY 4 - Daytime - Market✧


"Thank you for your business~" The merchant smiled and handed Karma 9 Gold coins. "Excellent kits, these will come in handy." As he closed his purse and put away Karma's sale, the merchant continued on. "You know, we could use a good crafter such as you. But being adventurers, folks of your kind are probably not likely to hold down jobs in places like this..." He tapped on the table for a bit before continuing. "But I did hear from some of my co-workers down in the next district how some of you people have started settling down instead of adventuring. Interesting I think... interesting..."


Wake me up if Neo is back.
@Elle Santiago

My bad, my last post was short. Will watch out.
✧DAY 4 - 9:30AM - Inn, "Eden Hall"✧


Next morning. Weather, as it has been for the last few days in-game, is temperate; sunny, warm and touched by the most pleasant light breeze. Breakfast is being served in the dining area downstairs, complementary with the room. Menu isn't anything impressive... just some bread, eggs and a few small sausages. But you take what you get since it comes with the room that's already been paid for.
Dining area isn't too busy. You figure that there are most likely hundreds of other locations such as the "Eden Hall" in Genesis City so most of the Players have spread out over the course of last few days. But even with that being thought, there are still a good number of people down to catch some breakfast, both adventurers and NPCs.

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