Avatar of HylianRose


Recent Statuses

2 mos ago
Current Busy with life stuff! Should be around tomorrow, pending work.
3 mos ago
3 yrs ago
nothing like looking through old rps to make you miss it all again. </3
5 yrs ago
Just popping in to let everyone know I'm not dead. ...that is all.
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6 yrs ago
Sorry to all of those that I flaked on. If I had an excuse, I already forgot what it was.


29 year old writer.

Hi, I'm Rose. I RP and stuff.

Most Recent Posts

@deadpixel101 Feel free to PM me. I'm headed to bed now but I'll check it out once I hope on tomorrow. Just throw some plot ideas out at me. We can't get started if we don't start, right? ;)
@deadpixel101 Hmm, depending on plot, I may be interested. But that's very tentative. :)
@deadpixel101 Depends on the amount of scifi. What are you thinking about?
Eh, why not. Bump.

Looking for some instant gratification. Aka, I want an RP and I want it now. Lol.
Will be going on Vacay on Tuesday, but that's not to say I can't still post. I prefer RPing on discord now as it's easier to get notifs on my phone, but PM will suit me just as well. Anything on this or the usual Int Chek is fair game. Just check the usual one for my preferences and such. It... should be updated. If not, I'll go check that right now. ;)

Elizabeth smiled broadly as Jocelyn offered to help her. "Thanks, Jocelyn. Planning on participating in the game of Chicken?" She asked, pulling out one of the floats. She was mid-blow when Anna walked in a face planted into the pool and snorted, a weird sort of noise that she wasn't exactly proud of.

When a maid came by with more towels and water guns for them to play with, Elizabeth motioned with her free hand for the woman to set them to the side, near the lifeguard towers in the corner of the enclosed room.

Lance appeared as he always did, quietly and without much warning. He was wearing a white v-neck t-shirt and a pair of black swim trunks. He hadn't planned on coming down, rather just to take a nap, but Eva had pushed him, threatening to tell Damar all of Lance's secrets, which as blackmail worked like a charm. So, here he was, covered in bruises and laying on one of the lawn chairs headphones in and eyes closed. He had his music down soft enough that he could still hear the others very slightly, smiling at the loud sound Anna made as her entrance.

He liked Anna. A lot, actually. She was similar to Eva and he felt comfortable around her. She didn't expect much from him rather than just... being. She didn't often ask him questions or pester him. He liked that a lot.

Eva, meanwhile, was still preparing to go to the pool, checking literally every pair of swimwear she owned for any kind of tactile advantage it might give her.
@Lunatik JB already approved her, but I thought, as GM, I should at least try to stick my head in on this. Lol. Gave her a read through, nice character! I'm interested in that "appears high most of the time." Would honestly make for some interesting drama.

I'll attempt to make a post here in a bit guys. Just know that I, as a person, am lazy and might miss some interaction things just because I cba to react to literally everything. I love you all with my heart and soul just... I'm lazy. :|
@GoodLuckTuck If you make a new character, post it here first, otherwise post them in the c-tab.
@GoodLuckTuck Yay! Welcome back, friend. I'm glad you found us!
@GoodLuckTuck Teddie? :D
Shitty post is shitty. Sorry.
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