Avatar of ihinka


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10 mos ago
Current I wonder if it would be worth my while to return to this site. I've had pretty much abysmal luck with games. Wonder if it'll be any different after a couple of years of absence...?!
6 yrs ago
Last plug. I shall pester you no more! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
6 yrs ago
Here's your daily useless plug :) roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
6 yrs ago
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6 yrs ago
I'll continue to plug this for a week or so and than leave y'all alone. roleplayerguild.com/topics/…


Most Recent Posts


Ulti: So long as you know she'll always die during her ulti, including if someone else takes the sacrifice
Yes, it's how I actually intended it... It's in line with her lore

Honor Guides me: Out of interest, does the character have to be objectively honorable or is it based on Tlalli's perception of their honor? Or is it just the ability name and has no bearing? When human perception of concepts is involved there will always be a dash of subjectivity, but, yes, she has to greatly perceive the person and the act honorable, to use this ability on them. And I am all for secret debuffs I won't know about if you supersede her perception of something as honorable, when it really isn't

My Life For Yours Straight swap. A life for a life. Huitzilipochtli may give a willing sacrifice the chance to resurrect a loved one, or Huitzilipochtli can sacrifice herself for another. Regardless, Huitzilipochtli always dies. It doesn't need to be a loved one though. And she still needs to have at least half of her life-force to use this ability, cuz in my mind bringing someone from the brink of death or all the way from it would require an enormous amount of energy.
@PanicYes, my cousin's told me the same thing about New Orleans... But since it's too sad, I prefer to live in romantic denial
@AtomicNut Writer's blocks suck I won't be able to post today anyway... So if inspiration strikes... *wink*
I'm fine with whatever you guys decide, since my only knowledge about any of those cities comes either from books of TV shows

I suppose it would depend if we want the Gotham feel to our setting... Or the mysterious, magic, voodoo-y feel... which would be in my mind New Orleans

We could go for Salem
This is what I connect Detroit to

I'm always present I just don't feel it's my place to post yet.
I'm not much familiar with the States, but I've allways been partial to New Orleans as an Anne Rice fan
@Old Amsterdam I don't know... The way I'm reading it is... Albert overheard Regan's conversation with Teagan /which can't be/ and suggested he be her wingman... To which I don't oppose . Maybe I'm reading it wrong. But it's why I suggested the conversation bit.
@AtomicNut @Old Amsterdam It's my fault in all honesty... I mean, I don't know what possessed me to come up with those names... Teagan, Regan, Megan

Also... Teagan and Regan were texting, so technically there wouldn't be a conversation for Albert to overhear. Maybe he struck up a conversation with her in the precinct and she told him whereabouts she would be, incouraged him to join up later... don't know.
Ohmanohmanohmanohmanohman! *shaking in her office chair excitedly*
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