Avatar of j8cob
  • Last Seen: 22 hrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: j8cob
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2468 (0.65 / day)
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    1. j8cob 10 yrs ago
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4 yrs ago
Current All the guy did was change his pic to a swastika, say some entry-level /pol/ bytes, and changed his bio to basic slurs.
4 yrs ago
You know exactly who.
1 like
4 yrs ago
I don't know why we can't blast both zoophiles and pedophiles at the same time. Two birds one stone.
4 yrs ago
idk who needs to hear this but if you like women then you're gay, no ifs ands or buts
5 yrs ago
I'm back.
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Bitch, I'm the best.

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When Sakana brushed past Tsukiko she couldn't help but give him a brief glare, though his offense was forgivable as there really was no reason to be waiting. She was unsure of what to expect for the challenge, perhaps something physically grueling or demanding. But instead it appeared to be a test of wits. The room was a vast expanse of darkness with only the proctor and the scroll floating high above the ground at presumably the center of the giant room. His silver flames were interesting but his attitude left much to be desired. Just his voice began to irritate Tsukiko, let alone his tone. The young woman kept her silence but gave this man a deadly glare, unblinking and unflinching in intensity. Only after he finally finished talking did she relent her gaze.

While Sakana and Kamui began to voice strategies Tsukiko first crouched and sniffed the air a few times. Her sense of smell was far beyond human levels but she couldn't detect the presence of anyone she couldn't already see right now. There were no people or animals hiding among the darkness of the room. Remaining in her crouched stance she performed several handseals and planted a fist against the ground. There was a brief rumble across the room before the floor underneath the scroll and the proctor began to rise. It continued all the way up, stopping just a few feet short of colliding with the two. "Now we can actually reach it," she finally said aloud, now standing back up to her full height. Kamui's clone now had a means to reach the scroll, but Tsukiko already had her doubts of the success.

Much like Usagi, she was concerned by the fire. Surely they had to put it out, but as well the fact the flames behaved so differently meant that it was likely they had different properties as well. Could they even be extinguished? "You know... I can just encase the scroll in rock," Tsukiko announced to her team, finally contributing to the strategy. "Either that counts as a success or the flames run out of oxygen and extinguish in a minute. But we have to consider the possibility that we might not be able to put the flames out, or that attempting to do so might destroy the scroll. We can't even be sure this is the real scroll with that shitty emblem on it."

Tsukiko took another glance up towards the floating asshole before letting her gaze wander around the darkness of the room. "We need to clear the room. I don't smell any people or animals but there may be traps or doors or the like. That man has no reason to tell us the truth so this may not be straightforward. I only have explosive tags to try to light things up to scan the room so I might not be the best for it. But if this room really is empty and that is the real scroll... Then I can grab it if we must."
@Seraphicide Mu's technique wasn't Hiding with Camouflage. He did his own crazy shit that was even better.

Among the crowd of Jonin prospects, Tsukiko made no effort to stand out. This wasn't a social event nor did she care for the idea of showing off to spectators. This was merely another step forward, another mission for her to complete. Being promoted to Jonin was one more thing to conquer. For starters it would allow her access to greater challenges along with greater pay, but the prestige of joining the elite was not lost upon the young woman. Tsukiko could feel that many of the others around her wouldn't make the cut. Her instinct told her that the weaklings surrounding her would fail, either by their own nature or by getting in her way. Only a dozen or so stood out in her eyes. The rest were fodder or obstacles that foolishly believed they stood a chance.

But still she kept her silence. Despite performing her daily workout routine this morning she still knew that she had to conserve her energy and her efforts. She had to remain sharp just as much as she had to remain fit and prepared. Perhaps a few may recognize her, but the majority of the participants surely couldn't know much about Tsukiko. And it was for the best, lest she accidentally become a priority target or plans be made to handle her. If anything it would be a boon for the rest to think she was weak or unassuming. To have no expectations of her, a blank slate, would give her the edge for victory. She hadn't spoken a single word to anyone by the time the Hokage finally arrived to explain the first part of the exam. There would be six teams with their own unique challenges, and any team that did not have a scroll would go on to a consolation round to thin the herd.

Alright, that sounds simple enough, she thought to herself, bringing a hand to her chin as she scanned the rest of the Chuunin. If she was going to pick a team it had to look good. Joining weaklings would reduce the odds of moving on in the Exam. Though it wasn't her eyes that found what she was looking for, but instead her ears. "We should try and take another scroll so we finish with two scrolls. Fire first.. and if we have time, a second scroll." Tsukiko turned fully to face the direction of this brilliant idea, finding the culprit to be Sakana. He was explaining his idea to another young woman, Usagi. Though Tsukiko did not recognize either of these two offhand, her intuition was telling her that these were her kind of people.


Another young man joined the team as Tsukiko approached, identifying himself as Kamui Uzumaki. He was blunt and unceremonious about recruiting himself to their cause. As it should be. The team taking the fire scroll was shaping up to be a real group of winners. With a confident smirk Tsukiko herself now stepped forward to the crew. "I will be joining this team as well. Tsukiko Umene," she introduced, before directing her attention to Usagi to answer her question, "And we can do that, physically speaking." By now her smirk was long gone and her new teammates may have a hard time thinking she wasn't already angry. A resting bitchface did her no favors. They didn't hardly have any time before the Hokage spoke up again. After another brief speech he let his "assistant" come in and create several seals on the ground underneath the various teams that had formed. Tsukiko was immediately suspicious but ultimately decided to take no actions as the floor began to glow and envelop her team in light.

When her vision returned she found herself in a new room with only her teammates. As the Hokage's voice explained a little bit further her eyes locked onto the door with the fire symbol. Tsukiko didn't even wait for the voice to finish before she began walking towards the door ahead of her team. There was no need to sit around and waste time. If they could complete this task and get their scroll in a quick manner perhaps they could encroach on another team's challenge and take their scroll by force. The doors surely led outside judging by how the Hokage explained they were on an island. If the challenges were not all fully separated by the different islands being far apart then surely this strategy would be plausible. Once at the door Tsukiko considered just ripping the paper seal off herself but held on with a bit of patience, instead turned to face her approaching teammates. "It's time."

Character is flat like BnHA. Accepted

Goddamn right she is.
Or perhaps there is one person who adheres to the one true morality and everyone else is just a heretical deviant.

And possibly that person is me.
The Alt-Right is a great meme. I'm so glad a nobody white supremacist Nazi came out of nowhere and started calling himself Alt-Right so that it would be easy to publicize everyone who is right-wing to be Nazis. The association game is fun.
@Hank Are you calling me a dick or a table?
@Odin something something Deus Ex something something
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