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"STOP. QUOTING. ME." Jb, 2019, quoted in 2022." Roland, 2022, quoted in 2022.
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Merry Yuletide, one and all! Gods bless.
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I am Jb; Briton by birth, roleplayer by my own hand, and lover of literature. I am also an amateur historian, a receiver of a Bachelors degree in Ancient and Medieval History - quite a useless degree, actually - and would like to think that I'm a fair, honest and open guy.

As far as RP'ing goes, I'm pretty open to most things really, all you need to do is ask! :)

So, if you've ever any questions for me, wish to speak about RP's involving myself or run by myself, or simply feel like a chat, don't be afraid to get in touch.

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CS incoming, please hold the line.
Dramatis Personae of the Inquisitorial Retinue

Gustave 'Goose' Boucher - Former Guardsman of the 78th Bristonian Hellhounds - @Searat

Sister Julianna - Sister of The Order of the Fiery Thorn - @Roland

Dr. Lazarus Germael - Scintillian Naval First Lieutenant and Certified Doctor - @ReedeThe23rd

Thiago Duarte - Glavian Pilot and Gunslinger - @Jb

Artificial light seared the half-open eyes of the hanging figure – human, male, stripped of all clothing and belongings – as a narrow beam hit his face once more, the remainder of the nondescript room left in utter darkness. The chains that suspended him from the ceiling jingled slightly, loud in his ears and in the mostly empty room, as he shifted his swollen features in the direction of the torches glare.

“Why must we continue this game, Interrogator?” Came a voice from somewhere and nowhere all at once, hot breath now coming from the cracked lips of the captive as he tried to focus on the sound with only his one remaining ear, “we have gone around in circles for several days now, and yet you refuse to tell me anything – I am a patient man, but even I have my limits.”

There was much stress on the last word, something or someone moving in the shadows at the fringes of Salah Alikahn's distorted vision, the Inquisitorial apprentice having been doing his best to keep mental note of everything and anyone he could since his abrupt capture.

Only now did a door proper open off to the side, a shuffling sound causing Salah to crane his cramped neck to see again the broad shape of his torturer.

“Hum... well, let us begin once more, shall we?”

Almost nothing moved in the gravitational well of Taskana IV, save for a few merchant vessels and orbital patrol craft of the Planetary Naval Defence Force – the latter consisting of generally out of commission frigates and one or two larger classes of ship, enough to fight of a raid but lacking if it came to a determined assault by well equipped adversaries – all orbiting the planet much as they did day after day, indeed only one thing seemed different, and this went very much unnoticed by those guarding the planet or trading either.

In size it was smaller even than the frigates of the PNDF, capable of holding a skeleton crew of trained professionals and any passengers required to be somewhere undetected and at speed, the colouring a solid black marked only with a crimson and stylised =][= of the Emperor's Inquisition adoring it's hull.

At this point it was nought more than a semi-visible object to the eye, light bending about it to conceal it from observers, sensor dampeners of the most sophisticated assortment meanwhile made certain that it went unheeded by pretty much any and all standard devices within the Imperium.

“Captain Galini, we are now in orbit of the planet.”

A stern-faced woman in a uniform so crisp it could have cut a finger gave the slightest of nods to her helmsman and pressed a button on her command throne.

“This is Captain Galini to the passengers, we shall be delivering you to the planet within the next two hours, please prepare yourselves for departure.”

Thiago Duarte was sat in the cockpit of the guncutter Pond Skipper when the Captains message came over the ships internal vox, a smile spreading across his face, one gloved hand running a hand over his thin moustache and twirling the end as he thought about their briefing 'with' Inquisitor Lycus.

It had been a week earlier, the holographic projection of the shadowy Inquisitor (if indeed it even was him at all, and Thiago had his sincere doubts) all deep hooded robes so voluminous that one could not even see a face in it's shadowy folds, his voice so chilling that it still made the Glavians skin crawl to remember it.

Several persons of interest did the group have on Taskana IV, so he said - a xenobiologist named Doctor Zahn, a known criminal boss called Augustus Neep and a noblewoman grown rich on the grox burger trade Avelina Gadise – all potentially involved in the abduction of Interrogator Alikhan, or at least with information pertaining to it.

Honestly he had paid little attention to it, being a simple pilot (and gunslinger if the situation called for it), his silver-veined hands already running over the flight instruments before him in planning to deliver his passengers to the surface of the agri-hive world below.

Taskana IV was the Helvin Expanses major exporter of grox meat, and under the Gadise Consortium had made famous their interplanetary fast-food chain 'Grox Shop', which the pilot had heard served some of the most succulent food around. Then there was the rest of it, that not taken up with grox herding and rearing, constituting of several hive cities that made up the population centres of the planet, it was to one of these that he would be taking the Inquisitors Acolytes.

When they arrived that is.

It was not for the first time that day (or even in the last half hour of the tedious boat journey) that the stolid and stoic Dwarf wondered why he even put up with the company of Men, the youthful energy they possessed on both a racial and personal level doing much to advance his disapproval, and just as much to wear away at his seemingly infinite store of patience – it was not infinite, but to show any form of discomfort, even emotional, in front of these long-limbed jabber-monkeys would have been unthinkable.

With eyes half closed and refusing to take a seat on the ferry boat - choosing instead to stand firmly with his legs firmly planted and a shoulders width apart, hands as big as plates placed one atop the other on the bottom of the upturned axe haft – Wēlanandaz took the appearance of some primordial statue or fear-inducing gargoyle, a stone-made figurehead ever watchful at the rear of the vessel.

One may enquire as to why the Dwarf elder had even travelled this far with his Dre Costan shadow, and the answer was quite simple. Emilio Virtoli was a human in a generally human dominated world and society, could talk the hind legs off of a donkey (or any animal for that matter), and possessed the natural charisma that those of his ilk were renowned for in the wider world... his business acumen and 'get go' didn't do the pair any harm either, Wēlanandaz supposed with nought more than an exhalation of breath.

As usual the Dwarf simply allowed Emilio to open his mouth, glancing at their surroundings mistrustfully all the while, sometimes at the boy and often more at the broad back of the father, the only one on the boat he felt any sort of true connection with; truly the man appeared to take as much pleasure in idle chatter and rowing a large and deep body of water as he did himself.

The only good thing about this journey thus far was that it would soon be over, the shoreline in sight after what seemed like an eternity of watery Hell!

While the boat made it's way toward the shore the resolute figure began to wrack his mind and memories for any scrap of information he could recall about their rapidly closing destination, stroking a hand over his beard as he did so but saying nothing.

@Tony Pajamas@POOHEAD189
I am arrived! Now where is everyone else.
@POOHEAD189 My thanks sirrah, I shall endeavour to be worthy of the acceptance.
@Jb Hey there friend, seems like you missed a little detail from the character guide. You might want to rethink your current build, as you're allowed a maximum of 19 points on stats (you've spent 33!).

"Going to be honest here, I've no idea how the numbers work for stats, but I've given it a shot!" - Me.

Thanks for informing me though, I'll get on that.

Going to be honest here, I've no idea how the numbers work for stats, but I've given it a shot!

So, here's a character.
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