Avatar of JBRam2002
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    1. JBRam2002 7 yrs ago
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7 yrs ago
Current The respect one gives is a measure of oneself, not the other individual.


Hey all, JB here.

I'm a DM for a large number of games here on RPG, as well as a player in several others. Many of the games I run are overly complex, or they involve Dungeons and Dragons (which is also overly complex!).

I work 40+ hours a week, and am the proud father of two tiny terrors named Chibi and Chibette and married to my beautiful Wifey. As such, I am quite busy more often than not. I typically write 2-5 paragraphs per reply and try to maintain an excellent level of grammar. If you noticed me glancing at your profile, I probably was looking to see if you would be a good match for my RPing style. Even if I didn't send a PM to you, feel free to send one back!

I enjoy 1x1 RPs and small groups. I'm fond of medieval, steampunk, and futuristic settings, and I'll jump into romance, adventure, and slice of life RPs fairly quickly, although supernatural (vampires, werewolves, etc) RPs get old for me pretty quickly. If you're looking for an RP partner and I've glanced at your profile, then I'm most likely willing to give it a shot, but decided against PMing you because I'm actually kinda shy. But I'm always looking for a new friend!

Please feel free to say hi at any time!

Name/Aliases: JB, JBRam, Jeebs
Gender: M
DOB: June 1988
Location: Maine (East Coast USA)
Hobbies: Ridiculously complex RP ideas involving lots of spreadsheets.

Most Recent Posts

@Cardamonelaw Yep, still open! Send me a PM, and I'll get you the Discord link.
As Bar rounded the corner of the dense thicket, he could see two other goblins waiting for him with their bows drawn. The first releases his arrow, hitting with a roll of 16 for 5 damage!

"Here, I've got a bow." Kiki shrugged off her shortbow and quiver, leaving them for Cas, then darted to the corner of the bushes just as an arrow passed in front of her nose. "Oh no, you don't," she called out as she whipped her rapiers towards the goblin.

The last goblin, noting that he has more company, turns his bow on Kiki. He rolls an 18, hitting for 5 damage!
@RoleWaffle roleplayerguild.com/posts/4439104 <- here's the OOC thread. Also, I still haven't seen a PM from ya.

As you round the bend in the thicket, you notice three goblins lazing about. As they notice you, they spring into action, drawing their weapons.
Roll for Initiative!

In this encounter, Kiki and Bar will be the only ones from the group to act in the first round. The rest are surprised. The water is difficult terrain.

The first goblin draws his bow as the duo approach, sending a shot directly between them and missing both widely. It paused for a moment, muttered something like "I meant to do that" beneath his breath, then backed away a couple paces.

At the call for battle, Katia wasted no time following after the burst of light and nearly overtaking it in her speed. As it crashed down, she brought her quarterstaff to land on one of the foes, or so she hoped. The blinding light from Wick's spell made it hard for her to see if the loud thwack was from hitting the enemy or the ground. Her claws whipped out to follow the strike from the quarterstaff, finding purchase in the shadowy flesh as she kicked off from her foe, landing a few feet away from it.

Keeping her momentum, Katia somersaulted away from the shadow, darting around the wall that surrounded the area to remain hopefully safe from any incoming shadows. "So, there's a lot of them!" she called back to her allies. "Let's help that guy out!"

@Hekazu - Theodore (Next!)
@The Harbinger of Ferocity - DM
If you're still looking for some bodies, I'd be interested in playing some Pathfinder and can get a character put together fairly quickly. I'm usually the one doing the GMing, so I don't usually get a chance to get behind the wheel and play a character :D

Hey! Sure, if you'd like to toss your hat into the ring. Would be nice to have a GM pointing out my stupidities :P

I am looking to have all the characters ready by this coming Sunday (I'm on EST). Send me a PM and I'll toss you a link to Discord.
(Collaboration with @Hekazu)

As soon as the Bladesinger concluded his elaborate flailing, his multiple eyes opened anew to a world where magic did not hide itself. The mass of people surrounding them, as the party themselves too, had many a person in it that exhibited magical auras. Nothing too unusual there... but as he took a further look at Jill, he noted what exactly was off here. "Jill, I trust you know how to dispel", he mumbled as he swam closer to her shadow, "because I am led to believe our problem is right there." The disgruntled expression on Dyn'yer'zhead's face deepened slightly, the edges of his mouth dipping just a bit further down. He had not seen anything targeting a shadow specifically before this... "and we should make haste. I've no reason to believe we would like to meet the cause of this feeling of dread, other than to skewer it with our weapons. And we don't have the time for that."

If Dyn hadn't heard of such an effect, then Jill could hardly afford to be cautious about it. At least they now knew it was a magical effect, which was easily disposed of. "In that case, I hope you can lead us well, Captain!" She proclaimed, before Dispelling the effect. She then strummed the lute, a magical gift that had been procured on an earlier adventure, and as her steps lead her around a corner in the tunnels, the Invisibility spell concealed her form. It certainly would not prevent all manners of spells, but she knew many effects required one to see their targets. As soon as she was unseen, Jill redoubled her steps, glancing about the inhabitants of the area to see if there was any specific reaction. With luck, she might spy someone following them or trying to cast the spell again.

@Ms Ravenwinter@Cu Chulainn@Grey@Ermine@Zverda - Here we go. I would like to see Character Sheets by next Sunday. Sooner if possible. Once I have all the sheets, I will decide who we will take with us on our journey.
Link to Interest Check.

Hey all~

So, if you know me, you know I've run (and am currently running) several D&D 5e games. However, I've never tried my hand at DMing a Pathfinder game. PF is probably too complicated for me to wrap my head around every tiny nuance in a live game, but I am relatively certain with a bit of practice, I could at least handle PbP Pathfinder. And so, I come to you.

I am planning to run a handful of Pathfinder modules. These modules are essentially for me to learn how to DM Pathfinder, and as such, might not be the best fit for a player who is brand new to Pathfinder. I do have some experience playing the system, so I'm not a complete noob, but I may be asking for input from my players on certain situations where I am unsure.

Which leads me to the next point: Players. I am looking for no more than four PCs to join. This game will NOT be first-come, first-served. Players will start at level four. All Paizo content is accepted, provided you can send me a link (I don't have a book, so no page numbers) from either Paizo or D20 PF SRD - but no third party content is allowed (I will make exceptions on a case-by-case basis for Favored Class options ONLY). We will use a 20 point buy. Races are allowed up to a maximum of 12 RP. We will be using two Traits with the option of taking one Drawback for an extra Trait (standard rules apply - can only take one from any particular trait type). If there is an Unchained version of a class, use that instead of the base (we will work out issues with archetypes as needed). Unchained skills are reserved only for Rogues (and any class that can unlock unchained skills like the Rogue can). Emerging Guns rules, but no Mythic content, Leadership feat, or Sacred Geometry. Non-evil alignments only. We will have medium experience advancement and standard PC wealth (9000 XP and 6000 gp at lvl 4). Myth-weavers has a fairly decent Pathfinder character sheet, but let me know if you know of any better ones that have more space.

I will be looking at the proposed characters and accept four based on the following criteria:

A) Variety. I want characters that are unique. I don't want characters that are overly optimized or prepackaged. Grab an archetype. Cross class or plan for prestige classes. Find interesting feats. Do something more than the norm. I want to be slightly challenged (but I don't want something completely out of left field... A cleric with 5 WIS won't help anyone). However, I will also be looking to fill specific roles... you won't last long without any healing, after all.

B) Experience. I will be drawing on my players for knowledge I don't have yet. This isn't to say I will outright reject newbies. In fact, having a person who is new would help me teach the system to someone, thus helping me learn it better. But I don't really want to have to teach people what a d20 is, and I would expect any newcomer to do the basic research on the system themselves (learning CMB/CMD, Saves, Action economy, etc).

C) Patience. Like I said, I'm new at DMing Pathfinder. I almost definitely will make mistakes. Hold me to the book, but keep in mind that I'm learning too.

D) Dedication. I will run at least one entire module. I don't want players dropping out. If you are unsure whether you can commit, please do not apply. If you do commit, please plan for at least a few months of RPing. Obviously, life happens, but this should be an extreme case. If you drop a character mid-module, I will find someone else to take your spot or ghost the PC myself until the module's conclusion. We might be able to change characters between modules, however.

As a side note, I am not planning to tell you what module(s) I will be running ahead of time. They should all be set in Golarion (Map). Assume your PCs have met and have adventured together since Level 1.
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